Steven Boyer


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ JSJ decompositions of knot exteriors, Dehn surgery and the L-space conjecture 2024 Steven Boyer
Cameron McA. Gordon
Ying Hu
+ Recalibrating R$\mathbb {R}$‐order trees and Homeo+(S1)$\mbox{Homeo}_+(S^1)$‐representations of link groups 2024 Steven Boyer
Cameron McA. Gordon
Ying Hu
+ Order-detection of slopes on the boundaries of knot manifolds 2024 Steven Boyer
Adam Clay
+ PDF Chat Cyclic branched covers of Seifert links and properties related to the $ADE$ link conjecture 2024 Steven Boyer
Cameron McA. Gordon
Ying Hu
+ Recalibrating $\mathbb{R}$-order trees and $\mbox{Homeo}_+(S^1)$-representations of link groups 2023 Steven Boyer
Cameron McA. Gordon
Ying Hu
+ JSJ decompositions of knot exteriors, Dehn surgery and the $L$-space conjecture 2023 Steven Boyer
Cameron McA. Gordon
Ying Hu
+ Order-detection of slopes on the boundaries of knot manifolds 2022 Steven Boyer
Adam Clay
+ Slope detection and toroidal 3-manifolds 2021 Steven Boyer
Cameron McA. Gordon
Ying Hu
+ Dehn fillings of knot manifolds containing essential twice-punctured tori 2020 Steven Boyer
Cameron McA. Gordon
Xingru Zhang
+ PDF Chat On the Tits alternative for<mml:math xmlns:mml=""><mml:mrow><mml:mi mathvariant="italic">PD</mml:mi><mml:mo>(</mml:mo><mml:mn>3</mml:mn><mml:mo>)</mml:mo></mml:mrow></mml:math>groups 2019 Michel Boileau
Steven Boyer
+ PDF Chat On definite strongly quasipositive links and L-space branched covers 2019 Michel Boileau
Steven Boyer
Cameron McA. Gordon
+ PDF Chat On the Tits alternative for $PD(3)$ groups 2019 Michel Boileau
Steven Boyer
+ Taut foliations in branched cyclic covers and left-orderable groups 2019 Steven Boyer
Ying Hu
+ PDF Chat Branched covers of quasi‐positive links and L‐spaces 2019 Michel Boileau
Steven Boyer
Cameron McA. Gordon
+ PDF Chat On the Tits alternative for PD(3) groups 2019 Michel Boileau
Steven Boyer
+ On the Tits alternative for PD(3) groups 2019 Michel Boileau
Steven Boyer
+ PDF Chat Branched covers of quasipositive links and L-spaces 2019 Michel Boileau
Steven Boyer
Cameron McA. Gordon
+ Taut foliations, contact structures and left-orderable groups 2017 Steven Boyer
Ying Hu
+ On the Tits altenative for $PD(3)$ groups 2017 Michel Boileau
Steven Boyer
+ Foliations, orders, representations, L-spaces and graph manifolds 2017 Steven Boyer
Adam Clay
+ Taut foliations in branched cyclic covers and left-orderable groups 2017 Steven Boyer
Ying Hu
+ 1-domination of knots 2016 Michel Boileau
Steven Boyer
Dale Rolfsen
Shicheng Wang
+ 1-domination of knots 2016 Michel Boileau
Steven Boyer
Dale Rolfsen
Shicheng Wang
+ 1-domination of knots 2016 Michel Boileau
Steven Boyer
Dale Rolfsen
Shicheng Wang
+ 1-domination of knots 2016 Michel Boileau
Steven Boyer
Dale Rolfsen
Shicheng Wang
+ 1-domination of knots 2016 Michel Boileau
Steven Boyer
Dale Rolfsen
Shicheng Wang
+ 1-domination of knots 2016 Michel Boileau
Steven Boyer
Dale Rolfsen
Shicheng Wang
+ 1-domination of knots 2016 Michel Boileau
Steven Boyer
Dale Rolfsen
Shicheng Wang
