Paul Koosis


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Weighted Polynomial Approximation on the Cubes of the Nonzero Integers 2012 Paul Koosis
+ Szegő's theorem 2010 Paul Koosis
+ Weighted approximation on the real line 2010 Paul Koosis
+ The moment problem on the real line 2010 Paul Koosis
+ How small can the Fourier transform of a rapidly decreasing non-zero function be? 2010 Paul Koosis
+ Jensen's formula 2010 Paul Koosis
+ Persistence of the form dx/(1 + x2) 2010 Paul Koosis
+ Entire functions of exponential type 2010 Paul Koosis
+ Weak completeness of the space<i>L</i><sub>1</sub>/<i>H</i><sub>1</sub>(0) 2009 V. P. Havin
Paul Koosis
+ Wolff's proof of the corona theorem 2009 Paul Koosis
+ Application of the Hardy–Littlewood maximal function 2009 Paul Koosis
+ Application of Jensen's formula. Factorization into a product of inner and outer functions 2009 Paul Koosis
+ Duality forHpspaces 2009 Paul Koosis
+ Theorem of the brothers Riesz. Introduction to the space<i>H</i><sub>1</sub> 2009 Paul Koosis
+ <i>H</i><sub><i>p</i></sub>spaces for the upper half plane 2009 Paul Koosis
+ Norm inequalities for harmonic conjugation 2009 Paul Koosis
+ Functions of bounded mean oscillation 2009 Paul Koosis
+ Functions harmonic in |<i>z</i>| &lt; 1. Rudiments 2009 Paul Koosis
+ On perturbed Coulomb solutions of the Schrodinger equation 2002 Paul Koosis
+ Use of logarithmic sums to estimate polynomials. 2001 Paul Koosis
+ Carleson’s Interpolation Theorem Deduced from a Result of Pick 2000 Paul Koosis
+ Introduction to Hp Spaces 1999 Paul Koosis
+ Introduction to<i>H</i><sub><i>p</i></sub>Spaces 1998 Paul Koosis
+ Introduction to H[p] spaces 1998 Paul Koosis
+ A relation between two results about entire functions of exponential type 1994 Paul Koosis
+ PDF Chat Construction of a certain superharmonic majorant 1994 Paul Koosis
+ Jensen's Formula Again 1992 Paul Koosis
+ Why we want to have multiplier theorems 1992 Paul Koosis
+ Multiplier theorems 1992 Paul Koosis
+ The Logarithmic Integral 1992 Paul Koosis
+ An extremal problem in Fourier analysis with applications to operator theory 1989 Rajendra Bhatia
Chandler Davis
Paul Koosis
+ The Logarithmic Integral I 1988 Paul Koosis
+ The logarithmic integral 1986 Paul Koosis
+ PDF Chat Derivation of the Cartwright-Levinson theorem from the Kolmogorov theorem 1985 Paul Koosis
+ PDF Chat La plus petite majorante surharmonique et son rapport avec l'existence des fonctions entières de type exponentiel jouant le rôle de multiplicateurs 1983 Paul Koosis
+ PDF Chat Fonctions entières de type exponentiel comme multiplicateurs. Un exemple et une condition nécessaire et suffisante 1983 Paul Koosis
+ PDF Chat Entire functions of exponential type as multipliers for weight functions 1981 Paul Koosis
+ Introduction to Hp spaces, with an appendix on Wolff's proof of the corona theorem 1980 Paul Koosis
+ PDF Chat Harmonic estimation in certain slit regions and a theorem of Beurling and Malliavin 1979 Paul Koosis
+ PDF Chat Proof of the Beurling-Malliavin theorem by duality and harmonic estimation 1979 Paul Koosis
+ PDF Chat Green's function for the heat equation as a limit of product integrals 1978 Paul Koosis
+ Weighted quadratic means of Hilbert transforms 1971 Paul Koosis
+ PDF Chat On the spectral analysis of bounded functions 1966 Paul Koosis
+ PDF Chat Weighted polynomial approximation on arithmetic progressions of intervals or points 1966 Paul Koosis
+ PDF Chat Sur l'approximation pondérée par des polynomes et par des sommes d'exponentielles imaginaires 1964 Paul Koosis
+ PDF Chat Nouvelle démonstration d'un théorème de Levinson concernant la distribution des zéros d'une fonction de type exponentiel, bornée sur l'axe réel 1958 Paul Koosis
+ PDF Chat Sur la non-totalité de certaines suites d'exponentielles sur des intervalles assez longs 1958 Paul Koosis
+ PDF Chat Proof of a theorem of the brothers Riesz 1958 Paul Koosis
+ PDF Chat An Irreducible Unitary Representation of a Compact Group is Finite Dimensional 1957 Paul Koosis
+ PDF Chat Approximation of Certain Functions by Exponentials on a Half Line 1957 Paul Koosis
+ PDF Chat Approximation of certain functions by exponentials on a half line 1957 Paul Koosis
+ PDF Chat An irreducible unitary representation of a compact group is finite dimensional 1957 Paul Koosis
+ Interior compact spaces of functions on a half‐line 1957 Paul Koosis
