Thanh Tri Chau


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Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Geometric Numerical Integration: Structure-Preserving Algorithms for Ordinary Differential Equations 2009 Ernst Hairer
Christian Lubich
Gerhard Wanner
+ PDF Chat Degenerate Fermi Gas of<mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:mmultiscripts><mml:mi>Sr</mml:mi><mml:mprescripts /><mml:none /><mml:mn>87</mml:mn></mml:mmultiscripts></mml:math> 2010 B. J. DeSalvo
Mi Yan
P. G. Mickelson
Y. N. Martinez de Escobar
T. C. Killian
+ PDF Chat Observation of the Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless Phase Transition in an Ultracold Fermi Gas 2015 Puneet A. Murthy
Igor Boettcher
Luca Bayha
Markus Holzmann
Dhruv Kedar
M. Neidig
M. G. Ries
A. N. Wenz
G. Zürn
Selim Jochim
+ PDF Chat Finding Exponential Product Formulas of Higher Orders 2005 Naomichi Hatano
Masuo Suzuki
+ PDF Chat Observation of Pair Condensation in the Quasi-2D BEC-BCS Crossover 2015 M. G. Ries
A. N. Wenz
G. Zürn
Luca Bayha
Igor Boettcher
Dhruv Kedar
Puneet A. Murthy
M. Neidig
Thomas Lompe
Selim Jochim
+ PDF Chat High order symplectic integrators for perturbed Hamiltonian systems 2001 J. Laskar
Philippe Robutel
+ Convergent sum of gradient expansion of the kinetic-energy density functional up to the sixth order term using Pade approximant 2014 Alexey Sergeev
Raka Jovanović
Sabre Kais
Fahhad H. Alharbi
+ PDF Chat Corrections to Thomas-Fermi Densities at Turning Points and Beyond 2015 Raphael F. Ribeiro
Donghyung Lee
Attila Cangi
Peter Elliott
Kieron Burke
+ PDF Chat Momentum Distribution and Renormalization Factor in Sodium and the Electron Gas 2010 Simo Huotari
J. A. Soininen
Tuomas Pylkkänen
K. Hämäläinen
A. Issolah
A. A. Titov
Jeremy McMinis
Jeongnim Kim
Ken Esler
David M. Ceperley
+ PDF Chat Density functional of a two-dimensional gas of dipolar atoms: Thomas-Fermi-Dirac treatment 2011 Bess Fang
Berthold‐Georg Englert
+ PDF Chat Leading corrections to local approximations 2010 Attila Cangi
Donghyung Lee
Peter Elliott
Kieron Burke
+ PDF Chat Ueber die numerische Aufl�sung von Differentialgleichungen 1895 Christopher Runge
+ PDF Chat Highly accurate local pseudopotentials of Li, Na, and Mg for orbital free density functional theory 2015 Fleur Legrain
Sergei Manzhos
+ PDF Chat Construction of high-order force-gradient algorithms for integration of motion in classical and quantum systems 2002 I. P. Omelyan
I. M. Mryglod
R. Folk
+ PDF Chat Numerical integration of variational equations 2010 Ch. Skokos
E. Gerlach
+ PDF Chat Fourth-order algorithms for solving the imaginary-time Gross-Pitaevskii equation in a rotating anisotropic trap 2005 Siu A. Chin
E. Krotscheck
+ Evolution operator equations: Integration with algebraic and finitedifference methods. Applications to physical problems in classical and quantum mechanics and quantum field theory 1997 G. Dattoli
P. L. Ottaviani
A. Torre
Luis Vázquez
+ Solution of time-independent Schrödinger equation by the imaginary time propagation method 2006 Lauri Lehtovaara
J. Toivanen
Jussi Eloranta
+ Symplectic integrators from composite operator factorizations 1997 Siu A. Chin
+ PDF Chat Semiclassical theory of trapped fermionic dipoles 2001 Krzysztof Góral
Berthold‐Georg Englert
Kazimierz Rza̧żewski
+ Symplectic integrators and their application to dynamical astronomy 1991 Hiroshi Kinoshita
Haruo Yoshida
Hiroshi Nakai
+ PDF Chat Quantum Degenerate Dipolar Fermi Gas 2012 Mingwu Lu
Nathaniel Burdick
Benjamin Lev
+ PDF Chat Leading gradient correction to the kinetic energy for two-dimensional fermion gases 2016 Martin-Isbjörn Trappe
Yink Loong Len
Hui Khoon Ng
Cord A. Müller
Berthold‐Georg Englert
+ PDF Chat Chaos in the honeycomb optical-lattice unit cell 2016 Max D. Porter
L. E. Reichl
+ PDF Chat Symplectic fourth-order maps for the collisional<i>N</i>-body problem 2016 Walter Dehnen
David M. Hernandez
+ PDF Chat Leading corrections to local approximations. II. The case with turning points 2017 Raphael F. Ribeiro
Kieron Burke
+ PDF Chat Airy-averaged gradient corrections for two-dimensional fermion gases 2017 Martin-Isbjörn Trappe
Yink Loong Len
Hui Khoon Ng
Berthold‐Georg Englert
+ Philosophiae naturalis principia mathematica 1687 Isaac Newton
+ PDF Chat First-principles quantum corrections for carrier correlations in double-layer two-dimensional heterostructures 2019 Martin-Isbjörn Trappe
Derek Y. H. Ho
Shaffique Adam
+ PDF Chat Two-Dimensional Homogeneous Fermi Gases 2018 Klaus Hueck
Niclas Luick
Lennart Sobirey
Jonas Siegl
Thomas Lompe
Henning Moritz
+ PDF Chat MCMC Using Hamiltonian Dynamics 2011 Radford M. Neal
+ PDF Chat Convergent sum of gradient expansion of the kinetic-energy density functional up to the sixth order term using Padé approximant 2016 Alexey Sergeev
Fahhad H. Alharbi
Raka Jovanović
Sabre Kais
+ Beitrag zur Naherungsweisen Integration Totaler Differentialgleichungen 1901 W. Kutta
+ PDF Chat Gradient symplectic algorithms for solving the Schrödinger equation with time-dependent potentials 2002 Siu A. Chin
C. R. Chen
+ PDF Chat Kirzhnits gradient expansion for a<i>D</i>-dimensional Fermi gas 2007 Luca Salasnich