+ 1-domination of knots 2016 Michel Boileau
Steven Boyer
Dale Rolfsen
Shicheng Wang
+ 1-domination of knots 2016 Michel Boileau
Steven Boyer
Dale Rolfsen
Shicheng Wang
+ 1-domination of knots 2016 Michel Boileau
Steven Boyer
Dale Rolfsen
Shicheng Wang
+ 1-domination of knots 2016 Michel Boileau
Steven Boyer
Dale Rolfsen
Shicheng Wang
+ 1-domination of knots 2016 Michel Boileau
Steven Boyer
Dale Rolfsen
Shicheng Wang
+ PDF Chat Knot complements, hidden symmetries and reflection orbifolds 2016 Michel Boileau
Steven Boyer
Radu Cebanu
Genevieve Walsh
+ One-domination of knots 2016 Michel Boileau
Steven Boyer
Dale Rolfsen
S. C. Wang
+ 1-domination of knots 2015 Michel Boileau
Steven Boyer
Dale Rolfsen
Shicheng Wang
+ Slope detection, foliations in graph manifolds, and L-spaces 2015 Steven Boyer
Adam Clay
+ PDF Chat Graph manifold ℤ-homology 3-spheres and taut foliations 2015 Michel Boileau
Steven Boyer
+ 1-domination of knots 2015 Michel Boileau
Steven Boyer
Dale Rolfsen
Shicheng Wang
+ Slope detection, foliations in graph manifolds, and L-spaces 2015 Steven Boyer
Adam Clay
+ Foliations, orders, representations, L-spaces and graph manifolds 2014 Steven Boyer
Adam Clay
+ Foliations, orders, representations, L-spaces and graph manifolds 2014 Steven Boyer
Adam Clay
+ Dehn fillings of knot manifolds containing essential once-punctured tori 2013 Steven Boyer
Cameron Gordon
Xingru Zhang
+ PDF Chat On L-spaces and left-orderable fundamental groups 2012 Steven Boyer
Cameron McA. Gordon
Liam Watson
+ Characteristic submanifold theory and toroidal Dehn filling 2012 Steven Boyer
Cameron Gordon
Xingru Zhang
+ PDF Chat Knot commensurability and the Berge conjecture 2012 Michel Boileau
Steven Boyer
Radu Cebanu
Genevieve Walsh
+ PDF Chat On character varieties, sets of discrete characters, and nonzero degree maps 2012 Michel Boileau
Steven Boyer
+ On L-spaces and left-orderable fundamental groups 2011 Steven Boyer
Cameron McA. Gordon
Liam Watson
+ Characteristic submanifold theory and toroidal Dehn filling 2011 Steven Boyer
Cameron McA. Gordon
Xingru Zhang
+ On L-spaces and left-orderable fundamental groups 2011 Steven Boyer
Cameron McA. Gordon
Liam Watson
+ Dehn fillings of knot manifolds containing essential once-punctured tori 2011 Steven Boyer
Cameron McA. Gordon
Xingru Zhang
+ Exceptional Dehn filling 2009 Steven Boyer
+ PDF Chat Virtually fibered Montesinos links 2008 Ian Agol
Steven Boyer
Xingru Zhang
+ PDF Chat Reducible and finite Dehn fillings 2008 Steven Boyer
Cameron McA. Gordon
Xingru Zhang
+ On character varieties, sets of discrete characters, and non-zero degree maps 2007 Michel Boileau
Steven Boyer
+ PDF Chat Every nontrivial knot in $S^3$ has nontrivial A-polynomial 2005 Steven Boyer
Xingru Zhang
+ PDF Chat Orderable 3-manifold groups 2005 Steven Boyer
Dale Rolfsen
Bert Wiest
+ PDF Chat On the algebraic components of the SL(2,C) character varieties of knot exteriors 2002 Steven Boyer
E. Luft
X. Zhang
+ PDF Chat On the local structure of SL(2,C)-character varieties at reducible characters 2002 Steven Boyer
+ Orderable 3-manifold groups 2002 Steven Boyer