+ On functions which are mean periodic on a half‐line 1957 Paul Koosis
Common Coauthors
Coauthor Papers Together
V. P. Havin 1
Chandler Davis 1
Rajendra Bhatia 1
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat On fourier transforms of measures with compact support 1962 Arne Beurling
Paul Malliavin
+ PDF Chat Harmonic estimation in certain slit regions and a theorem of Beurling and Malliavin 1979 Paul Koosis
+ On the one-dimensional translation group and semi-group in certain function spaces 1950 Bertil Nyman
+ PDF Chat Introduction to the Theory of Fourier Integrals 1938 A. C. Offord
+ PDF Chat A theorem on functions defined on a semi-group 1953 Arne Beurling
+ PDF Chat Weighted polynomial approximation on arithmetic progressions of intervals or points 1966 Paul Koosis
+ PDF Chat Sur quelques problèmes d'unicité et de prolongement relatifs aux fonctions approchables par des sommes d'exponentielles 1954 Jean‐Pierre Kahane
+ Topics in the Theory of Functions of One Complex Variable 1968 Wolfgang Fuchs
+ PDF Chat On the closure of characters and the zeros of entire functions 1967 Arne Beurling
Paul Malliavin
+ Weighted quadratic means of Hilbert transforms 1971 Paul Koosis
+ Potential theory in modern function theory 1959 正次 辻
+ PDF Chat Entire functions of exponential type as multipliers for weight functions 1981 Paul Koosis
+ Spektraldarstellung Linearer Transformationen des Hilbertschen Raumes 1942 Béla v. Sƶ. Nagy
+ Introduction to Hp Spaces 1999 Paul Koosis
+ The logarithmic integral 1986 Paul Koosis
+ Irreducible unitary representations of locally bicompact groups 1964 I. M. Gel′fand
D. A. Raĭkov
+ Uniform Estimates of Entire Functions by Logarithmic Sums 1997 Henrik L. Pedersen
+ PDF Chat Sur la non-totalité de certaines suites d'exponentielles sur des intervalles assez longs 1958 Paul Koosis
+ An Introduction to Harmonic Analysis. 1970 Guido Weiss
Yitzhak Katznelson
+ Hilbert spaces of entire functions 1968 Louis de Branges
+ Completeness of sets of complex exponentials 1977 R. M. Redheffer
+ Theorie Generale des Fonctions Moyenne-Periodiques 1947 Laurent Schwartz
+ PDF Chat Families of parallels associated with sets 1966 Eugene Robkin
F. A. Valentine
+ PDF Chat Derivations and integral closure 1966 A. Seidenberg
+ Riemann's Zeta Function 1974 Harold M. Edwards
+ PDF Chat On the stability of the set of exponents of a Cauchy exponential series 1966 S. Verblunsky
+ The Classical Moment Problem. 1968 Stephen Hoffman
Н. И. Ахиезер
+ Étude des sommes d'exponentielles réelles 1943 Laurent Schwartz
+ Approximation by polynomials 1943 James A. Clarkson
P. Erdős
+ Selected problems on exceptional sets 1967 Lennart Carleson
+ PDF Chat Brownian motion and sets of harmonic measure zero 1981 Bernt Øksendal
+ An Introduction to Functional Analysis 2006 Angus E. Taylor
P. J. Davis
+ PDF Chat On the determination of conformal imbedding 1966 Tilla Weinstein
+ PDF Chat A description of Mult<sub><i>i</i></sub>(<i>A</i><sup>1</sup><i>,</i><i>⋯</i><i>,A</i><sup><i>n</i></sup>) by generators and relations 1966 Thomas Hungerford
+ Functional Analysis and Semi-groups 1996 Einar Hille
Robert A. Phillips
+ PDF Chat Krein's entire functions and the Bernstein approximation problem 2001 Alexander Borichev
Mikhail Sodin
+ Real and Complex Analysis. 1987 G. A. Garreau
Walter Rudin
+ PDF Chat A theorem on partitions of mass-distribution 1966 V. V. Menon
+ PDF Chat Approximation d'une fonction quelconque par des sommes d'exponentielles imaginaires 1942 Laurent Schwartz
+ PDF Chat Solvability of nonlinear operator equations 1981 W. J. Cramer
W. Harmon Ray
+ PDF Chat Topics in Approximation Theory 1971 Harold S. Shapiro
+ Functional Analysis and Semi-Groups 1949 Richard G. Cooke
+ PDF Chat Some characterizations of exponential-type distributions 1966 E. M. Bolger
W. L. Harkness
+ PDF Chat Spaces of representations and enveloping l.m.c.<sup>∗</sup>-algebras 1981 Maria Fragoulopoulou
+ The Hamburger moment problem and weighted polynomial approximation on discrete subsets of the real line 1998 Alexander Borichev
Mikhail Sodin
+ PDF Chat Some identities valid in special Jordan algebras but not valid in all Jordan algebras 1966 Charles Glennie
+ PDF Chat Estimates of harmonic measures 1965 Kersti Haliste
+ PDF Chat Positive 𝐻^{1/2} functions are constants 1967 J. Neuwirth
David Newman
+ Potential Theory in the Complex Plane 1995 Thomas Ransford