Marie Claire Jarratt


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Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Fast single-charge sensing with a rf quantum point contact 2007 D. J. Reilly
C. M. Marcus
M. Hanson
A. C. Gossard
+ PDF Chat Gate-based single-shot readout of spins in silicon 2019 Anderson West
Bas Hensen
A. Jouan
Tuomo Tanttu
Chih Hwan Yang
Alessandro Rossi
M. Fernando GonzĂĄlez-Zalba
Fay E. Hudson
Andrea Morello
D. J. Reilly
+ PDF Chat Frequency multiplexing for readout of spin qubits 2014 J. M. Hornibrook
James Colless
Alice Mahoney
Xanthe Croot
S. Blanvillain
Hong LĂŒ
A. C. Gossard
D. J. Reilly
+ PDF Chat Dispersive Readout of a Few-Electron Double Quantum Dot with Fast rf Gate Sensors 2013 James Colless
Alice Mahoney
J. M. Hornibrook
Andrew C. Doherty
Hong LĂŒ
A. C. Gossard
D. J. Reilly
+ PDF Chat Dynamical decoupling sequence construction as a filter-design problem 2011 Michael J. Biercuk
Andrew C. Doherty
Hermann Uys
+ PDF Chat Scalable designs for quasiparticle-poisoning-protected topological quantum computation with Majorana zero modes 2017 Torsten Karzig
Christina Knapp
Roman M. Lutchyn
Parsa Bonderson
Matthew B. Hastings
Chetan Nayak
Jason Alicea
Karsten Flensberg
Stephan Plugge
Yuval Oreg
+ PDF Chat Radio-frequency dispersive detection of donor atoms in a field-effect transistor 2014 J. Verduijn
M. Vinet
Sven Rogge
+ PDF Chat All-Microwave Control and Dispersive Readout of Gate-Defined Quantum Dot Qubits in Circuit Quantum Electrodynamics 2019 Pasquale Scarlino
David J. van Woerkom
Anna Stockklauser
J. V. Koski
Michele C. Collodo
Simone Gasparinetti
Christian Reichl
W. Wegscheider
Thomas Ihn
K. Ensslin
+ PDF Chat Charge and Spin State Readout of a Double Quantum Dot Coupled to a Resonator 2010 K. D. Petersson
Charles G. Smith
David V. Anderson
P. Atkinson
G. A. C. Jones
D. A. Ritchie
+ PDF Chat Low-temperature tunable radio-frequency resonator for sensitive dispersive readout of nanoelectronic devices 2019 David J. Ibberson
Lisa Ibberson
G. Smithson
J. A. Haigh
Sylvain Barraud
M. Fernando GonzĂĄlez-Zalba
+ PDF Chat Phenomenological model for the 0.7 conductance feature in quantum wires 2005 D. J. Reilly
Dennis Lucarelli
Tzyh‐Jong Tarn
+ PDF Chat Progress in Compensating Pulse Sequences for Quantum Computation 2014 J. True Merrill
Kenneth R. Brown
+ PDF Chat Universal Dynamical Control of Quantum Mechanical Decay: Modulation of the Coupling to the Continuum 2001 Abraham G. Kofman
Gershon Kurizki
+ PDF Chat Noise spectroscopy through dynamical decoupling with a superconducting flux qubit 2011 Jonas Bylander
Simon Gustavsson
Fei Yan
Fumiki Yoshihara
K. Harrabi
George Fitch
David G. Cory
Yasunobu Nakamura
Jaw Shen Tsai
William D. Oliver
+ PDF Chat Optimized dynamical decoupling in a model quantum memory 2009 Michael J. Biercuk
Hermann Uys
Aaron P. VanDevender
Nobuyasu Shiga
Wayne M. Itano
J. J. Bollinger
