Paul D. Domich


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ An interior point method for general large-scale quadratic programming problems 1996 Pault T. Boggs
Paul D. Domich
Janet E. Rogers
+ Optimizing over three-dimensional subspaces in an interior-point method for linear programming 1991 Paul D. Domich
Paul T. Boggs
Janet E. Rogers
Christoph Witzgall
+ An interior-point method for linear and quadratic programming problems 1991 Paul T. Boggs
Paul D. Domich
Janet E. Rogers
Christoph Witzgall
+ On the convergence behavior of trajectories for linear programming 1990 Christoph Witzgall
Paul T. Boggs
Paul D. Domich
+ Algorithmic Enhancements to the Method of Centers for Linear Programming Problems 1989 Paul T. Boggs
Paul D. Domich
Janet R. Donaldson
Christoph Witzgall
+ Optimal 3-dimensional methods for linear programming 1989 Paul D. Domich
Paul T. Boggs
Janet R. Donaldson
Christoph Witzgall
+ Hermite Normal Form Computation Using Modulo Determinant Arithmetic 1987 Paul D. Domich
Ramachandran Kannan
L. E. Trotter
+ Comparison of mathematical programming software: A case study using discrete L1 approximation codes 1987 Paul D. Domich
Karla Hoffman
Richard H F Jackson
Patsy B Saunders
Douglas R. Shier
+ Residual Methods for Computing Hermite and Smith Normal Forms (Thesis) 1986 Paul D. Domich
+ A near-optimal starting solution for polynomial approximation of a continuous function in the L₁ norm 1986 Paul D. Domich
+ Residual methods for computing hermite and smith normal forms (congruence, determinant, sparsity) 1985 Paul D. Domich
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Implementations of Affine Scaling Methods: Approximate Solutions of Systems of Linear Equations Using Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient Methods 1992 Sanjay Mehrotra
+ Implementation of a Dual Affine Interior Point Algorithm for Linear Programming 1989 Roy E. Marsten
Matthew J. Saltzman
David F. Shanno
George S. Pierce
J. F. Ballintijn
+ An implementation of Karmarkar's algorithm for linear programming 1989 Ilan Adler
Maurício G. C. Resende
Geraldo Veiga
Narendra Karmarkar
+ Computational experience with a primal-dual interior point method for linear programming 1991 Irvin J. Lustig
Roy E. Marsten
David F. Shanno
+ Computational experience with a dual affine variant of Karmarkar's method for linear programming 1987 Clyde Monma
Andrew Morton
+ Further Development of a Primal-Dual Interior Point Method 1990 In Chan Choi
Clyde Monma
David F. Shanno
+ PDF Chat Boundary Behavior of Interior Point Algorithms in Linear Programming 1989 Nimrod Megiddo
Michael Shub
+ Optimizing over three-dimensional subspaces in an interior-point method for linear programming 1991 Paul D. Domich
Paul T. Boggs
Janet E. Rogers
Christoph Witzgall
+ An Implementation of a Primal-Dual Interior Point Method for Linear Programming 1989 Kevin A. McShane
Clyde Monma
David F. Shanno
+ A Long-step barrier method for convex quadratic programming 1993 Kurt M. Anstreicher
Dick den Hertog
C. Roos
Tamás Terlaky
+ On Long Step Path Following and SUMT for Linear and Quadratic Programming 1996 Kurt M. Anstreicher
+ Computing Karmarkar projections quickly 1988 David F. Shanno
+ PDF Chat Approximation of Functions 1965 L. S. GODDARD
+ On the convergence behavior of trajectories for linear programming 1990 Christoph Witzgall
Paul T. Boggs
Paul D. Domich
+ Algorithmic Enhancements to the Method of Centers for Linear Programming Problems 1989 Paul T. Boggs
Paul D. Domich
