Jean‐Paul Penot


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Second–Order Generalized Derivatives : Relationships with Convergence Notions 2024 Jean‐Paul Penot
+ The Semiconvex Regularization of Functions 2023 Van Huynh Ngai
Jean‐Paul Penot
+ On the Basins of Attraction of Gradient Vector Fields 2023 Jean‐Paul Penot
+ PDF Chat What is a Lipschitzian Manifold? 2022 Jean‐Paul Penot
+ A Versatile Approach to Metric Regularity, Openness, and Lipschitzian Properties 2019 Jean‐Paul Penot
+ Error Bounds and Multipliers in Constrained Optimization Problems with Tolerance 2019 Jean‐Paul Penot
+ Helping You Finding an Appropriate Regularization Process 2018 Huynh Van Ngai
Jean‐Paul Penot
+ Representation of generalized monotone multimaps 2018 Jean‐Paul Penot
+ Revisiting some Rules of Convex Analysis 2017 Jean‐Paul Penot
+ PDF Chat Subdifferentiation of integral functionals 2017 Emmanuel Giner
Jean‐Paul Penot
+ PDF Chat Subdifferentiation of integral functionals 2017 Emmanuel Giner
Jean‐Paul Penot
+ PDF Chat Higher-Order Optimality Conditions and Higher-Order Tangent Sets 2017 Jean‐Paul Penot
+ PDF Chat Least squares solutions of linear inequality systems: a pedestrian approach 2016 Luis Contesse
Jean‐Baptiste Hiriart‐Urruty
Jean‐Paul Penot
+ Subdifferentiation of Regularized Functions 2016 Huynh Van Ngai
Jean‐Paul Penot
+ Subdifferentiation of regularized functions 2016 Huynh Van Ngai
Jean‐Paul Penot
+ Encounters With Limits 2016 Jean‐Paul Penot
+ The Power of Differential Calculus 2016 Jean‐Paul Penot
+ Elements of Functional Analysis 2016 Jean‐Paul Penot
+ Partial Differential Equations 2016 Jean‐Paul Penot
+ Differentiation and Integration 2016 Jean‐Paul Penot
+ A Touch of Convex Analysis 2016 Jean‐Paul Penot
+ Sets, Orders, Relations and Measures 2016 Jean‐Paul Penot
+ Evolution Problems 2016 Jean‐Paul Penot
+ Hilbert Spaces 2016 Jean‐Paul Penot
+ Integration 2016 Jean‐Paul Penot
+ On the relations between some second-order derivatives 2015 Jean‐Paul Penot
+ Projective dualities for quasiconvex problems 2014 Jean‐Paul Penot
+ Optimality Conditions in Semidefinite Programming 2014 Jean‐Paul Penot
+ A note on the connection between Chaney’s derivatives and epi-derivatives 2014 Liren Huang
Jean‐Paul Penot
+ A note on the connection between Chaney's derivatives and epi-derivatives 2014 Liren Huang
Jean‐Paul Penot
+ Conjugacies adapted to lower semicontinuous functions 2013 Jean‐Paul Penot
+ Conciliating Generalized Derivatives 2013 Jean‐Paul Penot
+ Directionally limiting subdifferentials and second-order optimality conditions 2013 Jean‐Paul Penot
+ Semigroups of Relations and Subdifferentials of the Minimal Time Function and of the Geodesic Distance 2013 Jean‐Paul Penot
+ Semigroups of relationsand subdifferentils of the minimal time function and of the geodesic distance 2013 Jean‐Paul Penot
+ Conciliating generalized derivatives 2013 Jean‐Paul Penot
+ Conciliating generalized derivatives 2013 Jean‐Paul Penot
+ PDF Chat Legendre functions and the theory of characteristics 2012 Jean‐Paul Penot
+ Elements of Differential Calculus 2012 Jean‐Paul Penot
+ Elementary and Viscosity Subdifferentials 2012 Jean‐Paul Penot
+ Elements of Convex Analysis 2012 Jean‐Paul Penot
+ Metric and Topological Tools 2012 Jean‐Paul Penot
+ Circa-Subdifferentials, Clarke Subdifferentials 2012 Jean‐Paul Penot
+ Graded Subdifferentials, Ioffe Subdifferentials 2012 Jean‐Paul Penot
+ Limiting Subdifferentials 2012 Jean‐Paul Penot
+ PDF Chat Generalized Affine Functions and Generalized Differentials 2012 Nguyen Thi Hong Linh
Jean‐Paul Penot
+ Journal of Convex Analysis 2012 Giuseppe Buttazzo
Lionel Thibault
Roger J.‐B. Wets
Hédy Attouch
A. Auslender
