Peter Fillmore


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Intersections of nest algebras in finite dimensions 2002 Peter Fillmore
W. E. Longstaff
G.W.MacDonald H. Radjavi
Yong Zhong
+ C*-algebras: Constructions 1999 B. V. Rajarama Bhat
George A. Elliott
Peter Fillmore
+ C*-algebraic K-theory made concrete, or trick or treat with 2×2 matrix algebras 1999 B. V. Rajarama Bhat
George A. Elliott
Peter Fillmore
+ The equivalence between injectivity and hyperfiniteness, part I 1999 B. V. Rajarama Bhat
George A. Elliott
Peter Fillmore
+ Positivity in C*-algebras 1999 B. V. Rajarama Bhat
G. R. Elliott
Peter Fillmore
+ C*-algebras and mathematical physics 1999 B. V. Rajarama Bhat
George A. Elliott
Peter Fillmore
+ C*-algebras: Definitions and examples 1999 B. V. Rajarama Bhat
G. R. Elliott
Peter Fillmore
+ PDF Chat Free products of von Neumann algebras 1999 B. V. Rajarama Bhat
George A. Elliott
Peter Fillmore
+ PDF Chat Classification of simple purely infinite C*-algebras I 1999 B. V. Rajarama Bhat
George A. Elliott
Peter Fillmore
+ C*-algebras and several complex variables 1999 B. V. Rajarama Bhat
George A. Elliott
Peter Fillmore
+ K-theory II: Roots in topology and index theory 1999 B. V. Rajarama Bhat
G. R. Elliott
Peter Fillmore
+ Classification of amenable C*-algebras I 1999 B. V. Rajarama Bhat
George A. Elliott
Peter Fillmore
+ PDF Chat Tensor products of C*-algebras 1999 B. V. Rajarama Bhat
George A. Elliott
Peter Fillmore
+ Classification of amenable C*-algebras II 1999 B. V. Rajarama Bhat
George A. Elliott
Peter Fillmore
+ PDF Chat Lectures on Operator Theory 1999 B. V. Rajarama Bhat
George A. Elliott
Peter Fillmore
+ Operator Algebras and Their Applications 1997 Peter Fillmore
James A. Mingo
+ Geometric Aspects of Functional Analysis 1995 Jonathan Arazy
Aharon Atzmon
Joseph A. Ball
Blackburg Ben-Artzi
Hari Bercovici
Albrecht Böttcher
L. A. Coburn
Kenneth R. Davidson
Robert J. Douglas
Rehovot Dym
+ Operator Theory in Function Spaces and Banach Lattices 1995 Jonathan Arazy
Aharon Atzmon
Joseph A. Ball
Blackburg Ben-Artzi
Hari Bercovici
Albrecht Böttcher
L. A. Coburn
Kenneth R. Davidson
Robert J. Douglas
Rehovot Dym
+ Mathematics in Canada 1995 Peter Fillmore
+ Entire Cyclic Cohomology of Banach Algebras 1994 Peter Fillmore
Masoud Khalkhali
+ Nonselfadjoint Operators and Related Topics 1994 Jonathan Arazy
Aharon Atzmon
Joseph A. Ball
Blackburg Ben-Artzi
Hari Bercovici
Albrecht Böttcher
L. A. Coburn
Kenneth R. Davidson
Robert J. Douglas
Rehovot Dym
+ Contributions to Operator Theory and its Applications 1993 Aharon Atzmon
Robert J. Douglas
Peter Fillmore
Halifax Foias
Peter Fuhrmann
Seymour Goldberg
J.C. Helton
La Jolla
M. A. Kaashoek
Of Ando
+ Linear Operators in Function Spaces 1990 Aharon Atzmon
Joseph A. Ball
L. A. Coburn
Robert J. Douglas
Rehovot Dym
Peter Fillmore
Halifax Foias
Peter Fuhrmann
Seymour Goldberg
Jan Janas
+ Toeplitz Operators and Spectral Function Theory 1989 Israel Gohberg
Aharon Atzmon
Joseph A. Ball
L. A. Coburn
Robert J. Douglas
Peter Fillmore
Ciprian Foiaş
Peter Fuhrmann
Seymour Goldberg
J.C. Helton
+ On matrix spaces with zero determinant 1985 Peter Fillmore
Cecelia Laurie
Heydar Radjavi
