E. F. Sachkova


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Sub-Lorentzian distance and spheres on the Heisenberg group 2023 Yuri L. Sachkov
E. F. Sachkova
+ Анормальные траектории в субримановой $(2,3,5,8)$-задаче 2023 Yurii Leonidovich Sachkov
E. F. Sachkova
+ Abnormal Trajectories in the Sub-Riemannian $$(2,3,5,8)$$ Problem 2023 Yu. L. Sachkov
E. F. Sachkova
+ Sub-Lorentzian Problem on the Heisenberg Group 2023 Yu. L. Sachkov
E. F. Sachkova
+ PDF Chat Abnormal Extremals in the Sub-Riemannian Problem with Growth Vector $(2,3,5,8,14)$ 2023 Yu. L. Sachkov
E. F. Sachkova
+ Carnot Algebras and Sub-Riemannian Structures with Growth Vector (2,$$\,$$3,$$\,$$5,$$\,$$6) 2021 Yu. L. Sachkov
E. F. Sachkova
+ PDF Chat Sub-Riemannian (2, 3, 5, 6)-Structures 2021 Yu. L. Sachkov
E. F. Sachkova
+ An Abnormal Set for the $$(2,3,5,8)$$-Distribution 2021 Yu. L. Sachkov
E. F. Sachkova
+ The structure of abnormal extremals in a sub-Riemannian problem with growth vector 2020 Yu. L. Sachkov
E. F. Sachkova
+ Abnormal trajectories in the sub-Riemannian problem with the growth vector $(2,3,5,8)$ 2018 Yurii Leonidovich Sachkov
E. F. Sachkova
+ Degenerate abnormal trajectories in a sub-Riemannian problem with growth vector (2, 3, 5, 8) 2017 Yu. L. Sachkov
E. F. Sachkova
+ Nondegenerate abnormal control in sub-riemannian problem with growth vector (2, 3, 5, 8) 2017 E. F. Sachkova
+ Sub-Riemannian Balls on the Heisenberg Groups: An Invariant Volume 2014 E. F. Sachkova
+ PDF Chat Exponential Mapping in Euler’s Elastic Problem 2014 Yu. L. Sachkov
E. F. Sachkova
+ Exponential mapping in Euler's elastic problem 2013 Yuri L. Sachkov
E. F. Sachkova
+ Control synthesis for a three-dimensional nilpotent system 2010 E. F. Sachkova
+ Approximate solution of two-point boundary value problems for linear in control systems 2009 E. F. Sachkova
+ Solution of a control problem for a nilpotent system 2008 E. F. Sachkova
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Control Theory from the Geometric Viewpoint 2004 Andrei Agrachev
Yuri L. Sachkov
+ Complete description of the Maxwell strata in the generalized Dido problem 2006 Yurii Leonidovich Sachkov
+ Degenerate abnormal trajectories in a sub-Riemannian problem with growth vector (2, 3, 5, 8) 2017 Yu. L. Sachkov
E. F. Sachkova
+ PDF Chat Introduction to Geometric Control 2022 Yuri L. Sachkov
+ PDF Chat A Comprehensive Introduction to Sub-Riemannian Geometry 2019 Andrei Agrachev
Davide Barilari
Ugo Boscain
+ The structure of abnormal extremals in a sub-Riemannian problem with growth vector 2020 Yu. L. Sachkov
E. F. Sachkova
+ Liouville integrability of sub-Riemannian problems on Carnot groups of step 4 or greater 2018 L. V. Lokutsievskiy
Yu. L. Sachkov
+ The tangent space in sub-Riemannian geometry 1996 A. Bellaïche
+ A Tour of Subriemannian Geometries, Their Geodesics and Applications 2006 Richard Montgomery
+ Abnormal Minimizers 1994 Richard Montgomery
+ A dynamical approach to the Sard problem in Carnot groups 2020 Francesco Boarotto
Davide Vittone
+ Stratified Morse Theory 1988 Mark Goresky
Robert MacPherson
+ Left-invariant optimal control problems on Lie groups: classification and problems integrable by elementary functions 2022 Yu. L. Sachkov
+ PDF Chat Conjugate Time in the Sub-Riemannian Problem on the Cartan Group 2021 Yu. L. Sachkov
