Virgil Snyder


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Elementary textbook on the calculus 2013 Virgil Snyder
John Irwin Hutchinson
+ Local Modifications of Damped Linear Systems 1971 Robert J. Pomazal
Virgil Snyder
+ Selected Topics in Algebraic Geometry 1970 Virgil Snyder
+ Solid Geometry and Spherical Trigonometry. 1944 Virgil Snyder
H. C. L. Leighton
+ Analytic Geometry. 1944 Virgil Snyder
F. H. Steen
D. H. Ballou
+ Commercial Algebra. 1944 Virgil Snyder
H. E. Stelson
H. P. Rogers
+ College Algebra. 1944 Virgil Snyder
Frank Morgan
+ Concise Spherical Trigonometry with Application and Reviews of Solid Geometry and Plane Trigonometry. 1943 Virgil Snyder
Jacques Redway Hammond
+ An Introduction to Analytic Geometry. Volume I. 1943 Virgil Snyder
A. Robson
+ An Introduction to Plane Geometry, with Many Examples. 1943 Virgil Snyder
H. F. Baker
+ PDF Chat Book Review: The non-singular cubic surfaces 1943 Virgil Snyder
+ PDF Chat Book Review: Tables of sine and cosine integrals for arguments from 10 to 100 1943 Virgil Snyder
+ Analytic Geometry. 1943 Virgil Snyder
Roscoe Woods
+ Algebraic Solid Geometry. 1942 Virgil Snyder
S. L. Green
+ PDF Chat Book Review: Tables of Probability Functions. Vol. I 1942 Virgil Snyder
+ Review: Tables of Sine, Cosine and Exponential Integrals 1941 Virgil Snyder
+ Brief Trigonometry. 1941 Virgil Snyder
E. A. Cameron
+ Correction: Tables of Circular and Hyperbolic Sines and Cosines for Radian Arguments 1941 Virgil Snyder
+ Plane Trigonometry. 1941 Virgil Snyder
R. W. Brink
+ PDF Chat Book Review: A History of Geometrical Methods 1941 Virgil Snyder
+ Tables of Circular and Hyperbolic Sines and Cosines for Radian Arguments. 1940 Virgil Snyder
+ A Brief Course in Trigonometry. 1940 Virgil Snyder
D. R. Curtiss
E. J. Moulton
+ Elements of Analytic Geometry. 1940 Virgil Snyder
C. E. Love
+ College Algebra. 1940 Virgil Snyder
N. J. Lennes
+ College Algebra. 1940 Virgil Snyder
L. M. Reagan
E. R. Ott
D. T. Sigley
+ Review: Heinz PrĂŒfer, Projektive Geometrie 1939 Virgil Snyder
+ PDF Chat Book Review: Projektive Geometrie 1939 Virgil Snyder
+ An Introduction to Modern Geometry. 1939 Virgil Snyder
Levi S. Shively
+ Synthetic Projective Geometry. 1939 Virgil Snyder
R. G. Sanger
+ PDF Chat Book Review: The Geometry of Determinantal Loci 1939 Virgil Snyder
+ College Algebra. 1939 Virgil Snyder
Louis J. Rouse
+ PDF Chat A Cremona involution in 𝑆₃ without a surface of invariant points 1939 Virgil Snyder
Evelyn Carroll-Rusk
+ Review: C. W. O'Hara and D. R. Ward, An Introduction to Projective Geometry 1938 Virgil Snyder
+ PDF Chat Book Review: An Introduction to Projective Geometry 1938 Virgil Snyder
+ A Series of Involutorial Cremona Transformations in S n Belonging Multiply to a Non-Linear Line Complex 1937 Virgil Snyder
Evelyn Carroll-Rusk
+ Review: Lucien Godeaux, Les Involutions Cycliques Appartenant à une Surface Algébrique 1936 Virgil Snyder
+ Review: L. Godeaux, Les Surfaces Algébriques non Rationnelles de Genre Arithmétique et Géométrique Nuls 1935 Virgil Snyder
+ PDF Chat Book Review: Les Surfaces Algébriques non Rationnelles de Genre Arithmétique et Géométrique Nuls 1935 Virgil Snyder
+ PDF Chat Book Review: La Théorie des Surfaces et l'Espace Réglé: (Géométrie Projective Différentielle) 1935 Virgil Snyder
