Steve Kirkland


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Cut-edge centralities in an undirected graph 2024 Dario A. Bini
Guy Latouche
Steve Kirkland
Beatrice Meini
+ PDF Chat Completion problems and sparsity for Kemeny’s constant 2024 Steve Kirkland
+ Bipartite unicyclic graphs with a unique perfect matching having the smallest positive eigenvalue equal to 2024 Sasmita Barik
Subhasish Behera
Steve Kirkland
+ Dominant eigenvalue and universal winners of digraphs 2024 Sirshendu Pan
Sukanta Pati
Steve Kirkland
+ PDF Chat Quantum state transfer between twins in weighted graphs 2023 Steve Kirkland
Hermie Monterde
Shayne Plosker
+ PDF Chat Numerical ranges of cyclic shift matrices 2023 Mao-Ting Chien
Steve Kirkland
Chi-Kwong Li
Hiroshi Nakazato
+ PDF Chat A comparison of centrality measures and their role in controlling the spread in epidemic networks 2023 Ekaterina Dudkina
Michelangelo Bin
Jane Breen
Emanuele Crisostomi
Pietro Ferraro
Steve Kirkland
Jakub Mareček
Roderick Murray‐Smith
Thomas Parisini
Lewi Stone
+ Fiedler vectors with unbalanced sign patterns 2023 Sooyeong Kim
Steve Kirkland
+ Numerical ranges of cyclic shift matrices 2023 Mao-Ting Chien
Steve Kirkland
Chi-Kwong Li
Hiroshi Nakazato
+ Gram mates, sign changes in singular values, and isomorphism 2023 Sooyeong Kim
Steve Kirkland
+ Quantum walks on join graphs 2023 Steve Kirkland
Hermie Monterde
+ PDF Chat Clusters in Markov chains via singular vectors of Laplacian matrices 2022 Sam Cole
Steve Kirkland
+ PDF Chat Gram mates, sign changes in singular values, and isomorphism 2022 Sooyeong Kim
Steve Kirkland
+ On node ranking in graphs. 2021 Ekaterina Dudkina
Michelangelo Bin
Jane Breen
Emanuele Crisostomi
Pietro Ferraro
Steve Kirkland
Jakub Mareček
Roderick Murray‐Smith
Thomas Parisini
Lewi Stone
+ PDF Chat Fiedler vectors with unbalanced sign patterns 2021 Sooyeong Kim
Steve Kirkland
+ Clusters in Markov Chains via Singular Vectors of Laplacian Matrices 2021 Sam Cole
Steve Kirkland
+ On node ranking in graphs 2021 Ekaterina Dudkina
Michelangelo Bin
Jane Breen
Emanuele Crisostomi
Pietro Ferraro
Steve Kirkland
Jakub Mareček
Roderick Murray‐Smith
Thomas Parisini
Lewi Stone
+ PDF Chat On Kemeny's constant for trees with fixed order and diameter 2020 Lorenzo Ciardo
Geir Dahl
Steve Kirkland
+ Complex Hadamard diagonalisable graphs 2020 Ada Chan
Shaun Fallat
Steve Kirkland
Jephian C.-H. Lin
Shahla Nasserasr
Sarah Plosker
+ On Kemeny's constant for trees with fixed order and diameter 2020 Lorenzo Ciardo
Geir Dahl
Steve Kirkland
+ Complex Hadamard Diagonalisable Graphs 2020 Ada Chan
Shaun Fallat
Steve Kirkland
Jephian C.-H. Lin
Shahla Nasserasr
Sarah Plosker
+ On Kemeny's constant for trees with fixed order and diameter 2020 Lorenzo Ciardo
Geir Dahl
Steve Kirkland
+ Fractional revival of threshold graphs under Laplacian dynamics 2019 Steve Kirkland
Xiaohong Zhang
+ PDF Chat Directed forests and the constancy of Kemeny’s constant 2019 Steve Kirkland
+ On split graphs with four distinct eigenvalues 2019 Felix Goldberg
Steve Kirkland
Anu Varghese
Ambat Vijayakumar
+ Complete multipartite graphs and Braess edges 2019 Yuxiang Hu
Steve Kirkland
+ PDF Chat Switching and partially switching the hypercube while maintaining perfect state transfer 2019 Steve Kirkland
Sarah Plosker
Xiaohong Zhang
