Xisco Jiménez Forteza


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Theory-agnostic searches for non-gravitational modes in black hole ringdown 2024 Francesco Crescimbeni
Xisco Jiménez Forteza
S. Bhagwat
J. Westerweck
Paolo Pani
+ PDF Chat Nonlinear Ringdown at the Black Hole Horizon 2023 Neev Khera
Ariadna Ribes Metidieri
Béatrice Bonga
Xisco Jiménez Forteza
B. Krishnan
Eric Poisson
Daniel Pook-Kolb
Erik Schnetter
Huan Yang
+ PDF Chat Novel Ringdown Amplitude-Phase Consistency Test 2023 Xisco Jiménez Forteza
S. Bhagwat
S. Kumar
Paolo Pani
+ Nonlinear ringdown at the black hole horizon 2023 Neev Khera
Ariadna Ribes Metidieri
Béatrice Bonga
Xisco Jiménez Forteza
B. Krishnan
Eric Poisson
Daniel Pook-Kolb
Erik Schnetter
Huan Yang
+ Linear vs. nonlinear modelling of black hole ringdowns 2023 Yi Qiu
Xisco Jiménez Forteza
Pierre Mourier
+ Parameter estimation with non stationary noise in gravitational waves data 2022 S. Kumar
A. Nitz
Xisco Jiménez Forteza
+ A novel ringdown amplitude-phase consistency test 2022 Xisco Jiménez Forteza
S. Bhagwat
S. Kumar
Paolo Pani
+ PDF Chat High-overtone fits to numerical relativity ringdowns: Beyond the dismissed <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mi>n</mml:mi><mml:mo>=</mml:mo><mml:mn>8</mml:mn></mml:math> special tone 2021 Xisco Jiménez Forteza
Pierre Mourier
+ PDF Chat Quasinormal modes and their overtones at the common horizon in a binary black hole merger 2021 Pierre Mourier
Xisco Jiménez Forteza
Daniel Pook-Kolb
B. Krishnan
Erik Schnetter
+ PDF Chat Spectroscopy of binary black hole ringdown using overtones and angular modes 2020 Xisco Jiménez Forteza
S. Bhagwat
Paolo Pani
Valeria Ferrari
+ PDF Chat Mass-radius relation for neutron stars in <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mi>f</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy="false">(</mml:mo><mml:mi>R</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy="false">)</mml:mo><mml:mo>=</mml:mo><mml:mi>R</mml:mi><mml:mo>+</mml:mo><mml:mi>α</mml:mi><mml:msup><mml:mi>R</mml:mi><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></mml:msup></mml:math> gravity: A comparison between purely metric and torsion formulations 2020 Pasquale Feola
Xisco Jiménez Forteza
Salvatore Capozziello
Roberto Cianci
Stefano Vignolo
+ PDF Chat Ringdown overtones, black hole spectroscopy, and no-hair theorem tests 2020 S. Bhagwat
Xisco Jiménez Forteza
Paolo Pani
Valeria Ferrari
+ PDF Chat Impact of high-order tidal terms on binary neutron-star waveforms 2018 Xisco Jiménez Forteza
Tiziano Abdelsalhin
Paolo Pani
Leonardo Gualtieri
+ First higher-multipole model of spinning binary-black-hole gravitational waveforms 2017 L. T. London
S. Khan
Edward Fauchon-Jones
Xisco Jiménez Forteza
Mark Hannam
S. Husa
C. V. Kalaghatgi
F. Ohme
F. Pannarale
+ PDF Chat The most powerful astrophysical events: Gravitational-wave peak luminosity of binary black holes as predicted by numerical relativity 2017 D. Keitel
Xisco Jiménez Forteza
S. Husa
L. T. London
Sebastiano Bernuzzi
Enno Harms
Alessandro Nagar
M. D. Hannam
S. Khan
M. Pürrer
+ PDF Chat Frequency-domain gravitational waves from nonprecessing black-hole binaries. II. A phenomenological model for the advanced detector era 2016 S. Khan
S. Husa
Mark Hannam
F. Ohme
M. Pürrer
Xisco Jiménez Forteza
A. Bohé
+ PDF Chat Frequency-domain gravitational waves from nonprecessing black-hole binaries. I. New numerical waveforms and anatomy of the signal 2016 S. Husa
S. Khan
Mark Hannam
M. Pürrer
F. Ohme
Xisco Jiménez Forteza
A. Bohé
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Quasinormal modes of black holes and black branes 2009 Emanuele Berti
Vítor Cardoso
Andrei O. Starinets
+ PDF Chat Modeling ringdown: Beyond the fundamental quasinormal modes 2014 L. T. London
Deirdre Shoemaker
James Healy
+ PDF Chat Testing the No-Hair Theorem with GW150914 2019 M. Isi
Matthew Giesler
Will M. Farr
Mark Scheel
Saul A. Teukolsky
