Jonathan Krause


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Capabilities of Gemini Models in Medicine 2024 Khaled Saab
Tao Tu
Wei‐Hung Weng
Ryutaro Tanno
David Stutz
Ellery Wulczyn
Fan Zhang
Tim Strother
Chunjong Park
Elahe Vedadi
+ Domain-specific optimization and diverse evaluation of self-supervised models for histopathology 2023 Jeremy Lai
Faruk Ahmed
Supriya Vijay
Tiam Jaroensri
Jessica Loo
Saurabh Vyawahare
Saloni Agarwal
F Guimaraes Silvio Jamil
Yossi Matias
Greg S. Corrado
+ Discovering novel systemic biomarkers in photos of the external eye 2022 Boris Babenko
Ilana Traynis
Christina Chen
Preeti Singh
Akib Uddin
Jorge Cuadros
Lauren P. Daskivich
April Y. Maa
Kim Ramasamy
Eugene Yu‐Chuan Kang
+ Improving Medical Annotation Quality to Decrease Labeling Burden Using Stratified Noisy Cross-Validation. 2020 Joy Hsu
Sonia Phene
Akinori Mitani
Jieying Luo
Naama Hammel
Jonathan Krause
Rory Sayres
+ Improving Medical Annotation Quality to Decrease Labeling Burden Using Stratified Noisy Cross-Validation 2020 Joy Hsu
Sonia Phene
Akinori Mitani
Jieying Luo
Naama Hammel
Jonathan Krause
Rory Sayres
+ Deep Learning and Glaucoma Specialists 2019 Sonia Phene
R. Carter Dunn
Naama Hammel
Yun Liu
Jonathan Krause
Naho Kitade
Mike Schaekermann
Rory Sayres
Derek J. Wu
Ashish Bora
+ Deep Learning to Assess Glaucoma Risk and Associated Features in Fundus Images. 2018 Sonia Phene
R. Carter Dunn
Naama Hammel
Yun Liu
Jonathan Krause
Naho Kitade
Mike Schaekermann
Rory Sayres
Derek J. Wu
Ashish Bora
+ Grader Variability and the Importance of Reference Standards for Evaluating Machine Learning Models for Diabetic Retinopathy 2018 Jonathan Krause
Varun Gulshan
Ehsan Rahimy
Peter A. Karth
Kasumi Widner
Greg S. Corrado
Lily Peng
Dale R. Webster
+ PDF Chat Tool Detection and Operative Skill Assessment in Surgical Videos Using Region-Based Convolutional Neural Networks 2018 Amy Jin
Serena Yeung
Jeffrey K. Jopling
Jonathan Krause
Dan E. Azagury
Arnold Milstein
Li Fei-Fei
+ Tool Detection and Operative Skill Assessment in Surgical Videos Using Region-Based Convolutional Neural Networks 2018 Amy Jin
Serena Yeung
Jeffrey K. Jopling
Jonathan Krause
Dan E. Azagury
Arnold Milstein
Li Fei-Fei
+ Deep Learning vs. Human Graders for Classifying Severity Levels of Diabetic Retinopathy in a Real-World Nationwide Screening Program 2018 Paisan Raumviboonsuk
Jonathan Krause
Peranut Chotcomwongse
Rory Sayres
Rajiv Raman
Kasumi Widner
Bilson Campana
Sonia Phene
Kornwipa Hemarat
Mongkol Tadarati
+ PDF Chat Using deep learning and Google Street View to estimate the demographic makeup of neighborhoods across the United States 2017 Timnit Gebru
Jonathan Krause
Yilun Wang
Duyun Chen
Jia Deng
E Aiden
Li Fei-Fei
+ PDF Chat A Hierarchical Approach for Generating Descriptive Image Paragraphs 2017 Jonathan Krause
Justin Johnson
Ranjay Krishna
Li Fei-Fei
+ Scalable Annotation of Fine-Grained Categories Without Experts 2017 Timnit Gebru
