Ian G. McHale


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Operational Research: methods and applications 2023 Fotios Petropoulos
Gilbert Laporte
Emel Aktaş
Sibel A. Alumur
Claudia Archetti
Hayriye Ayhan
Maria Battarra
Julia A. Bennell
Jean-Marie Bourjolly
John E. Boylan
+ Detecting individual preferences and erroneous verdicts in mixed martial arts judging using Bayesian hierarchical models 2023 Benjamin Holmes
Ian G. McHale
Kamila Żychaluk
+ Operational Research: Methods and Applications 2023 Fotios Petropoulos
Gilbert Laporte
Emel Aktaş
Sibel A. Alumur
Claudia Archetti
Hayriye Ayhan
Maria Battarra
Julia A. Bennell
Jean-Marie Bourjolly
John E. Boylan
+ PDF Chat Plus–minus player ratings for soccer 2019 Tarak Kharrat
Ian G. McHale
Javier López Peña
+ Editorial: Forecasting in sports 2019 Ian G. McHale
Tim B. Swartz
+ PDF Chat Flexible Regression Models for Count Data Based on Renewal Processes: The Countr Package 2019 Tarak Kharrat
Georgi N. Boshnakov
Ian G. McHale
Rose Baker
+ Plus-Minus Player Ratings for Soccer 2017 Tarak Kharrat
Javier López Peña
Ian G. McHale
+ Plus-Minus Player Ratings for Soccer 2017 Tarak Kharrat
Javier López Peña
Ian G. McHale
+ PDF Chat Deterministic Evolution of Strength in Multiple Comparisons Models: Who is the Greatest Golfer? 2014 Rose Baker
Ian G. McHale
+ Optimal Betting Under Parameter Uncertainty: Improving the Kelly Criterion 2013 Rose Baker
Ian G. McHale
+ PDF Chat Playing the lottery with a little bit of stats know-how… 2012 Ian G. McHale
Rose Baker
+ Assessing the fairness of the golf handicapping system in the UK 2010 Ian G. McHale
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Scikit-learn: Machine Learning in Python 2012 Fabián Pedregosa
Gaël Varoquaux
Alexandre Gramfort
Vincent Michel
Bertrand Thirion
Olivier Grisel
Mathieu Blondel
Peter Prettenhofer
Ron J. Weiss
Vincent Dubourg
+ PDF Chat Adjusted Plus-Minus for NHL Players using Ridge Regression with Goals, Shots, Fenwick, and Corsi 2012 Brian Macdonald
+ A network theory analysis of football strategies 2012 Javier López Peña
Hugo Touchette
+ XGBoost 2016 Tianqi Chen
Carlos Guestrin
+ Regularization Paths for Generalized Linear Models via Coordinate Descent. 2010 Jerome H. Friedman
Trevor Hastie
Rob Tibshirani
+ PDF Chat On Estimating the Ability of NBA Players 2011 Paul Fearnhead
Benjamín M. Taylor
+ Statistical Learning with Sparsity 2015 Trevor Hastie
Robert Tibshirani
Martin J. Wainwright
+ Primal-Dual Interior-Point Methods 1997 Stephen J. Wright
+ Interior Point Algorithms 1997 Yinyu Ye
+ Who can replace Xavi? A passing motif analysis of football players 2015 Javier López Peña
Raul Navarro
+ Origins of the simplex method 1990 George B. Dantzig
+ Linear Optimization and Extensions: Theory and Algorithms 1993 Shu‐Cherng Fang
S. Puthenpura
+ LQ Dynamic Optimization and Differential Games 2005 Jacob Engwerda
+ Interior-Point Polynomial Algorithms in Convex Programming 1994 Yurii Nesterov
Arkadi Nemirovski
+ PDF Chat Deterministic Evolution of Strength in Multiple Comparisons Models: Who is the Greatest Golfer? 2014 Rose Baker
Ian G. McHale
+ History of mathematical programming, a collection of personal reminiscences 1992 J. K. Lenstra
A. H. G. Rinnooy Kan
Alexander Schrijver
+ PDF Chat On the shortest spanning subtree of a graph and the traveling salesman problem 1956 Joseph B. Kruskal