+ PDF Chat Tests of General Relativity with GW150914 2016 B. P. Abbott
R. Abbott
T. D. Abbott
M. R. Abernathy
F. Acernese
K. Ackley
C. Adams
T. Adams
P. Addesso
R. X. Adhikari
+ PDF Chat Gravitational-wave spectroscopy of massive black holes with the space interferometer LISA 2006 Emanuele Berti
Vítor Cardoso
Clifford M. Will
+ PDF Chat Spectroscopy of Kerr Black Holes with Earth- and Space-Based Interferometers 2016 Emanuele Berti
Alberto Sesana
Enrico Barausse
Vítor Cardoso
Krzysztof Belczyński
+ PDF Chat Simple Model of Complete Precessing Black-Hole-Binary Gravitational Waveforms 2014 M. D. Hannam
P. Schmidt
A. Bohé
L. Haegel
S. Husa
F. Ohme
G. Pratten
M. Pürrer
+ PDF Chat On choosing the start time of binary black hole ringdowns 2018 S. Bhagwat
Maria Okounkova
S. Ballmer
D. Brown
Matthew Giesler
Mark Scheel
Saul A. Teukolsky
+ PDF Chat qnm: A Python package for calculating Kerr quasinormal modes, separation constants, and spherical-spheroidal mixing coefficients 2019 Leo C. Stein
Enrico Barausse
Luciano Rezzolla
+ PDF Chat Effective-one-body model for black-hole binaries with generic mass ratios and spins 2014 Andrea Taracchini
Alessandra Buonanno
Yi Pan
Tanja Hinderer
Michael Boyle
Daniel A. Hemberger
Larry Kidder
Geoffrey Lovelace
Abdul Mroué
Harald Pfeiffer
+ PDF Chat Ringdown overtones, black hole spectroscopy, and no-hair theorem tests 2020 S. Bhagwat
Xisco Jiménez Forteza
Paolo Pani
Valeria Ferrari
+ PDF Chat Frequency-dependent responses in third generation gravitational-wave detectors 2017 R. C. Essick
S. Vitale
M. Evans
+ PDF Chat Spectroscopy of binary black hole ringdown using overtones and angular modes 2020 Xisco Jiménez Forteza
S. Bhagwat
Paolo Pani
Valeria Ferrari
+ Laser Interferometer Space Antenna 2017 Pau Amaro‐Seoane
H. Audley
S. Babak
John Baker
Enrico Barausse
Peter Bender
Emanuele Berti
Pierre Binétruy
M. Born
D. Bortoluzzi
+ Revisiting non-linearity in binary black hole mergers 2020 Maria Okounkova
+ PDF Chat Frequency-domain reduced order models for gravitational waves from aligned-spin compact binaries 2014 M. Pürrer
+ PDF Chat Quasinormal modes and their overtones at the common horizon in a binary black hole merger 2021 Pierre Mourier
Xisco Jiménez Forteza
Daniel Pook-Kolb
B. Krishnan
Erik Schnetter
+ PDF Chat Model systematics in time domain tests of binary black hole evolution 2022 Shilpa Kastha
C. D. Capano
J. Westerweck
M. Cabero
B. Krishnan
A. B. Nielsen
+ PDF Chat GWTC-1: A Gravitational-Wave Transient Catalog of Compact Binary Mergers Observed by LIGO and Virgo during the First and Second Observing Runs 2019 B. P. Abbott
R. Abbott
T. D. Abbott
S. Abraham
F. Acernese
K. Ackley
C. Adams
R. X. Adhikari
V. B. Adya
C. Affeldt
+ PDF Chat Black Hole Ringdown: The Importance of Overtones 2019 Matthew Giesler
M. Isi
Mark Scheel
Saul A. Teukolsky
+ PDF Chat Improved effective-one-body description of coalescing nonspinning black-hole binaries and its numerical-relativity completion 2013 Thibault Damour
Alessandro Nagar
Sebastiano Bernuzzi
+ PDF Chat Aspects of multimode Kerr ringdown fitting 2020 Gregory B. Cook
+ PDF Chat Importance of mirror modes in binary black hole ringdown waveform 2021 Arnab Dhani
+ PDF Chat Single-domain spectral method for black hole puncture data 2004 Marcus Ansorg
Bernd Brügmann
Wolfgang Tichy
+ PDF Chat Quasi-Normal Modes of Stars and Black Holes 1999 Kostas D. Kokkotas
Bernd Schmidt
+ PDF Chat Sensitivity studies for third-generation gravitational wave observatories 2011 S. Hild
M. R. Abernathy
F. Acernese
Pau Amaro‐Seoane
Nils Andersson
K. G. Arun
F. Barone
B. Barr
M. Barsuglia
M. G. Beker
+ PDF Chat Matching post-Newtonian and numerical relativity waveforms: Systematic errors and a new phenomenological model for nonprecessing black hole binaries 2010 L. Santamaría
F. Ohme
P. Ajith
Bernd Brügmann
Nils Dorband
M Hannam
S. Husa
Philipp Mösta
Denis Pollney
Christian Reisswig
+ PDF Chat Black Hole Spectroscopy with Coherent Mode Stacking 2017 Huan Yang