+ Review: L. Godeaux, Questions non résolues de Géométrie Algébrique 1934 Virgil Snyder
+ PDF Chat Book Review: Questions non résolues de Géométrie Algébrique 1934 Virgil Snyder
+ PDF Chat Book Review: Inversive Geometry 1934 Virgil Snyder
+ PDF Chat Some recent contributions to algebraic geometry 1934 Virgil Snyder
+ On a Series of Involutorial Cremona Transformations of Space Defined by a Pencil of Ruled Surfaces 1933 Virgil Snyder
+ PDF Chat On a series of involutorial Cremona transformations of space defined by a pencil of rules surfaces 1933 Virgil Snyder
+ PDF Chat Book Review: Collected Geometrical Papers, Part 1932 Virgil Snyder
+ Two Involutorial Transformations, of Orders 11 and 9, Associated with Null Reciprocities 1932 Virgil Snyder
Hazel E. Schoonmaker
+ PDF Chat Book Review: A Treatise on Algebraic Plane Curves 1932 Virgil Snyder
+ PDF Chat Book Review: The Theory of Ruled Surfaces 1931 Virgil Snyder
+ Review: Annibale Comessatti, Lezioni di Geometria Analitica e Proiettiva; parte seconda 1931 Virgil Snyder
+ Review: Edgardo Ciani, Introduzione alla Geometria Algebrica 1931 Virgil Snyder
+ PDF Chat Book Review: Introduzione alla Geometria Algebrica 1931 Virgil Snyder
+ PDF Chat Book Review: Introduction to Higher Geometry 1931 Virgil Snyder
+ Generating Involutions of Infinite Discontinuous Cremona Groups of S 4 which Leave a General Cubic Variety Invariant 1931 Virgil Snyder
Marguerite Lehr
+ Review: Gaston Julia, Principes Géométriques d'Analyse 1930 Virgil Snyder
+ Review: M. d'Ocagne, Cours de Géométrie, Pure et Appliquée 1930 Virgil Snyder
+ PDF Chat Book Review: Cours de Géométrie, Pure et Appliquée 1930 Virgil Snyder
+ Review: Syamadas Mukhopadhyaya, Collected Geometrical Papers. Part I 1930 Virgil Snyder
+ PDF Chat Book Review: Collected Geometrical Papers. 1930 Virgil Snyder
+ On an Involutorial Transformation Found by Montesano 1930 Virgil Snyder
+ Gerhard Hessenberg's Vorlesungen uber Darstellende Geometrie. 1929 Virgil Snyder
Harvey Herbert Jordan
Francis Marion Porter
+ PDF Chat The problem of the cubic variety in 𝑆₄ 1929 Virgil Snyder
+ Selected topics in algebraic geometry : report of the Committee on Rational Transformations 1928 Virgil Snyder
+ Cremona Transformations in Plane and Space. 1927 Virgil Snyder
Hilda P. Hudson
+ An Introductory Account of Certain Modern Ideas and Methods in Plane Analytic Geometry. 1925 Virgil Snyder
Charlotte Angas Scott
+ Non-Monoidal Involutions Which Contain a Web of Invariant Monoids 1925 Virgil Snyder
+ L'analysis situs et la Geometrie Algebrique. 1925 Virgil Snyder
Solomon Lefschetz
+ Further Types of Involutorial Transformations Which Leave Each Cubic Surface of a Web Invariant 1924 Virgil Snyder
+ On the Types of Monoidal Involutions 1924 Virgil Snyder
+ PDF Chat Book Review: Handbuch der angewandten Mathematik Vol. I. Praktische Analysis 1924 Virgil Snyder
+ PDF Chat Book Review: Gesammelte mathematische Abhandlungen. Vol. III: Elliptische Funktionen, insbesondere Modulfunktionen; Hyperelliptische und Abelsche Funktionen; Riemannsche Funktionentheorie und automorphe Funktionen 1924 Virgil Snyder
+ PDF Chat Book Review: Darstellende Geometrie, 1924 Virgil Snyder
+ PDF Chat Book Review: Darstellende Geometrie 1923 Virgil Snyder
