И. Статева


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat S-Process Nucleosynthesis in Chemically Peculiar Binaries 2024 Alexander J. Dimoff
C. J. Hansen
Richard J. Stancliffe
B. Kubatova
И. Статева
A. Kučinskas
V. Dobrovolskas
+ TESS Cycle 2 observations of roAp stars with 2-min cadence data 2023 Daniel L. Holdsworth
M. S. Cunha
Mariel Lares-Martiz
D. W. Kurtz
V. Antoci
S. Barceló Forteza
P. De Cat
A. Derekas
Cenk Kayhan
D. Özuyar
+ PDF Chat <i>TESS</i> cycle 1 observations of roAp stars with 2-min cadence data 2021 Daniel L. Holdsworth
M. S. Cunha
D. W. Kurtz
V. Antoci
Daniel R. Hey
D. M. Bowman
Oleh Kobzar
Derek L. Buzasi
O. Kochukhov
E. Niemczura
+ PDF Chat An eccentric wave in the circumstellar disc of the Be/X-ray binary X Persei 2020 R. Zamanov
K. A. Stoyanov
Uwe Wolter
D. Marchev
N. A. Tomov
M. F. Bode
Y. Nikolov
V. Marchev
L. Iliev
И. Статева
+ PDF Chat The first view of δ Scuti and γ Doradus stars with the TESS mission 2019 V. Antoci
M. S. Cunha
D. M. Bowman
Simon J. Murphy
D. W. Kurtz
T. R. Bedding
C. C. Borre
S. Christophe
J. Daszyńska‐Daszkiewicz
L. Fox Machado
+ High-resolution optical spectroscopy of Nova V392 Per 2019 K. A. Stoyanov
T. Tomov
И. Статева
S. Georgiev
+ PDF Chat Rotation and pulsation in Ap stars: first light results from TESS sectors 1 and 2 2019 M. S. Cunha
V. Antoci
Daniel L. Holdsworth
D. W. Kurtz
L. A. Balona
Zs. Bognár
D. M. Bowman
Zhao Guo
Piotr A. Kołaczek-Szymański
Mariel Lares-Martiz
+ PDF Chat A study of variability of the marginal Am star HD 176843 observed in the Kepler field 2019 C. Ulusoy
И. Статева
B. Ulaş
F Kahraman Aliçavuş
I. Kh. Iliev
M. Napetova
E. Kaygan
+ Asteroseismology of the \it Kepler target KIC\u20099204718 2017 C. Ulusoy
И. Статева
B. Ulaş
M. Napetova
+ Photometric and spectroscopic variability of 53 Per 2017 E. Niemczura
A. Pigulski
H. Lehmann
K. Kamiński
G. Catanzaro
И. Статева
M. Napetova
+ PDF Chat Asteroseismology of the <i>Kepler</i> target KIC 9204718 2017 C. Ulusoy
И. Статева
I. Kh. Iliev
B. Ulaş
M. Napetova
+ PDF Chat The Unusual Photometric Variability of the PMS Star GM Cep 2015 E. Semkov
S. Ibryamov
S. Peneva
T. R. Milanov
K. A. Stoyanov
И. Статева
D. Kjurkchieva
D. Dimitrov
V. Radeva
+ PDF Chat Frequency and spectrum analysis of Doradus type Kepler target KIC6462033 2014 C. Ulusoy
И. Статева
I. Kh. Iliev
B. Ulaş
+ PDF Chat Seismic investigation of the γ Dor star KIC 6462033: The first results of <i>Kepler</i> and ground-based follow up observations 2013 C. Ulusoy
B. Ulaş
M. Damasso
A. Carbognani
D. Cenadelli
И. Статева
I. Kh. Iliev
D. Dimitrov
+ PDF Chat Multisite photometric campaign on the high-amplitude δ Scuti star KIC 6382916 2013 C. Ulusoy
B. Ulaş
T. Gülmez
L. A. Balona
И. Статева
I. Kh. Iliev
D. Dimitrov
Henry A. Kobulnicky
T. E. Pickering
L. Fox Machado
+ PDF Chat Mode identification in the high-amplitude δ Scuti star V2367 Cyg 2012 C. Ulusoy
T. Gülmez
И. Статева
D. Dimitrov
I. Kh. Iliev
Henry A. Kobulnicky
B. Yaşarsoy
M. Álvarez
R. Michel
Machado L. Fox
+ PDF Chat Abundance analysis of Am binaries and search for tidally driven abundance anomalies - III. HD 116657, HD 138213, HD 155375, HD 159560, HD 196544 and HD 204188 2011 И. Статева
I. Kh. Iliev
J. Budaj
+ PDF Chat Direct detection of a magnetic field in the photosphere of the single M giant EK Boo: How common is magnetic activity among M giants? 2010 R. Konstantinova‐Antova
