Carsten Lunde Petersen


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Roots of polynomial sequences in root-sparse regions 2025 Christian Henriksen
Carsten Lunde Petersen
Eva Uhre
+ PDF Chat Buff forms and invariant curves of near-parabolic maps 2024 Carsten Lunde Petersen
Saeed Zakeri
+ PDF Chat Hausdorff limits of external rays: The topological picture 2024 Carsten Lunde Petersen
Saeed Zakeri
+ Hausdorff limits of external rays: the topological picture 2023 Carsten Lunde Petersen
Saeed Zakeri
+ Zero distributions of derivatives of polynomial families centering on a set 2023 Christian Henriksen
Carsten Lunde Petersen
Eva Uhre
+ Value Distributions of Derivatives of $K$-regular Polynomial Families 2023 Christian Henriksen
Carsten Lunde Petersen
Eva Uhre
+ Convergence of Equilibrium Measures under $K$-regular Polynomial Sequences and their Derivatives 2023 Christian Henriksen
Carsten Lunde Petersen
Eva Uhre
+ Geometric limits of mixed families 2022 Christian Henriksen
Carsten Lunde Petersen
+ Holomorphic explosions — I 2022 Aslı Deniz
Carsten Lunde Petersen
+ PDF Chat On the correspondence of external angles under renormalization 2022 Carsten Lunde Petersen
Saeed Zakeri
+ Conformal renormalization of compact sets. 2021 Carsten Lunde Petersen
Filip Samuelsen
+ PDF Chat Periodic points and smooth rays 2021 Carsten Lunde Petersen
Saeed Zakeri
+ PDF Chat Filled Julia Sets of Chebyshev Polynomials 2021 Jacob S. Christiansen
Christian Henriksen
Henrik L. Pedersen
Carsten Lunde Petersen
+ Filled Julia sets of Chebyshev polynomials 2021 Jacob S. Christiansen
Christian Henriksen
Henrik L. Pedersen
Carsten Lunde Petersen
+ The Parabolic Mandelbrot Set 2021 Carsten Lunde Petersen
Pascale Roesch
+ Conformal renormalization of compact sets 2021 Carsten Lunde Petersen
Filip Samuelsen
+ Filled Julia sets of Chebyshev polynomials 2021 Jacob S. Christiansen
Christian Henriksen
Henrik L. Pedersen
Carsten Lunde Petersen
+ Periodic Points and Smooth Rays 2020 Carsten Lunde Petersen
Saeed Zakeri
+ PDF Chat Weak Limits of the Measures of Maximal Entropy for Orthogonal Polynomials 2020 Carsten Lunde Petersen
Eva Uhre
+ Holomorphic Explosions. 2020 Aslı Deniz
Carsten Lunde Petersen
+ Periodic Points and Smooth Rays 2020 Carsten Lunde Petersen
Saeed Zakeri
+ Holomorphic Explosions 2020 Aslı Deniz
Carsten Lunde Petersen
+ On combinatorial types of periodic orbits of the map x↦kx (mod <mml:math xmlns:mml="" altimg="si1.svg"><mml:mi mathvariant="double-struck">Z</mml:mi></mml:math>) 2019 Carsten Lunde Petersen
Saeed Zakeri
+ PDF Chat Conformal equivalence of measures and dynamics of orthogonal polynomials 2019 Signe Emalia Jensen
Carsten Lunde Petersen
+ On the correspondence of external rays under renormalization 2019 Carsten Lunde Petersen
Saeed Zakeri
+ On the correspondence of external rays under renormalization 2019 Carsten Lunde Petersen
Saeed Zakeri
+ PDF Chat Julia Sets of Orthogonal Polynomials 2018 Jacob S. Christiansen
Christian Henriksen
Henrik L. Pedersen
Carsten Lunde Petersen
+ On Combinatorial Types of Periodic Orbits of the Map $x \mapsto kx$ (mod $\mathbb Z$). Part I: Realization 2017 Carsten Lunde Petersen
Saeed Zakeri
+ PDF Chat On quasi-conformal (in-) compatibility of satellite copies of the Mandelbrot set: I 2017 Luna Lomonaco
Carsten Lunde Petersen
+ PDF Chat On parabolic external maps 2017 Luna Lomonaco
Carsten Lunde Petersen
Weixiao Shen
+ On the (Filled-) Julia sets of Orthogonal polynomials 2016 Jacob Stordahl Christiansen
Christian Henriksen
Henrik L. Pedersen
Carsten Lunde Petersen
+ Julia sets of Orthogonal polynomials 2016 Jacob Stordahl Christiansen
Christian Henriksen
Henrik L. Pedersen
