Tommaso Rigon


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Enriched Pitman–Yor processes 2025 Tommaso Rigon
Sonia Petrone
Bruno Scarpa
+ PDF Chat Optimal lower bounds for logistic log-likelihoods 2024 Niccolò Anceschi
Tommaso Rigon
Giacomo Zanella
Daniele Durante
+ PDF Chat Bayesian analysis of product feature allocation models 2024 Lorenzo Ghilotti
Federico Camerlenghi
Tommaso Rigon
+ PDF Chat Conjugate priors and bias reduction for logistic regression models 2023 Tommaso Rigon
Emanuele Aliverti
+ PDF Chat Bayesian modeling via discrete nonparametric priors 2023 Marta Catalano
Antonio Lijoi
Igor Prünster
Tommaso Rigon
+ PDF Chat A generalized Bayes framework for probabilistic clustering 2023 Tommaso Rigon
Amy H. Herring
David B. Dunson
+ Bayesian nonparametric modeling of latent partitions via Stirling-gamma priors 2023 Alessandro Zito
Tommaso Rigon
David B. Dunson
+ Bayesian inference for generalized linear models via quasi-posteriors 2023 Davide Agnoletto
Tommaso Rigon
David B. Dunson
+ PDF Chat An enriched mixture model for functional clustering 2022 Tommaso Rigon
+ PDF Chat Finite-dimensional Discrete Random Structures and Bayesian Clustering 2022 Antonio Lijoi
Igor Prünster
Tommaso Rigon
+ Extended stochastic block models with application to criminal networks 2022 Sirio Legramanti
Tommaso Rigon
Daniele Durante
David B. Dunson
+ Conjugate priors and bias reduction for logistic regression models 2022 Tommaso Rigon
Emanuele Aliverti
+ Inferring taxonomic placement from DNA barcoding allowing discovery of new taxa 2022 Alessandro Zito
Tommaso Rigon
David B. Dunson
+ PDF Chat Conjugate Priors and Bias Reduction for Logistic Regression Models 2022 Tommaso Rigon
Emanuele Aliverti
+ PDF Chat Bayesian nonparametric disclosure risk assessment 2021 Stefano Favaro
Francesca Panero
Tommaso Rigon
+ PDF Chat Bayesian Testing for Exogenous Partition Structures in Stochastic Block Models 2020 Sirio Legramanti
Tommaso Rigon
Daniele Durante
+ Bayesian Testing for Exogenous Partition Structures in Stochastic Block Models 2020 Sirio Legramanti
Tommaso Rigon
Daniele Durante
+ Sampling hierarchies of discrete random structures 2020 Antonio Lijoi
Igor Prünster
Tommaso Rigon
+ Extended Stochastic Block Models 2020 Sirio Legramanti
Tommaso Rigon
Daniele Durante
David B. Dunson
+ PDF Chat Tractable Bayesian density regression via logit stick-breaking priors 2020 Tommaso Rigon
Daniele Durante
+ The Pitman–Yor multinomial process for mixture modelling 2020 Antonio Lijoi
Igor Prünster
Tommaso Rigon
+ Bayesian nonparametric modelling of sequential discoveries 2020 Alessandro Zito
Tommaso Rigon
Otso Ovaskainen
David B. Dunson
+ Bayesian Testing for Exogenous Partition Structures in Stochastic Block Models 2020 Sirio Legramanti
Tommaso Rigon
Daniele Durante
+ Extended Stochastic Block Models with Application to Criminal Networks 2020 Sirio Legramanti
Tommaso Rigon
Daniele Durante
David B. Dunson
+ Enriched Pitman-Yor processes 2020 Tommaso Rigon
Bruno Scarpa
Sonia Petrone
+ A generalized Bayes framework for probabilistic clustering 2020 Tommaso Rigon
Amy H. Herring
David B. Dunson
+ PDF Chat Conditionally Conjugate Mean-Field Variational Bayes for Logistic Models 2019 Daniele Durante
Tommaso Rigon
+ Contributed discussion on: “Latent nested nonparametric priors” 2019 Emanuele Aliverti
