Enrico Bombieri


Enrico Bombieri is an Italian mathematician known for his work in analytic number theory, algebraic geometry, and mathematical analysis. He received the Fields Medal in 1974, in large part for his research on the distribution of prime numbers. One of his well-known results is the Bombieri–Vinogradov theorem, a significant advance in understanding how primes are distributed among arithmetic progressions. Bombieri has also contributed to topics such as univalent functions and the geometry of minimal surfaces and has served on the faculty of the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton.

All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Designed Pseudo-Laplacians 2020 Enrico Bombieri
Paul Garrett
+ PDF New progress on the zeta function: From old conjectures to a major breakthrough 2019 Enrico Bombieri
+ Some corrections to an old paper 2019 Enrico Bombieri
John Friedlander
Henryk Iwaniec
+ PDF Solution of the Ree group problem. A lecture at Rutgers University in 1979 2017 Enrico Bombieri
+ The Mathematical Truth1 2015 Enrico Bombieri
+ PDF A Problem on Sums of Two Squares 2014 Enrico Bombieri
Jean Bourgain
+ Around the Davenport-Heilbronn function 2011 Enrico Bombieri
Amit Ghosh
+ The Mathematical Infinity 2011 Enrico Bombieri
+ PDF Вокруг функции Дэвенпорта - Хейльбронна 2011 Энрико Бомбьери
Enrico Bombieri
Амит Гош
Amit Ghosh
+ PDF A Note on lower bounds for Frobenius traces 2010 Enrico Bombieri
Nicholas M. Katz
+ PDF A Note on Maurin’s Theorem 2010 Enrico Bombieri
Philipp Habegger
David Masser
Umberto Zannier
+ The Classical Theory of Zeta and L-Functions 2010 Enrico Bombieri
+ Methods of Algebraic Geometry in Char, P and Their Applications 2010 Enrico Bombieri
+ Geometric measure theory and minimal surfaces : lectures given at the Centro Internazionale Matematico Estivo (C.I.M.E.) held in Varenna (Como), Italy, August 25-September 2, 1972 2010 Enrico Bombieri
+ Geometric measure theory and minimal surfaces : lectures given at a summer school of the Centro Internazionale Matematico Estivo (C.I.M.E.) held in Varenna (Como), Italy, August 24-September 2, 1972 2010 Enrico Bombieri
+ PDF On Kahane's ultraflat polynomials 2009 Enrico Bombieri
Jean Bourgain
+ PDF Intersecting a plane with algebraic subgroups of multiplicative groups 2009 Enrico Bombieri
David Masser
Umberto Zannier
+ PDF Problems and results on the distribution of algebraic points on algebraic varieties 2009 Enrico Bombieri
+ Roots of Polynomials in Subgroups of and Applications to Congruences 2008 Enrico Bombieri
Jean Bourgain
Sergeĭ Konyagin
+ On the zeros of certain Epstein zeta functions 2008 Enrico Bombieri
Julia Mueller
+ PDF On unlikely intersections of complex varieties with tori 2008 Enrico Bombieri
David Masser
Umberto Zannier
+ Anomalous Subvarieties—Structure Theorems and Applications 2007 Enrico Bombieri
David Masser
Umberto Zannier
+ Heights in Diophantine geometry 2006 Enrico Bombieri
Walter Gubler
+ A lower bound for the zeros of riemann’s zeta function on the critical line 2006 Enrico Bombieri
+ Régularité des hypersurfaces minimales 2006 Enrico Bombieri
+ Continued fractions and the Markoff tree 2006 Enrico Bombieri
+ PDF Intersecting curves and algebraic subgroups: Conjectures and more results 2005 Enrico Bombieri
David Masser
Umberto Zannier
+ The Rosetta Stone of L-functions 2005 Enrico Bombieri
+ On the number of rational points on certain elliptic curves 2004 Enrico Bombieri
Umberto Zannier
+ Armand Borel: 1923-2003 2004 James Arthur
Enrico Bombieri
K. Chandrasekharan
Friedrich Hirzebruch
