Håkon K. Gjessing


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Seasonal and pandemic influenza during pregnancy and risk of fetal death: A Norwegian registry-based cohort study 2020 Nina Gunnes
Håkon K. Gjessing
Inger Johanne Bakken
Sara Ghaderi
Jon Michael Gran
Olav Hungnes
Per Magnus
Sven Ove Samuelsen
Anders Skrondal
Camilla Stoltenberg
+ Heritability curves: a local measure of heritability 2020 Geir Drage Berentsen
Francesca Azzolini
Hans J. Skaug
Rolv T. Lie
Håkon K. Gjessing
+ PDF Chat Special issue dedicated to Odd O. Aalen 2019 Ørnulf Borgan
Håkon K. Gjessing
+ Editorial 2019 Håkon K. Gjessing
Hans J. Skaug
+ Wavelet Screaming: a novel approach to analyzing GWAS data 2018 William R. P. Denault
Håkon K. Gjessing
Julius Juodakis
Bo Jacobsson
Astanand Jugessur
+ PDF Chat Case/Control Studies With Follow-up: Constructing the Source Population to Estimate Effects of Risk Factors on Development, Disease, and Survival 2012 Halvor Sommerfelt
Hans Steinsland
Lize van der Merwe
William C. Blackwelder
Dilruba Nasrin
Tamer H. Farag
Karen L. Kotloff
Myron M. Levine
Håkon K. Gjessing
+ PDF Chat A hierarchical frailty model applied to two-generation melanoma data 2010 Tron Anders Moger
Marion Haugen
Benjamin Hon Kei Yip
Håkon K. Gjessing
Ørnulf Borgan
+ PDF Chat Recurrent events and the exploding Cox model 2010 Håkon K. Gjessing
Kjetil Røysland
Edsel A. Peña
Odd O. Aalen
+ PDF Chat Comment and reply on: Prediction of the date of delivery based on first trimester ultrasound measurements: an independent method from estimated date of conception 2009 Håkon K. Gjessing
P. Grøttum
Inger Økland
S. H. Eik‐Nes
+ Survival and Event History Analysis: A Process Point of View 2008 Odd O. Aalen
Oernulf Borgan
Håkon K. Gjessing
Håkon K. Gjessing
+ PDF Chat Frailty models based on Lévy processes 2003 Håkon K. Gjessing
Odd O. Aalen
Nils Lid Hjort
+ PDF Chat Frailty models based on Lévy processes 2003 Håkon K. Gjessing
Odd O. Aalen
Nils Lid Hjort
+ Understanding the shape of the hazard rate: a process point of view (With comments and a rejoinder by the authors) 2001 Odd O. Aalen
Håkon K. Gjessing
+ None 2000 Fred Espen Benth
Håkon K. Gjessing
+ A non linear parabolic equation with noise : a reduction method 1994 Fred Espen Benth
Håkon K. Gjessing
+ A note on the Wick product 1993 Håkon K. Gjessing
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Survival and Event History Analysis: A Process Point of View 2008 Odd O. Aalen
Oernulf Borgan
Håkon K. Gjessing
+ Survival models for heterogeneous populations derived from stable distributions 1986 Philip Hougaard
+ PDF Chat Frailty models based on Lévy processes 2003 Håkon K. Gjessing
Odd O. Aalen
Nils Lid Hjort
+ PDF Chat Statistical Models Based on Counting Processes 1997 Xavier Bry
Per Kragh Andersen
Ørnulf Borgan
Richard D. Gill
Niels Keiding
Ørnulf Borgan
+ PDF Chat Modelling Heterogeneity in Survival Analysis by the Compound Poisson Distribution 1992 Odd O. Aalen
+ Analysis of Multivariate Survival Data 2000 Philip Hougaard
+ Models for Variable-Stress Accelerated Life Testing Experiments Based on Wiener Processes and the Inverse Gaussian Distribution 1992 Kjell A. Doksum
Arnljot Høyland
Arnljot Høyland
+ Understanding the shape of the hazard rate: a process point of view (With comments and a rejoinder by the authors) 2001 Odd O. Aalen
Håkon K. Gjessing
+ PDF Chat Recurrent Events Analysis in the Presence of Time-Dependent Covariates and Dependent Censoring 2003 Maja Miloslavsky
Sündüz Keleş
Mark J. van der Laan
Steve Butler
+ PDF Chat Dynamics of sleep-wake transitions during sleep 2002 Chung-Chuan Lo
Luı́s A. Nunes Amaral
Shlomo Havlin
Plamen Ch. Ivanov
Thomas Penzel
J. H. Peter
H. Eugene Stanley
+ Statistical Models Based on Counting Processes 1993 Per Kragh Andersen
Ørnulf Borgan
Richard D. Gill
Niels Keiding
+ PDF Chat Survival in Dynamic Environments 1995 Nozer D. Singpurwalla
+ PDF Chat Effects of unobserved and partially observed covariate processes on system failure: a review of models and estimation strategies 1997 Kenneth G. Mantón
Anatoli I. Yashin