Sally Paganin
Tommaso Rigon
Massimiliano Russo
+ An enriched mixture model for functional clustering 2019 Tommaso Rigon
+ PDF Chat A nested expectation–maximization algorithm for latent class models with covariates 2018 Daniele Durante
Antonio Canale
Tommaso Rigon
+ PDF Chat Bayesian Semiparametric Modelling of Contraceptive Behaviour in India Via Sequential Logistic Regressions 2018 Tommaso Rigon
Daniele Durante
Nicola Torelli
+ Logit stick-breaking priors for partially exchangeable count data [Distribuzioni a priori stick-breaking logistiche per dati di conteggio parzialmente scambiabili] 2018 Tommaso Rigon
+ A note on quadratic approximations of logistic log-likelihoods 2017 Daniele Durante
Tommaso Rigon
+ A nested expectation-maximization algorithm for latent class regression models 2017 Daniele Durante
Antonio Canale
Tommaso Rigon
+ Logit stick-breaking priors for Bayesian density regression 2017 Tommaso Rigon
Daniele Durante
+ Tractable Bayesian Density Regression via Logit Stick-Breaking Priors 2017 Tommaso Rigon
Daniele Durante
+ Tractable Bayesian Density Regression via Logit Stick-Breaking Priors 2017 Tommaso Rigon
Daniele Durante
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat The two-parameter Poisson-Dirichlet distribution derived from a stable subordinator 1997 Jim Pitman
Marc Yor
+ PDF Chat Are Gibbs-Type Priors the Most Natural Generalization of the Dirichlet Process? 2013 Pierpaolo De Blasi
Stefano Favaro
Antonio Lijoi
Ramsés H. Mena
Igor Prünster
Matteo Ruggiero
+ PDF Chat A Bayesian Analysis of Some Nonparametric Problems 1973 Thomas S. Ferguson
+ Gibbs Sampling Methods for Stick-Breaking Priors 2001 Hemant Ishwaran
Lancelot F. James
+ PDF Chat Size-biased sampling of Poisson point processes and excursions 1992 Mihael Perman
Jim Pitman
Marc Yor
+ PDF Chat Bayesian Inference for Logistic Models Using Pólya–Gamma Latent Variables 2013 Nicholas G. Polson
James G. Scott
Jesse Windle
+ PDF Chat Some developments of the Blackwell-MacQueen urn scheme 1996 Jim Pitman
+ Variational Inference: A Review for Statisticians 2017 David M. Blei
Alp Kucukelbir
Jon McAuliffe
+ PDF Chat The Polya-Gamma Gibbs sampler for Bayesian logistic regression is uniformly ergodic 2013 Hee Min Choi
James P. Hobert
+ PDF Chat Models beyond the Dirichlet process 2010 Antonio Lijoi
Igor Prünster
+ PDF Chat Controlling the Reinforcement in Bayesian Non-Parametric Mixture Models 2007 Antonio Lijoi
Ramsés H. Mena
Igor Prünster
+ Bayesian Cluster Analysis: Point Estimation and Credible Balls (with Discussion) 2017 Sara Wade
Zoubin Ghahramani
+ PDF Chat On the Pitman–Yor process with spike and slab base measure 2017 Antonio Canale
Antonio Lijoi
Bernardo Nipoti
Igor Prünster
+ Improving prediction from dirichlet process mixtures via enrichment 2014 Sara Wade
David B. Dunson
Sonia Petrone
Lorenzo Trippa
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic Behaviour of the Posterior Distribution in Overfitted Mixture Models 2011 Judith Rousseau
Kerrie Mengersen
+ Maximum Likelihood from Incomplete Data Via the <i>EM</i> Algorithm 1977 A. P. Dempster
N. M. Laird
Donald B. Rubin
+ PDF Chat Exchangeable Gibbs partitions and Stirling triangles 2006 Alexander Gnedin
Jim Pitman
+ Bayesian Density Estimation and Inference Using Mixtures 1995 Michael Escobar