Gopal Prasad
Jean-Pierre Serre
T. A. Springer
Jacques Tits
+ Effective Diophantine approximation on G<sub> <i>m</i> </sub> 2004 Enrico Bombieri
Paula B. Cohen
+ PDF О числе рациональных точек на некоторых эллиптических кривых 2004 Энрико Бомбьери
Enrico Bombieri
У Заннье
Umberto Zannier
+ None 2004 Enrico Bombieri
Jean Bourgain
+ Enriques’ Classification of Surfaces in Char. p, II 2004 Enrico Bombieri
D. Mumford
+ PDF Finiteness results for multiplicatively dependent points on complex curves 2003 Enrico Bombieri
David Masser
Umberto Zannier
+ A variational approach to the explicit formula 2003 Enrico Bombieri
+ Sastry automorphisms 2002 Enrico Bombieri
+ Forty Years of Effective Results in Diophantine Theory 2002 Enrico Bombieri
+ A Panorama of Number Theory <i>or</i> The View from Baker's Garden 2002 Gisbert Wüstholz
Gisbert Wüstholz
Gisbert Wüstholz
Kunrui Yu
Sinnou David
Kálmán Győry
Yuri Bilu
Paula B. Cohen
Jürgen Wolfart
Peter Sarnak
+ A Note on squares in arithmetic progressions, II 2002 Enrico Bombieri
Umberto Zannier
+ Heights 2001 Enrico Bombieri
Walter Gubler
+ Algebraic geometry 2001 Enrico Bombieri
Walter Gubler
+ Linear tori 2001 Enrico Bombieri
Walter Gubler
+ The Vojta conjectures 2001 Enrico Bombieri
Walter Gubler
+ Weil heights 2001 Enrico Bombieri
Walter Gubler
+ PDF Equations in one variable over function fields 2001 Enrico Bombieri
Julia Mueller
Umberto Zannier
+ Roth's theorem 2001 Enrico Bombieri
Walter Gubler
+ The <i>abc</i>-conjecture 2001 Enrico Bombieri
Walter Gubler
+ The Mordell–Weil theorem 2001 Enrico Bombieri
Walter Gubler
+ Geometry of numbers 2001 Enrico Bombieri
Walter Gubler
+ A Note on heights in certain infinite extensions of $\mathbb{Q}$ 2001 Enrico Bombieri
Umberto Zannier
+ La matematica nella società di oggi 2001 Enrico Bombieri
+ Zeros and poles of Dirichlet series 2001 Enrico Bombieri
Alberto Perelli
+ Heights in Diophantine Geometry 2001 Enrico Bombieri
Walter Gubler
+ Preface 2001 Enrico Bombieri
Walter Gubler
+ Remarks on Weil’s quadratic functional in the theory of prime numbers, I 2000 Enrico Bombieri
+ Diophantine Equations in Low Dimensions 2000 Enrico Bombieri
+ Complements to Li's Criterion for the Riemann Hypothesis 1999 Enrico Bombieri
Jeffrey C. Lagarias
+ None 1999 Enrico Bombieri
David Masser
Umberto Zannier
+ On a conjecture of Siegel 1998 Enrico Bombieri
Julia Mueller
+ PDF Distinct zeros of L-functions 1998 Enrico Bombieri
Alberto Perelli
+ Remarks on the Analytic Complexity of Zeta Functions 1997 Enrico Bombieri
+ Normal Distribution of Zeta Functions and Applications 1997 Enrico Bombieri
Alberto Perelli
+ Subvarieties of Linear Tori and the Unit Equation A Survey 1997 Enrico Bombieri
+ Analytic Number Theory 1997 Yoichi Motohashi
Yoichi Motohashi
Enrico Bombieri
Enrico Bombieri
Enrico Bombieri
Jörg Brüdern
Jan‐Hendrik Evertse
John Friedlander
Andrew Granville
Adolf Hildebrand
+ PDF The unit equation and the cluster principle 1997 Enrico Bombieri
Julia Mueller
Milja Poe
+ Siegel's lemma, Padé approximations and jacobians 1997 Enrico Bombieri
Paula B. Cohen
+ Effective measures of irrationality for cubic extensions of number fields 1996 Enrico Bombieri
A. J. van der Poorten
Jeffrey D. Vaaler
+ Heights of algebraic points on subvarieties of abelian varieties 1996 Enrico Bombieri
Umberto Zannier
+ On the distribution of zeros of linear combinations of Euler products 1995 Enrico Bombieri
Dennis A. Hejhal
+ PDF On the estimation of certain exponential sums 1995 Enrico Bombieri
Steven Sperber
+ Continued Fractions of Algebraic Numbers 1995 Enrico Bombieri