+ PDF Chat Book Review: Gesammelte mathematische Abhandlungen. Vol. II: Anschauliche Geometrie; Substitutionsgruppen und Gleichungstheorie; Zur mathematischen Physik 1923 Virgil Snyder
+ PDF Chat The (1,2) correspondence associated with the cubic space involution of order two 1923 F. R. Sharpe
Virgil Snyder
+ The (1,2) Correspondence Associated with the Cubic Space Involution of Order Two 1923 F. R. Sharpe
Virgil Snyder
+ Review: Theodor Schmid, Darstellende Geometrie. Vol. II 1922 Virgil Snyder
+ PDF Chat Book Review: Darstellende Geometrie. 1922 Virgil Snyder
+ PDF Chat Book Review: Darstellende Geometrie 1921 Virgil Snyder
+ PDF Chat Certain types of involutorial space transformations 1920 F. R. Sharpe
Virgil Snyder
+ PDF Chat Certain Types of Involutorial Space Transformations 1920 F. R. Sharpe
Virgil Snyder
+ PDF Chat Certain Types of Involutorial Space Transformations 1919 F. R. Sharpe
Virgil Snyder
+ PDF Chat Certain types of involutorial space transformations 1919 F. R. Sharpe
Virgil Snyder
+ PDF Chat Space Involutions Defined by a Web of Quadrics 1918 Virgil Snyder
F. R. Sharpe
+ PDF Chat Space involutions defined by a web of quadrics 1918 Virgil Snyder
F. R. Sharpe
+ Types of (2, 2) Point Correspondences Between Two Planes 1917 F. R. Sharpe
Virgil Snyder
+ Elements of Analytic Geometry. 1917 Virgil Snyder
Alexander Ziwet
Audrey Hopkins
+ Review: Constructive Geometry 1917 Virgil Snyder
+ Book Review: Constructive Geometry 1917 Virgil Snyder
+ PDF Chat Types of (2,2) point correspondences between two planes 1917 F. R. Sharpe
Virgil Snyder
+ Review: H. W. Miller, Descriptive Geometry, and Henry C. Armstrong, Descriptive Geometry for Students in Engineering Science and Architecture., and Marcel Grossmann, Darstellende Geometrie 1916 Virgil Snyder
+ PDF Chat Book Review: Descriptive Geometry 1916 Virgil Snyder
+ PDF Chat Book Review: A Treatise on the Analytic Geometry of Three Dimensions 1915 Virgil Snyder
+ Book Review: Handbuch der angewandten Mathematik. 1915 Virgil Snyder
+ Review: Fr. W. Meyer, Differential- und Integralrechnung. Erster Band: Differentialrechnung 1915 Virgil Snyder
+ PDF Chat Book Review: Differential- und Integralrechnung. Erster Band: Differentialrechnung 1915 Virgil Snyder
+ PDF Chat Certain quartic surfaces belonging to infinite discontinuous Cremonian groups 1915 Virgil Snyder
F. R. Sharpe
+ PDF Chat Book Review: Darstellende Geometrie 1915 Virgil Snyder
+ PDF Chat Certain Quartic Surfaces Belonging to Infinite Discontinuous Cremonian Groups 1915 Virgil Snyder
F. R. Sharpe
+ PDF Chat Birational transformations of the cubic variety in four-dimensional space 1914 Virgil Snyder
+ PDF Chat Analytic Geometry and Principles of Algebra. 1914 Virgil Snyder
Alexander Ziwet
Louis Allen Hopkins
E. R. Hedrick
+ PDF Chat Book Review: Elements of Descriptive Geometry, 1914 Virgil Snyder
+ PDF Chat Birational transformations of certain quartic surfaces 1914 F. R. Sharpe
Virgil Snyder
+ PDF Chat The Vienna meeting of the Deutsche Mathematiker-Vereinigung 1913 Virgil Snyder
+ PDF Chat The fifth International Congress of Mathematicians. sections II-IV 1913 Virgil Snyder
+ PDF Chat The MĂŒnster meeting of the Deutsche Mathematiker-Vereinigung 1913 Virgil Snyder
+ Algebraic Surfaces Invariant Under An Infinite Discontinuos Group of Birational Transformations: (Second Paper) 1913 Virgil Snyder