Jonathan Krause
Jia Deng
Li Fei-Fei
+ Using Deep Learning and Google Street View to Estimate the Demographic Makeup of the US 2017 Timnit Gebru
Jonathan Krause
Yilun Wang
Duyun Chen
Jia Deng
Erez Aiden Lieberman
Li Fei-Fei
+ PDF Chat Fine-Grained Car Detection for Visual Census Estimation 2017 Timnit Gebru
Jonathan Krause
Yilun Wang
Duyun Chen
Jia Deng
Li Fei-Fei
+ Fine-Grained Car Detection for Visual Census Estimation 2017 Timnit Gebru
Jonathan Krause
Yilun Wang
Duyun Chen
Jia Deng
Li Fei-Fei
+ Scalable Annotation of Fine-Grained Categories Without Experts 2017 Timnit Gebru
Jonathan Krause
Jia Deng
Li Fei-Fei
+ A Hierarchical Approach for Generating Descriptive Image Paragraphs 2016 Jonathan Krause
Justin Johnson
Ranjay Krishna
Li Fei-Fei
+ PDF Chat ImageNet Large Scale Visual Recognition Challenge 2015 Olga Russakovsky
Jia Deng
Hao Su
Jonathan Krause
Sanjeev Satheesh
Sean Ma
Zhiheng Huang
Andrej Karpathy
Aditya Khosla
Michael S. Bernstein
+ The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Noisy Data for Fine-Grained Recognition 2015 Jonathan Krause
Benjamin Sapp
Andrew Howard
Howard Zhou
Alexander Toshev
Tom Duerig
James Philbin
Li Fei-Fei
+ PDF Chat ImageNet Large Scale Visual Recognition Challenge 2015 Olga Russakovsky
Jia Deng
Hao Su
Jonathan Krause
Sanjeev Satheesh
Sean Ma
Zhiheng Huang
Andrej Karpathy
Aditya Khosla
Michael A. Bernstein
+ ImageNet Large Scale Visual Recognition Challenge 2014 Olga Russakovsky
Jia Deng
Hao Su
Jonathan Krause
Sanjeev Satheesh
Sean Ma
Zhiheng Huang
Andrej Karpathy
Aditya Khosla
Michael S. Bernstein
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Very Deep Convolutional Networks for Large-Scale Image Recognition 2014 Karen Simonyan
Andrew Zisserman
+ PDF Chat Rich Feature Hierarchies for Accurate Object Detection and Semantic Segmentation 2014 Ross Girshick
Jeff Donahue
Trevor Darrell
Jitendra Malik
+ PDF Chat ImageNet Large Scale Visual Recognition Challenge 2015 Olga Russakovsky
Jia Deng
Hao Su
Jonathan Krause
Sanjeev Satheesh
Sean Ma
Zhiheng Huang
Andrej Karpathy
Aditya Khosla
Michael S. Bernstein
+ PDF Chat Rethinking the Inception Architecture for Computer Vision 2016 Christian Szegedy
Vincent Vanhoucke
Sergey Ioffe
Jon Shlens
Zbigniew Wojna
+ PDF Chat Faster R-CNN: Towards Real-Time Object Detection with Region Proposal Networks 2016 Shaoqing Ren
Kaiming He
Ross Girshick
Jian Sun
+ Frustratingly Easy Domain Adaptation 2009 Hal Daumé
+ Statistical Inference under Order Restrictions (The Theory and Application of Isotonic Regression) 1973 I. Vincze
R. E. Barlow
D. J. Bartholomew
J. M. Bremner
H. D. Brunk
+ Bird Species Categorization Using Pose Normalized Deep Convolutional Nets 2014 Steve Branson
Grant Van Horn
Serge Belongie
Pietro Perona
+ Spatial Pyramid Pooling in Deep Convolutional Networks for Visual Recognition 2014 Kaiming He
Xiangyu Zhang
Shaoqing Ren
Jian Sun
+ Fast R-CNN 2015 Ross Girshick