Carsten Lunde Petersen
+ Julia sets of Orthogonal polynomials 2016 Jacob Stordahl Christiansen
Christian Henriksen
Henrik L. Pedersen
Carsten Lunde Petersen
+ Siegel discs via trans-quasiconformal surgery: Siegel discs via trans-quasiconformal surgery 2014 Carsten Lunde Petersen
+ On The Notions of Mating 2013 Carsten Lunde Petersen
Daniel Meyer
+ PDF Chat On The Notions of Mating 2013 Carsten Lunde Petersen
Daniel Meyer
+ On The Notions of Mating 2013 Carsten Lunde Petersen
Daniel Meyer
+ PDF Chat Carrots for dessert 2011 Carsten Lunde Petersen
Pascale Roesch
+ Conformally Natural extensions revisited 2011 Carsten Lunde Petersen
+ Trends and Developments in Complex Dynamics 2009 Carsten Lunde Petersen
Mikhail Lyubich
Dierk Schleicher
John Smillie
+ Polynomial-like semi-conjugates of the shift map 2009 Carsten Lunde Petersen
+ PDF Chat On the size of linearization domains 2008 Xavier Buff
Carsten Lunde Petersen
+ The Yoccoz combinatorial analytic invariant 2008 Carsten Lunde Petersen
Pascale Roesch
+ Quasi-symmetric conjugacy of Blaschke products on the unit circle 2007 Carsten Lunde Petersen
+ Dynamics on the Riemann Sphere: A Bodil Branner Festschrift 2006 Poul G. Hjorth
Carsten Lunde Petersen
+ Branner–Hubbard motions and attracting dynamics 2006 Carsten Lunde Petersen
Lei Tan
+ PDF Chat Branner–Hubbard motions and attracting dynamics 2006 Lei Tan
Carsten Lunde Petersen
+ PDF Chat On holomorphic critical quasi-circle maps 2004 Carsten Lunde Petersen
+ PDF Chat When Schröder meets Böttcher – convergence of level sets 2004 Carsten Lunde Petersen
+ PDF Chat On the Julia set of a typical quadratic polynomial with a Siegel disk 2004 Carsten Lunde Petersen
Saeed Zakeri
+ The central hyperbolic component of cubic polynomials 2003 Carsten Lunde Petersen
Lei Tan
+ PDF Chat Spectrum of the Dirac operator coupled to two-dimensional quantum gravity 2002 L. Bogacz
Z. Burda
Carsten Lunde Petersen
B. Petersson
+ Dirac operator and Ising model on a compact 2D random lattice 2001 L. Bogacz
Z. Burda
J. Jurkiewicz
A. Krzywicki
Carsten Lunde Petersen
Bengt Petersson
+ Dirac operator and Ising model on a compact 2D random lattice 2001 L. Bogacz
Z. Burda
J. Jurkiewicz
A. Krzywicki
Carsten Lunde Petersen
Bengt Petersson
+ PDF Chat Convergence of rational rays in parameter spaces 2000 Carsten Lunde Petersen
Gustav Ryd
+ The Herman-Światek Theorems with applications 2000 Carsten Lunde Petersen
+ No elliptic limits for quadratic maps 1999 Carsten Lunde Petersen
+ The Herman-Swiatec theorem with applications 1998 Carsten Lunde Petersen
+ Prime ends revisited: a geometric point of view 1997 Carsten Lunde Petersen
+ Puzzles and siegel disks 1997 Carsten Lunde Petersen
+ PDF Chat Local connectivity of some Julia sets containing a circle with an irrational rotation 1996 Carsten Lunde Petersen
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat On the dynamics of polynomial-like mappings 1985 Adrien Douady
John H. Hubbard
+ Dynamics in one complex variable 2000 John Milnor
+ PDF Chat Invariant sets under iteration of rational functions 1965 Hans Brolin
+ Über die Lage der Nullstellen von Polynomen, die aus Minimumforderungen gewisser Art entspringen 1922 Leopold Fejér
+ Potential Theory in the Complex Plane 1995 Thomas Ransford
+ PDF Chat Fixed points of polynomial maps. Part II. Fixed point portraits 1993 Lisa R. Goldberg
John Milnor
+ Geometry and Dynamics of Quadratic Rational Maps 1993 John Milnor
Lei Tan
+ Boundary Behaviour of Conformal Maps 1992 Christian Pommerenke
+ PDF Chat The iteration of cubic polynomials Part I: The global topology of parameter space 1988 Bodil Branner
John H. Hubbard
