M. Klausz


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Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Simulation tools for detector and instrument design 2018 Kalliopi Kanaki
T. Kittelmann
Xiao Xiao Cai
E. B. Klinkby
Erik Knudsen
Peter Kjær Willendrup
R. Hall-Wilton
+ NCrystal: A library for thermal neutron transport 2019 Xiao Xiao Cai
T. Kittelmann
+ PDF Chat The Multi-Blade Boron-10-based neutron detector for high intensity neutron reflectometry at ESS 2017 F. Piscitelli
F. Messi
Μάρκος Αναστασόπουλος
T. Bryś
F. Chicken
E. Dian
János Fűzi
Carina Höglund
G. Kiss
János Orbán
+ PDF Chat Geant4 based simulations for novel neutron detector development 2014 T. Kittelmann
I. Ştefânescu
Kalliopi Kanaki
Mirko Boin
R. Hall-Wilton
K. Zeitelhack
+ Monte Carlo Particle Lists: MCPL 2017 T. Kittelmann
E. B. Klinkby
Erik Knudsen
Peter Kjær Willendrup
Xiao Xiao Cai
K. Kanaki
+ PDF Chat Neutron detectors for the ESS diffractometers 2017 I. Ştefânescu
Mogens Christensen
J. Fenske
R. Hall-Wilton
Paul F. Henry
O. Kirstein
Martin Müller
G. Nowak
D.E. Pooley
D. Raspino
+ Detector rates for the Small Angle Neutron Scattering instruments at the European Spallation Source 2018 Kalliopi Kanaki
M. Klausz
T. Kittelmann
G. Albani
E. Perelli Cippo
Andrew Jackson
Sebastian Jaksch
Toke Rammer Nielsen
P. Zagyvai
R. Hall-Wilton
+ Multi-Grid detector for neutron spectroscopy: results obtained on time-of-flight spectrometer CNCS 2017 Μάρκος Αναστασόπουλος
R. Bebb
Kevin D. Berry
Jens Birch
T. Bryś
J.-C. Buffet
J.F. Clergeau
P. P. Deen
G. Ehlers
P. Van Esch
+ Cumulative Reports of the SoNDe Project July 2017 2017 Sebastian Jaksch
R. Engels
Günter Kemmerling
Codin Gheorghe
Philip Påhlsson
Sylvain Désert
F. Ott
+ Neutron Position Sensitive Detectors for the ESS 2015 O. Kirstein
+ Scattered neutron background in thermal neutron detectors 2018 E. Dian
Kalliopi Kanaki
G. Ehlers
R. Hall-Wilton
A. Khaplanov
T. Kittelmann
P. Zagyvai
+ PDF Chat Prismatic analyser concept for neutron spectrometers 2014 Jonas Okkels Birk
Márton Markó
P. G. Freeman
Johan Jacobsen
R.Lykke Hansen
N. B. Christensen
Ch. Niedermayer
Martin Må̊nsson
H. M. Rønnow
K. Lefmann
+ Performance study of the Jalousie detector baseline design for the ESS thermal powder diffractometer HEIMDAL through GEANT4 simulations 2019 I. Ştefânescu
Mogens Christensen
R. Hall-Wilton
S. L. Holm
K. Iversen
Martin Klein
D. Mannix
J. Schéfer
C. Schmidt
W. Schweika
+ PDF Chat A<sup>10</sup>B-based neutron detector with stacked MultiWire Proportional Counters and macrostructured cathodes 2013 I. Ştefânescu
Yusuf Zuntu Abdullahi
Jens Birch
I. Defendi
R. Hall-Wilton
Carina Höglund
Lars Hultman
M Zee
K. Zeitelhack
+ Fast neutron sensitivity of neutron detectors based on Boron-10 converter layers 2018 Giacomo Mauri
F. Messi
Kalliopi Kanaki
R. Hall-Wilton
E. Karnickis
A. Khaplanov
F. Piscitelli
+ PDF Chat Concept for a time-of-flight Small Angle Neutron Scattering instrument at the European Spallation Source 2014 Sebastian Jaksch
D. Martı́n Rodrı́guez
Andreas Ostermann
Jacques Jestin
S. Duarte Pinto
Wim G. Bouwman
J. Uher
R. Engels
Henrich Frielinghaus
+ PDF Chat CAMEA ESS – The continuous angle multi-energy analysis indirect geometry spectrometer for the European Spallation Source 2015 P. G. Freeman
Jonas Okkels Birk
Márton Markó
Mads Bertelsen
J.E. Larsen
N. B. Christensen
K. Lefmann
J. C. Jacobsen
Ch. Niedermayer
Fanni Jurànyi
+ PDF Chat Investigation of gamma-ray sensitivity of neutron detectors based on thin converter films 2013 A. Khaplanov
F. Piscitelli
J.C. Buffet
J -F Clergeau
Jonathan Correa
P. Van Esch
Matthieu Ferraton
B. Guérard
R. Hall-Wilton
+ PDF Chat Considerations about chopper configuration at a time-of-flight SANS instrument at a spallation source 2016 Sebastian Jaksch
+ PDF Chat Experimental study of boron-coated straws with a neutron source 2018 Zhaoyang Xie
Jianrong Zhou
Yushou Song
Jeffrey L. Lacy
Liang Sun
Zhijia Sun
Bitao Hu
Yuanbo Chen
+ Neutron activation and prompt gamma intensity in Ar/CO 2 -filled neutron detectors at the European Spallation Source 2017 E. Dian
Kalliopi Kanaki
R. Hall-Wilton
P. Zagyvai
Sz. Czifrus
+ PDF Chat Charge reconstruction of the DAMPE Silicon–Tungsten Tracker: A preliminary study with ion beams 2018 Rui Qiao
Wen-Xi Peng
D. Y. Guo
Hao Zhao
Huan‐Yu Wang
Ke Gong
Fei Zhang
X. Wu
P. Azzarello
A. Tykhonov
+ DECal, a Python tool for the efficiency calculation of thermal neutron detectors based on thin-film converters 2018 Álvaro Carmona Basañez
F. Piscitelli
Kalliopi Kanaki
+ PDF Chat Boron-10 lined RPCs for sub-millimeter resolution thermal neutron detectors: Feasibility study in a thermal neutron beam 2019 L.M.S. Margato
A. Morozov
A. Blanco
P. Fonte
F.A.F. Fraga
B. Guérard
R. Hall-Wilton
Carina Höglund
A. Mangiarotti
L. Robinson
+ PDF Chat Investigation of neutron scattering in the Multi-Blade detector with Geant4 simulations 2018 Gábor Galgóczi
K. Kanaki
F. Piscitelli
T. Kittelmann
D. Varga
R. Hall-Wilton
+ Suppression of intrinsic neutron background in the Multi-Grid detector 2019 E. Dian
Kalliopi Kanaki
A. Khaplanov
T. Kittelmann
P. Zagyvai
R. Hall-Wilton
+ PDF Chat Using Back-Scattering to Enhance Efficiency in Neutron Detectors 2017 T. Kittelmann
Kalliopi Kanaki
E. B. Klinkby
Xiao Xiao Cai
Carsten P. Cooper-Jensen
R. Hall-Wilton
+ PDF Chat Analytical modeling of thin film neutron converters and its application to thermal neutron gas detectors 2013 F. Piscitelli
P. Van Esch
+ PDF Chat Boron-10 lined RPCs for sub-millimeter resolution thermal neutron detectors: conceptual design and performance considerations 2018 L.M.S. Margato
A. Morozov