M. Aurière
C. Charbonnel
Н. А. Драке
Klaus-Peter Schroeder
И. Статева
E. Alécian
P. Petit
R. Cabanac
+ PDF Chat Direct detection of a magnetic field in the photosphere of the single M giant EK Bootis 2010 R. Konstantinova‐Antova
M. Aurière
C. Charbonnel
Н. А. Драке
K.‐P. Schröder
И. Статева
E. Alécian
P. Petit
R. Cabanac
+ PDF Chat Orbital eccentricity of the symbiotic star MWC 560 2010 R. Zamanov
A. Gomboc
K. A. Stoyanov
И. Статева
+ Multi-ring structure of the eclipsing disk in EE Cep - possible planets? 2009 C. Gałan
M. Mikołajewski
T. Tomov
E. Świerczyński
M. Wiȩcek
T. Brożek
G. Maciejewski
P. Wychudzki
M. Hajduk
Piotr T. Różański
+ Multi-ring structure of the eclipsing disk in EE Cep - possible planets? 2009 C. Gałan
M. Mikołajewski
T. Tomov
E. Świercyński
M. Wicecek
T. Brożek
G. Maciejewski
P. Wychudzki
M. Hajduk
Piotr T. Różański
+ PDF Chat Rotational velocities of the giants in symbiotic stars - III. Evidence of fast rotation in S-type symbiotics<sup>★</sup> 2008 R. Zamanov
M. F. Bode
C. Melo
И. Статева
R. Bachev
A. Gomboc
R. Konstantinova‐Antova
K. A. Stoyanov
+ PDF Chat Rotational velocities of the giants in symbiotic stars - II. Are S-type symbiotics synchronized?★ 2007 R. Zamanov
M. F. Bode
C. Melo
R. Bachev
A. Gomboc
И. Статева
John M. Porter
J. D. Pritchard
+ Search for the 3He isotope in the atmospheres of HgMn stars 1998 И. Статева
T. Ryabchikova
I. Kh. Iliev
+ Search for the 3He isotope in the atmospheres of HgMn stars 1998 И. Статева
T. Ryabchikova
I. Kh. Iliev
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat The<i>Kepler</i>characterization of the variability among A- and F-type stars 2011 K. Uytterhoeven
A. Moya
A. Grigahcène
J. A. Guzik
J. Gutiérrez–Soto
B. Smalley
G. Handler
L. A. Balona
E. Niemczura
L. Fox Machado
+ PDF Chat Regularities in frequency spacings of δ Scuti stars: the Kepler star KIC 9700322★ 2011 M. Breger
L. A. Balona
P. Lenz
Julie K. Hollek
D. W. Kurtz
G. Catanzaro
M. Marconi
A. A. Pamyatnykh
B. Smalley
J. C. Suárez
+ PDF Chat SigSpec 2007 P. Reegen
+ PDF Chat Validation of the new Hipparcos reduction 2007 F. van Leeuwen
V. Antoci
L. A. Balona
G. Catanzaro
J. Daszyńska‐Daszkiewicz
Joyce Ann Guzik
G. Handler
G. Houdek
D. W. Kurtz
M. Marconi
W. J. Borucki
Gibor Basri
Natalie M. Batalha
Timothy M. Brown
Douglas A. Caldwell
J. Christensen‐Dalsgaard
William D. Cochran
Edna DeVore
Edward W. Dunham
+ PDF Chat Fundamental parameters and infrared excesses of<i>Hipparcos</i>stars 2012 Iain McDonald
A. A. Zijlstra
Martha L. Boyer
+ PDF Chat Improved pulsating models of magnetic Ap stars - I. Exploring different magnetic field configurations 2005 M. S. Cunha
+ PDF Chat <i>Gaia</i> Data Release 2 2018 A. G. A. Brown
A. Vallenari
T. Prusti
J. H. J. de Bruijne
C. Babusiaux
C. A. L. Bailer-Jones
M. Biermann
D. W. Evans
L. Eyer
F. Jansen
+ PDF Chat An asteroseismic study of the <i>δ</i> Scuti star 44 Tauri 2007 P. Lenz
A. A. Pamyatnykh
M. Breger
V. Antoci
+ PDF Chat Variability Properties of Four Million Sources in the TESS Input Catalog Observed with the Kilodegree Extremely Little Telescope Survey 2017 Ryan J. Oelkers
Joseph E. Rodriguez
Keivan G. Stassun
Joshua Pepper
Garrett Somers
S. Kafka
Daniel J. Stevens
Thomas G. Beatty
Robert J. Siverd
Michael B. Lund
+ PDF Chat An investigation of the rotational properties of magnetic chemically peculiar stars 2017 M. Netopil