+ PDF Chat Entropy properties of rational endomorphisms of the Riemann sphere 1983 M. Ju. Ljubich
+ General Orthogonal Polynomials 1992 Herbert Stahl
Вилмос Тотик
+ PDF Chat Orthogonal polynomials associated with invariant measures on Julia sets 1982 Michael F. Barnsley
Jeffrey S. Geronimo
A. N. Harrington
+ External rays to periodic points 1996 Genadi Levin
Feliks Przytycki
+ Über die Lage der Nullstellen von Polynomen, die aus Minimumforderungen gewisser Art entspringen 1922 Leopold Fejér
+ PDF Chat Julia Sets of Orthogonal Polynomials 2018 Jacob S. Christiansen
Christian Henriksen
Henrik L. Pedersen
Carsten Lunde Petersen
+ PDF Chat Quasiconformal Mappings in the Plane: 1983 Olli Lehto
K. I. Virtanen
+ An extended Fatou–Shishikura inequality and wandering branch continua for polynomials 2015 Alexander Blokh
Doug Childers
Genadi Levin
Lex Oversteegen
Dierk Schleicher
+ On the correspondence of external rays under renormalization 2019 Carsten Lunde Petersen
Saeed Zakeri
+ The Yoccoz combinatorial analytic invariant 2008 Carsten Lunde Petersen
Pascale Roesch
+ PDF Chat The Decoration Theorem for Mandelbrot and Multibrot Sets 2016 Dzmitry Dudko
+ Szegő–Widom asymptotics of Chebyshev polynomials on circular arcs 2017 Benjamin Eichinger
+ Holomorphic motions and puzzles (following M. Shishikura) 2000 Pascale Roesch
+ PDF Chat Geometric Limits of Julia Sets of Maps z<sup>n</sup> + <font>exp</font>(2πiθ) as n → ∞ 2015 Scott Kaschner
Reaper Romero
David Simmons
+ PDF Chat Dynamical dessins are dense 2015 Christopher J. Bishop
Kevin M. Pilgrim
+ On the Geometry and Dynamics of Iterated Rational Maps 2009 William P. Thurston
+ PDF Chat Periodic Orbits, Externals Rays and the Mandelbrot Set: An Expository Account 2018 John Milnor
+ PDF Chat Disconnected Julia set and rotation sets 1996 Genadi Levin
Michael J. Schulz
+ PDF Chat Lectures on Quasiconformal Mappings 2006 Lars V. Ahlfors
+ PDF Chat On the Julia set of a typical quadratic polynomial with a Siegel disk 2004 Carsten Lunde Petersen
Saeed Zakeri
+ Ordered orbits of the shift, square roots, and the devil's staircase 1994 Shaun Bullett
Pierrette Sentenac
+ PDF Chat Geometry, electrostatic measure and orthogonal polynomials on Julia sets for polynomials 1983 Michael F. Barnsley
Jeffrey S. Geronimo
A. N. Harrington
+ Parabolic-like mappings 2014 Luna Lomonaco
+ Mating Siegel quadratic polynomials 2000 Michael Yampolsky
Saeed Zakeri
+ PDF Chat Self-similarity of Siegel disks and Hausdorff dimension of Julia sets 1998 Curtis T. McMullen
+ Matings of quadratic polynomials 1992 Lei Tan
+ Iteration of Rational Functions 1991 Robert L. Devaney
Alan F. Beardon
+ PDF Chat The iteration of cubic polynomials Part II: patterns and parapatterns 1992 Bodil Branner
John H. Hubbard
+ PDF Chat Shapes of polynomial Julia sets 2014 Kathryn Lindsey
+ PDF Chat Julia Sets in Parameter Spaces 2001 Xavier Buff
Christian Henriksen
+ PDF Chat Feigenbaum-Coullet-Tresser Universality and Milnor's Hairiness Conjecture 1999 Mikhail Lyubich
+ PDF Chat A parabolic Pommerenke–Levin–Yoccoz inequality 2002 Xavier Buff
Adam Epstein
+ PDF Chat Pasting Together Julia Sets: A Worked Out Example of Mating 2004 John Milnor
+ Parabolic-like maps 2011 Luciana Luna Anna Lomonaco
+ On the dynamics of rational maps 1983 Ricardo Mañé
Paulo Sad
Dennis Sullivan
+ PDF Chat Concerning upper semi-continuous collections of continua 1925 Robert L. Moore
+ Bifurcation of parabolic fixed points 2000 Mitsuhiro Shishikura
+ Petits diviseurs en dimension 1 2018 Jean-Christophe Yoccoz
+ Local connectivity of the Julia set for geometrically finite rational maps 1996 Lei Tan
Yongcheng Yin
+ Logarithmic Potentials with External Fields 1997 Edward B. Saff
Вилмос Тотик