Sanjeev Sabnis


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Joint Probability Functions for Scenarios Arising From Multi‐State Series and Multi‐State Parallel Systems 2025 Leena Kulkarni
Sanjeev Sabnis
Sujit K. Ghosh
+ Bounds for joint probabilities of multistate systems using preservation of log‐concavity 2023 Sanjeev Sabnis
Priyanka Majumder
Shyamal Ghosh
+ PDF Chat Mumbai mayhem of COVID-19 pandemic reveals important factors that influence susceptibility to infection 2021 Radha Yadav
Arup Acharjee
Akanksha Salkar
Renuka Bankar
Viswanthram Palanivel
Sachee Agrawal
Jayanthi Shastri
Sanjeev Sabnis
Sanjeeva Srivastava
+ Mumbai Mayhem of COVID-19 Pandemic Reveals Unique Factors that Influence Susceptibility to Infection 2021 Radha Yadav
Arup Acharjee
Renuka Bankar
P Viswanthram
Akanksha Salkar
Sachee Agarwal
Jayanthi Shastri
Sanjeev Sabnis
Sanjeeva Srivastava
+ Parameter Estimation for Multi-state Coherent Series and Parallel Systems with Positively Quadrant Dependent Models 2020 Leena Kulkarni
Sanjeev Sabnis
Sujit K. Ghosh
+ Construction of optimal reliability test plans for binary type multi-state strongly coherent systems 2019 Leena Kulkarni
Sanjeev Sabnis
+ Construction of optimal reliability test plans for multi-state coherent systems of type 1 2019 Leena Kulkarni
Sanjeev Sabnis
+ PDF Chat EM Algorithm and Positive Quadrant Dependence in the context of Multi-State Stress-Strength Model 2016 Sanjeev Sabnis
Mayank Jain
Kartik Verma
+ Taxonomic application of classification and regression tree (CART) and random forests (RF): A case study of middle cambrian trilobites 2007 S. K. Parcha
Sanjeev Sabnis
Pratul Kumar Saraswati
+ Reliability Test Plans for Series Systems in the Presence of Covariates 2007 Sanjeev Sabnis
G. Agnihothram
+ Application of Arithmetic-Geometric Mean Inequality for Construction of Reliability Test Plan for Parallel Systems in the Presence of Covariates 2006 Sanjeev Sabnis
G. Agnihothram
+ PDF Chat Comparison of CART and discriminant analysis of morphometric data in foraminiferal taxonomy 2006 Pratul Kumar Saraswati
Sanjeev Sabnis
+ A reliability test-plan for series systems with components having stochastic failure rates 2002 Jayakrishnan Nair
Sanjeev Sabnis
+ Preservation of unimodality under shock models 1999 Mini N. Balu
Sanjeev Sabnis
+ a note on two preservation properties of homogeneous Poisson shock models 1999 Sanjeev Sabnis
Mini N. Balu
+ Coherent structures and unimodality 1997 Sanjeev Sabnis
Mini R. Nair
+ Coherent structures and unimodality 1997 Sanjeev Sabnis
Mini R. Nair
+ Preservation of certain dependent structures under bivariate homogeneous Poisson shock models 1997 Mini N. Balu
Sanjeev Sabnis
+ PDF Chat Large deviation local limit theorems for ratio statistics 1990 N. Rao Chaganty
Sanjeev Sabnis
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ A Comparison of Several Component-Testing Plans For A Parallel System 1987 Jia-Her Yan
M. Mazumdar
+ Optimum component test plans for systems with dependent components 1998 İ. Kuban Altınel
SĂŒleyman Özekıcı
+ A reliability test-plan for series systems with components having stochastic failure rates 2002 Jayakrishnan Nair
Sanjeev Sabnis
+ Nonstationary shock models 1973 M. S. A-Hameed
Frank Proschan
+ Application of Arithmetic-Geometric Mean Inequality for Construction of Reliability Test Plan for Parallel Systems in the Presence of Covariates 2006 Sanjeev Sabnis
G. Agnihothram
+ A Comparison of Several Component-Testing Plans for a Series System 1986 Jia-Her Yan
M. Mazumdar
+ A system-based component test plan for a series system, with type-II censoring 1996 Jayant Rajgopal
M. Mazumdar
+ PDF Chat Unimodality of the Distribution of an Order Statistic 1972 Khursheed Alam
+ PDF Chat Shock Models and Wear Processes 1973 J. D. Esary
Albert W. Marshall
+ Shock models with underlying birth process 1975 M. S. A-Hameed
Frank Proschan
+ Reliability Test Plans for Series Systems in the Presence of Covariates 2007 Sanjeev Sabnis
G. Agnihothram
+ PDF Chat Two suggestions of how to define a multistate coherent system 1982 Bent Natvig
