Stéphane Moreau


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Understanding tip leakage noise 2024 Prateek Jaiswal
Stéphane Moreau
+ Aeroacoustic investigation of airfoil at near stall conditions 2023 Prateek Jaiswal
Jose Rendón
Stéphane Moreau
+ A generalized wall-pressure spectral model for non-equilibrium boundary layers 2023 Saurabh Pargal
Junlin Yuan
Stéphane Moreau
+ Non-equilibrium turbulent boundary layer with adverse pressure gradient and convex wall curvature 2021 Saurabh Pargal
Hao Wu
Junlin Yuan
Stéphane Moreau
+ PDF Chat Effects of Boundary Conditions in Fully Convolutional Networks for Learning Spatio-Temporal Dynamics 2021 Antonio Alguacil
Wagner Gonçalves Pinto
Michaël Bauerheim
Marc C. Jacob
Stéphane Moreau
+ Effects of boundary conditions in fully convolutional networks for learning spatio-temporal dynamics 2021 Antonio Alguacil
Wagner Gonçalves Pinto
Michaël Bauerheim
Marc C. Jacob
Stéphane Moreau
+ Low Complexity Models to improve Incomplete Sensitivities for Shape Optimization 2003 Mugurel Stanciu
Bijan Mohammadi
Stéphane Moreau
+ Optimal airflow and blade design in compressible and incompressible flows 1998 Gorazd Medic
Mugurel Stanciu
Bijan Mohammadi
Stéphane Moreau
+ Numerical simulation of the I.R. radiation in a shock-tube experiment 1996 Stéphane Moreau
Dean R. Chapman
Robert MacCormack
+ Computation of High-Altitude Hypersonic Flow-Field Radiation. 1994 Stéphane Moreau
+ A Study of High Altitude Hypersonic Flow-Field Radiation 1994 Stéphane Moreau
Chul Park
Thomas A. Edwards
+ Simulations of a molecular plasma in collisional-radiative nonequilibrium 1993 Jean-Luc Cambier
Stéphane Moreau
+ Numerical simulation of Sharma's shock-tube experiment 1993 Stéphane Moreau
Pierre-Yves Bourquin
Dean R. Chapman
Robert MacCormack
+ Continuum and DSMC analysis of bow shock flight experiments 1993 Graham V. Candler
Iain D. Boyd
Deborah A. Levin
Stéphane Moreau
+ A more accurate nonequilibrium air radiation code - NEQAIR second generation 1992 Stéphane Moreau
Christophe O. Laux
Dean R. Chapman
Robert MacCormack
+ Experimental study and improved modeling of high-temperature air radiation 1992 Christophe O. Laux
Stéphane Moreau
Charles H. Krüger
+ Effect of rotational relaxation and approximate Burnett terms on hypersonic flow-field radiation at high altitudes 1991 Stéphane Moreau
Dean R. Chapman
Robert MacCormack
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Systematics of Vibrational Relaxation 1963 Roger C. Millikan
Donald R. White
+ Rotational and Vibrational Relaxation in Diatomic Gases 1959 J. G. Parker
+ <i>Nonequilibrium Hypersonic Aerothermodynamics</i> 1991 Chul Park
Wayland Griffith
+ Accuracy of the Burnett equations for hypersonic real gas flows 1991 Forrest Lumpkin
Dean R. Chapman
+ Rotational Relaxation in Nonpolar Diatomic Gases 1970 John A. Lordi
Robert E. Mates
+ Assessment of a two-temperature kinetic model for dissociating and weakly ionizing nitrogen 1988 Chul B. Park
+ Theory of radiation from low velocity shock heated air 1993 Deborah A. Levin
Richard T. Loda
Graham V. Candler
C. Park
+ A more accurate nonequilibrium air radiation code - NEQAIR second generation 1992 Stéphane Moreau
Christophe O. Laux
Dean R. Chapman
Robert MacCormack
+ Effect of rotational relaxation and approximate Burnett terms on hypersonic flow-field radiation at high altitudes 1991 Stéphane Moreau
Dean R. Chapman
Robert MacCormack
+ Chemical Relaxation with Preferential Dissociation from Excited Vibrational Levels 1963 Paul V. Marrone
Charles E. Treanor
+ Effect of Dissociation on the Rate of Vibrational Relaxation 1962 Charles E. Treanor
Paul V. Marrone
+ The dynamical theory of gases by J.H. Jeans ... 1904 James Jeans
+ Operating Characteristics of a 60- and 10-cm Electric Arc-Driven Shock Tube-Part 11: The Driven Section 1990 Surendra P. Sharma
Chul B. Park
+ Assessment of two-temperature kinetic model for ionizing air 1989 Chul B. Park
+ Quenching of vibrationally excited N2 by atomic oxygen 1972 R. J. McNeal
M. E. Whitson
G. R. Cook
+ Nitric oxide radiation in the near I.R. spectrum of shock-heated air 1967 Walter H. Wurster
Paul V. Marrone
+ Boundary-fitted coordinate systems for numerical solution of partial differential equations—A review 1982 Joe F. Thompson
Z. U. A. Warsi
C. W. Mastin
