Nathan S. Babcock


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Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Quantum gates with neutral atoms: Controlling collisional interactions in time-dependent traps 2000 Tommaso Calarco
E. A. Hinds
Dieter Jaksch
Jörg Schmiedmayer
J. I. Cirac
P. Zoller
+ PDF Chat Quantum Logic via the Exchange Blockade in Ultracold Collisions 2007 David Hayes
Paul S. Julienne
Ivan Deutsch
+ PDF Chat Controlled exchange interaction between pairs of neutral atoms in an optical lattice 2007 M. Anderlini
Patricia Lee
B. L. Brown
Jennifer Sebby-Strabley
William D. Phillips
J. V. Porto
+ PDF Chat Oxidative species-induced excitonic transport in tubulin aromatic networks: Potential implications for neurodegenerative disease 2017 Philip Kurian
Thomas O. Obisesan
Travis J. A. Craddock
+ PDF Chat Transport of Bose-Einstein Condensates with Optical Tweezers 2001 T. L. Gustavson
A. P. Chikkatur
A. E. Leanhardt
Axel Görlitz
Subhadeep Gupta
David E. Pritchard
Wolfgang Ketterle
+ PDF Chat Entanglement of group-II-like atoms with fast measurement for quantum information processing 2008 R. Stock
Nathan S. Babcock
Mark G. Raizen
Barry C. Sanders
+ On the existence of superradiant excitonic states in microtubules 2018 G. L. Celardo
Mattia Angeli
Travis J. A. Craddock
Philip Kurian
+ PDF Chat Quantum State Control via Trap-Induced Shape Resonance in Ultracold Atomic Collisions 2003 R. Stock
Ivan Deutsch
Eric L. Bolda
+ PDF Chat Entangling identical bosons in optical tweezers via exchange interaction 2008 Nathan S. Babcock
R. Stock
Mark G. Raizen
Barry C. Sanders
+ PDF Chat Two-color photoassociation spectroscopy of ytterbium atoms and the precise determinations of<mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:mi>s</mml:mi></mml:math>-wave scattering lengths 2008 M. Kitagawa
Katsunari Enomoto
K. Kasa
Yoshiro Takahashi
R. CiuryƂo
Pascal Naidon
Paul S. Julienne
+ PDF Chat Two-dimensional transport and transfer of a single atomic qubit in optical tweezers 2007 J. Beugnon
Charles Tuchendler
H. Marion
Alpha Gaétan
Y. Miroshnychenko
Yvan R. P. Sortais
Andrew M. Lance
M. P. A. Jones
Gaétan Messin
Antoine Browaeys
+ PDF Chat Quantum computing in optical microtraps based on the motional states of neutral atoms 2002 K. Eckert
J. Mompart
X. X. Yi
John Schliemann
Dagmar Bruß
G. Birkl
Maciej Lewenstein
+ PDF Chat Quantum Teleportation is a Universal Computational Primitive 1999 Daniel Gottesman
Isaac L. Chuang
+ PDF Chat Demonstrating the viability of universal quantum computation using teleportation and single-qubit operations 1999 Daniel Gottesman
Isaac L. Chuang
+ PDF Chat Fast Quantum Gates for Neutral Atoms 2000 Dieter Jaksch
J. I. Cirac
P. Zoller
S. L. Rolston
Robin CÎté
Mikhail D. Lukin
+ PDF Chat On the generators of quantum dynamical semigroups 1976 Göran Lindblad
+ PDF Chat Controlled collisions for multi-particle entanglement of optically trapped atoms 2003 Olaf Mandel
Markus Greiner
Artur Widera
Tim Rom
T. W. HĂ€nsch
Immanuel Bloch
+ PDF Chat Quantum Adiabatic Brachistochrone 2009 A. T. Rezakhani
Wen-Jui Kuo
Alioscia Hamma
Daniel A. Lidar
Paolo Zanardi
+ PDF Chat Electric-dipole amplitudes, lifetimes, and polarizabilities of the low-lying levels of atomic ytterbium 1999 S. G. Porsev
Yu. G. Rakhlina
M. G. Kozlov
+ PDF Chat Improved error bounds for the adiabatic approximation 2011 Donny Cheung
Peter HĂžyer
Nathan Wiebe
+ PDF Chat Optical Clocks Based on Ultranarrow Three-Photon Resonances in Alkaline Earth Atoms 2005 Tao Hong
Claire Cramer
Warren Nagourney
E. N. Fortson
+ PDF Chat Quantum-circuit model of Hamiltonian search algorithms 2003 Jérémie Roland
Nicolas J. Cerf
+ PDF Chat Micro-optical Realization of Arrays of Selectively Addressable Dipole Traps: A Scalable Configuration for Quantum Computation with Atomic Qubits 2002 Rainer Dumke
M. Volk
T. MĂŒther
