Friedrich Wagemann


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Deformations of semi-direct products 2024 Maria Alejandra Alvarez
Salim Rivière
Nadina Rojas
Sonia Vera
Friedrich Wagemann
+ PDF Chat Cohomology of perfect Lie algebras 2024 Dietrich Burde
Friedrich Wagemann
+ Crossed modules and cohomology of algebras over an operad 2024 Johan Leray
Salim Rivière
Friedrich Wagemann
+ PDF Chat Tensor products of Leibniz bimodules and Grothendieck rings 2024 Jörg Feldvoss
Friedrich Wagemann
+ On the Gabriel quiver of extensions of Leibniz algebras 2024 Ziwendtaoré Hermann Bamogo
Friedrich Wagemann
+ Cohomology of Leibniz Algebras 2023 Friedrich Wagemann
+ PDF Chat On the cohomology of solvable Leibniz algebras 2023 Jörg Feldvoss
Friedrich Wagemann
+ PDF Chat Sympathetic Lie algebras and adjoint cohomology for Lie algebras 2023 Dietrich Burde
Friedrich Wagemann
+ Cohomology of solvable Leibniz algebras 2023 Jörg Feldvoss
Friedrich Wagemann
+ From relative Rota-Baxter operators and relative averaging operators on Lie algebras to relative Rota-Baxter operators on Leibniz algebras: a uniform approach 2023 Rong Tang
Yunhe Sheng
Friedrich Wagemann
+ On the Gabriel quiver of extensions of Leibniz algebras 2023 Ziwendtaoré Hermann Bamogo
Friedrich Wagemann
+ D Lie groups and their cohomology 2021 Friedrich Wagemann
+ 4 Crossed modules of Hopf algebras 2021 Friedrich Wagemann
+ C Cohomology of associative algebras 2021 Friedrich Wagemann
+ PDF Chat 2 Crossed modules of Lie algebras 2021 Friedrich Wagemann
+ 3 Crossed modules of associative algebras 2021 Friedrich Wagemann
+ B Cohomology of Lie algebras 2021 Friedrich Wagemann
+ Crossed Modules 2021 Friedrich Wagemann
+ PDF Chat ON LEIBNIZ COHOMOLOGY 2020 Jörg Feldvoss
Friedrich Wagemann
+ ON LEIBNIZ COHOMOLOGY 2020 Jörg Feldvoss
Friedrich Wagemann
+ ON LEIBNIZ COHOMOLOGY 2020 Jörg Feldvoss
Friedrich Wagemann
+ PDF Chat ON LEIBNIZ COHOMOLOGY 2020 Jörg Feldvoss
Friedrich Wagemann
+ On Leibniz cohomology 2020 Jörg Feldvoss
Friedrich Wagemann
+ PDF Chat Ext groups in the category of bimodules over a simple Leibniz algebra 2020 Jean Mugniery
Friedrich Wagemann
+ PDF Chat Spectral sequences for commutative Lie algebras 2020 Friedrich Wagemann
+ PDF Chat A rigid Leibniz algebra with non-trivial HL2 2020 B. A. Omirov
Friedrich Wagemann
+ PDF Chat Lie rackoids integrating Courant algebroids 2020 Camille Laurent-Gengoux
Friedrich Wagemann
+ PDF Chat ON 2-HOLONOMY 2019 Hossein Abbaspour
Friedrich Wagemann
Friedrich Wagemann
+ PDF Chat Enhanced Leibniz Algebras: Structure Theorem and Induced Lie 2-Algebra 2019 Thomas Strobl
Friedrich Wagemann
+ A universal enveloping algebra for cocommutative rack bialgebras 2019 Ulrich Krähmer
Friedrich Wagemann
+ PDF Chat A rigid Leibniz algebra with non-trivial HL^2 2019 B. A. Omirov
Friedrich Wagemann
+ PDF Chat A rigid Leibniz algebra with non-trivial HL^2 2019 B. A. Omirov
Friedrich Wagemann
+ On Leibniz cohomology 2019 Jörg Feldvoss
Friedrich Wagemann
+ Sympathetic Lie algebras and adjoint cohomology for Lie algebras 2019 Dietrich Burde
Friedrich Wagemann
+ On Leibniz cohomology 2019 Jörg Feldvoss