Dale Rolfsen
Bert Wiest
+ Characteristic subsurfaces and Dehn filling 2002 Steven Boyer
Marc Culler
Peter B. Shalen
Xingru Zhang
+ PDF Chat A Proof of the Finite Filling Conjecture 2001 Steven Boyer
Xingru Zhang
+ PDF Chat A Calculation of the Culler-shalen Seminorms Associated to Small Seifert Dehn Fillings 2001 Leila Ben Abdelghani
Steven Boyer
+ PDF Chat Dehn Fillings of Large Hyperbolic 3-Manifolds 2001 Steven Boyer
C. McA. Gordon
X. Zhang
+ On Simple Points Of Character Varieties Of 3-Manifolds 2000 Steven Boyer
X. Zhang
+ PDF Chat Virtual Haken 3-manifolds and Dehn filling 2000 Steven Boyer
X. Zhang
+ PDF Chat A Note on Finite Dehn Fillings 1999 Steven Boyer
Xin-Hang Zhang
+ PDF Chat On Culler-Shalen Seminorms and Dehn Filling 1998 Steven Boyer
X. Zhang
+ Dehn surgery on knots 1998 Steven Boyer
+ On Culler-Shalen seminorms and Dehn filling 1998 Steven Boyer
Xingru Zhang
+ Reducing Dehn filling and toroidal Dehn filling 1996 Steven Boyer
X. Zhang
+ PDF Chat Finite Dehn surgery on knots 1996 Steven Boyer
Xin‐Fang Zhang
+ PDF Chat Exceptional surgery on knots 1994 Steven Boyer
X. Zhang
+ Exceptional surgery on knots 1994 Steven Boyer
Xingru Zhang
+ Realization of simply-connected 4-manifolds with a given boundary 1993 Steven Boyer
+ PDF Chat Conway potential functions for links in ℚ-homology 3-spheres 1992 Steven Boyer
Daniel Lines
+ Varieties of Group Representations and Casson's Invariant for Rational Homology 3-Spheres 1990 Steven Boyer
A. Nicas
+ Surgery formulae for Casson's invariant and extensions to homology lens spaces. 1990 Steven Boyer
Daniel Lines
+ PDF Chat Varieties of group representations and Casson’s invariant for rational homology 3-spheres 1990 Steven Boyer
Andrew Nicas
+ On proper powers in free products and Dehn surgery 1988 Steven Boyer
+ Simply-Connected 4-Manifolds with a given Boundary 1986 Steven Boyer
+ PDF Chat Simply-connected 4-manifolds with a given boundary 1986 Steven Boyer
+ On the non-realizability of certain 3-manifolds by Dehn surgery 1986 Steven Boyer
+ Shake-slice knots and smooth contractible 4-manifolds 1985 Steven Boyer
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Foliations and the topology of 3-manifolds 1983 David Gabai
+ Dehn Surgery on Knots 1987 Marc Culler
C. McA. Gordon
John Luecke
Peter B. Shalen
+ PDF Chat Finite Dehn surgery on knots 1996 Steven Boyer
Xin‐Fang Zhang
+ PDF Chat On L-spaces and left-orderable fundamental groups 2012 Steven Boyer
Cameron McA. Gordon
Liam Watson
+ PDF Chat Orderable 3-manifold groups 2005 Steven Boyer
Dale Rolfsen
Bert Wiest
+ Varieties of Group Representations and Splittings of 3-Manifolds 1983 Marc Culler
Peter B. Shalen
+ On knot Floer homology and lens space surgeries 2005 Peter Ozsváth
Zoltán Szabó
+ Knots and Links 1976 Dale Rolfsen
+ PDF Chat Laminations and groups of homeomorphisms of the circle 2003 Nathan M. Dunfield
Danny Calegari
+ PDF Chat Lectures on Three-Manifold Topology 1980 William Jaco
+ Reducible manifolds and Dehn surgery 1996 C. McA. Gordon
John Luecke