Alfred J. van der Poorten
+ None 1995 Enrico Bombieri
Umberto Zannier
+ PDF Determinants in the Study of Thue's Method and Curves with Prescribed Singularities 1995 Enrico Bombieri
David C. Hunt
Alfred J. van der Poorten
+ Dirichlet polynomial approximations to zeta functions 1995 Enrico Bombieri
John Friedlander
+ PDF On the Thue-Mahler equation II 1994 Enrico Bombieri
+ Effective diophantine approximation on $\mathbb {G}_M$ , II 1993 Enrico Bombieri
P. B. Cohen
+ PRIME TERRITORY 1992 Enrico Bombieri
+ Squares in arithmetic progressions 1992 Enrico Bombieri
Andrew Granville
J. Pintz
+ Proceedings of the Amalfi conference on analytic number theory, Septmber 25-29, 1989 1992 Enrico Bombieri
+ The generalized fermat equation in function fields 1991 Enrico Bombieri
Julia Mueller
+ Products of polynomials in many variables 1990 Bernard Beauzamy
Enrico Bombieri
Per Enflo
Hugh L. Montgomery
+ PDF Some quantitative results related to Roth's theorem: Corrigenda 1990 Enrico Bombieri
A. J. van der Poorten
+ The Mordell conjecture revisited 1990 Enrico Bombieri
+ Correction to my paper «Sull'analogo della formula di Selberg nei corpi di funzioni» 1990 Enrico Bombieri
+ The number of integral points on arcs and ovals 1989 Enrico Bombieri
Jonathan Pila
+ PDF Correction to on Thue's equation 1989 Enrico Bombieri
Wolfgang M. Schmidt
+ Number Theory, Trace Formulas, and Discrete Groups: Symposium in Honor of Atle Selberg, Oslo, Norway, July 14-21, 1987 1989 Atle Selberg
Karl Egil Aubert
Enrico Bombieri
Dorian Goldfeld
+ PDF Primes in arithmetic progressions to large moduli. III 1989 Enrico Bombieri
John Friedlander
Henryk Iwaniec
+ PDF Some quantitative results related to Roth's Theorem 1988 Enrico Bombieri
A. J. van der Poorten
+ Primes in arithmetic progressions to large Moduli. II 1987 Enrico Bombieri
John Friedlander
Henryk Iwaniec
+ On Thue's equation 1987 Enrico Bombieri
Wolfgang M. Schmidt
+ On the thue-mahler equation 1987 Enrico Bombieri
+ Lectures on the Thue Principle 1987 Enrico Bombieri
+ Quasicrystals, tilings, and algebraic number theory: some preliminary connections 1987 Enrico Bombieri
Jean E. Taylor
+ Polynomials with Low Height and Prescribed Vanishing 1987 Enrico Bombieri
Jeffrey D. Vaaler
John E. Taylor
+ PDF Primes in arithmetic progressions to large moduli 1986 Enrico Bombieri
John Friedlander
Henryk Iwaniec
+ Some mean-value theorems for exponential sums 1986 Enrico Bombieri
Henryk Iwaniec
+ On the order of $\zeta (\frac{1}{2} + it)$ 1986 Enrico Bombieri
Henryk Iwaniec
+ Appendix: On Some Exponential Sums 1985 B. J. Birch
Enrico Bombieri
+ An introduction to minimal currents and parametric variational problems 1985 Enrico Bombieri
+ ON THE GEHRING LINK PROBLEM 1984 Enrico Bombieri
Leon Simon
+ PDF Addendum to ?On Siegel's lemma? 1984 Enrico Bombieri
Jeffrey D. Vaaler
+ On Siegel's lemma 1983 Enrico Bombieri
Jeffrey D. Vaaler
+ Seminar on minimal submanifolds 1983 Enrico Bombieri
+ PDF On the $p$-adic analyticity of solutions of linear differential equations 1982 Enrico Bombieri
Steven Sperber
+ PDF On the Thue-Siegel-Dyson theorem 1982 Enrico Bombieri
+ Regularity theory for almost minimal currents 1982 Enrico Bombieri
+ On Poincaré's isoperimetric problem for simple closed geodesics 1981 Melvyn S. Berger
Enrico Bombieri
+ Thompson's problem (?2=3) 1980 Enrico Bombieri
+ On exponential sums in finite fields, II 1978 Enrico Bombieri
+ Enriques' Classification of Surfaces in Char. <i>p</i>, II 1977 Enrico Bombieri
D. Mumford
+ PDF Enriques' classification of surfaces in char.p, III 1976 Enrico Bombieri
