Raymond C. Heitmann


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Numbers of generators of perfect ideals 2023 Raymond C. Heitmann
+ Numbers of Generators of Perfect Ideals 2022 Raymond C. Heitmann
+ A locally Nagata PID that is not Nagata 2021 Raymond C. Heitmann
+ <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" altimg="si1.svg"><mml:mover accent="true"><mml:mrow><mml:msup><mml:mrow><mml:mi>R</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mo linebreak="badbreak" linebreakstyle="after">+</mml:mo></mml:mrow></mml:msup></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mo>ˆ</mml:mo></mml:mrow></mml:mover></mml:math> is surprisingly an integral domain 2021 Raymond C. Heitmann
+ The Étale locus in complete local rings 2021 Raymond C. Heitmann
+ PDF Chat Big Cohen–Macaulay algebras and the vanishing conjecture for maps of Tor in mixed characteristic 2018 Raymond C. Heitmann
Linquan Ma
+ PDF Chat Extended plus closure in complete local rings 2018 Raymond C. Heitmann
Linquan Ma
+ Extended plus closure in complete local rings 2017 Raymond C. Heitmann
Linquan Ma
+ Integral closures of Noetherian domains 2016 Raymond C. Heitmann
+ Realizing infinite cardinal numbers via maximal chains of intermediate fields 2014 David E. Dobbs
Raymond C. Heitmann
+ Are complete intersections complete intersections? 2012 Raymond C. Heitmann
David A. Jorgensen
+ Are complete intersections complete intersections 2011 Raymond C. Heitmann
David A. Jorgensen
+ Are complete intersections complete intersections? 2011 Raymond C. Heitmann
David A. Jorgensen
+ Tight closure in non-excellent rings 2010 Raymond C. Heitmann
+ PDF Chat Lifting seminormality 2008 Raymond C. Heitmann
+ Extended plus closure and colon-capturing 2005 Raymond C. Heitmann
+ PDF Chat The Direct Summand Conjecture in Dimension Three 2002 Raymond C. Heitmann
+ The Direct Summand Conjecture in Dimension Three 2002 Raymond C. Heitmann
+ Extensions of Plus Closure 2001 Raymond C. Heitmann
+ The Plus Closure in Degree Two Extensions 1999 Raymond C. Heitmann
+ The Plus Closure in Mixed Characteristic 1997 Raymond C. Heitmann
+ Completions of Local Rings with an Isolated Singularity 1994 Raymond C. Heitmann
+ On the Jacobian conjecture 1993 Raymond C. Heitmann
+ PDF Chat Characterization of Completions of Unique Factorization Domains 1993 Raymond C. Heitmann
+ PDF Chat A counterexample to the rigidity conjecture for rings 1993 Raymond C. Heitmann
+ PDF Chat Characterization of completions of unique factorization domains 1993 Raymond C. Heitmann
+ A counterexample to the rigidity conjecture for rings 1993 Raymond C. Heitmann
+ Direct sums of ideals 1991 Raymond C. Heitmann
Roger Wiegand
+ PDF Chat Comaximizable Primes 1991 Raymond C. Heitmann
Stephen McAdam
+ PDF Chat Comaximizable primes 1991 Raymond C. Heitmann
Stephen McAdam
+ On the Jacobian conjecture 1990 Raymond C. Heitmann
+ Prime divisors and flat extensions 1982 Raymond C. Heitmann
+ PDF Chat Distinguished Domains 1982 Raymond C. Heitmann
Stephen McAdam
+ On Pic(R[X]) for R seminormal 1980 Robert Gilmer
Raymond C. Heitmann
+ PDF Chat The group of units of a commutative semigroup ring 1979 Robert Gilmer
Raymond C. Heitmann
+ PDF Chat A Negative Answer to the Prime Sequence Question 1979 Raymond C. Heitmann
+ PDF Chat A negative answer to the prime sequence question 1979 Raymond C. Heitmann
+ PDF Chat Examples of noncatenary rings 1979 Raymond C. Heitmann
+ PDF Chat Examples of Noncatenary Rings 1979 Raymond C. Heitmann
+ PDF Chat Prime ideal posets in noetherian rings 1977 Raymond C. Heitmann
+ PDF Chat A connected absolutely flat scheme 1977 Raymond C. Heitmann
+ Finite presentation of simple flat algebras 1976 J. W. Brewer
Raymond C. Heitmann
E.L Lady
Edgar A. Rutter
+ PDF Chat Generating ideals in PrĂĽfer domains 1976 Raymond C. Heitmann
+ PDF Chat $1\frac12$ and $2$ generator ideals in PrĂĽfer domains1 1975 Raymond C. Heitmann
Lawrence S. Levy
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ The Plus Closure in Mixed Characteristic 1997 Raymond C. Heitmann
