José N. V. Gomes


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Gradient Einstein-type warped products: Rigidity, existence and nonexistence results via a nonlinear PDE 2025 José N. V. Gomes
Willian Isáo Tokura
+ PDF Chat A note on Huisken monotonicity-type formula for the mean curvature flow in a gradient shrinking extended Ricci soliton background 2024 José N. V. Gomes
Matheus Hudson
Hikaru Yamamoto
+ Hadamard-type variation formulas for the eigenvalues of the $\eta$-Laplacian and applications 2024 José N. V. Gomes
Marcus A. M. Marrocos
R. R. Mesquita
+ PDF Chat Gradient Einstein-type warped products: rigidity, existence and nonexistence results via a nonlinear PDE 2024 José N. V. Gomes
Willian Isáo Tokura
+ PDF Chat Geometric and analytic results for Einstein solitons 2024 Enrique Fernando López Agila
José N. V. Gomes
+ PDF Chat Mean Curvature Flow in an Extended Ricci Flow Background 2023 José N. V. Gomes
Matheus Hudson
+ PDF Chat Eigenvalue estimates for a class of elliptic differential operators in divergence form on Riemannian manifolds isometrically immersed in Euclidean space 2023 Marcio C. Araújo Filho
José N. V. Gomes
+ Mean curvature flow in an extended Ricci flow background 2023 José N. V. Gomes
Matheus Hudson
+ Hadamard-type variation formulae for the eigenvalues of a class of second-order elliptic operators and its applications 2023 Cleiton Lira Cunha
José N. V. Gomes
Marcus A. M. Marrocos
+ Preface of the volume TYAN virtual thematic workshop in mathematics 2023 José N. V. Gomes
Paolo Piccione
Eduardo V. Teixeira
+ PDF Chat Estimates of eigenvalues of an elliptic differential system in divergence form 2022 Marcio C. Araújo Filho
José N. V. Gomes
+ Compact gradient Einstein-type manifolds with boundary 2022 Allan Freitas
José N. V. Gomes
+ Eigenvalue estimates for a class of elliptic differential operators in divergence form on Riemannian manifolds isometrically immersed in Euclidean space 2022 Marcio C. Araújo Filho
José N. V. Gomes
+ Geometrical and analytical results for Einstein solitons 2022 Enrique Fernando López Agila
José N. V. Gomes
+ PDF Chat A note on gradient Ricci soliton warped metrics 2021 José N. V. Gomes
Marcus A. M. Marrocos
Adrian V. C. Ribeiro
+ Eigenvalue estimates of the drifted Cheng-Yau operator on bounded domains in pinched Cartan-Hadamard manifolds 2021 Júlio C. M. da Fonseca
José N. V. Gomes
+ Eigenvalue estimates of the drifted Cheng-Yau operator on bounded domains in pinched Cartan-Hadamard manifolds 2021 Júlio C. M. da Fonseca
José N. V. Gomes
+ Estimates of eigenvalues of an elliptic differential system in divergence form 2020 Marcio C. Araújo Filho
José N. V. Gomes
+ Estimates of eigenvalues of an elliptic differential system in divergence form 2020 Marcio C. Araújo Filho
José N. V. Gomes
+ A note on gradient Einstein-type manifolds 2019 José N. V. Gomes
+ Gradient Ricci almost soliton warped product 2019 Francisco Eteval da Silva Feitosa
Antonio Airton Freitas Filho
José N. V. Gomes
R. S. Pina
+ PDF Chat Generic Spectrum of Warped Products and G-Manifolds 2018 Marcus A. M. Marrocos
José N. V. Gomes
+ On eigenvalue generic properties of the Laplace–Neumann operator 2018 José N. V. Gomes
Marcus A. M. Marrocos
+ PDF Chat A new characterization of the Euclidean sphere 2018 Abdênago Barros
Cícero P. Aquino
José N. V. Gomes
+ PDF Chat Eigenvalue estimates for a class of elliptic differential operators in divergence form 2018 José N. V. Gomes
Juliana F.R. Miranda
+ PDF Chat On the construction of gradient Ricci soliton warped product 2017 Francisco Eteval da Silva Feitosa
Antonio Airton Freitas Filho
José N. V. Gomes
+ Characterizations of immersed gradient almost Ricci solitons 2017 Cícero P. Aquino
Henrique F. de Lima
José N. V. Gomes
+ Classification of base of warped product almost Ricci solitons 2017 José N. V. Gomes