+ A non‐parametric approach to software reliability 2004 Axel Gandy
Uwe Jensen
+ Nonparametric Inference for a Family of Counting Processes 1978 Odd O. Aalen
+ On hazard rate processes 1991 Y. Kebir
+ A Markov model for HIV disease progression including the effect of HIV diagnosis and treatment: Application to AIDS prediction in England and Wales 1997 Odd O. Aalen
Vernon T. Farewell
Daniela De Angelis
Nicholas Day
O. Nöel Gill
+ Secondary analysis of case-control data 2005 Yannan Jiang
Alastair J. Scott
C. Wild
+ A Distribution for Multivariate Frailty Based on the Compound Poisson Distribution with Random Scale 2005 Tron Anders Moger
Odd O. Aalen
+ PDF Chat On a dual pair of spaces of smooth and generalized random variables 1995 Jürgen Potthoff
Matthias Timpel
+ PDF Chat Tailfree and Neutral Random Probabilities and Their Posterior Distributions 1974 Kjell A. Doksum
+ An Introduction to the Bootstrap 1994 Bradley Efron
Robert Tibshirani
+ Point Processes and Queues 1981 Pierre Brémaud
+ Dynamic modelling and causality 1987 Odd O. Aalen
+ Survival Models Based on the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Process 2004 Odd O. Aalen
H�kon K. Gjessing
+ Length of stay as a stochastic process: A general approach and application to hospitalization for schizophrenia† 1977 William W. Eaton
G. À. Whitmore
+ Stochastic Equations in Infinite Dimensions 2014 Giuseppe Da Prato
Jerzy Zabczyk
+ Introduction to Aalen (1978) Nonparametric Inference for a Family of Counting Processes 1997 Ian W. McKeague
+ PDF Chat Case–cohort methods for survival data on families from routine registers 2007 Tron Anders Moger
Yudi Pawitan
Ørnulf Borgan
+ Shock models with MIFRA time to failure distributions 1991 Moshe Shaked
J. George Shanthikumar
+ Asymptotic Statistics 1998 Aad van der Vaart
+ PDF Chat Kernel Estimation in a Nonparametric Marker Dependent Hazard Model 1995 Jens Perch Nielsen
Oliver B. Linton
+ Cox's Regression Model for Counting Processes: A Large Sample Study 1982 P. Andersen
Richard D. Gill
+ PDF Chat Causality, Mediation and Time: A Dynamic Viewpoint 2012 Odd O. Aalen
Kjetil Røysland
Jon Michael Gran
Bruno Ledergerber
+ Multistage, stochastic models of the cancer process: A general theory for calculating tumor incidence 2000 Christopher J. Portier
Claire D. Sherman
Annette Kopp‐Schneider
+ PDF Chat Statistical Analysis of Counting Processes. 1985 Sidney I. Resnick
Martin Jacobsen
+ PDF Chat Correlation Curves: Measures of Association as Functions of Covariate Values 1993 Steinar Bjerve
Kjell A. Doksum
+ PDF Chat <b>TMB</b>: Automatic Differentiation and Laplace Approximation 2016 Kasper Kristensen
Anders Nielsen
Casper Willestofte Berg
Hans J. Skaug
Bradley M. Bell
+ PDF Chat A Bayesian Information Criterion for Singular Models 2017 Mathias Drton
Martyn Plummer
+ Multilevel Models for Survival Analysis with Random Effects 2001 Kelvin K.W. Yau
+ <i>Shorter Communication</i>: Reversal of Increasing Failure Rates When Pooling Failure Data 1994 John Gurland
Jayaram Sethuraman
+ PDF Chat Anticipative Girsanov transformations 1991 Rainer Buckdahn
+ PDF Chat Counting Processes and Survival Analysis. 1992 Dorota M. Dabrowska
Thomas R. Fleming
David P. Harrington
+ Extending the Scope of Wavelet Regression Methods by Coefficient-Dependent Thresholding 2000 Arne Kovac
B. W. Silverman
+ Anticipative Girsanov transformations and Skorohod stochastic differential equations 1994 Rainer Buckdahn
+ PDF Chat Heterogeneity in survival analysis 1988 Odd O. Aalen
+ PDF Chat Longitudinal Studies of Binary Response Data Following Case–Control and Stratified Case–Control Sampling: Design and Analysis 2009 Jonathan S. Schildcrout
Paul J. Rathouz
+ PDF Chat Semiparametric inference for a general class of models for recurrent events 2006 Edsel A. Peña
Elizabeth H. Slate
Juan R. González
+ Marker processes in survival analysis 1996 Nicholas P. Jewell
John D. Kalbfleisch
+ Validity of the Aalen–Johansen estimators of stage occupation probabilities and Nelson–Aalen estimators of integrated transition hazards for non-Markov models 2001 Somnath Datta
Glen A. Satten