F. B. J. Buchkremer
G. Birkl
W. Ertmer
+ PDF Chat Cooperative robustness to dephasing: Single-exciton superradiance in a nanoscale ring to model natural light-harvesting systems 2014 G. L. Celardo
Paolo Poli
Luca Lussardi
F. Borgonovi
+ PDF Chat Quantum logic for trapped atoms via molecular hyperfine interactions 2002 Gavin K. Brennen
Ivan Deutsch
Carl J. Williams
+ PDF Chat Entanglement of Atoms via Cold Controlled Collisions 1999 Dieter Jaksch
Hans J. Briegel
J. I. Cirac
C. W. Gardiner
P. Zoller
+ PDF Chat Quantum error correction for beginners 2013 Simon J. Devitt
William J. Munro
Kae Nemoto
+ PDF Chat Quantum Tweezer for Atoms 2002 Roberto B. Diener
Biao Wu
Mark G. Raizen
Qian Niu
+ Long-lived quantum coherence in photosynthetic complexes at physiological temperature 2010 Gitt Panitchayangkoon
Dugan Hayes
Kelly A. Fransted
Justin R. Caram
Elad Harel
Jianzhong Wen
Robert E. Blankenship
Gregory S. Engel
+ PDF Chat Quantum computation with quantum dots 1998 Daniel Loss
David P. DiVincenzo
+ PDF Chat Long-distance quantum communication with atomic ensembles and linear optics 2001 L.-M. Duan
Mikhail D. Lukin
J. I. Cirac
P. Zoller
+ PDF Chat Quantum search by local adiabatic evolution 2002 Jérémie Roland
Nicolas J. Cerf
+ PDF Chat Direct Observation of Sub-Poissonian Number Statistics in a Degenerate Bose Gas 2005 Chih‐Sung Chuu
Florian Schreck
T. P. Meyrath
J. L. Hanssen
Gabriel Price
Mark G. Raizen
+ PDF Chat Cooperative robustness to static disorder: Superradiance and localization in a nanoscale ring to model light-harvesting systems found in nature 2014 G. L. Celardo
Giulio G. Giusteri
F. Borgonovi
+ PDF Chat Phase-imprinted multiphoton subradiant states 2017 H. H. Jen
+ PDF Chat Edge States and Topological Invariants of Non-Hermitian Systems 2018 Shunyu Yao
Zhong Wang
+ PDF Chat Super-Radiant Emission from Quantum Dots in a Nanophotonic Waveguide 2018 Je‐Hyung Kim
Shahriar Aghaeimeibodi
Christopher J. K. Richardson
Richard P. Leavitt
Edo Waks
+ PDF Chat Delocalized excitons in natural light-harvesting complexes 2018 Seogjoo Jang
Benedetta Mennucci
+ PDF Chat Quantum Fluctuations in the Fröhlich Condensate of Molecular Vibrations Driven Far From Equilibrium 2019 Zhedong Zhang
G. S. Agarwal
Marlan O. Scully
+ PDF Chat Non-Hermitian Topological Invariants in Real Space 2019 Fei Song
Shunyu Yao
Zhong Wang
+ PDF Chat Super-radiance reveals infinite-range dipole interactions through a nanofiber 2017 Pablo Solano
Pablo Barberis-Blostein
Fredrik K. Fatemi
L. A. Orozco
S. L. Rolston
+ PDF Chat Bounds for the adiabatic approximation with applications to quantum computation 2007 Sabine Jansen
Mary-Beth Ruskai
R. Seiler
+ PDF Chat Adiabatic approximation with exponential accuracy for many-body systems and quantum computation 2009 Daniel A. Lidar
A. T. Rezakhani
Alioscia Hamma
+ PDF Chat State-dependent, addressable subwavelength lattices with cold atoms 2008 Wei Yi
Andrew J. Daley
Guido Pupillo
P. Zoller
+ PDF Chat Out-of-Equilibrium Collective Oscillation as Phonon Condensation in a Model Protein 2018 Ilaria Nardecchia
J. Torres
Mathias Lechelon
Valeria Giliberti
Michele Ortolani
P. Nouvel
Matteo Gori
Yoann Meriguet
Irene Donato
Jordane Preto
+ PDF Chat Adiabatic quantum computation with Cooper pairs 1998 D. V. Averin
+ PDF Chat A short introduction to the Lindblad master equation 2020 Daniel Manzano
+ PDF Chat How powerful is adiabatic quantum computation? 2001 Wim van Dam
Michele Mosca
Umesh Vazirani
+ Room temperature single-photon superfluorescence from a single epitaxial cuboid nano-heterostructure 2021 John P. Philbin
Joseph Kelly
Lintao Peng
Igor Coropceanu
Abhijit Hazarika
Dmitri V. Talapin
Eran Rabani
Xuedan Ma
Prineha Narang
+ Efficient light harvesting and photon sensing via engineered cooperative effects 2021 Francesco Mattiotti
Mohan Sarovar
Giulio G. Giusteri
F. Borgonovi
G. L. Celardo