Manoel V. M. Neto
+ Classification of base of warped product almost Ricci solitons 2017 José N. V. Gomes
Manoel V. M. Neto
+ On the <mml:math xmlns:mml="" id="mml1" display="inline" overflow="scroll" altimg="si1.gif"><mml:mi>h</mml:mi></mml:math>-almost Ricci soliton 2016 José N. V. Gomes
Qiaoling Wang
Changyu Xia
+ Eigenvalue estimates for a class of elliptic differential operators in divergence form 2016 José N. V. Gomes
Juliana F.R. Miranda
+ Triviality of Compact m-Quasi-Einstein Manifolds 2016 Abdênago Barros
José N. V. Gomes
+ Complete hypersurfaces with two distinct principal curvatures in a locally symmetric Riemannian manifold 2015 José N. V. Gomes
Henrique F. de Lima
Fábio R. dos Santos
Marco Antonio L. Velásquez
A. A. Freitas
José N. V. Gomes
R. S. Pina
+ Gradient almost Ricci soliton warped product 2015 Francisco Eteval da Silva Feitosa
Antonio Airton Freitas Filho
José N. V. Gomes
R. S. Pina
+ Gradient Ricci soliton warped product 2015 Francisco Eteval da Silva Feitosa
A. A. Freitas
José N. V. Gomes
+ On the complete spacelike hypersurfaces immersed with two distinct principal curvatures in a locally symmetric Lorentz space 2015 Henrique F. de Lima
Fábio R. dos Santos
José N. V. Gomes
Marco Antonio L. Velásquez
+ Rigidity of cmc surfaces in the Berger sphere 2015 Ningwei Cui
José N. V. Gomes
+ Hadamard type variation formulas for the eigenvalues of the $η$-Laplacian and applications 2015 José N. V. Gomes
Marcus A. M. Marrocos
R. R. Mesquita
+ On the H-almost ricci soliton 2014 José N. V. Gomes
Qiaoling Wang
Changyu Xia
+ H-almost ricci soliton 2014 Qiaoling Wang
José N. V. Gomes
Changyu Xia
+ Complete Hypersurfaces with Two Distinct Principal Curvatures in a Space Form 2014 José N. V. Gomes
Henrique F. de Lima
Marco Antonio L. Velásquez
+ On the complete linear Weingarten spacelike hypersurfaces with two distinct principal curvatures in Lorentzian space forms 2014 José N. V. Gomes
Henrique F. de Lima
Fábio R. dos Santos
Marco Antonio L. Velásquez
+ On the H-almost ricci soliton 2014 José N. V. Gomes
Li Wang
Changyu Xia
+ The Gaussian curvature via the contact angle of immersed surfaces into the Euclidean three sphere 2013 José N. V. Gomes
+ A note on rigidity of the almost Ricci soliton 2013 Abdênago Barros
José N. V. Gomes
Ernani Ribeiro
+ A compact gradient generalized quasi-Einstein metric with constant scalar curvature 2013 A. Barros
José N. V. Gomes
+ Rigidez de superfícies de contato e caracterização de variedades riemannianas munidas de um campo conforme ou de alguma métrica especial 2012 José N. V. Gomes
+ Immersion of almost Ricci solitons into a Riemannian manifold 2011 Abdênago Barros
José N. V. Gomes
Ernani Ribeiro
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Some characterizations for compact almost Ricci solitons 2011 A. Barros
E. Ribeiro
+ PDF Chat Ricci almost solitons 2012 Stefano Pigola
Marco Rigoli
Michele Rimoldi
Alberto G. Setti
+ PDF Chat Manifolds of negative curvature 1969 Richard L. Bishop
Barrett O’Neill
+ Hypersurfaces with constant scalar curvature 1977 Shiu‐Yuen Cheng
Shing‐Tung Yau
+ A compact gradient generalized quasi-Einstein metric with constant scalar curvature 2013 A. Barros
José N. V. Gomes
+ PDF Chat Generalized quasi-Einstein manifolds with harmonic Weyl tensor 2011 Giovanni Catino
+ PDF Chat Three-manifolds with positive Ricci curvature 1982 Richard S. Hamilton
+ PDF Chat Compact Einstein warped product spaces with nonpositive scalar curvature 2003 Dong-Soo Kim
Young Ho Kim
+ PDF Chat Special Kähler–Ricci potentials and Ricci solitons 2008 Gideon Maschler
+ SEMI-RIEMANNIAN GEOMETRY With Applications to Relativity 1984 M. A. H. MacCallum
+ The Ricci Flow: Techniques and Applications 2007 Bennett Chow
Sun-Chin Chu
David Glickenstein
Christine Guenther
