Henryk Żołądek


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Variations on hypergeometric functions 2025 Michał Zakrzewski
Henryk Żołądek
+ An example in Hamiltonian dynamics 2024 Henryk Żołądek
+ Variations on Hypergeometric Functions 2024 Henryk Żołądek
Michał Zakrzewski
+ Normal forms, invariant manifolds and Lyapunov theorems 2023 Henryk Żołądek
+ Analytic properties of the complete formal normal form for the Bogdanov–Takens singularity <sup>*</sup> 2021 Ewa Stróżyna
Henryk Żołądek
+ Complex Differential and Difference Equations 2019 Galina Filipuk
Alberto Lastra
Sławomir Michalik
Yoshitsugu Takei
Henryk Żołądek
+ Perturbations of the Hess–Appelrot and the Lagrange cases in the rigid body dynamics 2019 Henryk Żołądek
+ Melnikov functions in the rigid body dynamics 2019 Paweł Lubowiecki
Henryk Żołądek
+ PDF Chat The Hess-Appelrot system. Ⅲ. Splitting of separatrices and chaos 2018 Radosław Kurek
Paweł Lubowiecki
Henryk Żołądek
+ The Poncelet Theorems in Interpretation of Rafaɫ Koɫodziej 2018 Henryk Żołądek
+ Twierdzenie Atiyaha-Singera o indeksie i jego okolice 2017 Henryk Żołądek
+ PDF Chat First order linear differential equations with involutive delay and hypergeometric functions 2017 Stefan Czekalski
Henryk Żołądek
+ The CD45 Case Revisited 2016 Henryk Żołądek
+ Melnikov Functions in Quadratic Perturbations of Generalized Lotka–Volterra Systems 2015 Henryk Żołądek
+ The Complete Formal Normal Form for the Bogdanov-Takens Singularity 2015 Ewa Stróżyna
Henryk Żołądek
+ Painlevé equations, elliptic integrals and elementary functions 2014 Henryk Żołądek
Galina Filipuk
+ Solutions to some singular nonlinear boundary value problems 2013 Beata Medak
А. А. Тretyakov
Henryk Żołądek
+ PDF Chat Multiple zeta values and the WKB method 2013 Michał Zakrzewski
Henryk Żołądek
+ Linear differential equations and multiple zeta-values. III. Zeta(3) 2012 Michał Zakrzewski
Henryk Żołądek
+ PDF Chat The Hess-Appelrot system. I. Invariant torus and its normal hyperbolicity 2012 Paweł Lubowiecki
Henryk Żołądek
+ Leonid Antonovich Cherkas 2011 В. В. Амелькин
A. F. Andreev
И. В. Гайшун
V. I. Gromak
В. А. Ильин
N. A. Izobov
И. Т. Кигурадзе
Jaume Llibre
V. I. Mironenko
В. А. Плисс
+ Divergence of the reduction to the multidimensional nilpotent Takens normal form 2011 Ewa Stróżyna
Henryk Żołądek
+ The Hess–Appelrot system. II. Perturbation and limit cycles 2011 Paweł Lubowiecki
Henryk Żołądek
+ Linear differential equations and multiple zeta values. II. A generalization of the WKB method 2011 Michał Zakrzewski
Henryk Żołądek
+ A simple proof of the non-integrability of the first and the second Painlevé equations 2011 Henryk Żołądek
+ PDF Chat Number of singular points of an annulus in \mathbb{C}^2 2011 Maciej Borodzik
Henryk Żołądek
+ Number of singular points of an annulus in $\mathbb{C}^2$ 2010 Maciej Borodzik
Henryk Żołądek
Henryk Żołądek
+ Complex algebraic plane curves via Poincaré-Hopf formula. II. Annuli 2010 Maciej Borodzik
Henryk Żołądek
+ PDF Chat Linear differential equations and multiple zeta values. I. Zeta(2) 2010 Michał Zakrzewski
Henryk Żołądek
+ Number of singular points of an annulus in $\mathbb{C}^2$ 2010 Maciej Borodzik
Henryk Żołądek
+ PDF Chat Classification of diffeomorphisms of $\mathbb S^4$ induced by queternionic Riccati equations with periodic coefficients 2009 Henryk Żołądek
+ Multidimensional formal Takens normal form 2008 Ewa Stróżyna
Henryk Żołądek
+ The Poincaré Center Problem 2008 Henryk Żołądek
Jaume Llibre
+ Small amplitude limit cycles for the polynomial Liénard system 2008 Maciej Borodzik
Henryk Żołądek
+ An application of Newton–Puiseux charts to the Jacobian problem 2008 Henryk Żołądek
+ Book reviews: ''Limit cycles of differential equations'' by Colin Christopher and Chengzhi Li 2008 Henryk Żołądek
+ PDF Chat Complex algebraic plane curves via Poincaré--Hopf formula. III. Codimension bounds 2008 Maciej Borodzik
Henryk Żołądek
+ PDF Chat Geometry of Puiseux expansions 2008 Maciej Borodzik
Henryk Żołądek
+ Algebraic curves in the complex plane 2008 Henryk Żołądek
+ Analytic Ordinary Differential Equations and Their Local Classification 2008 Henryk Żołądek