D. Azé
Erik J. Balder
B. Bank
Gerald Beer
Aharon Ben‐Tal
+ PDF Chat Generalized convex functions and generalized differentials 2011 Nguyen Thi Hong Linh
Jean‐Paul Penot
+ Codifferential Calculus 2010 Shengjie Li
Jean‐Paul Penot
Xiaowei Xue
+ Image space approach and subdifferentials of integral functionals 2010 Jean‐Paul Penot
+ The directional subdifferential of the difference of two convex functions 2010 Jean‐Paul Penot
+ Error bounds, calmness and their applications in nonsmooth analysis 2010 Jean‐Paul Penot
+ A short proof of the separable reduction theorem 2010 Jean‐Paul Penot
+ Are dualities appropriate for duality theories in optimization? 2009 Jean‐Paul Penot
+ Calculus Rules for Derivatives of Multimaps 2009 S. J. Li
Kaiwen Meng
Jean‐Paul Penot
+ Ekeland Duality as a Paradigm 2009 Jean‐Paul Penot
+ Calculus rules for derivatives of multimaps 2009 S. J. Li
Kaiwen Meng
Jean‐Paul Penot
Jean‐Paul Penot
+ Persistence and stability of solutions of Hamilton–Jacobi equations 2008 Jean‐Paul Penot
Constantin Zălinescu
+ PDF Chat On the Subdifferentiability of the Difference of Two Functions and Local Minimization 2008 Tijani Amahroq
Jean‐Paul Penot
Aïcha Syam
+ Natural closures, natural compositions and natural sums of monotone operators 2008 Jean‐Paul Penot
+ PDF Chat Paraconvex functions and paraconvex sets 2008 Huynh Van Ngai
Jean‐Paul Penot
+ PDF Chat Delineating nice classes of nonsmooth functions 2008 Jean‐Paul Penot
+ PDF Chat Gap Continuity of Multimaps 2007 Jean‐Paul Penot
+ PDF Chat In Asplund spaces, approximately convex functions and regular functions are generically differentiable 2007 Ngai Huynh Van
Jean‐Paul Penot
+ PDF Chat Duality methods for the study of Hamilton-Jacobi equations 2007 Jean‐Paul Penot
Michel Volle
+ PDF Chat Infinitesimal calculus in metric spaces 2007 Jean‐Paul Penot
+ PDF Chat Glimpses upon quasiconvex analysis 2007 Jean‐Paul Penot
+ Infinitesimal calculus in metric spaces 2007 Jean‐Paul Penot
+ Critical duality 2007 Jean‐Paul Penot
+ Convex analysis can be helpful for the asymptotic analysis of monotone operators 2007 Jean‐Paul Penot
Constantin Zălinescu
+ PDF Chat Duality methods for the study of Hamilton–Jacobi equations 2007 Jean‐Paul Penot
Michel Volle
+ Bounded (Hausdorff) Convergence: Basic Facts and Applications 2007 Jean‐Paul Penot
Constantin Zălinescu
+ Softness, sleekness and regularity properties in nonsmooth analysis 2007 Jean‐Paul Penot
+ PDF Chat Glimpses upon quasiconvex analysis 2007 Jean‐Paul Penot
+ Rambling Through Local Versions of Generalized Convex Functions and Generalized Monotone Operators 2006 Huynh Van Ngai
Jean‐Paul Penot
+ Monotonicity and Dualities 2006 Jean‐Paul Penot
+ Tangentially ds functions 2006 Elisa Caprari
Jean‐Paul Penot
+ Approximately convex functions and approximately monotonic operators 2006 Huynh Van Ngai
Jean‐Paul Penot
+ Subdifferentials of Distance Functions, Approximations and Enlargements 2006 Jean‐Paul Penot
Robert Ratsimahalo
+ PDF Chat Regularization by erasement 2006 Juan Enrique Martínez-Legaz
Jean‐Paul Penot
+ Noncoercive problems and asymptotic conditions 2006 Jean‐Paul Penot
+ Optimality Conditions for Quasiconvex Programs 2006 Nguyen Thi Hong Linh
Jean‐Paul Penot
+ PDF Chat Generalized affine maps and generalized convex functions 2006 Thi Hong Linh Nguyen
Jean‐Paul Penot
+ On the convergence of maximal monotone operators 2005 Jean‐Paul Penot
Constantin Zălinescu
+ On the existence of Lagrange multipliers in nonlinear programming in Banach spaces 2005 Jean‐Paul Penot
+ Unilateral Analysis and Duality 2005 Jean‐Paul Penot
+ Multipliers and general Lagrangians 2005 Jean‐Paul Penot
A. M. Rubinov