James Isenberg
Tom Ivey
Dan Knopf
Peng Lü
Feng Luo
Lei Ni
+ Characterizations and integral formulae for generalized m-quasi-Einstein metrics 2014 Abdênago Barros
Ernani Ribeiro
+ Gradient Ricci almost soliton warped product 2019 Francisco Eteval da Silva Feitosa
Antonio Airton Freitas Filho
José N. V. Gomes
R. S. Pina
+ PDF Chat Manifolds of Negative Curvature 1969 R. L. Bishop
B. O'Neill
+ Bounds on eigenvalues of Dirichlet Laplacian 2006 Qing-Ming Cheng
Hongcang Yang
+ Rigidity of quasi-Einstein metrics 2010 Jeffrey S. Case
Yu-Jen Shu
Guofang Wei
+ Familles de surfaces isoparamétriques dans les espaces à courbure constante 1938 Élie Cartan
+ A note on rigidity of the almost Ricci soliton 2013 Abdênago Barros
José N. V. Gomes
Ernani Ribeiro
+ PDF Chat Certain conditions for a Riemannian manifold to be isometric with a sphere 1962 Morio Obata
+ PDF Chat On the construction of gradient Ricci soliton warped product 2017 Francisco Eteval da Silva Feitosa
Antonio Airton Freitas Filho
José N. V. Gomes
+ The entropy formula for the Ricci flow and its geometric applications 2002 Grisha Perelman
+ PDF Chat The Ricci–Bourguignon flow 2017 Giovanni Catino
Laura Cremaschi
Zindine Djadli
Carlo Mantegazza
Lorenzo Mazzieri
+ PDF Chat Eigenvalue estimates for a class of elliptic differential operators in divergence form 2018 José N. V. Gomes
Juliana F.R. Miranda
+ PDF Chat A negative answer to a conjecture of conformal transformations of Riemannian manifolds 1981 Norio Ejiri
+ PDF Chat Gradient Einstein solitons 2015 Giovanni Catino
Lorenzo Mazzieri
+ PDF Chat The nonexistence of quasi-Einstein metrics 2010 Jeffrey S. Case
+ Recent Progress on Ricci Solitons 2009 Huai-Dong Cao
+ Sur les premières valeurs propres des variétés riemanniennes 1973 Thomas Berger
+ PDF Chat Divergence-free positive symmetric tensors and fluid dynamics 2017 Denis Serre
+ PDF Chat Ricci almost solitons on semi‐Riemannian warped products 2022 Valter Borges
Keti Tenenblat
+ PDF Chat On the classification of warped product Einstein metrics 2012 Chenxu He
Peter Petersen
William Wylie
+ PDF Chat Comparison geometry for the Bakry-Emery Ricci tensor 2009 Guofang Wei
William Wylie
+ PDF Chat Isometric immersions of Riemannian manifolds 1967 Hideki Omori
+ Generic Properties of Eigenfunctions 1976 Karen Uhlenbeck
+ PDF Chat Complete Riemannian manifolds and some vector fields 1965 Yoshihiro Tashiro
+ PDF Chat Domain deformations and eigenvalues of the Dirichlet Laplacian in a Riemannian manifold 2007 Ahmad El Soufi
Saïd Ilias
+ Maximum principles on Riemannian manifolds and applications 2005 Stefano Pigola
Marco Rigoli
Alberto G. Setti
+ PDF Chat On a Differential Equation Characterizing a Riemannian Structure of a Manifold 1983 Masahiko Kanai
+ Einstein Spaces Admitting a One-Parameter Group of Conformal Transformations 1959 Kentarô Yano
Tadashi Nagano
+ PDF Chat Perturbation Theory for Linear Operators 1995 Tosio Kato
+ PDF Chat On the geometry of gradient Einstein-type manifolds 2016 Giovanni Catino
Paolo Mastrolia
Dario D. Monticelli
Marco Rigoli
+ Estimates for eigenvalues on Riemannian manifolds 2009 Qing-Ming Cheng
Hongcang Yang
+ Ricci curvature and einstein metrics 1981 J P Bourguignon
+ Einstein spaces which are mapped conformally on each other 1925 Hans-Berndt Brinkmann
+ Uniqueness of quasi-Einstein metrics on 3-dimensional homogeneous manifolds 2014 A. Barros
E. Ribeiro
J. Silva Filho
+ PDF Chat Rigidity of gradient almost Ricci solitons 2012 A. Barros
R. Batista
E. Ribeiro
+ Harmonic functions on complete riemannian manifolds 1975 Shing‐Tung Yau
+ PDF Chat Remarks on non-compact gradient Ricci solitons 2010 Stefano Pigola
Michele Rimoldi
Alberto G. Setti
+ PDF Chat Bounds on volume growth of geodesic balls for Einstein warped products 2015 A. Barros
R. Batista
E. Ribeiro