+ PDF Chat Estimating random walk centrality in networks 2019 Brad C. Johnson
Steve Kirkland
+ PDF Chat A Structured Condition Number for Kemeny's Constant 2019 Jane Breen
Steve Kirkland
+ The Complexity of Power Graphs Associated With Finite Groups 2018 Steve Kirkland
A. R. Moghaddamfar
S. Navid Salehy
S. Nima Salehy
Mahsa Zohouratar
+ PDF Chat The Complexity of Power Graphs Associated With Finite Groups 2018 Steve Kirkland
A. R. Moghaddamfar
S. Navid Salehy
S. Nima Salehy
Mahsa Zohouratar
+ PDF Chat Perfect quantum state transfer in weighted paths with potentials (loops) using orthogonal polynomials 2018 Steve Kirkland
Darian McLaren
Rajesh Pereira
Sarah Plosker
Xiaohong Zhang
+ Switching and partially switching the hypercube while maintaining perfect state transfer 2018 Steve Kirkland
Sarah Plosker
Xiaohong Zhang
+ The Complexity of Power Graphs Associated With Finite Groups 2018 Steve Kirkland
A. R. Moghaddamfar
S. Navid Salehy
S. Nima Salehy
M. Zohourattar
+ Switching and partially switching the hypercube while maintaining perfect state transfer 2018 Steve Kirkland
Sarah Plosker
Xiaohong Zhang
+ Perfect quantum state transfer using Hadamard diagonalizable graphs 2017 Nathaniel Johnston
Steve Kirkland
Sarah Plosker
Rebecca Storey
Xiaohong Zhang
+ On the characteristic set, centroid, and centre for a tree 2017 Nair Maria Maia de Abreu
Eliseu Fritscher
Cláudia Marcela Justel
Steve Kirkland
+ Minimising the largest mean first passage time of a Markov chain: The influence of directed graphs 2017 Jane Breen
Steve Kirkland
+ Perfect quantum state transfer in weighted paths with potentials (loops) using orthogonal polynomials 2017 Steve Kirkland
Darian McLaren
Rajesh Pereira
Sarah Plosker
Xiaohong Zhang
+ PDF Chat Random walk centrality and a partition of Kemeny’s constant 2016 Steve Kirkland
+ Algebraically positive matrices 2016 Steve Kirkland
Pu Qiao
Xingzhi Zhan
+ PDF Chat A Panorama of Mathematics: Pure and Applied 2016 Carlos M. da Fonseca
Dinh Van Huynh
Steve Kirkland
Vu Kim Tuan
+ PDF Chat Bounds on probability of state transfer with respect to readout time and edge weight 2016 Whitney Gordon
Steve Kirkland
Chi-Kwong Li
Sarah Plosker
Xiaohong Zhang
+ PDF Chat Kemeny's Constant And An Analogue Of Braess' Paradox For Trees 2016 Steve Kirkland
Ze Min Zeng
+ PDF Chat Preface: Special volume of Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra dedicated to Professor Ravindra B. Bapat 2015 Rajendra Bhatia
Steve Kirkland
K. Manjunatha Prasad
Simo Puntanen
+ PDF Chat Stationary vectors of stochastic matrices subject to combinatorial constraints 2015 Jane Breen
Steve Kirkland
+ PDF Chat Algebraic connectivity of k-connected graphs 2015 Steve Kirkland
Israel Rocha
Vilmar Trevisan
+ The Markov Chain Tree Theorem in commutative semirings and the State Reduction Algorithm in commutative semifields 2014 Buket Benek Gursoy
Steve Kirkland
Oliver Mason
Sergeĭ Sergeev
+ On split graphs with four distinct eigenvalues 2014 Felix Goldberg
Steve Kirkland
Anu Varghese
Ambat Vijayakumar
+ PDF Chat Load balancing for Markov chains with a specified directed graph 2014 Steve Kirkland
+ PDF Chat On the Kemeny constant and stationary distribution vector for a Markov chain 2014 Steve Kirkland
+ On split graphs with four distinct eigenvalues 2014 Felix Goldberg
Steve Kirkland
Mathew Varghese
Ambat Vijayakumar