Janet R. Donaldson
Christoph Witzgall
+ Analysis of mathematical programming problems prior to applying the simplex algorithm 1975 A. L. Brearley
Gautam Mitra
H. P. Williams
+ A polynomial-time algorithm, based on Newton's method, for linear programming 1988 James Renegar
+ Optimization with unary functions 1991 Garth P. McCormick
Ariela Sofer
+ On the bigℳ in the affine scaling algorithm 1993 Tohru Ishihara
Masakazu Kojima
+ Systems of distinct representatives and linear algebra 1967 Jack Edmonds
+ PDF Chat The nonlinear geometry of linear programming. II. Legendre transform coordinates and central trajectories 1989 David Bayer
Jeffrey C. Lagarias
+ Symmetric indefinite systems for interior point methods 1993 Robert J. Vanderbei
Tamra Carpenter
+ Search directions for interior linear-programming methods 1991 Clóvis C. Gonzaga
+ PDF Chat Algorithm 478: Solution of an Overdetermined System of Equations in the l1 Norm [F4] 1974 I. Barrodale
F. D. K. Roberts
+ Practical Methods of Optimization 2009 R. Ian Fletcher
+ PDF Chat An Improved Algorithm for Discrete $l_1 $ Linear Approximation 1973 I. Barrodale
F. D. K. Roberts
+ Least absolute values estimation: an introduction 1977 James E. Gentle
+ Feasibility issues in a primal-dual interior-point method for linear programming 1990 Irvin J. Lustig
+ PDF Chat A General Qualitative Definition of Robustness 1971 Frank R. Hampel
+ Commentary—Interior-Point Methods: Algorithms and Formulations 1994 Robert J. Vanderbei
+ A little theorem of the bigℳ in interior point algorithms 1993 Masakazu Kojima
Shinji Mizuno
Akiko Yoshise
+ PDF Chat The nonlinear geometry of linear programming. III. Projective Legendre transform coordinates and Hilbert geometry 1990 Jeffrey C. Lagarias
+ PDF Chat Algorithms for the Solution of Systems of Linear Diophantine Equations 1982 Tsu-Wu J. Chou
George E. Collins
+ PDF Chat An interior Newton method for quadratic programming 1999 Thomas F. Coleman
Jian-Guo Liu
+ PDF Chat Nonlinear Programming--Sequential Unconstrained Minimization Techniques 1969 M. J. D. Powell
+ An interior-point method for linear and quadratic programming problems 1991 Paul T. Boggs
Paul D. Domich
Janet E. Rogers
Christoph Witzgall
+ The Nonlinear Geometry of Linear Programming. III Projective Legendre Transform Coordinates and Hilbert Geometry 1990 J. C. Lagarias
+ Nonlinear Programming 1967 K. B. Haley
+ Nonlinear Programming. 1968 Arthur F. Veinott
J. Abadie
+ Primal Barrier Methods for Linear Programming 1989 Aeneas Marxen
+ A Truncated SQP Algorithm for Large Scale Nonlinear Programming Problems 1994 Paul T. Boggs
Jon W. Tolle
Anthony J. Kearsley
+ Theory of Approximation of Functions of a Real Variable 1963 A.F. TIMAN
+ A Survey of Modern Algebra 2017 Garrett Birkhoff
Saunders Mac Lane
+ Approximation of functions 2006 John R. Rice
+ Polynomial time algorithms in the theory of linear diophantine equations 1977 M. A. Frumkin
+ Sur l'introduction des variables continues dans la théorie des nombres 2009 Charles Hermite
+ A Comparison of Two Algorithms for Absolute Deviation Curve Fitting 1976 Ronald D. Armstrong
E. L. Frome
+ On least absolute values estimation 1977 James E. Gentle
William J. Kennedy
V. A. Sposito
+ PDF Chat The nonlinear geometry of linear programming. I. Affine and projective scaling trajectories 1989 David Bayer
Jeffrey C. Lagarias
+ PDF Chat A Test Problem Generator for Discrete Linear <i>L</i> <sub>1</sub> Approximation Problems 1980 Karla Hoffman
Douglas R. Shier