+ Extremal trajectories in a nilpotent sub-Riemannian problem on the Engel group 2011 A. A. Ardentov
Yurii Leonidovich Sachkov
+ Survey of singular geodesics 1996 Richard Montgomery
+ PDF Chat Cut time in the sub-Riemannian problem on the Cartan group 2022 A. A. Ardentov
Eero Hakavuori
+ Discrete symmetries in the generalized Dido problem 2006 Yu. L. Sachkov
+ The Maxwell set in the generalized Dido problem 2006 Yu. L. Sachkov
+ PDF Chat Cut time in sub-riemannian problem on engel group 2015 A. A. Ardentov
Yu. L. Sachkov
+ PDF Chat Extremal polynomials in stratified groups 2018 Enrico Le Donne
Gian Paolo Leonardi
Roberto Monti
Davide Vittone
+ PDF Chat Semianalytic and subanalytic sets 1988 Edward Bierstone
Pierre D. Milman
+ Exponential map in the generalized Dido problem 2003 Yu. L. Sachkov
+ None 2001 V. N. Berestovskiĭ
И. А. Зубарева
+ PDF Chat Geometry of Optimal Control Problems and Hamiltonian Systems 2008 Andrei Agrachev
+ PDF Chat Sub-Riemannian geometry 1986 Robert S. Strichartz
+ Introduction to Riemannian and Sub-Riemannian geometry 2012 Andrei Agrachev
Davide Barilari
Ugo Boscain
+ Conjugate points in Euler's elastic problem 2007 Yu. L. Sachkov
+ PDF Chat Invariant Carnot–Caratheodory Metrics on $S^3$, $SO(3)$, $SL(2)$, and Lens Spaces 2008 Ugo Boscain
Francesco Rossi
+ Nilpotent Approximations of Control Systems and Distributions 1986 Henry Hermes
+ Maxwell strata in the Euler elastic problem 2008 Yu. L. Sachkov
+ PDF Chat Sub-Riemannian structures on 3D lie groups 2012 Andrei Agrachev
Davide Barilari
+ Reachable Sets for the Heisenberg Sub-Lorentzian Structure On ℝ3. An Estimate for the Distance Function 2006 Marek Grochowski
+ A Differential Geometric Approach to Motion Planning 1993 Gerardo Lafferriere
Héctor J. Sussmann
+ Solution of a control problem for a nilpotent system 2008 E. F. Sachkova
+ PDF Chat Полное описание стратов Максвелла в обобщенной задаче Дидоны 2006 Юрий Леонидович Сачков
Yurii Leonidovich Sachkov
+ On the free Carnot (2, 3, 5, 8) group 2015 Jean-Paul Gauthier
Yu. L. Sachkov
+ Об интегрируемости по Лиувиллю субримановых задач на группах Карно глубины 4 и больше 2018 L. V. Lokutsievskiy
Yurii Leonidovich Sachkov
+ PDF Chat Infinite Geodesics and Isometric Embeddings in Carnot Groups of Step 2 2020 Eero Hakavuori
+ PDF Chat A Cornucopia of Carnot Groups in Low Dimensions 2022 Enrico Le Donne
Francesca Tripaldi
+ Geometric Control Theory 2016 Geoffrey A. Zoehfeld
+ Lectures on the Orbit Method 2004 Alexander Kirillov
+ PDF Chat A Course of Modern Analysis. An Introduction to the General Theory of Infinite Processes and of Analytic Functions; with an Account of the Principal Transcendental Functions. 1921 E. T. Whittaker
G. N. Watson
+ PDF Chat Cut locus and optimal synthesis in the sub-Riemannian problem on the group of motions of a plane 2010 Yuri L. Sachkov
+ PDF Chat Carnot-Carathéodory spaces seen from within 1996 Mikhael Gromov
+ PDF Chat Blowups and blowdowns of geodesics in Carnot groups 2023 Eero Hakavuori
Enrico Le Donne
+ Nonholonomic Lorentzian Geometry on Some ℍ-Type Groups 2009 Anna Korolko
Irina Markina
+ Solution to Euler’s elastic problem 2009 A. A. Ardentov
Yu. L. Sachkov
+ 3-dimensional left-invariant sub-Lorentzian contact structures 2016 Marek Grochowski
Alexandr Medvedev
Ben Warhurst
+ Sub-Lorentzian geometry on anti-de Sitter space 2008 Der‐Chen Chang
Irina Markina
Alexander Vasil’ev