+ PDF Chat Keeping a Quantum Bit Alive by Optimized<mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:mi>π</mml:mi></mml:math>-Pulse Sequences 2007 Götz S. Uhrig
+ PDF Chat Violation of Kirchhoff's Laws for a Coherent <i>RC</i> Circuit 2006 Julien Gabelli
Gwendal FĂšve
Jean‐Marc Berroir
Bernard Plaçais
A. Cavanna
B. Etienne
Yong Jin
D. C. Glattli
+ PDF Chat Nanometre-scale thermometry in a living cell 2013 Georg Kucsko
Peter C. Maurer
Norman Y. Yao
M. K. Kubo
H.‐J. Noh
Pik Kwan Lo
Hongkun Park
Mikhail D. Lukin
+ PDF Chat A coherent spin–photon interface in silicon 2018 Xiao Mi
M. Benito
Stefan Putz
D. M. Zajac
Jacob M. Taylor
Guido Burkard
J. R. Petta
+ PDF Chat Reducing sequencing complexity in dynamical quantum error suppression by Walsh modulation 2011 David Hayes
Kaveh Khodjasteh
Lorenza Viola
Michael J. Biercuk
+ PDF Chat Gate-Sensing Charge Pockets in the Semiconductor-Qubit Environment 2019 Xanthe Croot
Sebastian Pauka
Marie Claire Jarratt
Hong LĂŒ
A. C. Gossard
John Watson
Geoffrey C. Gardner
Saeed Fallahi
Michael J. Manfra
D. J. Reilly
+ PDF Chat Rapid Detection of Coherent Tunneling in an <mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline" overflow="scroll"><mml:mrow><mml:mi>In</mml:mi><mml:mi>As</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:math> Nanowire Quantum Dot through Dispersive Gate Sensing 2019 Damaz de Jong
Jasper van Veen
Luca Binci
Amrita Singh
Peter Krogstrup
Leo P. Kouwenhoven
Wolfgang Pfaff
John Watson
+ PDF Chat Sensitive Radio-Frequency Measurements of a Quantum Dot by Tuning to Perfect Impedance Matching 2016 Natalia Ares
Felix Schupp
Aquila Mavalankar
G.T. Rogers
Jonathan Griffiths
G. A. C. Jones
I. Farrer
D. A. Ritchie
Charles G. Smith
Audrey Cottet
+ PDF Chat Measuring the Complex Admittance of a Carbon Nanotube Double Quantum Dot 2012 S. J. Chorley
Joachim Wabnig
Z. V. Penfold-Fitch
K. D. Petersson
J. Frake
Charles G. Smith
M. R. Buitelaar
+ PDF Chat Charge Rearrangement and Screening in a Quantum Point Contact 2007 S. LĂŒscher
Louie Moore
TomaĆŸ Rejec
Yigal Meir
Hadas Shtrikman
David Goldhaber‐Gordon
+ PDF Chat NMR techniques for quantum control and computation 2005 L. M. K. Vandersypen
Isaac L. Chuang
+ PDF Chat Dispersive readout of a silicon quantum dot with an accumulation-mode gate sensor 2017 Alessandro Rossi
Ruichen Zhao
Andrew S. Dzurak
M. Fernando GonzĂĄlez-Zalba
+ PDF Chat How to enhance dephasing time in superconducting qubits 2008 Ɓukasz CywiƄski
Roman M. Lutchyn
Cody P. Nave
S. Das Sarma
+ PDF Chat Coulomb Blockade of a Nearly Open Majorana Island 2019 Dmitry I. Pikulin
Karsten Flensberg
L. I. Glazman
Manuel Houzet
Roman M. Lutchyn
+ PDF Chat An Introduction to Quantum Filtering 2007 Luc Bouten
Ramon van Handel
M. R. James
+ PDF Chat High-Order Noise Filtering in Nontrivial Quantum Logic Gates 2012 Todd Green
Hermann Uys
Michael J. Biercuk
+ PDF Chat Arbitrary quantum control of qubits in the presence of universal noise 2013 Todd J. Green