Friedrich Wagemann
+ PDF Chat Lie rackoids integrating Courant algebroids 2018 Camille Laurent-Gengoux
Friedrich Wagemann
+ PDF Chat Lie rackoids integrating Courant algebroids 2018 Camille Laurent-Gengoux
Friedrich Wagemann
+ Algebraic deformation quantization of Leibniz algebras 2018 Charles Alexandre
Martin Bordemann
Salim Rivière
Friedrich Wagemann
+ A dirty integration of Leibniz algebras 2016 Martin Bordemann
Friedrich Wagemann
+ PDF Chat Lie rackoids 2016 Camille Laurent-Gengoux
Friedrich Wagemann
+ A dirty integration of Leibniz algebras 2016 Martin Bordemann
Friedrich Wagemann
+ Structure Theory of Rack-Bialgebras 2016 Charles Alexandre
Martin Bordemann
Salim Rivière
Friedrich Wagemann
+ PDF Chat Structure theory of Rack-Bialgebras 2016 Charles Alexandre
Martin Bordemann
Salim Rivière
Friedrich Wagemann
+ PDF Chat Representations of Crossed Modules and Other Generalized Yetter-Drinfel’d Modules 2015 Victoria Lebed
Friedrich Wagemann
+ Lie rackoids 2015 Camille Laurent-Gengoux
Friedrich Wagemann
+ Representations of crossed modules and other generalized Yetter-Drinfel'd modules 2015 Victoria Lebed
Friedrich Wagemann
+ Rigidity and cohomology of Leibniz algebras 2015 B. A. Omirov
Friedrich Wagemann
+ On the String Lie Algebra 2015 Salim Rivière
Friedrich Wagemann
+ PDF Chat Deformation quantization of Leibniz algebras 2015 Benoît Dherin
Friedrich Wagemann
+ PDF Chat Deformation quantization of Leibniz algebras 2015 Benoît Dherin
Friedrich Wagemann
+ PDF Chat Racks, Leibniz algebras and Yetter–Drinfel'd modules 2015 Ulrich Krähmer
Friedrich Wagemann
+ Representations of crossed modules and other generalized Yetter-Drinfel'd modules 2015 Victoria Lebed
Friedrich Wagemann
+ On the string Lie algebra 2015 Salim Rivière
Friedrich Wagemann
+ On the string Lie algebra 2015 Salim Rivière
Friedrich Wagemann
+ On the string Lie algebra 2015 Salim Rivière
Friedrich Wagemann
+ On the string Lie algebra 2015 Salim Rivière
Friedrich Wagemann
+ On the string Lie algebra 2015 Salim Rivière
Friedrich Wagemann
+ On the string Lie algebra 2015 Salim Rivière
Friedrich Wagemann
+ Leibniz algebras : deformation quantization and integration 2015 Martin Bordemann
Charles Alexandre
Saı̈d Benayadi
Salim Rivière
Friedrich Wagemann
+ PDF Chat Rack-Bialgebras and Star-Products on duals of Leibniz algebras 2014 Charles Alexandre
Martin Bordemann
Salim Rivière
Friedrich Wagemann
+ Deformation quantization of Leibniz algebras 2014 Benoît Dherin
Friedrich Wagemann
+ A cocycle model for topological and Lie group cohomology 2014 Friedrich Wagemann
Christoph Wockel
+ On the string Lie algebra 2014 Salim Rivière
Friedrich Wagemann
+ Racks, Leibniz algebras and Yetter-Drinfel'd modules 2014 Ulrich Kraehmer
Friedrich Wagemann
+ PDF Chat Crossed modules of racks 2014 Alissa S. Crans
Friedrich Wagemann
+ Holomorphic current groups -- Structure and Orbits 2014 Martin Laubinger
Friedrich Wagemann
+ On the string Lie algebra 2014 Salim Rivière
Friedrich Wagemann
+ Racks, Leibniz algebras and Yetter-Drinfel'd modules 2014 Ulrich Kraehmer
Friedrich Wagemann
+ Structure theory of Rack-Bialgebras 2014 Charles Alexandre
