Stefano Allesina


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Effects of phylogeny on coexistence in model communities 2024 Carlos A. ServĂĄn
José A. Capitån
Zachary R. Miller
Stefano Allesina
+ Effects of phylogeny on coexistence in model communities 2023 Carlos A. ServĂĄn
José A. Capitån
Zachary R. Miller
Stefano Allesina
+ Effects of phylogeny on coexistence in model communities 2020 Carlos A. ServĂĄn
José A. Capitån
Zachary R. Miller
Stefano Allesina
+ Teaching Data Analysis Using Students' Own Data 2019 D.A. Kondrashov
Stefano Allesina
+ PDF Chat Effect of population abundances on the stability of large random ecosystems 2018 Theo Gibbs
Jacopo Grilli
Tim Rogers
Stefano Allesina
+ The stability–complexity relationship at age 40: a random matrix perspective 2015 Stefano Allesina
Si Tang
+ The geometry of coexistence in large ecosystems 2015 Jacopo Grilli
Matteo Adorisio
Samir Suweis
György Barabås
Jayanth R. Banavar
Stefano Allesina
Amos Maritan
+ Superelliptical laws for complex networks 2013 Stefano Allesina
Elizabeth L. Sander
Matthew J. Smith
Si Tang
+ Measuring Nepotism Through Shared Last Names: Response to Ferlazzo and Sdoia 2012 Stefano Allesina
+ PDF Chat Stability criteria for complex ecosystems 2012 Stefano Allesina
Si Tang
+ Measuring Nepotism Through Shared Last Names: Response to Ferlazzo and Sdoia 2012 Stefano Allesina
+ PDF Chat Spatial Guilds in the Serengeti Food Web Revealed by a Bayesian Group Model 2011 Edward B. Baskerville
Andrew P. Dobson
Trevor Bedford
Stefano Allesina
T. Michael Anderson
Mercedes Pascual
+ PDF Chat Predicting trophic relations in ecological networks: A test of the Allometric Diet Breadth Model 2010 Stefano Allesina
+ Predicting trophic relations in ecological networks: a test of the Allometric Diet Breadth Model 2009 Stefano Allesina
+ Accelerating the pace of discovery by changing the peer review algorithm 2009 Stefano Allesina
+ Persistence of a population in randomly fragmented landscapes 2000 Jacopo Grilli
György Barabås
Stefano Allesina
G. Galilei
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Random matrices: Universality of ESDs and the circular law 2010 Terence Tao
Van Vu
Manjunath Krishnapur
+ Community Food Webs: Data and Theory 2011 Joel E. Cohen
Frédéric Briand
Charles M. Newman
Zbigniew PaƂka
+ Spectrum of Large Random Asymmetric Matrices 1988 H.-J. Sommers
A. Crisanti
Haim Sompolinsky
Y. Stein
+ The stability–complexity relationship at age 40: a random matrix perspective 2015 Stefano Allesina
Si Tang
+ PDF Chat Stability criteria for complex ecosystems 2012 Stefano Allesina
Si Tang
+ The Elliptic Law 2014 Hoi H. Nguyen
Sean O’Rourke
+ Statistical Ensembles of Complex, Quaternion, and Real Matrices 1965 J. Ginibre
+ Elliptic law for real random matrices 2012 Alexey Naumov
+ Properties of the singular, inverse and generalized inverse partitioned Wishart distributions 2008 Taras Bodnar
Yarema Okhrin
+ Fluctuations of Animal Populations and a Measure of Community Stability 1955 Robert H. MacArthur
+ PDF Chat Random-matrix theories in quantum physics: common concepts 1998 Thomas Guhr
Axel MĂŒller–Groeling
Hans A. WeidenmĂŒller
+ Community structure in social and biological networks 2002 Michelle Girvan
M. E. J. Newman
+ PDF Chat Spectra of random graphs with given expected degrees 2003 Fan Chung
Linyuan LĂŒ
Van Vu
+ PDF Chat Cavity approach to the spectral density of sparse symmetric random matrices 2008 Tim Rogers
Isaac PĂ©rez Castillo
Reimer KĂŒhn
Koujin Takeda
+ PDF Chat Emergence of structural and dynamical properties of ecological mutualistic networks 2013 Samir Suweis
Filippo Simini
Jayanth R. Banavar
Amos Maritan
+ PDF Chat Spectra of random graphs with arbitrary expected degrees 2013 Raj Rao Nadakuditi
M. E. J. Newman