+ The Markov chain tree theorem and the state reduction algorithm in commutative semirings 2013 Buket Benek Gursoy
Steve Kirkland
Oliver Mason
Sergeĭ Sergeev
+ On the sign patterns of the smallest signless Laplacian eigenvector 2013 Felix Goldberg
Steve Kirkland
+ Algebraic Connectivity 2013 Steve Kirkland
+ On the sign patterns of the smallest signless Laplacian eigenvector 2013 Felix Goldberg
Steve Kirkland
+ The minimum coefficient of ergodicity for a Markov chain with a given directed graph 2013 Steve Kirkland
+ PDF Chat A Network Configuration Algorithm Based on Optimization of Kirchhoff Index 2013 Adam Hackett
Deepak Ajwani
Shoukat Ali
Steve Kirkland
John P. Morrison
+ PDF Chat On the Markov chain tree theorem in the Max algebra 2013 Buket Benek Gursoy
Steve Kirkland
Oliver Mason
Sergeĭ Sergeev
+ On the sign patterns of the smallest signless Laplacian eigenvector 2013 Felix Goldberg
Steve Kirkland
+ On the Markov Chain Tree Theorem in the Max Algebra 2012 Buket Benek Gursoy
Steve Kirkland
Oliver Mason
Sergeùõ Sergeev
+ Skew-adjacency matrices of graphs 2012 Michael Cavers
Sebastian M. Cioabă
Shaun Fallat
David A. Gregory
Willem H. Haemers
Steve Kirkland
Judith J. McDonald
Michael J. Tsatsomeros
+ PDF Chat Essentially negative news about positive systems 2012 Annalisa Zappavigna
Patrizio Colaneri
Steve Kirkland
Robert Shorten
+ PDF Chat Minimum rank of powers of trees 2012 Luz M. DeAlba
Jason Grout
In‐Jae Kim
Steve Kirkland
Judith J. McDonald
Amy Yielding
+ On the Markov Chain Tree Theorem in the Max Algebra 2012 Buket Benek Gursoy
Steve Kirkland
Oliver Mason
Sergeĭ Sergeev
+ A scaling and squaring method for the discretisation of positive switched systems 2011 Annalisa Zappavigna
Patrizio Colaneri
Steve Kirkland
Robert Shorten
+ On Hadamard diagonalizable graphs 2011 Sasmita Barik
Shaun Fallat
Steve Kirkland
+ PDF Chat Sign patterns for eigenmatrices of nonnegative matrices 2011 Steve Kirkland
+ PDF Chat Spin-system dynamics and fault detection in threshold networks 2011 Steve Kirkland
Simone Severini
+ PDF Chat Bipartite subgraphs and the signless Laplacian matrix 2011 Steve Kirkland
Debdas Paul
+ PDF Chat On algebraic connectivity augmentation 2010 Steve Kirkland
Carla Silva Oliveira
Cláudia Marcela Justel
+ Fastest expected time to mixing for a Markov chain on a directed graph 2010 Steve Kirkland
+ PDF Chat The Kemeny Constant for Finite Homogeneous Ergodic Markov Chains 2010 Minerva Catral
Steve Kirkland
Michael Neumann
Nung-Sing Sze
+ On the normalized Laplacian energy and general Randić index <mml:math xmlns:mml="" altimg="si1.gif" overflow="scroll"><mml:mrow><mml:msub><mml:mrow><mml:mi>R</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mo>-</mml:mo><mml:mn>1</mml:mn></mml:mrow></mml:msub></mml:mrow></mml:math> of graphs 2010 Michael Cavers
Shaun Fallat
Steve Kirkland
+ PDF Chat Column sums and the conditioning of the stationary distribution for a stochastic matrix 2010 Steve Kirkland
+ PDF Chat On Q-spectral integral variation 2009 Maria Aguieiras A. de Freitas
Renata R. Del-Vecchio
Nair Maria Maia de Abreu
Steve Kirkland
+ Algebraic connectivity for vertex-deleted subgraphs, and a notion of vertex centrality 2009 Steve Kirkland
+ Bounds on the <mml:math xmlns:mml="" altimg="si1.gif" overflow="scroll"><mml:mrow><mml:mi>Q</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:math>-spread of a graph 2009 Carla Silva Oliveira
