Tuomo Lempiäinen


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat New classes of distributed time complexity 2018 Alkida Balliu
Juho Hirvonen
Janne H. Korhonen
Tuomo Lempiäinen
Dennis Olivetti
Jukka Suomela
+ New Classes of Distributed Time Complexity 2017 Alkida Balliu
Juho Hirvonen
Janne H. Korhonen
Tuomo Lempiäinen
Dennis Olivetti
Jukka Suomela
+ Constant Space and Non-Constant Time in Distributed Computing 2017 Tuomo Lempiäinen
Jukka Suomela
+ LCL problems on grids 2017 Sebastian Brandt
Juho Hirvonen
Janne H. Korhonen
Tuomo Lempiäinen
Patric R. J. Östergård
Christopher Purcell
Joel Rybicki
Jukka Suomela
Przemysław Uznański
+ New Classes of Distributed Time Complexity 2017 Alkida Balliu
Juho Hirvonen
Janne H. Korhonen
Tuomo Lempiäinen
Dennis Olivetti
Jukka Suomela
+ PDF Chat A lower bound for the distributed Lovász local lemma 2016 Sebastian Brandt
Orr Fischer
Juho Hirvonen
Barbara Keller
Tuomo Lempiäinen
Joel Rybicki
Jukka Suomela
Jara Uitto
+ A Lower Bound for the Distributed Lov\'asz Local Lemma 2015 Sebastian Brandt
Orr Fischer
Juho Hirvonen
Barbara Keller
Tuomo Lempiäinen
Joel Rybicki
Jukka Suomela
Jara Uitto
+ Ability to Count Is Worth $\Theta(\Delta)$ Rounds 2015 Tuomo Lempiäinen
+ Ability to Count Is Worth $Θ(Δ)$ Rounds 2015 Tuomo Lempiäinen
+ A Lower Bound for the Distributed Lovász Local Lemma 2015 Sebastian Brandt
Orr Fischer
Juho Hirvonen
Barbara Keller
Tuomo Lempiäinen
Joel Rybicki
Jukka Suomela
Jara Uitto
+ PDF Chat Weak models of distributed computing, with connections to modal logic 2013 Lauri Hella
Matti J„ärvisalo
Antti Kuusisto
Juhana Laurinharju
Tuomo Lempiäinen
Kerkko Luosto
Jukka Suomela
Jonni Virtema
+ Search methods for tile sets in patterned DNA self-assembly 2013 Mika Göös
Tuomo Lempiäinen
Eugen Czeizler
Pekka Orponen
+ PDF Chat Weak models of distributed computing, with connections to modal logic 2012 Lauri Hella
Matti J„ärvisalo
Antti Kuusisto
Juhana Laurinharju
Tuomo Lempiäinen
Kerkko Luosto
Jukka Suomela
Jonni Virtema
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ What Can be Computed Locally? 1995 Moni Naor
Larry Stockmeyer
+ Symmetry Breaking in Anonymous Networks: Characterizations. 1996 Paolo Boldi
Shella Shammah
Sebastiano Vigna
Bruno Codenotti
Peter Gemmell
Janoš Šimon
+ An Exponential Separation Between Randomized and Deterministic Complexity in the LOCAL Model 2016 Yi‐Jun Chang
Tsvi Kopelowitz
Seth Pettie
+ Stone Age Distributed Computing 2012 Yuval Emek
Jasmin Smula
Roger Wattenhofer
+ PDF Chat Stone age distributed computing 2013 Yuval Emek
Roger Wattenhofer
+ PDF Chat Lower bounds for local approximation 2013 Mika Göös
Juho Hirvonen
Jukka Suomela
+ Local algorithms in (weakly) coloured graphs 2010 Matti Åstrand
Valentin Polishchuk
Joel Rybicki
Jukka Suomela
Jara Uitto
+ PDF Chat A lower bound for the distributed Lovász local lemma 2016 Sebastian Brandt
Orr Fischer
Juho Hirvonen
Barbara Keller
Tuomo Lempiäinen
Joel Rybicki
Jukka Suomela
Jara Uitto
+ PDF Chat Beeping a maximal independent set 2012 Yehuda Afek
Noga Alon
Ziv Bar‐Joseph
Alejandro Donohué-Cornejo
Bernhard Haeupler
Fabian Kühn
+ PDF Chat Deterministic Distributed Edge-Coloring via Hypergraph Maximal Matching 2017 Manuela Fischer
Mohsen Ghaffari
Fabian Kühn
+ PDF Chat A simple local 3-approximation algorithm for vertex cover 2009 Valentin Polishchuk
Jukka Suomela
+ A Lower Bound for the Distributed Lov\'asz Local Lemma 2015 Sebastian Brandt
Orr Fischer
Juho Hirvonen
Barbara Keller
Tuomo Lempiäinen
Joel Rybicki
Jukka Suomela
Jara Uitto
+ PDF Chat Deploying Wireless Networks with Beeps 2010 Alejandro Cornejo
Fabian Kühn
+ PDF Chat Approximating max-min linear programs with local algorithms 2008 Patrik Floréen
Petteri Kaski
Topi Musto
Jukka Suomela
+ PDF Chat Knowledge and common knowledge in a distributed environment 1990 Joseph Y. Halpern