E. Paunzen
Stefan Hümmerich
Klaus Bernhard
+ PDF Chat Characterizing the observational properties of δ Sct stars in the era of space photometry from the Kepler mission 2018 D. M. Bowman
D. W. Kurtz
+ PDF Chat Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite 2014 G. Ricker
Joshua N. Winn
R. Vanderspek
David W. Latham
G. Á. Bakos
Jacob L. Bean
Zachory K. Berta-Thompson
Timothy M. Brown
Lars A. Buchhave
N. Butler
+ PDF Chat The accretion of brown dwarfs and planets by giant stars -- II. Solar-mass stars on the red giant branch 1999 L. Siess
Mario Livio
+ PDF Chat The role of rotation on Petersen diagrams 2007 J. C. Suárez
R. Garrido
A. Moya
+ PDF Chat Effect of convective outer layers modeling on non-adiabatic seismic observables of δ Scuti stars 2007 J. Montalbán
M. A. Dupret
+ PDF Chat Theoretical light curves of dipole oscillations in roAp stars 2011 L. Bigot
D. W. Kurtz
+ PDF Chat EK Eridani: the tip of the iceberg of giants which have evolved from magnetic Ap stars 2008 M. Aurière
R. Konstantinova‐Antova
P. Petit
C. Charbonnel
B. Dintrans
F. Lignières
T. Roudier
E. Alécian
J.‐F. Donati
J. D. Landstreet
+ PDF Chat Magnetic Mixing in Red Giant and Asymptotic Giant Branch Stars 2008 Jason Nordhaus
M. Busso
G. J. Wasserburg
Eric G. Blackman
S. Palmerini
+ PDF Chat New measurements of rotation and differential rotation in A-F stars: are there two populations of differentially rotating stars? 2012 M. Ammler‐von Eiff
A. Reiners
+ PDF Chat A grid of MARCS model atmospheres for late-type stars. I. Methods and general properties 2008 B. Gustafsson
B. Edvardsson
Kimmo Eriksson
U. G. Jørgensen
Åke Nordlund
B. Plez
+ Magnetic activity in stellar merger products 2007 Noam Soker
R. Tylenda
+ PDF Chat S$\mathsf{_{B^9}}$: The ninth catalogue of spectroscopic binary orbits 2004 D. Pourbaix
Andreï Tokovinin
Alan H. Batten
Francis C. Fekel
William I. Hartkopf
H. Levato
N. Morrell
Guillermo Torres
S. Udry
+ PDF Chat High-frequency A-type pulsators discovered using SuperWASP★† 2014 Daniel L. Holdsworth
B. Smalley
M. Gillon
K. I. Clubb
J. Southworth
P. F. L. Maxted
D. R. Anderson
S. C. C. Barros
A. Collier Cameron
L. Delrez
+ PDF Chat Testing excitation models of rapidly oscillating Ap stars with interferometry 2013 M. S. Cunha
D. Alentiev
I. M. Brandão
K. Perraut
G. Gilmore
Matthias Steinmetz
C. Boeche
G. M. Seabroke
A. Siebert
T. Zwitter
James Binney
P. de Laverny
A. Recio–Blanco
+ PDF Chat Pulsation versus metallicism in Am stars as revealed by LAMOST and WASP 2016 B. Smalley
V. Antoci
Daniel L. Holdsworth
D. W. Kurtz
Simon J. Murphy
P. De Cat
D. R. Anderson
G. Catanzaro
A. Collier Cameron
C. Hellier
+ PDF Chat Fundamental parameters and infrared excesses of Tycho–Gaia stars 2017 Iain McDonald
A. A. Zijlstra
R. A. Watson
+ PDF Chat Empirical Bolometric Fluxes and Angular Diameters of 1.6 Million Tycho-2 Stars and Radii of 350,000 Stars with<i>Gaia</i>DR1 Parallaxes 2017 Daniel J. Stevens
Keivan G. Stassun
B. Scott Gaudi
+ PDF Chat Bolometric correction and spectral energy distribution of cool stars in Galactic clusters 2010 A. Buzzoni
L. Patelli
M. Bellazzini
F. Fusi Pecci
E. Oliva
+ PDF Chat KIC 7582608: a new Kepler roAp star with frequency variability 2014 Daniel L. Holdsworth
B. Smalley
D. W. Kurtz
J. Southworth
M. S. Cunha
K. I. Clubb