Leonardo de Lima
Nair Maria Maia de Abreu
Steve Kirkland
+ Directed intervals and the dual of a graph 2009 Ryan M. Tifenbach
Steve Kirkland
+ PDF Chat Near Threshold Graphs 2009 Steve Kirkland
+ PDF Chat Primitive digraphs with the largest scrambling index 2008 Mahmud Akelbek
Steve Kirkland
+ PDF Chat Coefficients of ergodicity and the scrambling index 2008 Mahmud Akelbek
Steve Kirkland
+ PDF Chat Laplacian Integral Graphs with Maximum Degree $3$ 2008 Steve Kirkland
+ PDF Chat A cycle-based bound for subdominant eigenvalues of stochastic matrices 2008 Steve Kirkland
+ On unimodular graphs 2006 Saieed Akbari
Steve Kirkland
+ Algebraic Connectivity 2006 Steve Kirkland
+ Algebraic Connectivity 2006 Steve Kirkland
+ Constructably Laplacian integral graphs 2006 Steve Kirkland
+ Transition matrices for well-conditioned Markov chains 2006 Steve Kirkland
Michael Neumann
Jianhong Xu
+ Convergence Analysis of a PageRank Updating Algorithm by Langville and Meyer 2006 Ilse C. F. Ipsen
Steve Kirkland
+ Completion of Laplacian integral graphs via edge addition 2005 Steve Kirkland
+ On distance matrices and Laplacians 2004 R.B. Bapat
Steve Kirkland
Michael Neumann
+ A characterization of spectral integral variation in two places for Laplacian matrices 2004 Steve Kirkland
+ Convexity and Elasticity of the Growth Rate in Size-Classified Population Models 2004 Steve Kirkland
Michael Neumann
Jin Xu
+ On algebraic connectivity as a function of an edge weight 2004 Steve Kirkland
Michael Neumann
+ Maximizing Algebraic Connectivity Over Unicyclic Graphs 2003 Shaun Fallat
Steve Kirkland
Sukanta Pati
+ Digraph-based conditioning for Markov chains 2003 Steve Kirkland
+ On graphs with algebraic connectivity equal to minimum edge density 2003 Shaun Fallat
Steve Kirkland
Sukanta Pati
+ A note on k-primitive directed graphs 2003 LeRoy B. Beasley
Steve Kirkland
+ Spectrum Localization for Almost Skew-symmetric Matrices 2003 Steve Kirkland
Judith J. McDonald
Panayiotis Psarrakos
+ A note on limit points for algebraic connectivity 2002 Steve Kirkland
+ An upper bound on the Perron value of an almost regular tournament matrix 2002 Steve Kirkland
+ Minimizing algebraic connectivity over connected graphs with fixed girth 2002 Shaun Fallat
Steve Kirkland
Sukanta Pati
+ On a Question Concerning Condition Numbers for Markov Chains 2002 Steve Kirkland
+ On Vertex Connectivity and Absolute Algebraic Connectivity for Graphs 2002 Steve Kirkland
Sukanta Pati
+ On the Elasticity of the Perron Root of a Nonnegative Matrix 2002 Steve Kirkland
Michael Neumann
Nic Ormes
Jin Chao Xu
+ The perturbed laplacian matrix of a graph 2001 R.B. Bapat
Steve Kirkland
Sukanta Pati
+ On the location of the spectrum of hypertournament matrices 2001 Steve Kirkland
Panayiotis Psarrakos
Michael J. Tsatsomeros
+ On the sequence of powers of a stochastic matrix with large exponent 2000 Steve Kirkland
+ A bound on the algebraic connectivity of a graph in terms of the number of cutpoints 2000 Steve Kirkland
+ PDF Chat Constructions for type I trees with nonisomorphic Perron branches 1999 Steve Kirkland
+ Perron components and algebraic connectivity for weighted graphs 1998 Steve Kirkland
Shaun Fallat
+ A sequence of upper bounds for the Perron root of a nonnegative matrix 1998 Dursun Taşçı