+ <i>A Hilbert Space Problem Book</i>. By Paul R. Haimos 1984 Peter Fillmore
Nigel Higson
+ PDF Chat A Hilbert Space Problem Book. 1984 Peter Fillmore
Nigel Higson
Paul R. Halmos
+ PDF Chat On Isomorphisms of Lattices of Closed Subspaces 1984 Peter Fillmore
W. E. Longstaff
+ Triviality Theorems for Hilbert Modules 1981 Maurice J. Dupré
Peter Fillmore
+ PDF Chat Real parts of quasi-nilpotent operators 1979 Peter Fillmore
C. K. Fong
A. R. Sourour
+ PDF Chat A Note on Reductive Operators 1979 Peter Fillmore
+ Extensions of C ∗ -algebras and K-Homology 1977 L. G. Brown
R. G. Douglas
Peter Fillmore
+ The hyperinvariant subspace lattice of a linear transformation 1977 Peter Fillmore
Domingo A. Herrero
W. E. Longstaff
+ Reflexive linear transformations 1975 James A. Deddens
Peter Fillmore
+ PDF Chat On invariant linear manifolds 1973 Peter Fillmore
+ Unitary equivalence modulo the compact operators and extensions of C*-algebras 1973 L. G. Brown
R. G. Douglas
Peter Fillmore
+ PDF Chat Extensions of 𝐶*-algebras, operators with compact self-commutators, and 𝐾-homology 1973 L. G. Brown
R. G. Douglas
Peter Fillmore
+ Proceedings of a Conference on Operator Theory : Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, April 13th and 14th, 1973 1973 Peter Fillmore
+ On the essential numerical range, the essential spectrum, and a problem of Halmos 1972 Peter Fillmore
Joseph G. Stampfli
J. P. Williams
+ On operator ranges 1971 Peter Fillmore
J. P. Williams
+ PDF Chat Some convexity theorems for matrices 1971 Peter Fillmore
J. P. Williams
+ On sums of projections 1969 Peter Fillmore
+ PDF Chat Sums of irreducible operators 1969 Peter Fillmore
David M. Topping
+ A Direct Integral Decomposition for Certain Operator Algebras 1969 Peter Fillmore
David M. Topping
+ PDF Chat Sums of Irreducible Operators 1969 Peter Fillmore
David M. Topping
+ Operator algebras generated by projections 1967 Peter Fillmore
David M. Topping
+ PDF Chat The Invariant Subspace Lattice of a Linear Transformation 1967 Louis Brickman
Peter Fillmore
+ PDF Chat On topology induced by measure 1966 Peter Fillmore
+ PDF Chat On Products of Symmetries 1966 Peter Fillmore
+ PDF Chat The Dimension Theory of Certain Cardinal Algebras 1965 Peter Fillmore
+ PDF Chat Perspectivity in projection lattices 1965 Peter Fillmore
+ PDF Chat The dimension theory of certain cardinal algebras 1965 Peter Fillmore
+ PDF Chat An Archimedean property of cardinal algebras. 1964 Peter Fillmore
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Projections in Banach Algebras 1951 Irving Kaplansky
+ Dimension Functions on Certain General Lattices 1955 Shûichirô Maeda
+ PDF Chat The Invariant Subspace Lattice of a Linear Transformation 1967 Louis Brickman
Peter Fillmore
+ The lattice theoretic background of the dimension theory of operator algebras 1955 Lynn H. Loomis
+ PDF Chat A Hilbert Space Problem Book 1982 Paul R. Halmos
+ PDF Chat Irreducible operators. 1968 Paul R. Halmos
+ Banach Algebra Techniques in the Theory of Toeplitz Operators 1973 Robert J. Douglas
+ PDF Chat Products of symmetries 1958 Paul R. Halmos
Shizuo Kakutani
+ On the essential numerical range, the essential spectrum, and a problem of Halmos 1972 Peter Fillmore
Joseph G. Stampfli
J. P. Williams
