Anna Verde


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Strong existence for free-discontinuity problems with non-standard growth 2024 Chiara Leone
Giovanni Scilla
Francesco Solombrino
Anna Verde
+ Regularity of minimizers for free-discontinuity problems with $p(\cdot)$-growth 2023 Chiara Leone
Giovanni Scilla
Francesco Solombrino
Anna Verde
+ Regularity of minimizers for free-discontinuity problems with <i>p</i>(·)-growth 2023 Chiara Leone
Giovanni Scilla
Francesco Solombrino
Anna Verde
+ PDF Chat $$\mathcal {A}$$-caloric approximation and partial regularity for parabolic systems with Orlicz growth 2022 Mikil Foss
Teresa Isernia
Chiara Leone
Anna Verde
+ Partial regularity for elliptic systems with critical growth 2022 Teresa Isernia
Chiara Leone
Anna Verde
+ $\mathcal{A}$-caloric approximation and partial regularity for parabolic systems with Orlicz growth 2022 Mikil Foss
Teresa Isernia
Chiara Leone
Anna Verde
+ PDF Chat Gradient estimates for an orthotropic nonlinear diffusion equation 2021 Pierre Bousquet
Lorenzo Brasco
Chiara Leone
Anna Verde
+ Partial regularity result for non-autonomous elliptic systems with general growth 2021 Teresa Isernia
Chiara Leone
Anna Verde
+ PDF Chat Partial regularity result for non-autonomous elliptic systems with general growth 2021 Teresa Isernia
Chiara Leone
Anna Verde
+ Partial regularity result for non-autonomous elliptic systems with general growth 2021 Teresa Isernia
Chiara Leone
Anna Verde
+ Gradient estimates for an orthotropic nonlinear diffusion equation 2021 Pierre Bousquet
Lorenzo Brasco
Chiara Leone
Anna Verde
+ PDF Chat On the H-systems in higher dimension 2018 Nicola Fusco
Jan Kristensen
Chiara Leone
Anna Verde
+ PDF Chat On the Lipschitz character of orthotropic p-harmonic functions 2018 Philippe Bousquet
Lorenzo Brasco
Chiara Leone
Anna Verde
+ PDF Chat A boundary regularity result for minimizers of variational integrals with nonstandard growth 2018 Miroslav Bulíček
Erika Maringová
Bianca Stroffolini
Anna Verde
+ A boundary regularity result for minimizers of variational integrals with nonstandard growth 2018 Miroslav Bulíček
Erika Maringová
Bianca Stroffolini
Anna Verde
+ A boundary regularity result for minimizers of variational integrals with nonstandard growth 2018 Miroslav Bulíček
Erika Maringová
Bianca Stroffolini
Anna Verde
+ On the Lipschitz character of orthotropic $p-$harmonic functions 2017 Pierre Bousquet
Lorenzo Brasco
Chiara Leone
Anna Verde
+ PDF Chat Parabolic Lipschitz truncation and caloric approximation 2017 Lars Diening
Sebastian Schwarzacher
Bianca Stroffolini
Anna Verde
+ PDF Chat Existence and regularity results for weak solutions to (<i>p</i>,<i>q</i>)-elliptic systems in divergence form 2017 Miroslav Bulíček
Giovanni Cupini
Bianca Stroffolini
Anna Verde
+ On the Lipschitz character of orthotropic $p-$harmonic functions 2017 Pierre Bousquet
Lorenzo Brasco
Chiara Leone
Anna Verde
+ Non-stationary flows of asymptotically Newtonian fluids 2016 Dominic Breit
Bianca Stroffolini
Anna Verde
+ PDF Chat Sobolev and Lipschitz regularity for local minimizers of widely degenerate anisotropic functionals 2016 Lorenzo Brasco
Chiara Leone
Giovanni Pisante
Anna Verde
+ Sobolev and Lipschitz regularity for local minimizers of widely degenerate anisotropic functionals 2016 Lorenzo Brasco
Chiara Leone
Giovanni Pisante
Anna Verde
+ Partial Regularity Results for Asymptotic Quasiconvex Functionals with General Growth 2016 Teresa Isernia
Chiara Leone
Anna Verde
+ Parabolic Lipschitz truncation and Caloric Approximation 2016 Lars Diening