+ Comparison of theory with experiment for the bow shock ultraviolet rocket flight 1993 Deborah A. Levin
Graham V. Candler
Robert J. Collins
P. W. Erdman
E. C. Zipf
P. J. Espy
Carl Howlett
+ Flight measurements of low-velocity bow shock ultraviolet radiation 1993 P. W. Erdman
E. C. Zipf
P. J. Espy
Carl Howlett
Deborah A. Levin
Richard T. Loda
Robert J. Collins
Graham V. Candler
+ Vibrational relaxation in air 1964 Donald R. White
Roger C. Millikan
+ On the numerical treatment of nonlinear source terms in reaction-convection equations 1992 A. Lafon
H. C. Yee
+ PDF Chat Nonequilibrium shock front rotational, vibrational and electronic temperature measurements 1965 Richard A. Allen
+ PDF Chat Resonant and Near‐Resonant Vibrational—Vibrational Energy Transfer between Molecules in Collisions 1964 Donald Rapp
Paula Englander‐Golden
+ Absolute Emission Intensity of Schumann-Runge Radiation from Shock Heated Oxygen 1958 James C. Keck
J. C. Camm
B. Kivel
+ Numerical methods for TVD transport and coupled relaxing processes in gases and plasmas 1990 Jean-Luc Cambier
+ Measurement and analysis of nitric oxide radiation in an arcjet flow 1994 D. BABIKIAN
Nigel K. J. M. Gopaul
Chul B. Park
+ Single-Pulse Shock Tube Studies of the Kinetics of the Reaction N2+O2⇄2NO between 2000–3000°K 1957 H. S. Glick
Jochen Klein
William Squire
+ Vibrational energy exchange on N sub 2-O sub 2 collision 1969 Goro Kamimoto
Hiroyuki Matsui
+ Nonequilibrium UV radiation and kinetics behind shock waves in air 1989 Walter H. Wurster
Charles E. Treanor
M. Williams
+ Operating characteristics of a 60- and 10-cm electric arc-driven shock tube. I - The driver. II - The driven section 1990 Surendra P. Sharma
Chul B. Park
+ Thermal Transpiration. Rotational Relaxation Numbers for Nitrogen and Carbon Dioxide 1966 A.P. Malinauskas
+ Unsteady separated turbulent flows computation with wall-laws and κ — ε model 1997 Bijan Mohammadi
Olivier Pironneau
+ Numerical simulation of Sharma's shock-tube experiment 1993 Stéphane Moreau
Pierre-Yves Bourquin
Dean R. Chapman
Robert MacCormack
+ Measurement of N2/plus/ plus e/-/ dissociative recombination in expanding nitrogen flows 1970 Michael G. Dunn
John A. Lordi
+ Ultrasonic Determination of Rotational Collision Numbers and Vibrational Relaxation Times of Polyatomic Gases at High Temperatures 1967 E. H. Carnevale
Cynthia Carey
G. S. Larson
+ PDF Chat Reducing boundary artifacts in image deconvolution 2008 Renting Liu
Jiaya Jia
+ Vibrational relaxation in oxygen and nitrogen 1956 V.H. Blackman
+ A multi-temperature TVD algorithm for relaxing hypersonic flows 1989 Jean-Luc Cambier
Gene P. Menees
+ Nonequilibrium and equilibrium shock front radiation measurements 1991 Surendra P. Sharma
Walter D. Gillespie
+ Partial Convolution based Padding 2018 Guilin Liu
Kevin J. Shih
Ting-Chun Wang
Fitsum A. Reda
Karan Sapra
Zhiding Yu
Andrew Tao
Bryan Catanzaro
+ Modeling the dynamics of PDE systems with physics-constrained deep auto-regressive networks 2019 Nicholas Geneva
Nicholas Zabaras
+ An Intriguing Failing of Convolutional Neural Networks and the CoordConv Solution 2018 Rosanne Liu
Joel Lehman
Piero Molino
Felipe Petroski Such
Eric Frank
A. E. Sergeev
Jason Yosinski
+ How much Position Information Do Convolutional Neural Networks Encode 2020 Amirul Islam
Sen Jia
Neil D. B. Bruce
+ Embedding Hard Physical Constraints in Neural Network Coarse-Graining of 3D Turbulence 2020 Arvind Mohan
Nicholas Lubbers
Daniel Livescu
Michael Chertkov
+ Computation of High-Altitude Hypersonic Flow-Field Radiation. 1994 Stéphane Moreau
+ Comparing recurrent and convolutional neural networks for predicting wave propagation 2020 Stathi Fotiadis
Eduardo Pignatelli
Mario Lino Valencia
Chris D. Cantwell
Amos Storkey
Anil A. Bharath
+ PhyGeoNet: Physics-Informed Geometry-Adaptive Convolutional Neural Networks for Solving Parametric PDEs on Irregular Domain 2020 Han Gao
Luning Sun
Jianxun Wang
+ PDF Chat On Translation Invariance in CNNs: Convolutional Layers Can Exploit Absolute Spatial Location 2020 Osman Semih Kayhan
Jan van Gemert
+ PDF Chat Data-driven prediction of unsteady flow over a circular cylinder using deep learning 2019 Sang-Seung Lee
Donghyun You
+ PhyGeoNet: Physics-informed geometry-adaptive convolutional neural networks for solving parameterized steady-state PDEs on irregular domain 2020 Han Gao
Luning Sun
Jianxun Wang