Steve Kirkland
+ A note on perron vectors for almost regular tournament matrices 1997 Steve Kirkland
+ Perron vector bounds for a tournament matrix with applications to a conjecture of Brualdi and Li 1997 Steve Kirkland
+ On the exponent of a primitive matrix containing a primitive submatrix 1997 LeRoy B. Beasley
Steve Kirkland
+ A note on the eigenvalues of a primitive matrix with large exponent 1997 Steve Kirkland
+ Algebraic connectivity of weighted trees under perturbation 1997 Steve Kirkland
Michael Neumann
+ PDF Chat Sign-patterns which require a positive eigenvalue 1996 Steve Kirkland
Judith J. McDonald
Michael J. Tsatsomeros
+ Characteristic vertices of weighted trees via perron values 1996 Steve Kirkland
Michael Neumann
Bryan L. Shader
+ The Group Inverse Associated with an Irreducible Periodic Nonnegative Matrix 1995 Steve Kirkland
+ A convexity result for complex numbers with applications to nonnegative normal matrices 1995 Steve Kirkland
Robert E. Hartwig
+ A bound on the exponent of a primitive matrix using Boolean rank 1995 David A. Gregory
Steve Kirkland
Norman J. Pullman
+ Spectral radii of tournament matrices whose graphs are related by an arc reversal 1995 Steve Kirkland
+ PDF Chat On multipartite tournament matrices with constant team size<sup>∗</sup> 1993 Steve Kirkland
Bryan L. Shader
+ Pick's inequality and tournaments 1993 David A. Gregory
Steve Kirkland
Bryan L. Shader
+ A reversal index for tournament matrices<sup>*</sup> 1993 Steve Kirkland
+ On the spectrum of a Leslie matrix with a near-periodic fecundity pattern 1993 Steve Kirkland
+ Power convergent boolean matrices 1993 David A. Gregory
Steve Kirkland
Norman J. Pullman
+ Algebraic multiplicity of the eigenvalues of a tournament matrix 1992 D. de Caen
David A. Gregory
Steve Kirkland
Norman J. Pullman
John S. Maybee
+ Row-stochastic matrices with a common left fixed vector 1992 David A. Gregory
Steve Kirkland
Norman J. Pullman
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Algebraic connectivity of graphs 1973 Miroslav Fiedler
+ Laplacian matrices of graphs: a survey 1994 Russell Merris
+ PDF Chat Combinatorial Matrix Theory 1991 Richard A. Brualdi
H. J. Ryser
+ PDF Chat A property of eigenvectors of nonnegative symmetric matrices and its application to graph theory 1975 Miroslav Fiedler
+ Characteristic vertices of weighted trees via perron values 1996 Steve Kirkland
Michael Neumann
Bryan L. Shader
+ Perfect state transfer in cubelike graphs 2011 Wang-Chi Cheung
Chris Godsil
+ Finite Markov chains 1976 John G. Kemeny
J. Laurie Snell
+ PDF Chat Perfect transfer of arbitrary states in quantum spin networks 2005 Matthias Christandl
Nilanjana Datta
T. C. Dorlas
Artur Ekert
Alastair Kay
Andrew J. Landahl
+ Characteristic vertices of trees<sup>*</sup> 1987 Russell Merris
+ PDF Chat Perfect State Transfer in Quantum Spin Networks 2004 Matthias Christandl
Nilanjana Datta
Artur Ekert
Andrew J. Landahl
+ Laplace eigenvalues of graphs—a survey 1992 Bojan Mohar
+ Laplacian graph eigenvectors 1998 Russell Merris
+ PDF Chat Quantum networks on cubelike graphs 2008 Anna Bernasconi
Chris Godsil
Simone Severini
+ PDF Chat On the characteristic roots of tournament matrices 1968 Alfred Brauer
Ivey C. Gentry
+ Fastest expected time to mixing for a Markov chain on a directed graph 2010 Steve Kirkland