+ The Use of Nonsmooth Analysis and of Duality Methods for the Study of Hamilton-Jacobi Equations 2005 Jean‐Paul Penot
+ PDF Chat Some problems about the representation of monotone operators by convex functions 2005 Jean‐Paul Penot
Constantin Zălinescu
+ A comparative study of various notions of approximation of sets 2005 Ali Agadi
Jean‐Paul Penot
+ Inversion of multifunctions and differential inclusions 2005 Khadra Nachi
Jean‐Paul Penot
+ Continuity properties of projection operators 2005 Jean‐Paul Penot
+ Bounded convergence for perturbed minimization problems 2004 Jean‐Paul Penot
Constantin Zălinescu
+ Continuity of the Legendre–Fenchel transform for some variational convergences 2004 Jean‐Paul Penot
Constantin Zălinescu
+ Calmness and Stability Properties of Marginal and Performance Functions 2004 Jean‐Paul Penot
+ The relevance of convex analysis for the study of monotonicity 2004 Jean‐Paul Penot
+ PDF Chat Differentiability Properties of Optimal Value Functions 2004 Jean‐Paul Penot
+ PDF Chat A representation of maximal monotone operators by closed convex functions and its impact on calculus rules 2004 Jean‐Paul Penot
+ Surrogate Programming and Multipliers in Quasi-convex Programming 2004 Jean‐Paul Penot
Michel Volle
+ A metric approach to asymptotic analysis 2003 Jean‐Paul Penot
+ Lagrangian Approach to Quasiconvex Programing 2003 Jean‐Paul Penot
+ Characterization of Solution Sets of Quasiconvex Programs 2003 Jean‐Paul Penot
+ PDF Chat Autoconjugate functions and representations of monotone operators 2003 Jean‐Paul Penot
+ PDF Chat A fixed-point theorem for asymptotically contractive mappings 2003 Jean‐Paul Penot
+ Rotundity, smoothness and duality 2003 Jean‐Paul Penot
+ Is Convexity Useful for the Study of Monotonicity? 2003 Jean‐Paul Penot
+ None 2003 Jean‐Paul Penot
Constantin Zălinescu
+ PDF Chat Integration of multivalued operators and cyclic submonotonicity 2002 Aris Daniilidis
Pando Georgiev
Jean‐Paul Penot
+ None 2002 Jean‐Paul Penot
+ Lower Subdifferentiability and Integration 2002 Mohammed Bachir
Aris Daniilidis
Jean‐Paul Penot
+ Lipschitzian Behavior of the Fenchel Biconjugacy 2002 Jean‐Paul Penot
+ A duality for starshaped functions 2002 Jean‐Paul Penot
+ Variational Subdifferential for Quasiconvex Functions 2001 Jean‐Paul Penot
+ On the Yosida approximation of operators 2001 Jean‐Paul Penot
Robert Ratsimahalo
+ PDF Chat Convergence of asymptotic directions 2001 Dinh The Luc
Jean‐Paul Penot
+ None 2001 Jean‐Paul Penot
+ None 2001 Jean‐Paul Penot
+ Convexity and Generalized Convexity Methods for the Study of Hamilton-Jacobi Equations 2001 Jean‐Paul Penot
Michel Volle
+ Approximation of Functions and Sets 2001 Jean‐Paul Penot
Constantin Zălinescu
+ Generalized Convexity and Generalized Monotonicity 2001 Nicolas Hadjisavvas
Juan Enrique Martínez-Legaz
Jean‐Paul Penot
+ Generalized convexity and generalized monotonicity : proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Generalized Convexity/Monotonicity, Samos, September 1999 2001 Nicolas Hadjisavvas
Juan Enrique Martínez-Legaz
Jean‐Paul Penot
+ What is quasiconvex analysis? 2000 Jean‐Paul Penot
+ On Minimizing and Critical Sequences in Nonsmooth Optimization 2000 Liren Huang
K. F. Ng
Jean‐Paul Penot
+ Elements of quasiconvex subdifferential calculus. 2000 Jean‐Paul Penot
Constantin Zălinescu
+ Recent Advances on Second-Order Optimality Conditions 2000 Jean‐Paul Penot
+ Some Links Between Approximation, Nonsmooth Analysis, Penalization and Regularization 1999 Jean‐Paul Penot
+ Cooperative behavior of functions, relations and sets 1998 Jean‐Paul Penot
+ Proximal Mappings 1998 Jean‐Paul Penot
+ Subtraction Theorems and Approximate Openness for Multifunctions: Topological and Infinitesimal Viewpoints 1998 D. Azé