D. Mumford
+ Enriques’ Classification of Surfaces in Char. p,III 1976 Enrico Bombieri
D. Mumford
+ Variational problems and elliptic equations (Hilbert’s problem 20) 1976 Enrico Bombieri
+ PDF Corrigendum to my paper "On twin almost primes" and an addendum on Selberg's sieve 1976 Enrico Bombieri
+ PDF On twin almost primes 1975 Enrico Bombieri
+ Le grand crible dans la théorie analytique des nombres 1974 Enrico Bombieri
+ Local estimates for the gradient of non‐parametric surfaces of prescribed mean curvature 1973 Enrico Bombieri
Enrico Giusti
+ PDF Canonical models of surfaces of general type 1973 Enrico Bombieri
+ Simultaneous approximations of algebraic numbers [following W. M. Schmidt] 1973 Enrico Bombieri
+ Geometric measure theory and minimal surfaces : III ciclo 1972, Varenna, 24 agosto-2 settembre 1973 Centro internazionale matematico estivo
Enrico Bombieri
+ Harnack's inequality for elliptic differential equations on minimal surfaces 1972 Enrico Bombieri
Enrico Giusti
+ Fibrations in etale homotopy theory . Dimension projective finie et cohomologie locale . An index theorem for systems of difference operators on a half space . On the structure of non-excellent curve singularities in characteristic p . Canonical models of surfaces of general type 1972 Eric M. Friedlander
Christian Peskine
Lucien Szpiro
David G. Schaeffer
Bruce M. Bennett
Enrico Bombieri
+ PDF A note on the large sieve 1971 Enrico Bombieri
+ Density theorems for the zeta function 1971 Enrico Bombieri
+ Algebraic values of meromorphic maps 1970 Enrico Bombieri
+ Addendum to my paper ?Algebraic values of meromorphic maps? 1970 Enrico Bombieri
+ Analytic subgroups of group varieties 1970 Enrico Bombieri
Serge Lang
+ Theory of minimal surfaces and a counter-example to the Bernstein conjecture in high dimensions 1970 Enrico Bombieri
+ On the Large Sieve Method 1969 Enrico Bombieri
H. Davenport
+ Una maggiorazione a priori relativa alle ipersuperfici minimali non parametriche 1969 Enrico Bombieri
Ennio De Giorgi
Michele Miranda
+ Some inequalities involving trigonometrical polynomials 1969 Enrico Bombieri
H. Davenport
+ Nuovi risultati sulle ipersuperfici minimali non parametriche 1968 Enrico Bombieri
+ A geometric approach to some coefficient inequalities for univalent functions 1968 Enrico Bombieri
+ On the local maximum property of the Koebe function 1967 Enrico Bombieri
+ On the local zeta function of a cubic threefold 1967 Enrico Bombieri
H. P. F. Swinnerton-Dyer
+ PDF Small differences between prime numbers 1966 Enrico Bombieri
H. Davenport
+ On Two Problems of Mordell 1966 Enrico Bombieri
H. Davenport
+ On Exponential Sums in Finite Fields 1966 Enrico Bombieri
+ On the large sieve 1965 Enrico Bombieri
+ On Functions which are Regular and Univalent in a Half-Plane 1965 Enrico Bombieri
+ Sulla dimostrazione di C. L. Siegel del teorema fondamentale di Minkowski nella geometria dei numeri. 1962 Enrico Bombieri
+ Sopra un teorema di H. Bohr e G. Ricci sulle funzioni maggioranti delle serie di potenze. 1962 Enrico Bombieri
+ Un collegamento tra un teorema di K. Prachar e un teorema di G. Ricci sulle differenze di numeri primi consecutivi. 1960 Enrico Bombieri
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Geometric Measure Theory 1988 Herbert Fédérer
+ PDF On the Thue-Siegel-Dyson theorem 1982 Enrico Bombieri
+ On the distribution of zeros of linear combinations of Euler products 1995 Enrico Bombieri
Dennis A. Hejhal
+ On Siegel's lemma 1983 Enrico Bombieri
Jeffrey D. Vaaler
