Yohei Sakurai


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Geometric analysis on weighted manifolds under lower $0$-weighted Ricci curvature bounds 2024 Yasuaki Fujitani
Yohei Sakurai
+ Liouville theorem for <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" altimg="si19.svg" display="inline" id="d1e23"><mml:mi>V</mml:mi></mml:math>-harmonic maps under non-negative <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" altimg="si20.svg" display="inline" id="d1e28"><mml:mrow><mml:mo>(</mml:mo><mml:mi>m</mml:mi><mml:mo>,</mml:mo><mml:mi>V</mml:mi><mml:mo>)</mml:mo></mml:mrow></mml:math>-Ricci curvature for non-positive <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/
 2023 Kazuhiro Kuwae
Songzi Li
Xiang‐Dong Li
Yohei Sakurai
+ Dirichlet problem for harmonic maps from strongly rectifiable spaces into regular balls in $${\text {CAT}}(1)$$ spaces 2023 Yohei Sakurai
+ Lower N-weighted Ricci curvature bound with 𝜀-range and displacement convexity of entropies 2023 Kazuhiro Kuwae
Yohei Sakurai
+ Liouville theorem for $V$-harmonic maps under non-negative $(m, V)$-Ricci curvature for non-positive $m$ 2023 Kazuhiro Kuwae
Songzi Li
Xiang‐Dong Li
Yohei Sakurai
+ Almost splitting and quantitative stratification for super Ricci flow 2023 Keita Kunikawa
Yohei Sakurai
+ PDF Chat Maximal diameter theorem for directed graphs of positive Ricci curvature 2023 Ryunosuke Ozawa
Yohei Sakurai
Taiki Yamada
+ PDF Chat Hamilton-type entropy formula along the Ricci flow on surfaces with boundary 2023 Keita Kunikawa
Yohei Sakurai
+ PDF Chat Comparison geometry of manifolds with boundary under lower $N$-weighted Ricci curvature bounds with $\varepsilon$-range 2022 Kazuhiro Kuwae
Yohei Sakurai
+ PDF Chat Heat Flow and Concentration of Measure on Directed Graphs with a Lower Ricci Curvature Bound 2022 Ryunosuke Ozawa
Yohei Sakurai
Taiki Yamada
+ Orthogonality Relation in the Summand of the Riemann Zeta Function 2022 S. Kuwata
Yohei Sakurai
+ Gaussian heat kernel estimates of Bamler-Zhang type along super Ricci flow 2022 Keita Kunikawa
Yohei Sakurai
+ Dirichlet problem for harmonic maps from strongly rectifiable spaces into regular balls in $\CAT(1)$ spaces 2022 Yohei Sakurai
+ Rigidity phenomena on lower N-weighted Ricci curvature bounds with Δ-range for nonsymmetric Laplacian 2021 Kazuhiro Kuwae
Yohei Sakurai
+ PDF Chat One dimensional weighted Ricci curvature and displacement convexity of entropies 2021 Yohei Sakurai
+ Yau and Souplet-Zhang type gradient estimates on Riemannian manifolds with boundary under Dirichlet boundary condition 2021 Keita Kunikawa
Yohei Sakurai
+ PDF Chat Liouville theorems for harmonic map heat flow along ancient super Ricci flow via reduced geometry 2021 Keita Kunikawa
Yohei Sakurai
+ PDF Chat Liouville Theorem for Heat Equation Along Ancient Super Ricci Flow Via Reduced Geometry 2021 Keita Kunikawa
Yohei Sakurai
+ PDF Chat Liouville theorems for harmonic map heat flow along ancient super Ricci flow via reduced geometry 2021 Keita Kunikawa
Yohei Sakurai
+ Liouville theorems for harmonic map heat flow along ancient super Ricci flow via reduced geometry 2021 Keita Kunikawa
Yohei Sakurai
+ Comparison geometry of manifolds with boundary under lower N-weighted Ricci curvature bounds with Δ-range 2020 Kazuhiro Kuwae
Yohei Sakurai
+ PDF Chat Geometric and spectral properties of directed graphs under a lower Ricci curvature bound 2020 Ryunosuke Ozawa
Yohei Sakurai
Taiki Yamada
+ Liouville theorem for heat equation along ancient super Ricci flow via reduced geometry 2020 Keita Kunikawa
Yohei Sakurai
+ Rigidity phenomena on lower $N$-weighted Ricci curvature bounds with $\varepsilon$-range for non-symmetric Laplacian 2020 Kazuhiro Kuwae