+ Infinite Integral Extensions and big Cohen--Macaulay Algebras 1992 Melvin Hochster
Craig Huneke
+ PDF Chat Tight closure, invariant theory, and the Briançon-Skoda theorem 1990 Melvin Hochster
Craig Huneke
+ PDF Chat La conjecture du facteur direct 2017 Yves André
+ Extensions of Plus Closure 2001 Raymond C. Heitmann
+ Topics in the Homological Theory of Modules over Commutative Rings 1975 Melvin Hochster
+ Big Cohen–Macaulay algebras in dimension three via Heitmann's theorem 2002 Melvin Hochster
+ PDF Chat The Direct Summand Conjecture in Dimension Three 2002 Raymond C. Heitmann
+ PDF Chat Characterization of completions of unique factorization domains 1993 Raymond C. Heitmann
+ Perfectoid Spaces 2012 Peter Scholze
+ Cohen-Macaulay Rings 1998 Winfried Bruns
H. JĂĽrgen Herzog
+ Almost Ring Theory 2003 Ofer Gabber
Lorenzo Ramero
+ PDF Chat On the direct summand conjecture and its derived variant 2017 Bhargav Bhatt
+ PDF Chat Contracted ideals from integral extensions of regular rings 1973 Melvin Hochster
+ PDF Chat Noetherian Intersections of Integral Domains 1972 William Heinzer
Jack Ohm
+ Infinite Abelian groups 1970 L. Fuchs
+ On Quasi-Unmixed Local Domains, the Altitude Formula, and the Chain Condition for Prime Ideals, (I) 1969 Louis J. Ratliff
+ PDF Chat La Notion D’anneau de Décomposition 1954 Catherine Chevalley
+ PDF Chat Prime Ideals in Two-Dimensional Polynomial Rings 1989 William Heinzer
Sylvia Wiegand
+ Tight Closure and Its Applications 1996 Craig Huneke
+ PDF Chat Perfectoid multiplier/test ideals in regular rings and bounds on symbolic powers 2018 Linquan Ma
Karl Schwede
+ PDF Chat Chain Conjectures in Ring Theory 1978 Louis J. Ratliff
+ The Syzygy Problem 1981 E. Graham Evans
Phillip Griffith
+ PDF Chat Big Cohen–Macaulay algebras and the vanishing conjecture for maps of Tor in mixed characteristic 2018 Raymond C. Heitmann
Linquan Ma
+ Completely Primary Rings. I 1950 Ernst Snapper
+ PDF Chat Prime Ideal Structure in Commutative Rings 1969 M. Hochster
+ PDF Chat Le lemme d’Abhyankar perfectoide 2017 Yves André
+ Arithmetic of Blowup Algebras 1994 Wolmer V. Vasconcelos
+ PDF Chat On the vanishing of Tor in regular local rings 1966 Stephen Lichtenbaum
+ Completions of Local Rings with an Isolated Singularity 1994 Raymond C. Heitmann
+ PDF Chat Commutative algebra with a view toward algebraic geometry 1996 David Eisenbud
+ PDF Chat The vanishing of intersection multiplicities of perfect complexes 1985 Paul Roberts
+ Canonical elements in local cohomology modules and the direct summand conjecture 1983 Melvin Hochster
+ PDF Chat Note on integral closures of Noetherian domains 1953 Masayoshi Nagata
+ Constructing Local Generic Formal Fibers 1997 S. Loepp
+ Tight closure and elements of small order in integral extensions 1991 Melvin Hochster
Craig Huneke
+ PDF Chat Prime ideal posets in noetherian rings 1977 Raymond C. Heitmann
+ Applications of the Existence of Big Cohen-Macaulay Algebras 1995 M. Hochster
Craig Huneke
+ A method for constructing bad noetherian local rings 1986 Christer Lech
+ The depth conjecture: A counterexample 1982 Ada Maria de Souza Doering
+ Divisors on varieties of complexes 1983 Winfried Bruns
+ PDF Chat Prime ideal structure in commutative rings 1969 M. Hochster
+ PDF Chat Jacobian ideals and a theorem of Brian\c con-Skoda. 1981 Joseph Lipman
Avinash Sathaye
+ Éléments de géométrie algébrique 1964 Alexandre Grothendieck
+ PDF Chat Modules of finite projective dimension with negative intersection multiplicities 1985 Sankar P. Dutta
Melvin Hochster
J. E. McLaughlin
+ PDF Chat On the Jacobian conjecture 1993 Shulim Kaliman
+ The converse to a well known theorem on Noetherian rings 1968 Paul Eakin
+ On the ubiquity of Gorenstein rings 1963 Hyman Bass
+ Resolution of Singularities of an Algebraic Variety Over a Field of Characteristic Zero: I 1964 Heisuke Hironaka
+ PDF Chat Lumpy subsets in left-amenable locally compact semigroups 1976 Mahlon M. Day