Sebastian Schwarzacher
Bianca Stroffolini
Anna Verde
+ Partial regularity results for asymptotic quasiconvex functionals with general growth 2016 Teresa Isernia
Chiara Leone
Anna Verde
+ Partial Regularity Results for Asymptotic Quasiconvex Functionals with General Growth 2016 Teresa Isernia
Chiara Leone
Anna Verde
+ Sobolev and Lipschitz regularity for local minimizers of widely degenerate anisotropic functionals 2016 Lorenzo Brasco
Chiara Leone
Giovanni Pisante
Anna Verde
+ The regularity for nonlinear parabolic systems of p -Laplacian type with critical growth 2014 Chiara Leone
Masashi Misawa
Anna Verde
+ Weak lower semicontinuity for polyconvex integrals in the limit case 2013 Matteo Focardi
Nicola Fusco
Chiara Leone
Paolo Marcellini
Elvira Mascolo
Anna Verde
+ The φ-harmonic approximation and the regularity of φ-harmonic maps 2012 Lars Diening
Bianca Stroffolini
Anna Verde
+ Partial regularity for minimizers of quasiconvex functionals with general growth 2012 Lars Diening
Daniel Lengeler
Bianca Stroffolini
Anna Verde
+ PDF Chat Partial Regularity for Minimizers of Quasi-convex Functionals with General Growth 2012 Lars Diening
Daniel Lengeler
Bianca Stroffolini
Anna Verde
+ Partial regularity for minimizers of quasiconvex functionals with general growth 2012 Lars Diening
Daniel Lengeler
Bianca Stroffolini
Anna Verde
+ A global existence result for the heat flow of higher dimensional H-systems 2011 Chiara Leone
Masashi Misawa
Anna Verde
+ PDF Chat Quasiconvex variational functionals in Orlicz–Sobolev spaces 2011 Dominic Breit
Anna Verde
+ A general regularity theorem for functionals with φ-growth 2011 Dominic Breit
Bianca Stroffolini
Anna Verde
+ PDF Chat Lower semicontinuity of variational integrals on elliptic complexes 2011 Anna Verde
+ Calderon-Zygmund Estimates for Systems of ϕ-Growth ∗ 2011 Anna Verde
Antonia Passarelli di Napoli
Thomas Schmidt
Anna Verde
+ Lower Semicontinuity in SBV for Integrals with Variable Growth 2010 Virginia De Cicco
Chiara Leone
Anna Verde
+ PDF Chat Lipschitz regularity for some asymptotically convex problems 2009 Lars Diening
Bianca Stroffolini
Anna Verde
+ Everywhere regularity of functionals with φ-growth 2009 Lars Diening
Bianca Stroffolini
Anna Verde
+ PDF Chat Global Lipschitz regularity for almost minimizers of asymptotically convex variational problems 2009 Mikil Foss
Antonia Passarelli di Napoli
Anna Verde
+ Lower semicontinuity of certain quasiconvex functionals in Orlicz–Sobolev spaces 2009 Anna Verde
Gabriella Zecca
+ PDF Chat On the existence of the minima of degenerate variational integrals 2009 Luigi D’Onofrio
Anna Verde
+ PDF Chat Local boundedness of minimizers of integral functionals with $(p,q)$--growth on metric spaces 2009 Outi Elina Maasalo
Bianca Stroffolini
Anna Verde
+ X-quasiconvexity in Carnot Groups and lower semicontinuity results 2009 Bianca Stroffolini
Anna Verde
+ Higher integrability results for non smooth parabolic systems: The subquadratic case 2008 Chiara Leone
Anna Verde
Giovanni Pisante
+ Partial regularity for polyconvex functionals depending on the Hessian determinant 2008 Menita Carozza
Chiara Leone
Antonia Passarelli di Napoli
Anna Verde
+ PDF Chat Regularity results for non smooth parabolic problems 2008 Giovanni Pisante
Anna Verde
+ PDF Chat Morrey regularity and continuity results for almost minimizers of asymptotically convex integrals 2008 Mikil Foss
Antonia Passarelli di Napoli
Anna Verde
+ Global Morrey regularity results for asymptotically convex variational problems 2008 Mikil Foss