+ PDF Chat The fifth International Congress of Mathematicians, Cambridge, 1912 1912 Virgil Snyder
+ Review: George Salmon, A Treatise on the Analytic Geometry of Three Dimensions 1912 Virgil Snyder
+ PDF Chat Book Review: A Treatise on the Analytic Geometry of Three Dimensions 1912 Virgil Snyder
+ PDF Chat The Carlsruhe meeting of the German Mathematical Society 1912 Virgil Snyder
+ PDF Chat Book Review: Notice sur le SystĂšme des six CoordonnĂ©es homogĂšnes d'une Droite et sur les ÉlĂ©ments de la ThĂ©orie des Complexes linĂ©aires 1911 Virgil Snyder
+ PDF Chat Book Review: Geometrische Transformationen. Zweiter Teil: die quadratischen und höheren birationalen Punkttransformationen 1911 Virgil Snyder
+ PDF Chat An application of a (1,2) quaternary correspondence to the Weddle and Kummer surfaces 1911 Virgil Snyder
+ The Involutorial Birational Transformation of the Plane, of Order 17 1911 Virgil Snyder
+ Periodic Quadratic Transformations in the Plane 1911 Virgil Snyder
+ PDF Chat Book Review: Die Lehre von den geometrischen Verwandtschaften. Vierter Band: die nichtlinearen und die mehrdeutigen Verwandtschaften zweiter und dritter Stufe 1910 Virgil Snyder
+ PDF Chat Conjugate Line Congruences Contained in a Bundle of Quadric Surfaces 1910 Virgil Snyder
+ PDF Chat Book Review: Allgemeine Formen- und Invariantentheorie ; Band I. BinÀre Formen 1910 Virgil Snyder
+ Surfaces Invariant Under Infinite Discontinuous Birational Groups Defined by Line Congruences 1910 Virgil Snyder
+ PDF Chat Book Review: Die Lehre von den geometrischen Verwandtschaften. Dritter Band: die eindeutigen linearen Verwandschaften zwischen Gebilden dritter Stufe 1910 Virgil Snyder
+ PDF Chat Infinite discontinuous groups of birational transformations which leave certain surfaces invariant 1910 Virgil Snyder
+ PDF Chat Conjugate line congruences contained in a bundle of quadric surfaces 1910 Virgil Snyder
+ PDF Chat Infinite Discontinuous Groups of Birational Transformations Which Leave Certain Surfaces Invariant 1910 Virgil Snyder
+ Review: Rudolf Sturm, Die Lehre von den geometrischen Verwandtschaften. Zweiter Band; die eindeutigen linearen Verwandtschaften zwischen Gebilden zweiter Stufe 1909 Virgil Snyder
+ PDF Chat Book Review: Die Lehre von den geometrischen Verwandtschaften. Zweiter Band; die eindeutigen linearen Verwandtschaften zwischen Gebilden zweiter Stufe 1909 Virgil Snyder
+ PDF Chat Surfaces derived from the cubic variety having nine double points in four-dimensional space 1909 Virgil Snyder
+ Surfaces Derived from the Cubic Variety Having Nine Double Points in Four Dimensional Space 1909 Virgil Snyder
+ PDF Chat Book Review: BeitrÀge zur Theorie der linearen Transformationen als Einleitung in die algebraische Invariantentheorie 1908 Virgil Snyder
+ PDF Chat Book Review: Die Lehre von den geometrischen Verwandtschaften. Erster Band: die Verwandtschaften zwischen Gebilden erster Stufe 1908 Virgil Snyder
+ Normal Curves of Genus 6, and Their Groups of Birational Transformations 1908 Virgil Snyder
+ PDF Chat Book Review: AnfangsgrĂŒnde der darstellenden Geometrie fĂŒr Gymnasien 1908 Virgil Snyder
+ Plane Quintic Curves Which Possess a Group of Linear Transformations 1908 Virgil Snyder
+ On Birational Transformations of Curves of High Genus 1908 Virgil Snyder
