Jean–Paul Berrut


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Asymptotically uniform functions: a single hypothesis which solves two old problems 2024 J.-P. Gabriel
Jean‐Paul Berrut
+ The barycentric rational predictor-corrector schemes for Volterra integral equations 2023 Ali Abdi
Jean‐Paul Berrut
Helmut Podhaisky
+ Asymptotically uniform functions: a single hypothesis which solves two old problems 2023 Jean-Pierre Gabriel
Jean–Paul Berrut
+ PDF Chat Extrapolation quadrature from equispaced samples of functions with jumps 2022 Jean‐Paul Berrut
Manfred R. Trummer
+ Explicit methods based on barycentric rational interpolants for solving non-stiff Volterra integral equations 2022 Ali Abdi
Jean‐Paul Berrut
S.A. Hosseini
+ PDF Chat A linear barycentric rational interpolant on starlike domains 2022 Jean‐Paul Berrut
Giacomo Elefante
+ The Conditioning of a Linear Barycentric Rational Interpolant 2022 Jean‐Paul Berrut
+ Bounding the Lebesgue constant for a barycentric rational trigonometric interpolant at periodic well-spaced nodes 2021 Jean‐Paul Berrut
Giacomo Elefante
+ A linear barycentric rational interpolant on starlike domains 2021 Jean–Paul Berrut
Giacomo Elefante
+ The Influence of Jumps on the Sinc Interpolant, and Ways to Overcome It 2020 Jean‐Paul Berrut
+ PDF Chat A periodic map for linear barycentric rational trigonometric interpolation 2019 Jean‐Paul Berrut
Giacomo Elefante
+ PDF Chat The Linear Barycentric Rational Method for a Class of Delay Volterra Integro-Differential Equations 2017 Ali Abdi
Jean‐Paul Berrut
S.A. Hosseini
+ Linear Barycentric Rational Interpolation with Guaranteed Degree of Exactness 2017 Jean‐Paul Berrut
+ New Directions in Numerical Computation 2016 Tobin A. Driscoll
Alex Townsend
Jean‐Paul Berrut
Bengt Fornberg
Anne Greenbaum
Nicholas J. Higham
Randy LeVeque
Ian H. Sloan
+ PDF Chat The Linear Barycentric Rational Quadrature Method for Volterra Integral Equations 2014 Jean‐Paul Berrut
S.A. Hosseini
Georg Klein
+ Approximation des fonctions 2013 Jean–Paul Berrut
+ PDF Chat Linear Rational Finite Differences from Derivatives of Barycentric Rational Interpolants 2012 Georges Klein
Jean‐Paul Berrut
+ PDF Chat Linear barycentric rational quadrature 2011 Georges Klein
Jean‐Paul Berrut
+ PDF Chat Convergence rates of derivatives of a family of barycentric rational interpolants 2011 Jean‐Paul Berrut
Michael S. Floater
Georges Klein
+ PDF Chat A formula for the error of finite sinc interpolation with an even number of nodes 2010 Jean‐Paul Berrut
+ PDF Chat First applications of a formula for the error of finite sinc interpolation 2009 Jean‐Paul Berrut
+ PDF Chat A formula for the error of finite sinc-interpolation over a finite interval 2007 Jean‐Paul Berrut
+ Fourier and barycentric formulae for equidistant Hermite trigonometric interpolation 2007 Jean‐Paul Berrut
Annick Welscher
+ A circular interpretation of the Euler–Maclaurin formula 2005 Jean‐Paul Berrut
+ PDF Chat Recent Developments in Barycentric Rational Interpolation 2005 Jean‐Paul Berrut
Richard Baltensperger
Hans D. Mittelmann
+ PDF Chat Optimized point shifts and poles in the linear rational pseudospectral method for boundary value problems 2004 Jean‐Paul Berrut
Hans D. Mittelmann
+ PDF Chat Barycentric Lagrange Interpolation 2004 Jean‐Paul Berrut
Lloyd N. Trefethen
+ Adaptive point shifts in rational approximation with optimized denominator 2003 Jean‐Paul Berrut
Hans D. Mittelmann
+ None 2003 Richard Baltensperger
Jean‐Paul Berrut