+ The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Noisy Data for Fine-Grained Recognition 2015 Jonathan Krause
Benjamin Sapp
Andrew Howard
Howard Zhou
Alexander Toshev
Tom Duerig
James Philbin
Li Fei-Fei
+ PDF Chat Long-term recurrent convolutional networks for visual recognition and description 2015 Jeff Donahue
Lisa Anne Hendricks
Sergio Guadarrama
Marcus Rohrbach
Subhashini Venugopalan
Trevor Darrell
Kate Saenko
+ Visualizing and Understanding Convolutional Networks 2013 Matthew D. Zeiler
Rob Fergus
+ PDF Chat EndoNet: A Deep Architecture for Recognition Tasks on Laparoscopic Videos 2016 Andru Putra Twinanda
Sherif Shehata
Didier Mutter
Jacques Marescaux
Michel de Mathelin
Nicolas Padoy
+ Inception-v4, Inception-ResNet and the Impact of Residual Connections on Learning 2016 Christian Szegedy
Sergey Ioffe
Vincent Vanhoucke
Alexander A. Alemi
+ PDF Chat CIDEr: Consensus-based image description evaluation 2015 Ramakrishna Vedantam
C. Lawrence Zitnick
Devi Parikh
+ DeCAF: A Deep Convolutional Activation Feature for Generic Visual Recognition 2013 Jeff Donahue
Yangqing Jia
Oriol Vinyals
Judy Hoffman
Ning Zhang
Eric Tzeng
Trevor Darrell
+ Deep Captioning with Multimodal Recurrent Neural Networks (m-RNN) 2014 Junhua Mao
Wei Xu
Yi Yang
Jiang Wang
Zhiheng Huang
Alan Yuille
+ PDF Chat SPICE: Semantic Propositional Image Caption Evaluation 2016 Peter Anderson
Basura Fernando
Mark Johnson
Stephen Jay Gould
+ Very Deep Convolutional Networks for Large-Scale Image Recognition 2014 Karen Simonyan
Andrew Zisserman
+ DenseNet: Implementing Efficient ConvNet Descriptor Pyramids 2014 Forrest Iandola
Matthew W. Moskewicz
Sergey Karayev
Ross Girshick
Trevor Darrell
Kurt Keutzer
+ CloudCV: Large Scale Distributed Computer Vision as a Cloud Service 2015 Harsh Agrawal
Clint Solomon Mathialagan
Yash Goyal
Neelima Chavali
Prakriti Banik
Akrit Mohapatra
Ahmed Hamza Osman
Dhruv Batra
+ PDF Chat Video Paragraph Captioning Using Hierarchical Recurrent Neural Networks 2016 Haonan Yu
Jiang Wang
Zhiheng Huang
Yi Yang
Wei Xu
+ Single- and Multi-Task Architectures for Tool Presence Detection Challenge at M2CAI 2016 2016 Andru Putra Twinanda
Didier Mutter
Jacques Marescaux
Michel de Mathelin
Nicolas Padoy
+ PDF Chat DenseCap: Fully Convolutional Localization Networks for Dense Captioning 2016 Justin Johnson
Andrej Karpathy
Li Fei-Fei
+ Tool and Phase recognition using contextual CNN features. 2016 Manish Sahu
Anirban Mukhopadhyay
Angelika Szengel
Stefan Zachow
+ Adam: A Method for Stochastic Optimization 2014 Diederik P. Kingma
Jimmy Ba
+ PDF Chat Coherent Multi-sentence Video Description with Variable Level of Detail 2014 Anna Rohrbach
Marcus Rohrbach
Wei Qiu
Annemarie Friedrich
Manfred Pinkal
Bernt Schiele
+ Training Convolutional Networks with Noisy Labels 2014 Sainbayar Sukhbaatar
Joan Bruna
Manohar Paluri
Lubomir Bourdev
Rob Fergus
+ Fine-Grained Car Detection for Visual Census Estimation 2017 Timnit Gebru
Jonathan Krause
Yilun Wang