Kent Yagi
Jonathan Blackman
Luis Lehner
Vasileios Paschalidis
Frans Pretorius
Nicolás Yunes
+ PDF Chat Comparison of post-Newtonian templates for compact binary inspiral signals in gravitational-wave detectors 2009 Alessandra Buonanno
B. R. Iyer
E. Ochsner
Yi Pan
B. S. Sathyaprakash
+ PDF Chat Black-hole spectroscopy: testing general relativity through gravitational-wave observations 2004 Olaf Dreyer
Bernard Kelly
B. Krishnan
L. S. Finn
David Garrison
Ramon Lopez-Aleman
+ PDF Chat Dynamics of marginally trapped surfaces in a binary black hole merger: Growth and approach to equilibrium 2018 A. Gupta
B. Krishnan
Alex B. Nielsen
Erik Schnetter
+ PDF Chat Overtones or higher harmonics? Prospects for testing the no-hair theorem with gravitational wave detections 2020 I Ota
Cecilia Chirenti
+ PDF Chat Next-to-next-to-leading order spin–orbit effects in the gravitational wave flux and orbital phasing of compact binaries 2013 A. Bohé
S. Marsat
Luc Blanchet
+ PDF Chat Exploring the sensitivity of next generation gravitational wave detectors 2017 B. P. Abbott
R. Abbott
T. D. Abbott
M. R. Abernathy
K. Ackley
C. Adams
P. Addesso
R. X. Adhikari
V. B. Adya
C. Affeldt
+ PDF Chat Remnant mass, spin, and recoil from spin aligned black-hole binaries 2014 James Healy
C. O. Loustó
Yosef Zlochower
+ PDF Chat Hierarchical data-driven approach to fitting numerical relativity data for nonprecessing binary black holes with an application to final spin and radiated energy 2017 Xisco Jiménez-Forteza
D. Keitel
S. Husa
Mark Hannam
S. Khan
M. Pürrer
+ PDF Chat Spectroscopic analysis of stellar mass black-hole mergers in our local universe with ground-based gravitational wave detectors 2016 S. Bhagwat
D. Brown
S. Ballmer
+ PDF Chat Inspiral-merger-ringdown waveforms of spinning, precessing black-hole binaries in the effective-one-body formalism 2014 Yi Pan
Alessandra Buonanno
Andrea Taracchini
Larry Kidder
Abdul Mroué
Harald Pfeiffer
Mark Scheel
Béla Szilágyi
+ PDF Chat Mixing of spherical and spheroidal modes in perturbed Kerr black holes 2014 Emanuele Berti
Antoine Klein
+ PDF Chat Calibration of moving puncture simulations 2008 Bernd Brügmann
José A. González
M. D. Hannam
S. Husa
Ulrich Sperhake
Wolfgang Tichy
+ PDF Chat Frequency-domain gravitational waves from nonprecessing black-hole binaries. II. A phenomenological model for the advanced detector era 2016 S. Khan
S. Husa
Mark Hannam
F. Ohme
M. Pürrer
Xisco Jiménez Forteza
A. Bohé
+ PDF Chat Effective one-body approach to general relativistic two-body dynamics 1999 Alessandra Buonanno
Thibault Damour
+ PDF Chat The most powerful astrophysical events: Gravitational-wave peak luminosity of binary black holes as predicted by numerical relativity 2017 D. Keitel
Xisco Jiménez Forteza
S. Husa
L. T. London
Sebastiano Bernuzzi
Enno Harms
Alessandro Nagar
M. D. Hannam
S. Khan
M. Pürrer
+ PDF Chat News from Horizons in Binary Black Hole Mergers 2020 Vaishak Prasad
A. Gupta
S. Bose
B. Krishnan
Erik Schnetter
+ PDF Chat Numerical integration of Einstein’s field equations 1998 Thomas W. Baumgarte
Stuart L. Shapiro
+ PDF Chat Template bank for gravitational waveforms from coalescing binary black holes: Nonspinning binaries 2008 P. Ajith
S. Babak
Y Chen
M. Hewitson
B. Krishnan
A. M. Sintes
J. T. Whelan
Bernd Brügmann
Peter Diener
Nils Dorband
+ PDF Chat Inspiral-merger-ringdown multipolar waveforms of nonspinning black-hole binaries using the effective-one-body formalism 2011 Yi Pan
Alessandra Buonanno
Michael Boyle
Luisa T. Buchman
Larry Kidder
Harald Pfeiffer
Mark Scheel
+ PDF Chat Approaching faithful templates for nonspinning binary black holes using the effective-one-body approach 2007 Alessandra Buonanno
Yi Pan
John G. Baker
Joan Centrella
Bernard Kelly
Sean T. McWilliams
James R. van Meter
+ PDF Chat Comparison of search templates for gravitational waves from binary inspiral 2001 Thibault Damour
B. R. Iyer
B. S. Sathyaprakash