Chin Cheng Chou
Jean‐Paul Penot
+ Are Generalized Derivatives Sseful for Generalized Convex Functions? 1998 Jean‐Paul Penot
+ Optimality conditions for mildly nonsmooth constrained optimization 1998 Jean‐Paul Penot
+ Second-Order Conditions for Optimization Problems with Constraints 1998 Jean‐Paul Penot
+ Characterizations of generalized convexities via generalized directional derivatives 1998 Phạm Hữu Sách
Jean‐Paul Penot
+ PDF Chat Characterizations of metric projections in Banach spaces and applications 1998 Jean‐Paul Penot
Robert Ratsimahalo
+ None 1998 Jean‐Paul Penot
+ Generalized Monotonicity of Subdifferentials and Generalized Convexity 1997 Jean‐Paul Penot
Phạm Hữu Sách
+ Mean-Value Theorem with Small Subdifferentials 1997 Jean‐Paul Penot
+ Multipliers and Generalized Derivatives of Performance Functions 1997 Jean‐Paul Penot
+ Generalized Convexity of Functions and Generalized Monotonicity of Set-Valued Maps 1997 Jean‐Paul Penot
P. H. Quang
+ PDF Chat Limiting subhessians, limiting subjets and their calculus 1997 A. D. Ioffe
Jean‐Paul Penot
+ None 1997 Jean‐Paul Penot
+ TECHNICAL NOTE Generalized Monotonicity of Subdifferentials and Generalized Convexity1 1997 Jean‐Paul Penot
Phạm Hữu Sách
+ Conditioning convex and nonconvex problems 1996 Jean‐Paul Penot
+ Favorable classes of mappings and multimappings in nonlinear analysis and optimization. 1996 Jean‐Paul Penot
+ Subdieren tial Calculus Without Qualication Assumptions 1996 Jean‐Paul Penot
+ On the Interchange of Subdifferentiation and Epi-Convergence 1995 Jean‐Paul Penot
+ Miscellaneous Incidences of Convergence Theories in Optimization and Nonlinear Analysis, Part II: Applications in Nonsmooth Analysis 1995 Jean‐Paul Penot
+ Infinite products of relations, set-valued series and uniform openness of multifunctions 1995 Chin-Cheng Chou
Jean‐Paul Penot
+ Generalized Convexity in the Light of Nonsmooth Analysis 1995 Jean‐Paul Penot
+ PDF Chat Uniformly convex and uniformly smooth convex functions 1995 D. Azé
Jean‐Paul Penot
+ Generalized derivatives and generalized convexities 1994 Jean‐Paul Penot
P. H. Quang
Phạm Hữu Sách
+ Optimality conditions in mathematical programming and composite optimization 1994 Jean‐Paul Penot
+ Sub-hessians, super-hessians and conjugation 1994 Jean‐Paul Penot
+ Second-order moderate derivatives 1994 Philippe Michel
Jean‐Paul Penot
+ Miscellaneous incidences of convergence theories in optimization and nonlinear analysis I: Behavior of solutions 1994 Jean‐Paul Penot
+ PDF Chat The Joly topology and the Mosco-Beer topology revisited 1993 D. Azé
Jean‐Paul Penot
+ Preservation of persistence and stability under intersections and operations, part 1: Persistence 1993 Jean‐Paul Penot
+ Preservation of persistence and stability under intersections and operations, part 2: Stability 1993 Jean‐Paul Penot
+ On the convergence of subdifferentials of convex functions 1993 Jean‐Paul Penot
+ Metrically well-set minimization problems 1992 Ewa M. Bednarczuk
Jean‐Paul Penot
+ Topologies and convergences on the space of convex functions 1992 Jean‐Paul Penot
+ PDF Chat The Cosmic Hausdorff Topology, the Bounded Hausdorff Topology and Continuity of Polarity 1991 Jean‐Paul Penot
+ Continuity of the fenchel correspondence and continuity of polarities 1991 Luis Contesse
Jean‐Paul Penot
+ Continuity of the approximate subdifferential 1991 Luis Contesse
Jean‐Paul Penot
+ Towards minimal assumptions for the infimal convolution regularization 1991 M. L. Bougeard
Jean‐Paul Penot
Alain Pommellet
+ PDF Chat The cosmic Hausdorff topology, the bounded Hausdorff topology and continuity of polarity 1991 Jean‐Paul Penot