Martin Bordemann
Salim Rivière
Friedrich Wagemann
+ Crossed modules of racks 2013 Alissa S. Crans
Friedrich Wagemann
+ Integration of Leibniz algebras 2013 Friedrich Wagemann
+ Crossed modules of racks 2013 Alissa S. Crans
Friedrich Wagemann
+ PDF Chat Making lifting obstructions explicit 2012 Karl‐Hermann Neeb
Friedrich Wagemann
Christoph Wockel
+ On 2-Holonomy 2012 Hossein Abbaspour
Friedrich Wagemann
+ On 2-Holonomy 2012 Hossein Abbaspour
Friedrich Wagemann
+ On 2-Holonomy 2012 Hossein Abbaspour
Friedrich Wagemann
+ On 2-Holonomy 2012 Hossein Abbaspour
Friedrich Wagemann
+ On 2-Holonomy 2012 Hossein Abbaspour
Friedrich Wagemann
+ On 2-Holonomy 2012 Hossein Abbaspour
Friedrich Wagemann
+ On 2-Holonomy 2012 Hossein Abbaspour
Friedrich Wagemann
+ PDF Chat Deformations of the Lie algebra o(5) in characteristics 3 and 2 2011 Sofiane Bouarroudj
A.V. Lebedev
Friedrich Wagemann
+ PDF Chat More remarks on the cohomology of Krichever–Novikov algebras 2011 Friedrich Wagemann
+ On Hopf 2-algebras 2010 Yaël Frégier
Friedrich Wagemann
+ Associative algebra deformations of Connes–Moscovici's Hopf algebra <mml:math xmlns:mml="" altimg="si1.gif" overflow="scroll"><mml:msub><mml:mi mathvariant="script">H</mml:mi><mml:mn>1</mml:mn></mml:msub></mml:math> 2010 Alice Fialowski
Friedrich Wagemann
+ Introduction to Lie algebra cohomology with a view towards BRST cohomology 2010 Friedrich Wagemann
+ Deformations of the Lie algebra o(5) in characteristics 3 and 2 2009 Sofiane Bouarroudj
Alexei Lebedev
Friedrich Wagemann
+ On Hopf 2-algebras 2009 Yaël Frégier
Friedrich Wagemann
+ Deformations of the Lie algebra o(5) in characteristics 3 and 2 2009 Sofiane Bouarroudj
A.I. Lebedev
Friedrich Wagemann
+ On Hopf 2-algebras 2009 Yaël Frégier
Friedrich Wagemann
+ Associative algebra deformations of the Connes-Moscovici's Hopf algebra $\mathcal{H}_1$ 2008 Alice Fialowski
Friedrich Wagemann
+ Algebra deformations of the Hopf algebra $\mathcal{H}_1$ 2008 Alice Fialowski
Friedrich Wagemann
+ PDF Chat The Second Cohomology of Current Algebras of General Lie Algebras 2008 Karl‐Hermann Neeb
Friedrich Wagemann
+ PDF Chat Cohomology and deformations of the infinite-dimensional filiform Lie algebra <mml:math xmlns:mml="" altimg="si1.gif" overflow="scroll"><mml:msub><mml:mi mathvariant="fraktur">m</mml:mi><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></mml:msub></mml:math> 2008 Alice Fialowski
Friedrich Wagemann
+ Lie group structures on groups of smooth and holomorphic maps on non-compact manifolds 2008 Karl‐Hermann Neeb
Friedrich Wagemann
+ PDF Chat Cohomology and deformations of the infinite dimensional filiform Lie algebra m_2 2008 Alice Fialowski
Friedrich Wagemann
+ The Second Cohomology of Current Algebras of General Lie Algebras 2008 Karl‐Hermann Neeb
Friedrich Wagemann
+ Obstruction classes of crossed modules of Lie algebroids and Lie groupoids linked to existence of principal bundles 2007 Camille Laurent-Gengoux
Friedrich Wagemann
+ Algèbres de Lie de dimension infinie - cohomologie et déformations 2007 Friedrich Wagemann
