T. Byczkowski


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Ehrhard-type inequality for isotropic Cauchy distribution on the plane 2022 T. Byczkowski
Tomasz Żak
Jacek Małecki
+ PDF Chat Borell and Landau-Shepp inequalities for Cauchy-type measures 2020 T. Byczkowski
Tomasz Żak
+ Hitting distributions of planar Brownian motion 2019 T. Byczkowski
Jacek Małecki
Michał Ryznar
+ On functionals of excursions for Bessel processes with negative index 2018 T. Byczkowski
Jacek Jakubowski
Maciej Wiśniewolski
+ Regularization inequalites for one-dimensional Cauchy-type measures 2018 T. Byczkowski
Tomasz Żak
+ Seminarium z teorii potencjału procesów stochastycznych na Politechnice Wrocławskiej 2017 T. Byczkowski
Tomasz Żak
+ Sharp estimates of Green function of hyperbolic Brownian Motion 2015 Kamil Bogus
T. Byczkowski
Jacek Małecki
+ PDF Chat Sharp estimates of the Green function of hyperbolic Brownian motion 2015 Kamil Bogus
T. Byczkowski
Jacek Małecki
+ Extremal properties of one-dimensional Cauchy-type measures 2015 T. Byczkowski
Tomasz Żak
+ Sharp estimates of Green function of hyperbolic Brownian Motion 2015 Kamil Bogus
T. Byczkowski
Jacek Małecki
+ PDF Chat Hitting Times of Bessel Processes 2012 T. Byczkowski
Jacek Małecki
Michał Ryznar
+ PDF Chat Hitting half-spaces or spheres by Ornstein–Uhlenbeck type diffusions 2012 T. Byczkowski
Jakub Chorowski
Piotr Graczyk
Jacek Małecki
+ Hitting half-spaces or spheres by the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck type diffusions 2011 T. Byczkowski
Jakub Chorowski
Piotr Graczyk
Jacek Małecki
+ Hitting half-spaces or spheres by the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck type diffusions 2011 T. Byczkowski
Jakub Chorowski
Piotr Graczyk
Jacek Małecki
+ PDF Chat Harmonic measures of the half-plane and balls for the hyperbolic Brownian motion and Ornstein-Uhlenbeck diffusions 2011 T. Byczkowski
Jakub Chorowski
Piotr Graczyk
Jacek Małecki
+ Hitting times of Bessel processes 2010 T. Byczkowski
Jacek Małecki
Michał Ryznar
+ Feynman–Kac formula, λ-Poisson kernels and λ-Green functions of half-spaces and balls in hyperbolic spaces 2010 T. Byczkowski
Jacek Małecki
Tomasz Żak
+ Hitting times of Bessel processes 2010 T. Byczkowski
Jacek Małecki
Michał Ryznar
+ PDF Chat Hitting Half-spaces by Bessel-Brownian Diffusions 2009 T. Byczkowski
Jacek Małecki
Michał Ryznar
+ Bessel potentials, hitting distributions and Green functions 2009 T. Byczkowski
Jacek Małecki
Michał Ryznar
+ Boundary Potential Theory for Schrödinger Operators Based on Fractional Laplacian 2009 Krzysztof Bogdan
T. Byczkowski
+ Hitting half-spaces by Bessel-Brownian diffusions 2009 T. Byczkowski
Jacek Małecki
Michał Ryznar
+ PDF Chat Poisson Kernel and Green Function of the Ball in Real Hyperbolic Spaces 2007 T. Byczkowski
Jacek Małecki
+ PDF Chat Poisson kernels of half–spaces in real hyperbolic spaces 2007 T. Byczkowski
Piotr Graczyk
Andrzej Stós
+ PDF Chat Poisson kernel of half spaces in real hyperbolic spaces 2007 T. Byczkowski
Piotr Graczyk
Andrzej Stós
+ PDF Chat Hitting distributions of geometric Brownian motion 2006 T. Byczkowski
Michał Ryznar
+ Bessel Potentials, Hitting Distributions and Green Functions 2006 T. Byczkowski
Michał Ryznar
Jacek Małecki
+ Poisson kernels of half-spaces in real hyperbolic spaces 2005 T. Byczkowski
Piotr Graczyk
Andrzej Stós
+ Hitting distributions of geometric Brownian motion 2005 T. Byczkowski
Michał Ryznar
+ On the Schroedinger operator based on the fractional Laplacian 2001 Krzysztof Bogdan