Yoram Moses
+ PDF Chat Tight Local Approximation Results for Max-Min Linear Programs 2008 Patrik Floréen
Marja Hassinen
Petteri Kaski
Jukka Suomela
+ Local approximation algorithms for a class of 0/1 max-min linear programs 2008 Patrik Floréen
Marja Hassinen
Petteri Kaski
Jukka Suomela
+ PDF Chat Weak models of distributed computing, with connections to modal logic 2013 Lauri Hella
Matti J„ärvisalo
Antti Kuusisto
Juhana Laurinharju
Tuomo Lempiäinen
Kerkko Luosto
Jukka Suomela
Jonni Virtema
+ PDF Chat Lower bounds for local approximation 2012 Mika Göös
Juho Hirvonen
Jukka Suomela
+ Statistical mechanics of cellular automata 1983 Stephen Wolfram
+ PDF Chat Distributed $(\Delta+1)$-Coloring in Linear (in $\Delta$) Time 2014 Leonid Barenboim
Michael Elkin
Fabian Kühn
+ PDF Chat Weak models of distributed computing, with connections to modal logic 2012 Lauri Hella
Matti J„ärvisalo
Antti Kuusisto
Juhana Laurinharju
Tuomo Lempiäinen
Kerkko Luosto
Jukka Suomela
Jonni Virtema
+ PDF Chat Almost Stable Matchings by Truncating the Gale–Shapley Algorithm 2009 Patrik Floréen
Petteri Kaski
Valentin Polishchuk
Jukka Suomela
+ Improved bounds and parallel algorithms for the Lovasz Local Lemma. 2015 Bernhard Haeupler
David G. Harris
+ PDF Chat An optimal local approximation algorithm for max-min linear programs 2009 Patrik Floréen
Joel Kaasinen
Petteri Kaski
Jukka Suomela
+ Deploying Wireless Networks with Beeps 2010 Alejandro Cornejo
Fabian Kühn
+ An Improved Distributed Algorithm for Maximal Independent Set 2015 Mohsen Ghaffari
+ PDF Chat An Exponential Separation between Randomized and Deterministic Complexity in the LOCAL Model 2016 Yi‐Jun Chang
Tsvi Kopelowitz
Seth Pettie
+ PDF Chat Improved distributed degree splitting and edge coloring 2019 Mohsen Ghaffari
Juho Hirvonen
Fabian Kühn
Yannic Maus
Jukka Suomela
Jara Uitto
+ PDF Chat Combinatorial Optimization in Pattern Assembly 2013 Shinnosuke Seki
+ PDF Chat Linear-in- $$\varDelta $$ Δ lower bounds in the LOCAL model 2015 Mika Göös
Juho Hirvonen
Jukka Suomela
+ Extremal Graph Theory 1978 Béla Bollobás
+ PDF Chat On Constant Time Approximation of Parameters of Bounded Degree Graphs 2010 Noga Alon
+ PDF Chat Synthesizing Minimal Tile Sets for Patterned DNA Self-assembly 2011 Mika Göös
Pekka Orponen
+ Probability and Computing: Randomized Algorithms and Probabilistic Analysis 2005 Michael Mitzenmacher
Eli Upfal
+ PDF Chat Beeping a Maximal Independent Set 2011 Yehuda Afek
Noga Alon
Ziv Bar‐Joseph
Alejandro Donohué-Cornejo
Bernhard Haeupler
Fabian Kühn
+ Tilings and Patterns. 1988 Solomon W. Golomb
Branko Grünbaum
G. C. Shephard
+ Coloring nonuniform hypergraphs: A new algorithmic approach to the general Lov�sz local lemma 2000 Artur Czumaj
Christian Scheideler
+ PDF Chat Further algorithmic aspects of the local lemma 1998 Michael Molloy
Bruce Reed
+ PDF Chat A constructive proof of the Lovász local lemma 2009 Robin A. Moser
+ An algorithmic approach to the Lovász local lemma. I 1991 József Beck
+ On a problem of spencer 1985 James B. Shearer
+ Improved algorithmic versions of the Lovász Local Lemma 2008 Aravind Srinivasan
+ PDF Chat New Constructive Aspects of the Lovász Local Lemma 2011 Bernhard Haeupler
Barna Saha
Aravind Srinivasan
+ PDF Chat Programmable Control of Nucleation for Algorithmic Self-Assembly 2009 Rebecca Schulman
Erik Winfree
+ PDF Chat A constructive proof of the general lovász local lemma 2010 Robin A. Moser
Gábor Tardos
+ PDF Chat An Extension of the Lovász Local Lemma, and its Applications to Integer Programming 2006 Aravind Srinivasan
+ PDF Chat A parallel algorithmic version of the local lemma 1991 Noga Alon
+ Universal traversal sequences with backtracking 2002 Michal Koucký
+ PDF Chat Deterministic Algorithms for the Lovász Local Lemma 2013 Karthekeyan Chandrasekaran
Navin Goyal
Bernhard Haeupler