+ PDF Chat Complex algebraic plane curves via the Poincaré–Hopf formula, I: Parametric lines 2007 Maciej Borodzik
Henryk Żołądek
+ Complex algebraic curves. Annuli 2007 Maciej Borodzik
Henryk Żołądek
+ A Counterexample to a Multidimensional Version of the Weakened Hilbert's 16th Problem 2007 Marcin Bobieński
Henryk Żołądek
+ Invariant algebraic curves for the cubic Liénard system with linear damping 2006 J. Chavarriga
Isaac A. García
Jaume Llibre
Henryk Żołądek
+ The Monodromy Group 2006 Henryk Żołądek
+ A counterexample to a multidimensional version of the weakened Hilbert's 16-th problem 2006 Marcin Bobieński
Henryk Żołądek
+ The Monodromy Group 2006 Henryk Żołądek
+ The monodromy group 2006 Henryk Żołądek
+ The three-dimensional generalized Lotka–Volterra systems 2005 Marcin Bobieński
Henryk Żołądek
+ A new topological proof of the Abhyankar?Moh theorem 2003 Henryk Żołądek
+ Orbital formal normal forms for general Bogdanov–Takens singularity 2003 Ewa Stróżyna
Henryk Żołądek
+ Multi-dimensional Jouanolou system 2003 Henryk Żołądek
+ None 2003 Marcin Bobieński
Henryk Żołądek
+ PDF Chat A remark about homogeneous polynomial maps 2002 А. А. Тretyakov
Henryk Żołądek
+ PDF Chat Note on the deck transformations group and the monodromy group 2002 Henryk Żołądek
+ The Analytic and Formal Normal Form for the Nilpotent Singularity 2002 Ewa Stróżyna
Henryk Żołądek
+ PDF Chat The Pascal theorem and some its generalizations 2002 Maciej Borodzik
Henryk Żołądek
+ Polynomial Riccati equations with algebraic solutions 2002 Henryk Żołądek
+ Periodic planar systems without periodic solutions 2001 Henryk Żołądek
+ None 2001 Piotr J. Leszczyński
Henryk Żołądek
+ PDF Chat The topological proof of Abel-Ruffini theorem 2000 Henryk Żołądek
+ The Method of Holomorphic Foliations in Planar Periodic Systems: The Case of Riccati Equations 2000 Henryk Żołądek
+ PDF Chat Two remarks about Picard-Vessiot extensions and elementary functions 2000 Henryk Żołądek
+ PDF Chat Solution of the $1 : {−}2$ resonant center problem in the quadratic case 1998 Alexandra Fronville
Anton P. Sadovski
Henryk Żołądek
+ PDF Chat Algebraic invariant curves for the Liénard equation 1998 Henryk Żołądek
+ None 1998 Henryk Żołądek
+ PDF Chat New examples of holomorphic foliations without algebraic leaves 1998 Henryk Żołądek
+ The problem of center for resonant singular points of polynomial vector fields 1997 Henryk Żołądek
+ PDF Chat Remarks on "The classification of reversible cubic systems with center" 1996 Henryk Żołądek
+ The Cyclicity of Triangles and Segments in Quadratic Systems 1995 Henryk Żołądek
+ Eleven small limit cycles in a cubic vector field 1995 Henryk Żołądek
+ PDF Chat On algebraic solutions of algebraic Pfaff equations 1995 Henryk Żołądek
+ PDF Chat The XVI-th Hilbert problem about limit cycles 1995 Henryk Żołądek
+ PDF Chat The classification of reversible cubic systems with center 1994 Henryk Żołądek
+ Quadratic Systems with Center and Their Perturbations 1994 Henryk Żołądek
+ Abelian Integrals in Non-symmetric Perturbation of Symmetric Hamiltonian Vector Field 1994 J.M. Jebrane
Henryk Żołądek
+ On a certain generalization of Bautin's theorem 1994 Henryk Żołądek
+ PDF Chat On first integrals for polynomial differential equations on the line 1993 Henryk Żołądek
+ Zeroes of complete elliptic integrals for 1:2 resonance 1991 Christiane Rousseau
Henryk Żołądek
+ Remarks on the delay of the loss of stability of systems with changing parameter 1990 Henryk Żołądek
+ One-dimensional random walk with self-interaction 1987 Henryk Żołądek
+ Essential spectrum of an N-particle additive cluster operator 1982 Henryk Żołądek
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Principles of Algebraic Geometry 1978 Phillip Griffiths
Joseph Harris
+ Quadratic Systems with Center and Their Perturbations 1994 Henryk Żołądek
+ PDF Chat The classification of reversible cubic systems with center 1994 Henryk Żołądek
+ Embeddings of the line in the plane 1975 Shreeram S. Abhyankar
T. T. Moh
+ PDF Chat Singularities of vector fields 1974 Floris Takens
+ Geometrical Methods in the Theory of Ordinary Differential Equations 1988 V. I. Arnold
+ Singularities of differentiable mappings 1971 Harold Levine