T. Byczkowski
+ None 1999 Krzysztof Bogdan
T. Byczkowski
+ None 1998 H. Byczkowska
T. Byczkowski
+ Zeros of the densities of infinitely divisible measures on R n 1996 T. Byczkowski
Balram S. Rajput
Tomasz Żak
+ Zero-One Law for Semigroups of Measures on Groups 1993 T. Byczkowski
Balram S. Rajput
+ Tail behavior for semigroups of measures on groups 1992 T. Byczkowski
Balram S. Rajput
+ PDF Chat On the density of log concave seminorms on vector spaces 1991 T. Byczkowski
+ Smoothness of the distribution of the norm in uniformly convex Banach spaces 1990 T. Byczkowski
Michał Ryznar
+ Lévy-Kchinchine formula on vector spaces 1989 T. Byczkowski
Piotr Graczyk
+ PDF Chat Zero-one law for subgroups of paths of group-valued stochastic processes 1988 H. Byczkowska
T. Byczkowski
+ Random series and seminorms 1987 T. Byczkowski
+ Gaussian random series on metric vector spaces 1987 T. Byczkowski
Tadeusz Inglot
+ PDF Chat Absolute Continuity of Stable Seminorms 1986 T. Byczkowski
K. Samotij
+ Decomposition of convolution semigroups of probability measures on groups 1984 T. Byczkowski
Tomasz Żak
+ PDF Chat Gaussian Measure of Normal Subgroups 1983 T. Byczkowski
Andrzej Hulanicki
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic Properties of Semigroups of Measures on Vector Spaces 1981 T. Byczkowski
Tomasz Żak
+ The Invariance Principle for Vector Valued Random Variables with Applications to Functional Random Limit Theorems 1981 T. Byczkowski
Tadeusz Inglot
+ A generalization of the zero-one law for Gaussian measures on metric Abelian groups 1981 H. Byczkowska
T. Byczkowski
+ PDF Chat Zero-one laws for Gaussian measures on metric abelian groups 1981 T. Byczkowski
+ On the integrability of Gaussian random vectors 1980 T. Byczkowski
Tomasz Żak
+ Gaussian measures on metric abelian groups 1979 T. Byczkowski
+ Some results concerning gaussian measures on metric linear spaces 1978 T. Byczkowski
+ PDF Chat Equivalence theorems for infinite products of independent random elements on metric semigroups 1977 T. Byczkowski
Janusz Woś
+ Gaussian measures on $L_{p}$ spaces, 0 ≤ p < ∞ 1977 T. Byczkowski
+ PDF Chat On infinite products of independent random elements on metric semigroups 1977 T. Byczkowski
Janusz Woś
+ Infinite products of random elements on compact topological semigroups 1973 T. Byczkowski
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Poisson kernels of half–spaces in real hyperbolic spaces 2007 T. Byczkowski
Piotr Graczyk
Andrzej Stós
+ PDF Chat Stable laws arising from hitting distributions of processes on homogeneous trees and the hyperbolic half-plane 2001 Paolo Baldi
Enrico Casadio Tarabusi
Alessandro Figà-Talamanca
+ PDF Chat Non-symmetric hitting distributions on the hyperbolic half-plane and subordinated perpetuities 2001 Paolo Baldi
Enrico Cassadio Tarabusi
Alessandro Figà-Talamanca
Marc Yor
+ PDF Chat Probability Measures on Metric Spaces. 1968 Б. Л. С. Пракаса Рао
K. R. Parthasarathy
+ PDF Chat Fourier analysis and its applications 1992 Gerald B. Folland
+ PDF Chat Tables of Integral Transforms 2005 Bateman Manuscript
H. Bateman
Arthur Erdélyi
+ PDF Chat On Some Exponential Functionals of Brownian Motion 2001 Marc Yor
+ Table of Integrals, Series, and Products 1980 5
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic Properties of Semigroups of Measures on Vector Spaces 1981 T. Byczkowski
Tomasz Żak
+ PDF Chat Convergence of Probability Measures 1999 Patrick Billingsley
+ PDF Chat Absolute Continuity of Stable Seminorms 1986 T. Byczkowski