+ PDF Chat The Representation of Abstract Measure Functions 1949 Dorothy Maharam
+ Extensions of C ∗ -algebras and K-Homology 1977 L. G. Brown
R. G. Douglas
Peter Fillmore
+ General Theory of Banach Algebras. 1961 E. H. Batho
C. E. Rickart
+ Linear and Multilinear Algebra 1984 Marvin Marcus
Robert C. Thompson
+ Extensions of C*-algebras and K-homology 1977 R. G. Douglas
+ PDF Chat Operators with Compact Self-Commutator 1974 Carl Pearcy
Norberto Salinas
+ Banach Algebra Techniques in Operator Theory 1998 Ronald G. Douglas
+ PDF Chat On the vanishing of<i>H</i><sup><i>n</i></sup>(𝒜<i>,</i>𝒜<sup>∗</sup>) for certain<i>C</i><sup>∗</sup>-algebras 1989 Erik Christensen
Allan Sinclair
+ Square summable power series 1966 Louis de Branges
James Rovnyak
+ Approximation in trace norm by positive semidefinite matrices 1985 T. Andô
+ Approximation by positive operators 1973 Tsuyoshi Andô
Takashi Sekiguchi
Teruo Suzuki
+ Homologie cyclique, caractère de Chern et lemme de perturbation. 1990 Christian Kassel
+ Non-Linear Completely Positive Maps 1986 T. Andô
M. D. Choi
+ Das Trägheitsgesetz der quadratischen Formen im Hilbertschen Raum 1936 Gottfried Köthe
+ PDF Chat Selfcommutators of multicyclic hyponormal operators are always trace class 1973 C. A. Berger
B. I. Shaw
+ PDF Chat Continuous functions of Hermitian operators 1972 Paul R. Halmos
+ Fredholm operators associated with strongly pseudoconvex domains in Cn 1972 U. Venugopalkrishna
+ PDF Chat On extreme points of the numerical range of normal operators 1965 C. R. MacCluer
+ PDF Chat The 𝐶*-algebra generated by an isometry 1967 L. A. Coburn
+ Series and parallel addition of matrices 1969 William N. Anderson
R. J. Duffin
+ Single elements of matrix incidence algebras 2000 W. E. Longstaff
Oreste Panaia
+ Infinite Abelian groups 1954 Irving Kaplansky
+ Entire cyclic cohomology of Banach algebras and characters of θ-summable Fredholm modules 1988 Alain Connes
+ PDF Chat Large and small subspaces of Hilbert space. 1965 P. Erdős
H. S. Shapiro
A. L. Shields
+ On Tensor Product α-Algebra Bundles 1989 Athanasios Kyriazis
+ Unitary equivalence modulo the compact operators and extensions of C*-algebras 1973 L. G. Brown
R. G. Douglas
Peter Fillmore
+ PDF Chat A unified theory of projective spaces and finite abelian groups 1942 Reinhold Baer
+ PDF Chat Sums of small numbers of idempotents. 1967 Carl Pearcy
David M. Topping
+ Generalized Schur complements 1979 T. Andô
+ The geometric mean, operator inequalities, and the Wheatstone bridge 1987 T. Andô
John W. Bunce
+ Operators commuting with a von Neumann algebra modulo the set of compact operators 1972 B. E. Johnson
Stephen Parrott
+ Structure of quadratic inequalities 1979 T. Andô
+ Functional Analysis and Semi-Groups 1949 Richard G. Cooke
+ Algebraic Properties of Toeplitz operators. 1964 Paul R. Halmos
Arlen Brown
+ Limit of Iterates of Cascade Addition of Matrices 1980 T. Andô
+ On models for linear operators 1960 Gian‐Carlo Rota
+ Two-sided division in a ring of operators 1967 Yu. L. Shmul’yan
+ PDF Chat On a question of Douglas and Fillmore 1973 James A. Deddens
Joseph G. Stampfli
+ Some Matrix Inequalities in Multiport Network Connections 1989 Tsuyoshi Andô
Fumio Kubo