+ PDF Chat Community detection in complex networks using extremal optimization 2005 Jordi Duch
Àlex Arenas
+ On the differential equations of species in competition 1976 S. Smale
+ Familial Aggregation Patterns in Mathematical Ability 2003 Ellen M. Wijsman
Nancy M. Robinson
Kathryn H. Ainsworth
Elisabeth A. Rosenthal
Ted Holzman
Wendy H. Raskind
+ PDF Chat Neutral theory and relative species abundance in ecology 2003 Igor Volkov
Jayanth R. Banavar
Stephen P. Hubbell
Amos Maritan
+ PDF Chat Measuring Solid Angles Beyond Dimension Three 2006 Jason Ribando
+ Some Tests of Significance, Treated by the Theory of Probability 1935 Harold Jeffreys
+ PDF Chat Deterministic and stochastic methods for computing volumetric moduli of convex cones 2010 Daniel Gourion
Alberto Seeger
+ PDF Chat Random matrices: Universality of local eigenvalue statistics 2011 Terence Tao
Van Vu
+ Some new bounds on the spectral radius of graphs 2004 Kinkar Ch. Das
Pawan Kumar
+ Volterra Multipliers I 1985 Ray Redheffer
+ PDF Chat Modelling Coevolution in Multispecies Communities 1998 Guido Caldarelli
Paul G. Higgs
Alan J. McKane
+ PDF Chat Emergence of Scaling in Random Networks 1999 Albert‐László Barabási
RĂ©ka Albert
+ PDF Chat Food webs: Experts consuming families of experts 2006 Axel G. Rossberg
Hiroyuki Matsuda
Takashi Amemiya
Kiminori Itoh
+ PDF Chat Universality and the circular law for sparse random matrices 2012 Philip Matchett Wood
+ PDF Chat Simulating normalizing constants: from importance sampling to bridge sampling to path sampling 1998 Andrew Gelman
Xiao‐Li Meng
+ PDF Chat Synchronization in Small-World Systems 2002 Mauricio Barahona
Louis M. Pecora
+ PDF Chat Extracting the hierarchical organization of complex systems 2007 Marta Sales‐Pardo
Roger GuimerĂ 
André A. Moreira
Luı́s A. Nunes Amaral
+ Computing Bayes Factors by Combining Simulation and Asymptotic Approximations 1997 Thomas J. DiCiccio
Robert E. Kass
Adrian E. Raftery
Larry Wasserman
+ PDF Chat Evidence of universality for the May-Wigner stability theorem for random networks with local dynamics 2005 Sitabhra Sinha
Sudeshna Sinha
+ An individual-based approach to SIR epidemics in contact networks 2011 Mina Youssef
Caterina Scoglio
+ PDF Chat Epidemic Spreading in Scale-Free Networks 2001 Romualdo Pastor‐Satorras
Alessandro Vespignani
+ Nonlinear Aspects of Competition Between Three Species 1975 Robert M. May
Warren J. Leonard
+ Matrix Diagonal Stability and Its Implications 1983 Abraham Berman
Daniel Hershkowitz
+ A critical point for random graphs with a given degree sequence 1995 Michael Molloy
Bruce Reed
+ PDF Chat Statistical Mechanics of Ecosystem Assembly 2009 José A. Capitån
José A. Cuesta
Jordi Bascompte
+ PDF Chat Performance of modularity maximization in practical contexts 2010 Benjamin H. Good
Yves-Alexandre de Montjoye
Aaron Clauset
+ Community Equilibria and Stability, and an Extension of the Competitive Exclusion Principle 1970 Simon A. Levin
+ A Reformulation of Alternative (b) of the Broken Stick Model of Species Abundance 1966 John Vandermeer
Robert H. MacArthur
+ PDF Chat A Bayesian Analysis of Some Nonparametric Problems 1973 Thomas S. Ferguson
+ PDF Chat Cavity approach to the spectral density of non-Hermitian sparse matrices 2009 Tim Rogers
Isaac PĂ©rez Castillo
+ PDF Chat Spectra of “real-world” graphs: Beyond the semicircle law 2001 IllĂ©s J. Farkas
Imre Derényi
Albert‐László Barabási
TamĂĄs Vicsek
+ Reversible jump Markov chain Monte Carlo computation and Bayesian model determination 1995 Peter J. Green
+ The construction of next-generation matrices for compartmental epidemic models 2009 Odo Diekmann
Hans Heesterbeek
Michael C. Roberts
+ PDF Chat How to predict community responses to perturbations in the face of imperfect knowledge and network complexity 2013 Helge Aufderheide
Lars Rudolf
Thilo Groß
Kevin D. Lafferty