+ Topological stability results about approximate solutions of parametrized minimization problems 1991 Jean‐Paul Penot
Michel Volle
+ On Quasi-Convex Duality 1990 Jean‐Paul Penot
Michel Volle
+ Inversion of real-valued functions and applications 1990 Jean‐Paul Penot
Michel Volle
+ Operations on convergent families of sets and functions 1990 D. Azé
Jean‐Paul Penot
+ On Strongly Convex and Paraconvex Dualities 1990 Jean‐Paul Penot
Michel Volle
+ Parametrized multicriteria optimization; Order continuity of the marginal multifunctions 1989 Jean‐Paul Penot
Alicja Sterna-Karwat
+ Comparing New Notions of Tangent Cones 1989 Alejandro Jofré
Jean‐Paul Penot
+ Metric regularity, openness and Lipschitzian behavior of multifunctions 1989 Jean‐Paul Penot
+ Erratum: Differentiability of Relations and Differential Stability of Perturbed Optimization Problems 1988 Jean‐Paul Penot
+ Approximation and decomposition properties of some classes of locally D.C. functions 1988 Jean‐Paul Penot
M. L. Bougeard
+ On the mean value theorem 1988 Jean‐Paul Penot
+ Local minimality versus spongious minimality 1988 Jean‐Paul Penot
+ Parametrized multicriteria optimization: Continuity and closedness of optimal multifunctions 1986 Jean‐Paul Penot
Alicja Sterna-Karwat
+ A new constraint qualification condition 1986 Jean‐Paul Penot
+ The drop theorem, the petal theorem and Ekeland's variational principle 1986 Jean‐Paul Penot
+ Open mappings theorems and linearization stability 1985 Jean‐Paul Penot
+ PDF Chat A characterization of Clarke’s strict tangent cone via nonlinear semigroups 1985 Jean‐Paul Penot
+ Variations on the Theme of Nonsmooth Analysis: Another Subdifferential 1985 Jean‐Paul Penot
+ Conjugate convex operators 1984 Jonathan M. Borwein
Jean‐Paul Penot
Michel Théra
+ Differentiability of Relations and Differential Stability of Perturbed Optimization Problems 1984 Jean‐Paul Penot
+ PDF Chat Surjectivity of multifunctions under generalized differentiability assumptions 1983 Serge Gautier
G. Isac
Jean‐Paul Penot
+ Compact nets, filters, and relations 1983 Jean‐Paul Penot
+ Semi-continuous mappings in general topology 1982 Jean‐Paul Penot
Michel Théra
+ On regularity conditions in mathematical programming 1982 Jean‐Paul Penot
+ Critical Paths and Passes: Application to Quantum Chemistry 1981 D. Liotard
Jean‐Paul Penot
+ PDF Chat Fixed point theorems without convexity 1979 Jean‐Paul Penot
+ Calcul sous-differentiel et optimisation 1978 Jean‐Paul Penot
+ PDF Chat A remark on the direct method of the calculus of variations 1977 Jean‐Paul Penot
+ Champs mesurables et multisections 1976 Claude Delode
Omar Bouazza Ariño
Jean‐Paul Penot
+ PDF Chat Topologie faible sur des variétés de Banach. Application aux géodésiques des variétés de Sobolev 1974 Jean‐Paul Penot
+ PDF Chat Calcul différentiel dans les espaces vectoriels topologiques 1973 Jean‐Paul Penot
+ PDF Chat Sur le théorème de Frobenius 1970 Jean‐Paul Penot
+ La structure des groupes de Lie 1968 G. Hochschild
Jean‐Paul Penot
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Optimization and Nonsmooth Analysis 1990 Frank H. Clarke
+ On regularity conditions in mathematical programming 1982 Jean‐Paul Penot
+ Variational Convergence for Functions and Operators 1984 Hédy Attouch
+ Convex Analysis in General Vector Spaces 2002 Constantin Zălinescu
+ Compact nets, filters, and relations 1983 Jean‐Paul Penot
+ What is quasiconvex analysis? 2000 Jean‐Paul Penot
+ A characterization of tangential regularity 1981 Jean Paul Penot
+ Operations on convergent families of sets and functions 1990 D. Azé
Jean‐Paul Penot
+ PDF Chat Convex Functions, Monotone Operators and Differentiability 1989 R. R. Phelps