+ Statistical Models and Methods for Lifetime Data 2002 Jerald F. Lawless
+ The Mathematics of Nonlinear Programming 1988 Anthony L. Peressini
J. J. Uhl
Francis E. Sullivan
+ Parameter Estimation for Multi-state Coherent Series and Parallel Systems with Positively Quadrant Dependent Models 2020 Leena Kulkarni
Sanjeev Sabnis
Sujit K. Ghosh
+ HNBUE survival under some shock models 1980 Bengt Klefsjö
+ Shock models with NBUE survival 1978 Henry W. Block
Thomas H. Savits
+ PDF Chat Preservation of phase-type distributions under Poisson shock models 1992 M. Manoharan
Harshinder Singh
Neeraj Misra
+ Some bounds on reliability of coherent systems of IFRA components 1991 Gopal Chaudhuri
Jayant V. Deshpandé
A.D. Dharmadhikari
+ Stochastic Ageing and Dependence for Reliability 2007 Adriana HornĂ­kovĂĄ
+ Aspects of positive ageing 1986 Jayant V. Deshpandé
Subhash C. Kochar
Harshinder Singh
+ PDF Chat Saddlepoint Approximations in Statistics 1954 H. E. Daniels
+ Inequalities for NBUE and NWUE Life Distributions 1984 Robert L. Launer
+ A Note on Optimal Component Test Plans for Series System Reliability with Exponential Failure Times 1998 M. Raghavachari
+ A New Generalization of the Class of NBU Distributions 1984 Wei‐Yin Loh
+ PDF Chat Weak and Strong Uniform Consistency of the Kernel Estimate of a Density and its Derivatives 1978 Bernard W. Silverman
+ Shock models by underlying counting process 1994 Franco Pellerey
+ PDF Chat Multivariate Shock Models for Distributions with Increasing Hazard Rate Average 1979 Albert W. Marshall
Moshe Shaked
+ PDF Chat Large Deviation Local Limit Theorems for Arbitrary Sequences of Random Variables 1985 N. Rao Chaganty
Jayaram Sethuraman
+ Consecutive<i>k</i>-Out-of-<i>n</i>:<i>G</i>System in Stress-Strength Setup 2008 Serkan Eryılmaz
+ Closure property of the NBUC class under formation of parallel systems 2002 Franco Pellerey
Kyriakos Petakos
+ Some Concepts of Dependence 2011 E. L. Lehmann
+ PDF Chat Two-dimensional goodness-of-fit testing in astronomy 1983 J. A. Peacock
+ Classification trees as an alternative to linear discriminant analysis 2002 Marc R. Feldesman
+ Convolutions and generalization of logconcavity: Implications and applications 2016 Mahdi Alimohammadi
Mohammad Hossein Alamatsaz
Erhard Cramer
+ Shock models leading to increasing failure rate and decreasing mean residual life survival 1982 Malay Ghosh
Nader Ebrahimi
+ Coherent structures and unimodality 1997 Sanjeev Sabnis
Mini R. Nair
+ PDF Chat Some Concepts of Dependence 1966 E. L. Lehmann
+ Generalizing the survival signature to unrepairable homogeneous multi-state systems 2016 Serkan Eryılmaz
Altan Tuncel
+ Preservation of DMRL and IMRL aging classes under the formation of order statistics and coherent systems 2018 Jorge Navarro
+ PDF Chat Convergence of Probability Measures 1999 Patrick Billingsley
+ Construction of optimal reliability test plans for multi-state coherent systems of type 1 2019 Leena Kulkarni
Sanjeev Sabnis
+ Reliability assessment for multi-state systems with state transition dependency 2019 Yu Liu
Qinzhen Liu
Chaoyang Xie
Fayuan Wei
+ PDF Chat Some new results on the preservation of the NBUE and NWUE aging classes under the formation of coherent systems 2019 Bo Henry Lindqvist
Francisco J. Samaniego
+ PDF Chat Log-concavity and strong log-concavity: A review 2014 Adrien Saumard
Jon A. Wellner
+ PDF Chat India fights hard to neutralize the spread of COVID-19 2020 Govindasamy Agoramoorthy
+ PDF Chat ALGEBRAIC RELIABILITY OF MULTI-STATE <i>k</i>-OUT-OF-<i>n</i> SYSTEMS 2020 Patricia Pascual-Ortigosa
Eduardo Sáenz‐de‐Cabezón
Henry P. Wynn
+ PDF Chat A large COVID-19 outbreak in a high school 10 days after schools’ reopening, Israel, May 2020 2020 Chen Stein‐Zamir
Nitza Abramson
Hanna Shoob
Erez Libal
Menachem Bitan
Tanya Cardash
Refael Cayam
Ian Miskin
+ COVID-19 preparedness among public and healthcare providers in the initial days of nationwide lockdown in India: A rapid electronic survey 2020 Limalemla Jamir
Shaista Najeeb
Rajeev Aravindakshan
+ Dependence Modeling with Copulas 2014 Harry Joe