K. Samotij
+ PDF Chat Excursions of Brownian motion and bessel processes 1979 R. K. Getoor
M. J. Sharpe
+ PDF Chat Hitting distributions of geometric Brownian motion 2006 T. Byczkowski
Michał Ryznar
+ None 2002 Michał Ryznar
+ PDF Chat Poisson Kernel and Green Function of the Ball in Real Hyperbolic Spaces 2007 T. Byczkowski
Jacek Małecki
+ PDF Chat Gaussian Measure of Normal Subgroups 1983 T. Byczkowski
Andrzej Hulanicki
+ PDF Chat Hitting Half-spaces by Bessel-Brownian Diffusions 2009 T. Byczkowski
Jacek Małecki
Michał Ryznar
+ Bessel potentials, hitting distributions and Green functions 2009 T. Byczkowski
Jacek Małecki
Michał Ryznar
+ PDF Chat Hitting Times of Bessel Processes 2012 T. Byczkowski
Jacek Małecki
Michał Ryznar
+ PDF Chat Relativistic Schrödinger operators: Asymptotic behavior of the eigenfunctions 1990 René Carmona
Wen Chen Masters
Barry Simon
+ Diffusion Processes and Their Sample Paths. 1996 PALE
Kiyosi Itô
H. P. McKean
+ PDF Chat Some Brownian functionals and their laws 1997 Catherine Donati-Martin
Marc Yor
+ The Bessel motion and a singular integral equation 1960 H. P. McKean
+ PDF Chat Zero-one laws for Gaussian measures on metric abelian groups 1981 T. Byczkowski
+ PDF Chat Poisson kernel and Green function of balls for complex hyperbolic Brownian motion 2007 Tomasz Żak
+ PDF Chat Sharp Estimates of Transition Probability Density for Bessel Process in Half-Line 2015 Kamil Bogus
Jacek Małecki
+ PDF Chat Zero-one laws for Gaussian measures on Banach space 1973 C. Richard Baker
+ Higher Transcendental Functions [Volumes I-III] 1953 H. Bateman
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic Behavior of Stable Measures 1977 A. de Acosta
+ Handbook of Brownian Motion - Facts and Formulae 2002 A. N. Borodin
Paavo Salminen
+ Handbook of Mathematical Functions with Formulas, Graphs, and Mathematical Tables 1965 D. B. Owen
Milton Abramowitz
Irene A. Stegun
+ PDF Chat Extremal properties of half-spaces for spherically invariant measures 1978 V. N. Sudakov
Boris Tsirelson
+ PDF Chat Semi-stable Markov processes. I 1972 John Lamperti
+ PDF Chat Potential theory of hyperbolic Brownian motion in tube domains 2014 Grzegorz Serafin
+ The Brunn-Minkowski inequality in Gauss space 1975 Christer Borell
+ PDF Chat Some Probabilistic Properties of Bessel Functions 1978 John T. Kent
+ PDF Chat Exponential functionals of Brownian motion, I: Probability laws at fixed time 2005 Hiroyuki Matsumoto
Marc Yor
+ Heat Kernels and Spectral Theory 1989 E. B. Davies
+ Gaussian measures on $L_{p}$ spaces, 0 ≤ p < ∞ 1977 T. Byczkowski
+ PDF Chat Stable Measures and Seminorms 1975 A. de Acosta
+ Structure des Lois Indefiniment Divisibles (μ ε ℑ=ℑ (X)) dans un Espace Vectoriel Topologique (separe) X 1967 A. Tortrat
+ PDF Chat Einbettung unendlich teilbarer Wahrscheinlichkeitsma\e auf topologischen Gruppen 1974 Eberhard Siebert
+ PDF Chat Potential theory for the α-stable Schrödinger operator on bounded Lipschitz domains 1999 Krzysztof Bogdan
+ PDF Chat On some relations between the harmonic measure and the Lévy measure for a certain class of Markov processes 1962 Nobuyuki Ikeda
Shinzo Watanabe
+ Estimates of harmonic measure 1977 Björn E. J. Dahlberg
+ PDF Chat Some theorems concerning Brownian motion 1956 G. A. Hunt
+ Generalized Gaussian measure and a “functional equation”: I 1970 Lawrence Corwin
+ PDF Chat Malliavin calculus for stable processes on homogeneous groups 1991 Piotr Graczyk
+ PDF Chat Zero-one laws for stable measures 1974 R. M. Dudley
Marek Kanter