Ralph A. Raimi


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ State Mathematical Standards 1999 Mark Saul
Ralph A. Raimi
Lawrence S. Braden
+ What is mathematics ? (an answer in twenty minutes) 1986 Ralph A. Raimi
+ Factorization of Summability-Preserving Generalized Limits 1980 Ralph A. Raimi
+ The First Digit Problem 1976 Ralph A. Raimi
+ The First Digit Problem 1976 Ralph A. Raimi
+ Mathematical Talent: Discovery, Description and Development 1976 Ralph A. Raimi
+ On the Distribution of First Significant Figures 1969 Ralph A. Raimi
+ PDF Chat Translation properties of finite partitions of the positive integers 1967 Ralph A. Raimi
+ PDF Chat Minimal sets and Ergodic measures in 𝛽𝑁-𝑁 1964 Ralph A. Raimi
+ Convergence, Density, and τ-Density of Bounded Sequences 1963 Ralph A. Raimi
+ Invariant means and invariant matrix methods of summability 1963 Ralph A. Raimi
+ PDF Chat Convergence, density, and 𝜏-density of bounded sequences 1963 Ralph A. Raimi
+ Errata: “Permutations with comparable sets of invariant means,” vol. 27 (1960), pp. 467–479 1961 David Dean
Ralph A. Raimi
+ Permutations with comparable sets of invariant means 1960 David Dean
Ralph A. Raimi
+ On Banach’s generalized limits 1959 Ralph A. Raimi
+ PDF Chat Equicontinuity and compactness in locally convex topological linear spaces. 1958 Ralph A. Raimi
+ PDF Chat Mean Values and Banach Limits 1957 Ralph A. Raimi
+ PDF Chat Mean values and Banach limits 1957 Ralph A. Raimi
+ Compact Transformations and the k-Topology in Hilbert Space 1955 Ralph A. Raimi
+ PDF Chat Compact transformations and the 𝑘-topology in Hilbert space 1955 Ralph A. Raimi
+ Equicontinuity Of Linear Transformations. 1954 Ralph A. Raimi
Common Coauthors
Coauthor Papers Together
David Dean 2
Lawrence S. Braden 1
Mark Saul 1
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat A contribution to the theory of divergent sequences 1948 G. G. Lorentz
+ PDF Chat A Property of Extreme Points of Compact Convex Sets 1954 Meyer Jerison
+ PDF Chat On the Distribution of First Significant Digits 1961 Roger S. Pinkham
+ PDF Chat Natural homomorphisms in Banach spaces 1950 Jean Dieudonné
+ PDF Chat Finitely additive measures and the first digit problem 1969 Richard T. Bumby
Erik Ellentuck
+ Duality in linear spaces 1947 Richard Arens
+ Statistics as a Key Technology 1965 P. C. Mahalanobis
+ Permutations with comparable sets of invariant means 1960 David Dean
Ralph A. Raimi
+ Théorie des opérations linéaires 1932 Stefan Banach
+ An explanation of the first digit phenomenon 1976 Daniel I. A. Cohen
+ Distribution of Numbers and Distribution of Significant Figures 1945 W. H. Furry
Henry Hurwitz
+ PDF Chat On invariant probability measures I 1960 J. R. Blum
+ PDF Chat Invariant means and the Stone-Čech compactification 1967 Carroll O. Wilde
Klaus G. Witz
+ PDF Chat Abstract ergodic theorems and weak almost periodic functions 1949 W. F. Eberlein
+ Averages of continuous functions on compact spaces 1958 Walter Rudin
+ PDF Chat Mean values and Banach limits 1957 Ralph A. Raimi
+ Invariant means and invariant matrix methods of summability 1963 Ralph A. Raimi
+ On the Distribution of Numbers 1970 R. W. Hamming
+ PDF Chat The Set of all Generalized Limits of Bounded Sequences 1957 Meyer Jerison
+ On the Distribution of First Significant Figures 1969 Ralph A. Raimi
+ PDF Chat Almost Convergence, Summability And Ergodicity 1974 J. Peter Duran
+ Note on the Frequency of Use of the Different Digits in Natural Numbers 1881 Simon Newcomb
+ Methods of summability and uniform distribution mod 1 1964 Johann Cigler
+ PDF Chat Abstract Ergodic Theorems and Weak Almost Periodic Functions 1949 W. F. Eberlein
+ Natural Homomorphisms in Banach Spaces 1950 J. Dieudonne
+ The American Statistician 1947 1
+ Lectures on ergodic theory 1956 Paul R. Halmos
+ Publications of the Mathematical Society of Japan 1955 日本数学会
+ Uniform distribution of sequences 1974 L. Kuipers
Harald Niederreiter
+ PDF Chat On the distributions of significant digits and roundoff errors 1974 Nai–Kuan Tsao