+ PDF Chat Convex Analysis and Measurable Multifunctions 1977 Charles Castaing
Michel Valadier
+ ON SUBDIFFERENTIABILITY SPACES 1983 Александр Давидович Иоффе
+ PDF Chat Subdifferentiability spaces and nonsmooth analysis 1984 A. D. Ioffe
+ Preservation of persistence and stability under intersections and operations, part 1: Persistence 1993 Jean‐Paul Penot
+ On Quasi-Convex Duality 1990 Jean‐Paul Penot
Michel Volle
+ Regularity and Stability for Convex Multivalued Functions 1976 Stephen M. Robinson
+ Differentiability of Relations and Differential Stability of Perturbed Optimization Problems 1984 Jean‐Paul Penot
+ Convergence of convex sets and of solutions of variational inequalities 1969 Umberto Mosco
+ 1. Conjugate Duality and Optimization 1974 R. T. Rockafellar
+ PDF Chat A generalized derivative for calm and stable functions 1992 Philippe Michel
Jean Paul Penot
H. Brézis
+ Towards minimal assumptions for the infimal convolution regularization 1991 M. L. Bougeard
Jean‐Paul Penot
Alain Pommellet
+ PDF Chat Nonsmooth sequential analysis in Asplund spaces 1996 Boris S. Mordukhovich
Yongheng Shao
+ Proximal Analysis and Approximate Subdifferentials 1990 A. D. Ioffe
+ Favorable classes of mappings and multimappings in nonlinear analysis and optimization. 1996 Jean‐Paul Penot
+ PDF Chat The cosmic Hausdorff topology, the bounded Hausdorff topology and continuity of polarity 1991 Jean‐Paul Penot
+ Continuity of the fenchel correspondence and continuity of polarities 1991 Luis Contesse
Jean‐Paul Penot
+ A mean value theorem for Fréchet subgradients 1994 Philip D. Loewen
+ Geometric Functional Analysis and its Applications 1975 Richard B. Holmes
+ PDF Chat Mean value property and subdifferential criteria for lower semicontinuous functions 1995 Didier Aussel
Jean-Noël Corvellec
Marc Lassonde
+ Variational Analysis 1998 R. T. Rockafellar
Roger J.‐B. Wets
+ Proximal Mappings 1998 Jean‐Paul Penot
+ PDF Chat Subsmooth sets: Functional characterizations and related concepts 2004 Didier Aussel
Aris Daniilidis
Lionel Thibault
+ A remark on regularization in Hilbert spaces 1986 Jean‐Michel Lasry
P. L. Lions
+ PDF Chat Quantitative stability of variational systems. I. The epigraphical distance 1991 Hédy Attouch
Roger J.‐B. Wets
+ Directionally Lipschitzian Functions and Subdifferential Calculus 1979 R. T. Rockafellar
+ Lower subdifferentiable functions and their minimization by cutting planes 1985 Frank Plastria
+ Approximate subdifferentials and applications 3: the metric theory 1989 A. D. Ioffe
+ On lower subdifferentiable functions 1988 Juan Enrique Martínez-Legaz
+ PDF Chat Approximation and regularization of arbitrary functions in Hilbert spaces by the Lasry–Lions method 1993 Hédy Attouch
D. Azé
+ Conditioning convex and nonconvex problems 1996 Jean‐Paul Penot
+ Geometric Nonlinear Functional Analysis 1999 Yoav Benyamini
Joram Lindenstrauss
+ Strong and Weak Convexity of Sets and Functions 1983 Jean-Philippe Vial
+ PDF Chat Uniformly convex and uniformly smooth convex functions 1995 D. Azé
Jean‐Paul Penot
+ PDF Chat The proximal normal formula in Banach space 1987 Jonathan M. Borwein
J. R. Giles
+ PDF Chat Minimax and Monotonicity 1998 Stephen Simons
+ PDF Chat Characterization of lower semicontinuous convex functions 1992 Rafaël Correa
A. Jofré
Lionel Thibault
+ Calcul sous-differentiel et optimisation 1978 Jean‐Paul Penot
+ Smoothness and renormings in Banach spaces 1993 Robert Deville
Gilles Godefroy
Václav Zizler
+ Unilateral Analysis and Duality 2005 Jean‐Paul Penot
+ PDF Chat Generalized Directional Derivatives and Subgradients of Nonconvex Functions 1980 R. T. Rockafellar
+ PDF Chat Nonconvex minimization problems 1979 Ivar Ekeland