+ PDF Chat Infinite dimensional Lie algebras - cohomology and deformations 2007 Friedrich Wagemann
+ Cohomology and deformations of the infinite-dimensional filiform Lie algebra <mml:math xmlns:mml="" altimg="si1.gif" overflow="scroll"><mml:msub><mml:mi mathvariant="fraktur">m</mml:mi><mml:mn>0</mml:mn></mml:msub></mml:math> 2007 Alice Fialowski
Friedrich Wagemann
+ Deformations of Lie algebras of vector fields arising from families of schemes 2007 Friedrich Wagemann
+ Cohomology and deformations of the infinite dimensional filiform Lie algebra m_2 2007 Alice Fialowski
Friedrich Wagemann
+ Cohomology and deformations of the infinite dimensional filiform Lie algebra m_0 2007 Alice Fialowski
Friedrich Wagemann
+ On Lie Algebra Crossed Modules 2006 Friedrich Wagemann
+ On Lie algebra crossed modules 2006 Friedrich Wagemann
+ PDF Chat On Lie algebra crossed modules 2006 Friedrich Wagemann
+ The second cohomology of current algebras of general Lie algebras 2005 Karl‐Hermann Neeb
Friedrich Wagemann
+ Addendum to ?The Universal Central Extension of the Holomorphic Current Algebra? 2004 Karl‐Hermann Neeb
Friedrich Wagemann
+ The universal central extension of the holomorphic current algebra 2003 Karl‐Hermann Neeb
Friedrich Wagemann
+ None 2002 Alessandra Frabetti
Friedrich Wagemann
+ PDF Chat Explicit Formulae for Cocycles of Holomorphic Vector Fields with values in lambda-Densities 2001 Friedrich Wagemann
+ PDF Chat A two-dimensional analogue of the Virasoro algebra 2000 Friedrich Wagemann
+ None 2000 Friedrich Wagemann
+ Erratum: Some Remarks on the Cohomology of Krichever-Novikov Algebras 2000 Friedrich Wagemann
+ A Crossed Module giving the Godbillon-Vey Cocycle 2000 Friedrich Wagemann
+ On the Leibniz cohomology of vector fields 2000 Alessandra Frabetti
Friedrich Wagemann
+ Explicit Formulae for Cocycles of Holomorphic Vector Fields with values in lambda-Densities 2000 Friedrich Wagemann
+ PDF Chat Differential Graded Cohomology and Lie Algebras¶of Holomorphic Vector Fields 1999 Friedrich Wagemann
+ None 1999 Friedrich Wagemann
+ Sur la cohomologie de Gelfand-Fuks des champs de vecteurs holomorphes 1999 Friedrich Wagemann
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Universal enveloping algebras of Leibniz algebras and (co)homology 1993 Jean-Louis Loday
Teimuraz Pirashvili
+ Cohomology of Infinite-Dimensional Lie Algebras 1986 D. B. Fuks
+ Cohomology of Lie Algebras 1953 G. Hochschild
J-P. Serre
+ PDF Chat On Leibniz homology 1994 Teimuraz Pirashvili
Colin Rourke
+ Leibniz algebras, Lie racks, and digroups 2004 Michael Kinyon
+ PDF Chat The local integration of Leibniz algebras 2013 Mokhtar Bouain
Rabie Ben Atitallah
Ahmed Ben Atitallah
Nouri Masmoudi
J.-L. Dekeyser
+ On Lie Algebra Crossed Modules 2006 Friedrich Wagemann
+ PDF Chat Non-Abelian Extensions of Topological Lie Algebras 2006 Karl‐Hermann Neeb
+ PDF Chat Leibniz algebras, Courant algebroids, and multiplications on reductive homogeneous spaces 2001 Michael Kinyon
Alan Weinstein
+ On Leibniz cohomology 2020 Jörg Feldvoss
Friedrich Wagemann
+ Cohomology of Infinite-Dimensional Lie Algebras 1986 D. B. Fuks
+ PDF Chat Categories for the Working Mathematician 1971 Saunders Mac Lane