Yves Dubey
+ PDF Chat Linear Rational Interpolation and Its Application in Approximation and Boundary Value Problems 2002 Jean‐Paul Berrut
Hans D. Mittelmann
+ The linear rational collocation method 2001 Richard Baltensperger
Jean‐Paul Berrut
+ None 2001 Jean‐Paul Berrut
Richard Baltensperger
+ The Linear Rational Pseudospectral Method with Iteratively Optimized Poles for Two-Point Boundary Value Problems 2001 Jean‐Paul Berrut
Hans D. Mittelmann
+ None 2000 Jean‐Paul Berrut
Hans D. Mittelmann
+ None 2000 Jean‐Paul Berrut
+ Exponential convergence of a linear rational interpolant between transformed Chebyshev points 1999 Richard Baltensperger
Jean–Paul Berrut
Benjamin Noël
+ The errors in calculating the pseudospectral differentiation matrices for C̆ebys̆ev-Gauss-Lobatto points 1999 Richard Baltensperger
Jean‐Paul Berrut
+ The barycentric weights of rational interpolation with prescribed poles 1997 Jean‐Paul Berrut
+ Lebesgue constant minimizing linear rational interpolation of continuous functions over the interval 1997 Jean‐Paul Berrut
Hans D. Mittelmann
+ PDF Chat Numerical Solution of Periodic Fredholm Integral Equations of the Second Kind by Means of Attenuation Factors 1997 Jean–Paul Berrut
Michèle Reifenberg
+ PDF Chat Exponentially convergent linear rational interpolation between equidistant (and other) points 1997 Jean‐Paul Berrut
Hans D. Mittelmann
+ A formula for optimal integration in H2 1993 Jean‐Paul Berrut
+ A closed formula for the čebyšev barycentric weights of optimal approximation in H2 1993 Jean‐Paul Berrut
+ Barycentric formulae for some optimal rational approximants involving blaschke products 1990 Jean‐Paul Berrut
+ Barycentric formulae for cardinal (SINC-)interpolants 1989 Jean‐Paul Berrut
+ PDF Chat Barycentric Formulae for Cardinal (SINC-).Interpolants 1989 Jean‐Paul Berrut
+ PDF Chat Equivalence of Nyström’s method and Fourier methods for the numerical solution of Fredholm integral equations 1987 Jean‐Paul Berrut
Manfred R. Trummer
+ Equivalence of Nystrom's Method and Fourier Methods for the Numerical Solution of Fredholm Integral Equations 1987 Jean–Paul Berrut
Manfred R. Trummer
+ A Fredholm integral equation of the second kind for conformal mapping 1986 Jean‐Paul Berrut
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Some New Aspects of Rational Interpolation 1986 Claus Schneider
Wilhelm Werner
+ Essentials of numerical analysis, with pocket calculator demonstrations 1982 Peter Henrici
+ Exponential convergence of a linear rational interpolant between transformed Chebyshev points 1999 Richard Baltensperger
Jean–Paul Berrut
Benjamin Noël
+ PDF Chat Some new aspects of rational interpolation 1986 Claus Schneider
Wilhelm Werner
+ Lebesgue constant minimizing linear rational interpolation of continuous functions over the interval 1997 Jean‐Paul Berrut
Hans D. Mittelmann
+ Baryzentrische Formeln zur Trigonometrischen Interpolation (I) 1984 Jean -Paul Berrut
+ Lagrangian Interpolation at the Chebyshev Points xn, cos ( /n), = 0(1)n; some Unnoted Advantages 1972 H. E. Salzer
+ The linear rational collocation method 2001 Richard Baltensperger
Jean‐Paul Berrut
+ The errors in calculating the pseudospectral differentiation matrices for C̆ebys̆ev-Gauss-Lobatto points 1999 Richard Baltensperger
Jean‐Paul Berrut
+ A Modified Chebyshev Pseudospectral Method with an O(N-1) Time Step Restriction 1993 Dan Kosloff
Hillel Tal‐Ezer
+ A Practical Guide to Pseudospectral Methods 1996 Bengt Fornberg
+ None 2001 Jean‐Paul Berrut