Yohei Sakurai
+ Hamilton type entropy formula along the Ricci flow on surfaces with boundary 2020 Keita Kunikawa
Yohei Sakurai
+ Maximal diameter theorem for directed graphs of positive Ricci curvature 2020 Ryunosuke Ozawa
Yohei Sakurai
Taiki Yamada
+ Yau and Souplet-Zhang type gradient estimates on Riemannian manifolds with boundary under Dirichlet boundary condition 2020 Keita Kunikawa
Yohei Sakurai
+ Comparison geometry of manifolds with boundary under lower $N$-weighted Ricci curvature bounds with $\varepsilon$-range 2020 Kazuhiro Kuwae
Yohei Sakurai
+ Lower $N$-weighted Ricci curvature bound with $\varepsilon$-range and displacement convexity of entropies 2020 Kazuhiro Kuwae
Yohei Sakurai
+ Heat flow and concentration of measure on directed graphs with a lower Ricci curvature bound 2020 Ryunosuke Ozawa
Yohei Sakurai
Taiki Yamada
+ Upper bounds for higher-order Poincaré constants 2019 Kei Funano
Yohei Sakurai
+ Upper bounds for higher-order Poincar'e constant 2019 Kei Funano
Yohei Sakurai
+ PDF Chat Rigidity of manifolds with boundary under a lower Bakry-Émery Ricci curvature bound 2019 Yohei Sakurai
+ Geometric and spectral properties of directed graphs under a lower Ricci curvature bound 2019 Ryunosuke Ozawa
Yohei Sakurai
Taiki Yamada
+ Thermodynamic interpretation of Wasserstein distance 2019 Andreas Dechant
Yohei Sakurai
+ Upper bounds for higher-order Poincar'e constants 2019 Kei Funano
Yohei Sakurai
+ PDF Chat Concentration of eigenfunctions of the Laplacian on a closed Riemannian manifold 2018 Kei Funano
Yohei Sakurai
+ PDF Chat Comparison Geometry of Manifolds with Boundary under a Lower Weighted Ricci Curvature Bound 2018 Yohei Sakurai
+ PDF Chat Rigidity Phenomena in Manifolds with Boundary Under a Lower Weighted Ricci Curvature Bound 2018 Yohei Sakurai
+ One dimensional weighted Ricci curvature and displacement convexity of entropies 2017 Yohei Sakurai
+ Concentration of $1$-Lipschitz functions on manifolds with boundary with Dirichlet boundary condition 2017 Yohei Sakurai
+ Concentration of eigenfunctions of the Laplacian on a closed Riemannian manifold 2017 Kei Funano
Yohei Sakurai
+ Rigidity of manifolds with boundary under a lower Ricci curvature bound 2017 Yohei Sakurai
+ Rigidity phenomena in manifolds with boundary under a lower weighted Ricci curvature bound 2016 Yohei Sakurai
+ Comparison geometry of manifolds with boundary under a lower weighted Ricci curvature bound 2016 Yohei Sakurai
+ Rigidity of manifolds with boundary under a lower Bakry-E'mery Ricci curvature bound 2015 Yohei Sakurai
+ Rigidity of manifolds with boundary under a lower Ricci curvature bound 2014 Yohei Sakurai
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Some geometric properties of the Bakry-ïżœmery-Ricci tensor 2003 John Lott
+ PDF Chat Comparison geometry for the Bakry-Emery Ricci tensor 2009 Guofang Wei
William Wylie
+ PDF Chat A general comparison theorem with applications to volume estimates for submanifolds 1978 Ernst Heintze
Hermann Karcher
+ A warped product version of the Cheeger-Gromoll splitting theorem 2016 William Wylie
+ Optimal Transport: Old and New 2013 CĂ©dric Villani
+ PDF Chat On the geometry of metric measure spaces. II 2006 Karl‐Theodor Sturm
+ PDF Chat Ricci curvature for metric-measure spaces via optimal transport 2009 John Lott
CĂ©dric Villani
+ PDF Chat (K, N)-Convexity and the Curvature-Dimension Condition for Negative N 2015 Shin‐ichi Ohta
+ A warped product splitting theorem 1992 Christopher B. Croke
Bruce Kleiner
+ PDF Chat Ricci curvature, geodesics and some geometric properties of Riemannian manifolds with boundary 1983 Atsushi Kasue