+ Twisted Curves Whose Tangents Belong to a Linear Complex 1907 Virgil Snyder
+ PDF Chat On a special algebraic curve having a net of minimum adjoint curves 1907 Virgil Snyder
+ PDF Chat Book Review: Projective Differential Geometry of Curves and Ruled Surfaces 1907 Virgil Snyder
+ The Mathematical Tripos of 1906 1906 Virgil Snyder
+ PDF Chat Book Review: Cambridge University Examination Papers, Easter term, 1906; Containing the Papers for the Mathematical Tripos, Parts I and II 1906 Virgil Snyder
+ On Certain Unicursal Twisted Curves 1906 Virgil Snyder
+ Review: H. G. Willis, Elementary Modern Geometry. Part I.: Experimental and Theoretical, Triangles and Parallels 1906 Virgil Snyder
+ PDF Chat Book Review: Elementary Modern Geometry. Part I.: Experimental and Theoretical, Triangles and Parallels 1906 Virgil Snyder
+ PDF Chat Book Review: Differential- und Integralrechnung; 1905 Virgil Snyder
+ PDF Chat Book Review: G. Lejeune Dirichlet's Vorlesungen ĂŒber die Lehre von den einfachen und mehrfachen bestimmten Integralen 1905 Virgil Snyder
+ On the Forms of Sextic Scrolls Having no Rectilinear Directrix 1905 Virgil Snyder
+ PDF Chat On the quintic scroll having a tacnodal or oscnodal conic 1905 Virgil Snyder
+ On the Forms of Sextic Scrolls Having a Rectilinear Directrix 1905 Virgil Snyder
+ PDF Chat Book Review: Das ErdsphÀroid und seine Abbildung 1904 Virgil Snyder
+ PDF Chat Book Review: Vorlesungen ĂŒber projective Geometrie 1904 Virgil Snyder
+ PDF Chat Book Review: Geometrie der Dynamen. Die Zusammensetzung von KrÀften und verwandte GegenstÀnde der Geometrie 1904 Virgil Snyder
+ PDF Chat On developable and tubular surfaces having spherical lines of curvature 1904 Virgil Snyder
+ PDF Chat Book Review: Catalog mathematischer Modelle fĂŒr den höheren mathematischen Unterricht 1904 Virgil Snyder
+ PDF Chat Book Review: Lezioni di Geometria Intrinseca 1903 Virgil Snyder
+ PDF Chat On the quintic scroll having three double conics 1903 Virgil Snyder
+ On the Forms of Unicursal Sextic Scrolls 1903 Virgil Snyder
+ On the Forms of Sextic Scrolls of Genus One 1903 Virgil Snyder
+ Models of the Weierstrass Sigma Function and the Elliptic Integral of the Second Kind 1902 Virgil Snyder
+ Models of the Weierstrass Sigma Function and the Elliptic Integral of the Second Kind 1902 Virgil Snyder
+ PDF Chat On the forms of quintic scrolls 1902 Virgil Snyder
+ PDF Chat Book Review: Einleitung in die Theorie der Bessel'schen Funktionen 1901 Virgil Snyder
+ On a Special Form of Annular Surfaces 1901 Virgil Snyder
+ On Some Invariant Scrolls in Collineations which Leave a Group of Five Points Invariant 1900 Virgil Snyder
+ PDF Chat On cyclical quartic surfaces in space of 𝑁 dimensions 1900 Virgil Snyder
+ PDF Chat On the geometry of the circle 1900 Virgil Snyder
+ Lines of Curvature on Annular Surfaces Having Two Spherical Directrices 1900 Virgil Snyder
+ PDF Chat Book Review: Theorie der Abel'schen Functionen 1899 Virgil Snyder
+ PDF Chat Book Review: Einleitung in die Theorie der Bessel'schen Funktionen 1899 Virgil Snyder
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic lines on ruled surfaces having two rectilinear directrices 1899 Virgil Snyder
+ PDF Chat Book Review: La Géométrie réglée et ses applications 1897 Virgil Snyder
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