Antonia Passarelli di Napoli
Anna Verde
+ PDF Chat On the higher integrability for certain nonlinear problems 2008 Anna Verde
Gabriella Zecca
+ Partial regularity and singular set of solutions to second order parabolic systems 2007 Chiara Leone
Giovanni Pisante
Anna Verde
+ Lipschitz regularity for some asymptotically subquadratic problems 2006 Chiara Leone
Antonia Passarelli di Napoli
Anna Verde
+ A chain rule formula in BV and application to lower semicontinuity 2006 Virginia De Cicco
Nicola Fusco
Anna Verde
+ A lower semi-continuity result for polyconvex functionals in SBV 2006 Nicola Fusco
Chiara Leone
Anna Verde
Riccardo March
+ On L 1 -Lower Semicontinuity in BV 2005 Virginia De Cicco
Nicola Fusco
Anna Verde
+ On the Jacobians in Lorentz-Zygmund spaces 2005 Teresa Radice
Anna Verde
+ PDF Chat Regularity of Jacobians by subdeterminants 2004 Anna Verde
+ A remark on the L 1 -lower semicontinuity for integral functionals in BV 2003 Nicola Fusco
Flavia Giannetti
Anna Verde
+ Estimates of Jacobians by subdeterminants 2002 Flavia Giannetti
Tadeusz Iwaniec
Jani Onninen
Anna Verde
+ PDF Chat Lower semicontinuity of a class of multiple integrals below the growth exponent 2001 Flavia Giannetti
Anna Verde
+ PDF Chat On some nonlinear expressions of the Jacobian 2000 Luigi Greco
Anna Verde
+ A regularity property of p-harmonic functions 2000 Luigi Greco
Anna Verde
+ PDF Chat Variational integrals for elliptic complexes 2000 Flavia Giannetti
Anna Verde
+ Regolarità degli Jacobiani 2000 Anna Verde
+ Convex integrands of div-curl couples 2000 Flavia Giannetti
Anna Verde
+ A study of Jacobians in Hardyd–Orlicz spaces 1999 Tadeusz Iwaniec
Anna Verde
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Fractional estimates for non-differentiable elliptic systems with general growth 2008 Lars Diening
F. Ettwein
+ PDF Chat Regularity for a class of non-linear elliptic systems 1977 Karen Uhlenbeck
+ The p -harmonic approximation and the regularity of p -harmonic maps 2004 Frank Duzaar
Giuseppe Mingione
+ Multiple Integrals in the Calculus of Variations and Nonlinear Elliptic Systems. (AM-105) 1984 Mariano Giaquinta
+ Direct Methods in the Calculus of Variations 2003 Enrico Giusti
+ Regularity and existence of solutions of elliptic equations with p,q-growth conditions 1991 Paolo Marcellini
+ Regularity for minimizers of non-quadratic functionals: The case 1 &lt; p &lt; 2 1989 E. Acerbi
Nicola Fusco
+ Everywhere regularity of functionals with φ-growth 2009 Lars Diening
Bianca Stroffolini
Anna Verde
+ Higher integrability of minimizing Young measures 2004 Georg Dolzmann
Jan Kristensen
+ PDF Chat Regularity of minima: An invitation to the dark side of the calculus of variations 2006 Giuseppe Mingione
+ PDF Chat Regularity of almost minimizers of quasi-convex variational integrals with subquadratic growth 2004 Frank Duzaar
Joseph F. Grotowski
Manfred Kronz
+ PDF Chat Regularity of minimizers of integrals of the calculus of variations with non standard growth conditions 1989 Paolo Marcellini
+ Remarks on the regularity of the minimizers of certain degenerate functionals 1986 Mariano Giaquinta
Giuseppe Modica
+ Lipschitz regularity of solutions of some asymptotically convex problems 1991 Jean‐Pierre Raymond
+ PDF Chat Partial regularity of minimizers of quasiconvex integrals with subquadratic growth 1998 Menita Carozza
Nicola Fusco
Giuseppe Mingione
+ On Lipschitz truncations of Sobolev functions (with variable exponent) and their selected applications 2007 Lars Diening