+ PDF Chat Holomorphic disks and genus bounds 2004 Peter Ozsváth
Zoltán Szabó
+ PDF Chat On Culler-Shalen Seminorms and Dehn Filling 1998 Steven Boyer
X. Zhang
+ PDF Chat Closed incompressible surfaces in complements of star links 1984 Ulrich Oertel
+ Closed incompressible surfaces in alternating knot and link complements 1984 William W. Menasco
+ PDF Chat Graph manifolds, left-orderability and amalgamation 2013 Adam Clay
Tye Lidman
Liam Watson
+ Producing reducible 3-manifolds by surgery on a knot 1990 Martin Scharlemann
+ PDF Chat Dehn surgery and satellite knots 1983 C. McA. Gordon
+ Incompressible surfaces in 2-bridge knot complements 1985 Allen Hatcher
William P. Thurston
+ On the Heegaard Floer homology of branched double-covers 2004 Peter Ozsváth
Zoltán Szabó
+ Geometry and Topology of Manifolds 2007 William P. Thurston
+ PDF Chat The Geometries of 3-Manifolds 1983 Peter Scott
+ PDF Chat Ozsváth-Szabó invariants and tight contact 3-manifolds, III 2007 Paolo Lisca
Paolo Lisca
Paolo Lisca
András I. Stipsicz
András I. Stipsicz
András I. Stipsicz
+ PDF Chat Foliations and the topology of 3-manifolds. II 1987 David Gabai
+ PDF Chat Three dimensional manifolds, Kleinian groups and hyperbolic geometry 1982 William P. Thurston
+ Foliations, orders, representations, L-spaces and graph manifolds 2017 Steven Boyer
Adam Clay
+ PDF Chat A Survey of Heegaard Floer Homology 2015 András Juhász
+ Constructing taut foliations 1995 Rachel Roberts
+ PDF Chat Knots are determined by their complements 1989 C. McA. Gordon
John Luecke
+ PDF Chat Knot Floer homology detects fibred knots 2007 Yi Ni
+ Taut Foliations in Punctured Surface Bundles, II 2001 Rachel Roberts
+ Incompressible planar surfaces in 3-manifolds 1984 C. McA. Gordon
R. A. Litherland
Peter B. Shalen
+ Foliations with measure preserving holonomy 1975 J. F. Plante
+ PDF Chat On the boundary curves of incompressible surfaces 1982 Allen Hatcher
+ Incompressibility of surfaces in surgered 3-manifolds 1992 Ying-Qing Wu
+ Spherical space forms and Dehn filling 1996 Steven A. Bleiler
Craig D. Hodgson
+ PDF Chat Knot Floer homology detects fibred knots 2009 Yi Ni
+ PDF Chat Riley's conjecture on SL(2,R) representations of 2-bridge knots 2016 C. McA. Gordon
+ On L-spaces and non left-orderable 3-manifold groups 2009 Thomas D. Peters
+ PDF Chat Boundary slopes of punctured tori in 3-manifolds 1998 C. McA. Gordon
+ Embedded Minimal Surfaces, Exotic Spheres, and Manifolds with Positive Ricci Curvature 1982 William H. Meeks
Leon Simon
Shing‐Tung Yau
+ Boundary slopes for Montesinos knots 1989 Allen Hatcher
Ulrich Oertel
+ 1-bridge braids in solid tori 1990 David Gabai
+ Reducible and toroidal 3-manifolds obtained by Dehn fillings 1997 Seungsang Oh
+ PDF Chat A Calculation of the Culler-shalen Seminorms Associated to Small Seifert Dehn Fillings 2001 Leila Ben Abdelghani
Steven Boyer
+ PDF Chat Geometrization of 3-orbifolds of cyclic type 2018 Michel Boileau
Joan Porti
+ Dehn fillings producing reducible manifolds and toroidal manifolds 1998 Wu Yingqing
+ Surgery on knots in solid tori 1989 David Gabai