+ Quantum Groups 1994 Christian Kassel
+ The cohomology of the vector fields on a manifold 1977 R. Bott
Graeme Segal
+ Cohomology of Categorical Self-Distributivity 2008 J. Scott Carter
Alissa S. Crans
Mohamed Elhamdadi
Masahico Saito
+ PDF Chat Leibniz algebras as non-associative algebras 2019 Jörg Feldvoss
+ PDF Chat Extensions centrales d'algèbres de Lie 1982 Christian Kassel
Jean-Louis Loday
+ PDF Chat On the complex analytic Gel'fand-Fuks cohomology of open Riemann surfaces 1993 Nariya Kawazumi
+ Leibniz Representations of Lie Algebras 1996 Jean-Louis Loday
Teimuraz Pirashvili
+ PDF Chat Central extensions of infinite-dimensional Lie groups 2002 Karl‐Hermann Neeb
+ PDF Chat Cohomology theory of Lie groups and Lie algebras 1948 Claude Chevalley
Samuel Eilenberg
+ On the Deformation of Rings and Algebras 1964 Murray Gerstenhaber
+ Cohomology of graded Lie algebras of maximal class 2005 Alice Fialowski
Dmitri V. Millionschikov
+ Topological vector spaces, distributions and kernels 2006 François Trèves
+ Introduction to Lie Algebras and Representation Theory 1972 James E. Humphreys
+ PDF Chat Sur la cohomologie de l'algèbre de Lie des champs de vecteurs 1976 André Haefliger
+ Une version non commutative des algèbres de Lie : les algèbres de Leibniz 1993 Jean-Louis Loday
+ Construction of Miniversal Deformations of Lie Algebras 1999 Alice Fialowski
Dmitry Fuchs
+ An explicit *-product on the cotangent bundle of a Lie group 1983 Simone Gutt
+ About Leibniz cohomology and deformations of Lie algebras 2013 Alice Fialowski
Louis Magnin
Abhyuday Mandal
+ An Example of Formal Deformations of Lie Algebras 1988 Alice Fialowski
+ PDF Chat Leibniz cohomology for differentiable manifolds 1998 Jerry Lodder
+ Cohomologies of Lie algebra of tangential vector fields of a smooth manifold 1969 I. M. Gel'fand
D. B. Fuks
+ Current groups for non-compact manifolds and their central extensions 2002 Karl‐Hermann Neeb
+ Narrow Lie Algebras: A Coclass Theory and a Characterization of the Witt Algebra 1997 Aner Shalev
Efim Zelmanov
+ Deformation quantization of Leibniz algebras 2014 Benoît Dherin
Friedrich Wagemann
+ PDF Chat A Comment on the Integration of Leibniz Algebras 2013 Jacob Mostovoy
+ PDF Chat Differential Graded Cohomology and Lie Algebras¶of Holomorphic Vector Fields 1999 Friedrich Wagemann
+ General Theory of Lie Groupoids and Lie Algebroids 2005 Kirill C. H. Mackenzie
+ Rational Homotopy Theory 1969 Daniel Quillen
+ PDF Chat Rack-Bialgebras and Star-Products on duals of Leibniz algebras 2014 Charles Alexandre
Martin Bordemann
Salim Rivière
Friedrich Wagemann
+ PDF Chat Sur la structure des algèbres de Lie rigides 1984 Roger Carles
+ Higher-Dimensional Algebra VI: Lie 2-Algebras 2004 John C. Baez
Alissa S. Crans
+ Abelian extensions of infinite-dimensional Lie groups 2004 Karl‐Hermann Neeb
+ Braided compact closed categories with applications to low dimensional topology 1989 Peter Freyd
David N. Yetter
+ On the cohomology of soluble Lie algebras 1967 Donald W. Barnes
+ Deformations et rigidite geometrique des algebres de leibniz 1996 David Balavoine