+ PDF Chat Beyond traditional Curvature-Dimension I: New model spaces for isoperimetric and concentration inequalities in negative dimension 2015 Emanuel Milman
+ An extension of E. Hopf’s maximum principle with an application to Riemannian geometry 1958 Eugenio Calabi
+ PDF Chat Comparison Geometry of Manifolds with Boundary under a Lower Weighted Ricci Curvature Bound 2018 Yohei Sakurai
+ A Course in Metric Geometry 2001 Dmitri Burago
Yuri Burago
S. V. Ivanov
+ PDF Chat Two generalizations of Cheeger-Gromoll splitting theorem via Bakry-Emery Ricci curvature 2009 Fuquan Fang
Xiang‐Dong Li
Zhenlei Zhang
+ PDF Chat Diffusions hypercontractives 1985 Dominique Bakry
Michel Émery
+ Riemannian geometry 1996 Takashi Sakai
+ PDF Chat Rigidity Theorems for Diameter Estimates of Compact Manifold with Boundary 2014 H. Li
Yong Wei
+ Displacement convexity of generalized relative entropies 2011 Shin-ichi Ohta
Asuka Takatsu
+ Hamilton differential Harnack inequality and W-entropy for Witten Laplacian on Riemannian manifolds 2017 Songzi Li
Xiang‐Dong Li
+ PDF Chat The Concentration of Measure Phenomenon 2005 Michel Ledoux
+ The Splitting Theorem and topology of noncompact spaces with nonnegative N-Bakry Émery Ricci curvature 2020 Alice Lim
+ A Picone's identity for the p-Laplacian and applications 1998 W. Allegretto
Huang Xi
+ PDF Chat Rigidity for the isoperimetric inequality of negative effective dimension on weighted Riemannian manifolds 2018 Cong Hung
+ Regularity for a more general class of quasilinear elliptic equations 1984 Peter Tolksdorf
+ PDF Chat Weak curvature conditions and functional inequalities 2007 John Lott
CĂ©dric Villani
+ Rigidity of manifolds with boundary under a lower Ricci curvature bound 2017 Yohei Sakurai
+ PDF Chat The splitting theorem for manifolds of nonnegative Ricci curvature 1971 Jeff Cheeger
Detlef Gromoll
+ PDF Chat On Harnack inequalities for Witten Laplacian on Riemannian manifolds with super Ricci flows 2018 Songzi Li
Xiang‐Dong Li
+ PDF Chat Needle Decompositions in Riemannian Geometry 2017 Bo’az Klartag
+ PDF Chat On the geometry of metric measure spaces 2006 Karl‐Theodor Sturm
+ PDF Chat A Laplacian comparison theorem and function theoretic properties of a complete Riemannian manifold 1982 Atsushi Kasue
+ A Topological Application of the Isoperimetric Inequality 1983 M. Gromov
Vitali Milman
+ Optimal Transport 2008 CĂ©dric Villani
+ PDF Chat Applications of Laplacian and Hessian Comparison Theorems 2018 Atsushi Kasue
Qi S. Zhang
+ On the geometry of Riemannian manifolds with density 2016 William Wylie
Dmytro Yeroshkin
+ PDF Chat Three-manifolds with positive Ricci curvature 1982 Richard S. Hamilton
+ PDF Chat Ricci curvature of graphs 2011 Yong Lin
Linyuan LĂŒ
Shing‐Tung Yau
+ Heat Flow on Time‐Dependent Metric Measure Spaces and Super‐Ricci Flows 2018 Eva Kopfer
Karl‐Theodor Sturm
+ PDF Chat Displacement convexity of generalized relative entropies. II 2013 Shin-ichi Ohta
Asuka Takatsu
+ PDF Chat A Sharp Comparison Theorem for Compact Manifolds with Mean Convex Boundary 2012 Martin Man‐chun Li
+ λ1, Isoperimetric inequalities for graphs, and superconcentrators 1985 Noga Alon
Vitali Milman
+ Ricci curvature of Markov chains on metric spaces 2008 Yann Ollivier
+ Harmonic functions on complete riemannian manifolds 1975 Shing‐Tung Yau
+ Concentration of $1$-Lipschitz functions on manifolds with boundary with Dirichlet boundary condition 2017 Yohei Sakurai
+ PDF Chat On the $l$-function and the reduced volume of Perelman I 2007 Rugang Ye
+ PDF Chat The Diameter and Laplacian Eigenvalues of Directed Graphs 2006 Fan Chung
+ Characterizations of the Ricci flow 2018 Robert Haslhofer
Aaron Naber
+ The Ricci Flow in Riemannian Geometry 2010 Ben Andrews
Christopher Hopper