Jarrah Sastrawan
Hermann Uys
Michael J. Biercuk
+ PDF Chat Measuring the Spectrum of Colored Noise by Dynamical Decoupling 2011 Gonzalo A. Álvarez
Dieter Suter
+ PDF Chat Electric-field sensing using single diamond spins 2011 Florian Dolde
Helmut Fedder
Marcus W. Doherty
Tobias Nöbauer
F. Rempp
Gopalakrishnan Balasubramanian
Thomas Wolf
Friedemann Reinhard
Lloyd C. L. Hollenberg
Fedor Jelezko
+ PDF Chat Frequency-modulated pulses for quantum bits coupled to time-dependent baths 2012 Benedikt Fauseweh
S. Pasini
Götz S. Uhrig
+ PDF Chat Probing the limits of gate-based charge sensing 2015 M. Fernando GonzĂĄlez-Zalba
Sylvain Barraud
A. J. Ferguson
A. C. Betz
+ PDF Chat Local Compressibility Measurements of Correlated States in Suspended Bilayer Graphene 2010 Jens Martin
Benjamin E. Feldman
R. Thomas Weitz
Monica Allen
Amir Yacoby
+ PDF Chat Quantum Control in the Cs<mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:mn>6</mml:mn><mml:msub><mml:mi>S</mml:mi><mml:mrow><mml:mn>1</mml:mn><mml:mo>/</mml:mo><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></mml:mrow></mml:msub></mml:math>Ground Manifold Using Radio-Frequency and Microwave Magnetic Fields 2013 Aaron Smith
B. E. Anderson
H. Sosa-Martinez
Carlos Riofrio
Ivan Deutsch
Poul Jessen
+ PDF Chat Radio Frequency Charge Parity Meter 2012 M. D. Schroer
Minkyung Jung
K. D. Petersson
J. R. Petta
+ PDF Chat Laser cooling of trapped ytterbium ions with an ultraviolet diode laser 2006 D. Kielpinski
Marko Cetina
Jonathan A. Cox
Franz X. KĂ€rtner
+ PDF Chat Optimal pulse spacing for dynamical decoupling in the presence of a purely dephasing spin bath 2011 Ashok Ajoy
Gonzalo A. Álvarez
Dieter Suter
+ PDF Chat Composite pulses for robust universal control of singlet–triplet qubits 2012 Xin Wang
Lev S. Bishop
J. P. Kestner
Edwin Barnes
Kai Sun
S. Das Sarma
+ PDF Chat Soft-pulse dynamical decoupling with Markovian decoherence 2009 Leonid P. Pryadko
Gregory Quiroz
+ PDF Chat Charge Noise Spectroscopy Using Coherent Exchange Oscillations in a Singlet-Triplet Qubit 2013 Oliver Dial
Michael Shulman
Shannon P. Harvey
Hendrik Bluhm
V. Umansky
Amir Yacoby
+ PDF Chat Very Large Capacitance Enhancement in a Two-Dimensional Electron System 2011 LĂŒ Li
Christoph Richter
Stefan Paetel
Thilo Kopp
J. Mannhart
R. C. Ashoori
+ PDF Chat Generalization of short coherent control pulses: extension to arbitrary rotations 2008 S. Pasini
Götz S. Uhrig
+ PDF Chat Sensing and atomic-scale structure analysis of single nuclear-spin clusters in diamond 2013 Fazhan Shi
Xi Kong
Pengfei Wang
Fei Kong
Nan Zhao
Ren‐Bao Liu
Jiangfeng Du
+ PDF Chat Robustness of composite pulses to time-dependent control noise 2014 Chingiz Kabytayev
Todd J. Green
Kaveh Khodjasteh
Michael J. Biercuk
Lorenza Viola
Kenneth R. Brown
+ PDF Chat Control of inhomogeneous ensembles on the Bloch sphere 2012 Philip Owrutsky
Navin Khaneja