Josef Málek
Mark Steinhauer
+ Approximation of quasiconvex functions, and lower semicontinuity of multiple integrals 1985 Paolo Marcellini
+ Optimal interior partial regularity¶for nonlinear elliptic systems: the method of A -harmonic approximation 2000 Frank Duzaar
Joseph F. Grotowski
+ Sharp regularity for functionals with (p,q) growth 2004 Luca Esposito
Francesco Leonetti
Giuseppe Mingione
+ Theorems on Regularity and Singularity of Energy Minimizing Maps 1996 Leon Simon
+ PDF Chat Quasi-convexity and the lower semicontinuity of multiple integrals 1952 Charles B. Morrey
+ Harmonic type approximation lemmas 2008 Frank Duzaar
Giuseppe Mingione
+ Quasiconvexity and Partial Regularity in the Calculus of Variations 1987 Lawrence C. Evans
+ The φ-harmonic approximation and the regularity of φ-harmonic maps 2012 Lars Diening
Bianca Stroffolini
Anna Verde
+ Global Morrey regularity results for asymptotically convex variational problems 2008 Mikil Foss
Antonia Passarelli di Napoli
Anna Verde
+ Compensated compactness and Hardy spaces 1993 Ronald R. Coifman
Pierre Louis Lions
Yves Meyer
Stephen Semmes
+ PDF Chat Linear Convergence of an Adaptive Finite Element Method for the <i>p</i>-Laplacian Equation 2008 Lars Diening
Christian Kreuzer
+ Global regularity for almost minimizers of nonconvex variational problems 2007 Mikil Foss
+ A regularity theorem for minimizers of quasiconvex integrals 1987 E. Acerbi
Nicola Fusco
+ Nonlinear elliptic systems with general growth 2005 Paolo Marcellini
Gloria Papi
+ Regularity results for minimizers of irregular integrals with (p,q) growth 2002 Luca Esposito
Francesco Leonetti
Giuseppe Mingione
+ PDF Chat Quasiconvex variational functionals in Orlicz–Sobolev spaces 2011 Dominic Breit
Anna Verde
+ Sulla regolarità delle soluzioni deboli di una classe di sistemi ellittici quasi-lineari 1968 Enrico Giusti
Michele Miranda
+ Theory of Orlicz spaces 1991 Malempati M. Rao
Zhongdao Ren
+ PDF Chat On certain anisotropic elliptic equations arising in congested optimal transport: Local gradient bounds 2013 Lorenzo Brasco
Guillaume Carlier
+ Degenerate Parabolic Equations 1993 Emmanuele DiBenedetto
+ Second order parabolic systems, optimal regularity, and singular sets of solutions 2005 Giuseppe Mingione
Frank Duzaar
+ PDF Chat Elliptic Partial Differential Equations of Second Order 2001 David Gilbarg
Neil S. Trudinger
+ Everywhere regularity for a class of elliptic systems without growth conditions 1996 Paolo Marcellini
+ PDF Chat Partial regularity of minimizers of quasiconvex integrals 1986 Mariano Giaquinta
Giuseppe Modica
+ The Singular Set of Lipschitzian Minima of Multiple Integrals 2006 Jan Kristensen
Giuseppe Mingione
+ Higher integrability of determinants and weak convergence in L1. 1990 Stefan Müller
+ PDF Chat An existence result for a nonconvex variational problem via regularity 2002 Irene Fonseca
Nicola Fusco
Paolo Marcellini
+ Parabolic Systems with Polynomial Growth and Regularity 2011 Frank Duzaar
Giuseppe Mingione
Klaus Steffen
+ Multiple Integrals in the Calculus of Variations 1966 Charles B. Morrey
+ Lipschitz regularity for some asymptotically subquadratic problems 2006 Chiara Leone
Antonia Passarelli di Napoli
Anna Verde
+ The regularity of general parabolic systems with degenerate diffusion 2012 Verena Bögelein
Frank Duzaar
Giuseppe Mingione
+ Partial continuity for elliptic problems 2007 Mikil Foss
Giuseppe Mingione
+ Higher integrability for parabolic systems of p-Laplacian type 2000 Juha Kinnunen
John L. Lewis