+ Mixing times with applications to perturbed Markov chains 2006 Jeffrey J. Hunter
+ Perron components and algebraic connectivity for weighted graphs 1998 Steve Kirkland
Shaun Fallat
+ PDF Chat Algebraic connectivity of trees 1987 Robert Grone
Russell Merris
+ Spectral Graph Theory 1996 Fan Chung
+ On graphs with equal algebraic and vertex connectivity 2002 Stephen Kirkland
Jason J. Molitierno
Michael Neumann
Bryan L. Shader
+ Spectra of graphs 1980 Cvetkovi cacute
Mikhina Vs
Michael Doob
H. Sachs
+ Old and new results on algebraic connectivity of graphs 2006 Nair Maria Maia de Abreu
Rachael M. Norton
Michael Opperman
Matthew C. Russell
Christino Tamon
+ Comparison of perturbation bounds for the stationary distribution of a Markov chain 2001 Grace E. Cho
Carl D. Meyer
+ The Condition of a Finite Markov Chain and Perturbation Bounds for the Limiting Probabilities 1980 Carl D. Meyer
+ The Group Inverse Associated with an Irreducible Periodic Nonnegative Matrix 1995 Steve Kirkland
+ The Role of the Group Generalized Inverse in the Theory of Finite Markov Chains 1975 Carl D. Meyer
+ On a Question Concerning Condition Numbers for Markov Chains 2002 Steve Kirkland
+ Group Inverses of M-Matrices and Their Applications 2012 Stephen Kirkland
Michael Neumann
+ Tournament matrices and their generalizations, I. 1990 John S. Maybee
Norman J. Pullman
+ Stochastic Complementation, Uncoupling Markov Chains, and the Theory of Nearly Reducible Systems 1989 Carl D. Meyer
Seth Lloyd
Stefano Mancini
Simone Severini
+ The Laplacian Spectrum of a Graph 1990 Robert Grone
Russell Merris
V. S. Sunder
+ Algebraic Graph Theory 2009 Chris Godsil
Gordon Royle
+ PDF Chat Random walk centrality and a partition of Kemeny’s constant 2016 Steve Kirkland
+ A bound on the algebraic connectivity of a graph in terms of the number of cutpoints 2000 Steve Kirkland
+ PDF Chat Perfect state transfer, integral circulants, and join of graphs 2010 Ricardo Javier Angeles-Canul
Robert M. Norton
Michael Opperman
Matthew C. Russell
Christino Tamon
+ Perfect quantum state transfer using Hadamard diagonalizable graphs 2017 Nathaniel Johnston
Steve Kirkland
Sarah Plosker
Rebecca Storey
Xiaohong Zhang
+ Complement reducible graphs 1981 Derek G. Corneil
H. Lerchs
L.Stewart Burlingham
+ PDF Chat Laplacian of graphs and algebraic connectivity 1989 Miroslav Fiedler
+ Spectra of graphs : theory and application 1995 Dragoš Cvetković
Michael Doob
H. Sachs
+ On Hadamard diagonalizable graphs 2011 Sasmita Barik
Shaun Fallat
Steve Kirkland
+ PDF Chat Rank one perturbation and its application to the laplacian spectrum of a graph<sup>∗</sup> 1999 Wasin So
+ PDF Chat Quantum Communication through an Unmodulated Spin Chain 2003 Sougato Bose
+ Degree maximal graphs are Laplacian integral 1994 Russell Merris
+ PDF Chat The Kemeny Constant for Finite Homogeneous Ergodic Markov Chains 2010 Minerva Catral
Steve Kirkland
Michael Neumann
Nung-Sing Sze
+ PDF Chat Perfect state transfer in Laplacian quantum walk 2015 Rachael Alvir
Sophia Dever
Benjamin Lovitz
James Myer
Christino Tamon
Yan Xu
Hanmeng Zhan
+ Derivatives of the Perron root at an essentially nonnegative matrix and the group inverse of an M-matrix 1984 Emeric Deutsch
Michael Neumann
+ Algebraic Graph Theory 1974 Norman Biggs
+ Eigenvalues, diameter, and mean distance in graphs 1991 Bojan Mohar