+ PDF Chat Round robin scheduling – a survey 2007 Rasmus V. Rasmussen
Michael A. Trick
+ Ties in Paired-Comparison Experiments: A Generalization of the Bradley-Terry Model 1967 P. V. Rao
Lawrence L. Kupper
+ PDF Chat Applied logistic regression 1990 David W. Hosmer
Stanley Lemeshow
+ The Efficiency of Cox's Likelihood Function for Censored Data 1977 Bradley Efron
+ Limiting diffusion approximations for the many server queue and the repairman problem 1965 Donald L. Iglehart
+ An analytical comparison of different formulations of the travelling salesman problem 1991 Manfred Padberg
Ting‐Yi Sung
+ PDF Chat Recursions for Convolutions of Arithmetic Distributions 1985 Nelson De Pril
+ Technical Note—Convex Programming with Set-Inclusive Constraints and Applications to Inexact Linear Programming 1973 A. L. Soyster
+ The Efficiency of the Simplex Method: A Survey 1987 Ron Shamir
+ PDF Chat On Large Delays in Multi-Server Queues with Heavy Tails 2012 Sergey Foss
Dmitry Korshunov
+ The Traveling-Salesman Problem 1956 Merrill M. Flood
+ The fleet assignment problem: Solving a large-scale integer program 1995 Christopher A. Hane
Cynthia Barnhart
Ellis L. Johnson
Roy E. Marsten
George L. Nemhauser
Gabriele Sigismondi
+ Mean Field Games Models—A Brief Survey 2013 Diogo A. Gomes
João Saúde
+ Cut-off method with space extension in convex programming problems 1977 N. Z. Shor
+ On a connection between the Bradley–Terry model and the Cox proportional hazards model 2005 Yuhua Su
Mai Zhou
+ Feature Article—The Ellipsoid Method: A Survey 1981 Robert G. Bland
Donald Goldfarb
Michael J. Todd
+ Regression Models for Count Data in<i>R</i> 2008 Achim Zeileis
Christian Kleiber
Simon Jackman
+ PDF Chat Robust optimization ? methodology and applications 2002 Aharon Ben‐Tal
Arkadi Nemirovski
+ PDF Chat Uniform acceleration expansions for Markov chains with time-varying rates 1998 William A. Massey
Ward Whitt
+ PDF Chat Outline of an algorithm for integer solutions to linear programs 1958 Ralph E. Gomory
+ Statistical Models in S 1991 John M. Chambers
Trevor Hastie
+ Stability and convergence of moments for multiclass queueing networks via fluid limit models 1995 J. G. Dai
Sean Meyn
+ Bootstrap adaptive estimation: The trimmed-mean example 1990 Christian Léger
Joseph P. Romano
+ PDF Chat Improved Bounds and Containing Ellipsoids in Karmarkar's Linear Programming Algorithm 1988 Michael J. Todd
+ Shortest Connection Networks And Some Generalizations 1957 R. C. Prim
+ BARON: A general purpose global optimization software package 1996 Nikolaos V. Sahinidis
+ Taking chances: winning the probability 2000 John Haigh
+ Exploiting Rank Ordered Choice Set Data within the Stochastic Utility Model 1982 Randall G. Chapman
Richard Staelin
+ PDF Chat A Generalization of the Gamma Distribution 1962 E. W. Stacy
+ Quadratic programming with one negative eigenvalue is NP-hard 1991 Pãnos M. Pardalos
Stephen A. Vavasis
+ A Comparison of Some Monte Carlo and Quasi Monte Carlo Techniques for Option Pricing 1998 Peter A. Acworth
Mark Broadie
Paul Glasserman
+ Did Lennox Lewis beat Evander Holyfield?: methods for analysing small sample interrater agreement problems 2002 Herbert K. H. Lee
Daniel Cork
David J. Algranati
+ Alternative models for ordinal logistic regression 1994 Sander Greenland