Duyun Chen
Jia Deng
Li Fei-Fei
+ PDF Chat Detection and Localization of Robotic Tools in Robot-Assisted Surgery Videos Using Deep Neural Networks for Region Proposal and Detection 2017 Duygu Sarıkaya
Jason J. Corso
Khurshid A. Guru
+ PDF Chat Embracing Error to Enable Rapid Crowdsourcing 2016 Ranjay Krishna
Kenji Hata
Stephanie Chen
Joshua Kravitz
David A. Shamma
Li Fei-Fei
Michael S. Bernstein
+ PDF Chat Show and tell: A neural image caption generator 2015 Oriol Vinyals
Alexander Toshev
Samy Bengio
Dumitru Erhan
+ Grader Variability and the Importance of Reference Standards for Evaluating Machine Learning Models for Diabetic Retinopathy 2018 Jonathan Krause
Varun Gulshan
Ehsan Rahimy
Peter A. Karth
Kasumi Widner
Greg S. Corrado
Lily Peng
Dale R. Webster
+ PDF Chat Exploiting Social Network Structure for Person-to-Person Sentiment Analysis 2014 Robert West
Hristo S. Paskov
Jure Leskovec
Christopher Potts
+ Improving neural networks by preventing co-adaptation of feature detectors 2012 Geoffrey E. Hinton
Nitish Srivastava
Alex Krizhevsky
Ilya Sutskever
Ruslan Salakhutdinov
+ Deep Epitomic Convolutional Neural Networks. 2014 George Papandreou
+ Deep Learning using Support Vector Machines 2013 Yichuan Tang
+ OverFeat: Integrated Recognition, Localization and Detection using Convolutional Networks 2013 Pierre Sermanet
David Eigen
Xiang Zhang
Michaël Mathieu
Rob Fergus
Yann LeCun
+ Training Deep Neural Networks on Noisy Labels with Bootstrapping 2014 Scott Reed
Honglak Lee
Dragomir Anguelov
Christian Szegedy
Dumitru Erhan
Andrew Rabinovich
+ Going Deeper with Convolutions 2014 Christian Szegedy
Wei Liu
Yangqing Jia
Pierre Sermanet
Scott Reed
Dragomir Anguelov
Dumitru Erhan
Vincent Vanhoucke
Andrew Rabinovich
+ DeepID-Net: multi-stage and deformable deep convolutional neural networks for object detection 2014 Wanli Ouyang
Ping Luo
Xingyu Zeng
Shi Qiu
Yonglong Tian
Hongsheng Li
Shuo Yang
Zhe Wang
Yuanjun Xiong
Qian Chen
+ PDF Chat Deep visual-semantic alignments for generating image descriptions 2015 Andrej Karpathy
Li Fei-Fei
+ Efficient Estimation of Word Representations in Vector Space 2013 Tomáš Mikolov
Kai Chen
Greg S. Corrado
Jay B. Dean
+ Sparse arrays of signatures for online character recognition 2013 Benjamin Graham
+ PDF Chat Fine-Grained Car Detection for Visual Census Estimation 2017 Timnit Gebru
Jonathan Krause
Yilun Wang
Duyun Chen
Jia Deng
Li Fei-Fei
+ Network In Network 2014 Min Lin
Qiang Chen
Shuicheng Yan
+ PDF Chat Joint Optimization Framework for Learning with Noisy Labels 2018 Daiki Tanaka
Daiki Ikami
Toshihiko Yamasaki
Kiyoharu Aizawa
+ PDF Chat Making Deep Neural Networks Robust to Label Noise: A Loss Correction Approach 2017 Giorgio Patrini
Alessandro Rozza
Aditya Krishna Menon
Richard Nock
Lizhen Qu
+ PDF Chat Inception-v4, Inception-ResNet and the Impact of Residual Connections on Learning 2017 Christian Szegedy
Sergey Ioffe
Vincent Vanhoucke
Alexander A. Alemi