Mike West
+ Bayesian Nonparametric Estimation of the Probability of Discovering New Species 2007 Antonio Lijoi
Ramsés H. Mena
Igor Prünster
+ None 2000 Tommi Jaakkola
Michael I. Jordan
+ PDF Chat Probabilistic Community Detection With Unknown Number of Communities 2018 Junxian Geng
Anirban Bhattacharya
Debdeep Pati
+ Random Discrete Distributions 1975 J. F. C. Kingmán
+ PDF Chat A review of stochastic block models and extensions for graph clustering 2019 Clement Lee
Darren J. Wilkinson
+ PDF Chat Nonparametric Bayesian modeling of complex networks: an introduction 2013 Mikkel N. Schmidt
Morten Mørup
+ Bayesian nonparametric inference beyond the Gibbs‐type framework 2018 Federico Camerlenghi
Antonio Lijoi
Igor Prünster
+ PDF Chat Model-based clustering based on sparse finite Gaussian mixtures 2014 Gertraud Malsiner‐Walli
Sylvia Frühwirth‐Schnatter
Bettina Grün
+ Markov Chain Sampling Methods for Dirichlet Process Mixture Models 2000 Radford M. Neal
+ Sequential models in categorical regression 1991 Gerhard Tutz
+ PDF Chat Distribution theory for hierarchical processes 2018 Federico Camerlenghi
Antonio Lijoi
Peter Orbanz
Igor Prünster
+ PDF Chat Convex Mixture Regression for Quantitative Risk Assessment 2018 Antonio Canale
Daniele Durante
David B. Dunson
+ Bayesian inference with dependent normalized completely random measures 2014 Antonio Lijoi
Bernardo Nipoti
Igor Prünster
+ A Tutorial on MM Algorithms 2004 David R. Hunter
Kenneth Lange
+ PDF Chat Distributional results for means of normalized random measures with independent increments 2003 Eugenio Regazzini
Antonio Lijoi
Igor Prünster
Joseph G. Ibrahim
+ PDF Chat Fast unfolding of communities in large networks 2008 Vincent D. Blondel
Jean‐Loup Guillaume
Renaud Lambiotte
Etienne Lefebvre
+ PDF Chat Conjugate Priors for Exponential Families 1979 Persi Diaconis
Donald Ylvisaker
+ PDF Chat Community Detection and Stochastic Block Models 2018 Emmanuel Abbé
+ PDF Chat Finding and evaluating community structure in networks 2004 Michelle G. Newman
Michelle Girvan
+ Simulation Pseudo-Bias Correction to the Harmonic Mean Estimator of Integrated Likelihoods 2009 Peter Lenk
+ Monotonicity of quadratic-approximation algorithms 1988 Dankmar Böhning
Bruce G. Lindsay
+ PDF Chat How Many Communities Are There? 2015 Diego Franco Saldana
Yi Yu
Yang Feng
+ PDF Chat Understanding predictive information criteria for Bayesian models 2013 Andrew Gelman
Jessica Hwang
Aki Vehtari
+ The EM Algorithm and Extensions 1998 Debashis Kushary
Geoffrey J. McLachlan
Thriyambakam Krishnan
+ Estimation and Prediction for Stochastic Blockstructures 2001 Krzysztof Nowicki
Tom A. B. Snijders
+ PDF Chat Mixture Models With a Prior on the Number of Components 2016 Jeffrey W. Miller
Matthew Tom Harrison
+ PDF Chat Mixtures of Dirichlet Processes with Applications to Bayesian Nonparametric Problems 1974 C. Antoniak
+ Maximum likelihood estimation via the ECM algorithm: A general framework 1993 Xiao‐Li Meng
Donald B. Rubin
+ Ferguson Distributions Via Polya Urn Schemes 1973 David Blackwell
James B. MacQueen
+ Exact and approximate sum representations for the Dirichlet process 2002 Hemant Ishwaran
Mahmoud Zarepour
+ Fundamentals of Nonparametric Bayesian Inference 2017 Subhashis Ghosal
Aad van der Vaart