+ PDF Chat On the logarithmic Kodaira dimension of the complement of a curve in $P^2$ 1978 Isao Wakabayashi
+ PDF Chat Propri\'et\'es topologiques des polyn\^omes de deux variables complexes, et automorphismes alg\'ebriques de l'espace C2 1974 Masakazu Suzuki
+ The Analytic and Formal Normal Form for the Nilpotent Singularity 2002 Ewa Stróżyna
Henryk Żołądek
+ On rational cuspidal curves 2002 S. Yu. Orevkov
+ PDF Chat Groupes d'automorphismes de $({\bbfC},0)$ et équations différentielles $ydy+\cdots =0$ 1988 Dominique Cerveau
Robert Moussu
+ The monodromy group 2006 Henryk Żołądek
+ Three-Dimensional Link Theory and Invariants of Plane Curve Singularities 1986 David Eisenbud
Walter D. Neumann
+ PDF Chat Partial Differential Equations 1988 Shiing-Shen Chern
+ PDF Chat Complex algebraic plane curves via Poincaré--Hopf formula. III. Codimension bounds 2008 Maciej Borodzik
Henryk Żołądek
+ On the topology of non-complete algebraic surfaces 1982 Takao Fujita
+ Ordinary Differential Equations 2017 John M. Stewart
+ Finitely generated groups of germs of one-dimensional conformal mappings, and invariants for complex singular points of analytic foliations of the complex plane 1993 P M Elizarov
Yu. Ilyashenko
А. А. Щербаков
Сергей Воронин
+ PDF Chat A preparation theorem for codimension-one foliations 2006 Frank Loray
+ None 1998 Henryk Żołądek
+ The analytic and formal normal form for the nilpotent singularity. The case of generalized saddle-node 2002 Ewa Stróżyna
+ Singular points of complex hypersurfaces 1968 John Milnor
+ On a class of rational cuspidal plane curves 1995 Mikhail Zaidenberg
Hubert Flenner
+ The chebyshev property of elliptic integrals 1988 G. S. Petrov
+ Classification de certains feuilletages associ�s � un cusp 1994 Frank Loray
R. Meziani
+ The Monodromy Group 2006 Henryk Żołądek
+ PDF Chat Remarks on "The classification of reversible cubic systems with center" 1996 Henryk Żołądek
+ Réduction formelle des singularités cuspidales de champs de vecteurs analytiques 1999 Frank Loray
+ PDF Chat The Hess-Appelrot system. I. Invariant torus and its normal hyperbolicity 2012 Paweł Lubowiecki
Henryk Żołądek
+ PDF Chat A numerical characterization of ball quotients for normal surfaces with branch loci 1989 Ryoichi Kobayashi
Shu Nakamura
Fumio Sakai
+ None 2001 Piotr J. Leszczyński
Henryk Żołądek
+ Ordinary Differential Equations. 1993 Fred Brauer
Vladimir I. Arnold
Roger Cook
+ PDF Chat Symétrie et forme normale des centres et foyers dégénérés 1982 Robert Moussu
+ Asymptotic expansions for ordinary differential equations 1965 Wolfgang Wasow
+ Algebraic solutions of polynomial differential equations and foliations in dimension two 1988 Alcides Lins Neto
+ Ordinary differential equations and smooth dynamical systems 1997 D. V. Anosov
S Kh Aranson
Vladimir I. Arnold
I. U. Bronshtein
Yu. Ilyashenko
В. З. Гринес
+ Branching of solutions and nonexistence of first integrals in Hamiltonian mechanics. I 1983 S. L. Ziglin
+ The degree of rational cuspidal curves 1989 Takashi Matsuoka
Fumio Sakai
+ Real analytic varieties with the finiteness property and complex abelian integrals 1984 Askold Khovanskiĭ
+ Linear Grading Function and Further Reduction of Normal Forms 1996 Hiroshi Kokubu
Hiroe Oka
Duo Wang
+ On the number of singular points of plane curves 1995 Mikhail Zaidenberg
S. Yu. Orevkov
+ PDF Chat Sur les courbes définies par des équations différentielles 1901 Ivar Bendixson
+ PDF Chat Rational polynomials of simple type 2002 Walter D. Neumann
Paul Norbury
+ An introduction to differential algebra 1957 Irving Kaplansky
+ A Treatise on Bessel Functions and Their Applications to Physics 1967 Andrew Gray
G. B. Mathews
Albert A. Mullin
+ Estimate of the number of zeros of an abelian integral depending on a parameter and limit cycles 1984 Alexander Varchenko
+ Complex algebraic plane curves via their links at infinity 1989 Walter D. Neumann
+ PDF Chat Liouvillian first integrals of differential equations 1992 Michael F. Singer
+ PDF Chat Divergence and summability of normal forms of systems of differential equations with nilpotent linear part 2004 Reinhard Schäfke
Mireille Canalis-Durand