+ PDF Chat The Nainital-Cape Survey - IV. A search for pulsational variability in 108 chemically peculiar stars 2009 S. C. Joshi
Peter Martinez
S. Chowdhury
N. K. Chakradhari
Y. C. Joshi
P. van Heerden
T. Medupe
Yerra Bharat Kumar
Rudolf B. Kuhn
+ PDF Chat An algorithm for significantly reducing the time necessary to compute a Discrete Fourier Transform periodogram of unequally spaced data 1985 D. W. Kurtz
+ PDF Chat Spots on Am stars 2015 L. A. Balona
G. Catanzaro
Oyirwoth P. Abedigamba
V. Ripepi
B. Smalley
+ PDF Chat Evolution of magnetic fields in stars across the upper main sequence: I. Catalogue of magnetic field measurements with FORS 1 at the VLT 2006 S. Hubrig
P. North
M. Schöller
G. Mathys
+ PDF Chat A search for rapid pulsations among nine luminous Ap stars 2008 L. M. Freyhammer
D. W. Kurtz
M. S. Cunha
G. Mathys
V. G. Elkin
J. D. Riley
+ PDF Chat Turbulent dynamo in asymptotic giant branch stars 2002 Noam Soker
Essam Zoabi
+ PDF Chat Monitoring a high-amplitude<i>δ</i>Scuti star for 152 days: discovery of 12 additional modes and modulation effects in the light curve of CoRoT 101155310 2011 E. Poretti
M. Rainer
W. W. Weiß
Zs. Bognár
A. Moya
E. Niemczura
J. C. Suárez
M. Auvergne
A. Baglin
F. Baudin
+ PDF Chat The first evidence for multiple pulsation axes: a new rapidly oscillating Ap star in the Kepler field, KIC 10195926 2011 D. W. Kurtz
M. S. Cunha
Hideyuki Saio
L. Bigot
L. A. Balona
V. G. Elkin
Hiromoto Shibahashi
I. M. Brandão
K. Uytterhoeven
S. Frandsen
+ PDF Chat BRITE-Constellation: Nanosatellites for Precision Photometry of Bright Stars 2014 W. W. Weiß
S. M. Ruciński
A. F. J. Moffat
A. Schwarzenberg‐Czerny
Otto Koudelka
C. Cordell Grant
Robert Zee
R. Kuschnig
S. M. Mochnacki
J. M. Matthews
+ PDF Chat New measurements of magnetic fields of roAp stars with FORS 1 at the VLT 2004 S. Hubrig
T. Szeifert
M. Schöller
G. Mathys
D. W. Kurtz
+ PDF Chat Discovery of a weak magnetic field in the photosphere of the single giant Pollux 2009 M. Aurière
G. A. Wade
R. Konstantinova‐Antova
C. Charbonnel
C. Catala
W. W. Weiß
T. Roudier
P. Petit
J.‐F. Donati
E. Alécian
+ PDF Chat Short time-scale frequency and amplitude variations in the pulsations of an roAp star: HD 217522 2014 R. Medupe
D. W. Kurtz
V. G. Elkin
Z. Mguda
G. Mathys
+ PDF Chat Rapidly Rotating Lithium-rich K Giants: The New Case of the Giant PDS 365 2002 Н. А. Драке
R. de la Reza
Licio da Silva
David L. Lambert
+ PDF Chat The Inverse Cascade and Nonlinear Alpha‐Effect in Simulations of Isotropic Helical Hydromagnetic Turbulence 2001 Axel Brandenburg
+ PDF Chat Dynamos in asymptotic-giant-branch stars as the origin of magnetic fields shaping planetary nebulae 2001 Eric G. Blackman
Adam Frank
J. Andrew Markiel
John H. Thomas
H. M. van Horn
+ PDF Chat The double-mode nature of the HADS star GSC 00144-03031 and the Petersen diagram of the class 2005 E. Poretti
J. C. Suárez
P. G. Niarchos
K. Gazeas
V. N. Manimanis
P. van Cauteren
P. Lampens
P. Wils
R. Alonso
P. J. Amado
+ PDF Chat The fundamental parameters of the roAp star α Circini 2008 H. Bruntt
Julian North
M. S. Cunha
I. M. Brandão
V. G. Elkin
D. W. Kurtz
John Davis
T. R. Bedding
A. P. Jacob
S. M. Owens
+ PDF Chat The N2K Consortium. IV. New Temperatures and Metallicities for More than 100,000 FGK Dwarfs 2006 S. Mark Ammons
Sarah E. Robinson
Jay Strader
Gregory Laughlin
Debra A. Fischer
Aaron S. Wolf