Richard Baltensperger
+ PDF Chat On the Lebesgue constant of barycentric rational interpolation at equidistant nodes 2011 Len Bos
Stefano De Marchı
Kai Hormann
Georges Klein
+ Barycentric formulae for cardinal (SINC-)interpolants 1989 Jean‐Paul Berrut
+ Barycentric formulas for interpolating trigonometric polynomials and their conjugates 1979 Peter Henrici
+ Boundary Layer Resolving Pseudospectral Methods for Singular Perturbation Problems 1996 Tao Tang
Manfred R. Trummer
+ PDF Chat Polynomial interpolation: Lagrange versus Newton 1984 Wilhelm Werner
+ The barycentric weights of rational interpolation with prescribed poles 1997 Jean‐Paul Berrut
+ None 2000 Jean‐Paul Berrut
Hans D. Mittelmann
+ PDF Chat Barycentric Lagrange Interpolation 2004 Jean‐Paul Berrut
Lloyd N. Trefethen
+ A circular interpretation of the Euler–Maclaurin formula 2005 Jean‐Paul Berrut
+ Einführung in die Numerische Mathematik I 1983 Josef Stoer
+ The Linear Rational Pseudospectral Method with Iteratively Optimized Poles for Two-Point Boundary Value Problems 2001 Jean‐Paul Berrut
Hans D. Mittelmann
+ An Introduction to Numerical Analysis 1990 F. S.
Kendall Atkinson
+ PDF Chat Linear barycentric rational quadrature 2011 Georges Klein
Jean‐Paul Berrut
+ The Chebyshev polynomials 1974 T. J. Rivlin
+ Adaptive point shifts in rational approximation with optimized denominator 2003 Jean‐Paul Berrut
Hans D. Mittelmann
+ Numerical Methods Based on Sinc and Analytic Functions 1993 Frank Stenger
+ Baryzentrische Formeln zur trigonometrischen Interpolation (II) Stabilit�t und Anwendung auf die Fourieranalyse bei ungleichabst�ndigen St�tzstellen 1984 Jean -Paul Berrut
+ A numerical study of stiff two-point boundary problems 1977 Piet Hemker
+ Numerical analysis: an introduction 1998 Walter Gautschi
+ An Introduction to the Approximation of Functions 1970 Joseph W. Jerome
T. J. Rivlin
+ Barycentric formulae for some optimal rational approximants involving blaschke products 1990 Jean‐Paul Berrut
+ Approximation Theory and Methods. 1982 Lars B. Wahlbin
M. J. D. Powell
+ PDF Chat Computing Numerically with Functions Instead of Numbers 2007 Lloyd N. Trefethen
+ Fast Fourier Methods in Computational Complex Analysis 1979 Peter Henrici
+ Numerical Analysis--Mathematics of Scientific Computing. 1992 E. I.
David R. Kincaid
Ward Cheney
+ PDF Chat The Linear Barycentric Rational Quadrature Method for Volterra Integral Equations 2014 Jean‐Paul Berrut
S.A. Hosseini
Georg Klein
+ PDF Chat Recent Developments in Barycentric Rational Interpolation 2005 Jean‐Paul Berrut
Richard Baltensperger
Hans D. Mittelmann
+ Approximation Theory and Approximation Practice 2013 Lloyd N. Trefethen
+ Sinc Methods for Quadrature and Differential Equations 1992 John Lund
Kenneth L. Bowers
+ Some results on linear rational trigonometric interpolation 2002 Richard Baltensperger
+ Handbook of Mathematical Functions 1966 Donald A. McQuarrie
+ PDF Chat Barycentric Interpolation 2014 Kai Hormann
+ PDF Chat A Rational Spectral Collocation Method with Adaptively Transformed Chebyshev Grid Points 2006 T. Wynn Tee
Lloyd N. Trefethen
+ An Instability Phenomenon in Spectral Methods 1987 Lloyd N. Trefethen
Manfred R. Trummer
+ Spectral Methods Based on Nonclassical Orthogonal Polynomials 1999 J. A. C. Weideman
+ PDF Chat Numerical Methods Based on Sinc and Analytic Functions. 1994 Gerhard Schmeißer
Frank Stenger
+ PDF Chat Newton interpolation in Fejér and Chebyshev points 1989 Bernd Fischer
Lothar Reichel