+ An Introduction to Diophantine Approximation. 1958 John C. Brixey
J. W. S. Cassels
+ PDF Intersecting curves and algebraic subgroups: Conjectures and more results 2005 Enrico Bombieri
David Masser
Umberto Zannier
+ A relative Dobrowolski lower bound over abelian extensions 2000 Francesco Amoroso
Umberto Zannier
+ Geometric Measure Theory 1996 Herbert Fédérer
+ Fundamentals of Diophantine Geometry 1983 Serge Lang
+ PDF Finiteness results for multiplicatively dependent points on complex curves 2003 Enrico Bombieri
David Masser
Umberto Zannier
+ La conjecture de Weil. I 1974 Pierre Deligne
+ Vanishing sums in function fields 1986 W. Dale Brownawell
David Masser
+ On the large sieve 1965 Enrico Bombieri
+ Le problème de Lehmer en dimension supérieure 1999 Francesco Amoroso
S. David
+ None 1999 Enrico Bombieri
David Masser
Umberto Zannier
+ On the Zeros of Certain Dirichlet Series 1936 H. Davenport
H. Heilbronn
+ Über einige Anwendungen diophantischer Approximationen 2014 Carl Ludwig Siegel
+ On the zeros of Riemann's zeta-function 1943 Atle Selberg
+ Una maggiorazione a priori relativa alle ipersuperfici minimali non parametriche 1969 Enrico Bombieri
Ennio De Giorgi
Michele Miranda
+ PDF Intersecting a plane with algebraic subgroups of multiplicative groups 2009 Enrico Bombieri
David Masser
Umberto Zannier
+ On exponential sums and certain of their applications 1982 C. Hooley
+ Primes in arithmetic progressions to large Moduli. II 1987 Enrico Bombieri
John Friedlander
Henryk Iwaniec
+ Dyson's Lemma for polynomials in several variables (and the Theorem of roth) 1984 H�l�ne Esnault
Eckart Viehweg
+ PDF On the representation of integers by binary forms 1961 D. J. Lewis
Kurt Mahler
+ PDF On Hermitian Forms attached to Zeta Functions 2018 Hiroyuki Yoshida
+ PDF The Arithmetic of Elliptic Curves 1986 Joseph H. Silverman
+ None 1995 Enrico Bombieri
Umberto Zannier
+ On the Zeros of Certain Dirichlet Series 1936 H. Davenport
H. Heilbronn
+ Heights in Diophantine geometry 2006 Enrico Bombieri
Walter Gubler
+ Anomalous Subvarieties—Structure Theorems and Applications 2007 Enrico Bombieri
David Masser
Umberto Zannier
+ The Theory of the Riemann Zeta-Function 1987 E. C. Titchmarsh
D. R. Heath‐Brown
+ PDF Random Matrix Theory and ζ(1/2+ it) 2000 Jonathan P. Keating
N. C. Snaith
+ Th�or�me de Brun-Titchmarsh; application au th�or�me de Fermat 1985 �tienne Fouvry
+ On Exponential Sums in Finite Fields 1966 Enrico Bombieri
+ Logarithmic forms and group varieties. 1993 A. Baker
Gisbert Wüstholz
+ Footnote To a Note of Davenport and Heilbronn 1961 J. W. S. Cassels
+ On the zeros of certain Epstein zeta functions 2008 Enrico Bombieri
Julia Mueller
+ PDF On a question of Lehmer and the number of irreducible factors of a polynomial 1979 Edward Dobrowolski
+ PDF Genus change in inseparable extensions of function fields 1952 John Tate
+ Polynomials with Special Regard to Reducibility 2000 Andrzej Schinzel
+ PDF On the switching principle in sieve theory. 1986 Étienne Fouvry
Frieder Grupp
+ Incomplete Kloosterman Sums and a Divisor Problem 1985 John Friedlander
Henryk Iwaniec
+ PDF Random Matrices, Frobenius Eigenvalues, and Monodromy 1998 Nicholas M. Katz
Peter Sarnak
+ On Bombieri's asymptotic sieve 1978 John Friedlander
Henryk Iwaniec
+ PDF Primes in arithmetic progressions to large moduli 1986 Enrico Bombieri
John Friedlander
Henryk Iwaniec
+ Sul minimo dell'integrale del gradiente di una funzione 1965 Mario Miranda
+ An Introduction to the Geometry of Numbers 1959 J. W. S. Cassels
+ Mean Value Theorems in Prime Number Theory 1975 R. C. Vaughan