Eva Kopfer


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Polyharmonic fields and Liouville quantum gravity measures on tori of arbitrary dimension: From discrete to continuous 2024 Lorenzo Dello Schiavo
Ronan Herry
Eva Kopfer
Karl‐Theodor Sturm
+ PDF Chat Stochastic homogenization of dynamical discrete optimal transport 2024 Peter Gladbach
Eva Kopfer
+ Conformally invariant random fields, Liouville quantum gravity measures, and random Paneitz operators on Riemannian manifolds of even dimension 2024 Lorenzo Dello Schiavo
Ronan Herry
Eva Kopfer
Karl‐Theodor Sturm
+ PDF Chat A Discovery Tour in Random Riemannian Geometry 2024 Lorenzo Dello Schiavo
Eva Kopfer
Karl‐Theodor Sturm
+ PDF Chat Optimal Transport and Generalized Ricci Flow 2024 Eva Kopfer
Jeffrey Streets
+ PDF Chat Homogenisation of dynamical optimal transport on periodic graphs 2023 Peter Gladbach
Eva Kopfer
Jan Maas
Lorenzo Portinale
+ PDF Chat Bochner formulas, functional inequalities and generalized Ricci flow 2023 Eva Kopfer
Jeffrey Streets
+ Polyharmonic Fields and Liouville Quantum Gravity Measures on Tori of Arbitrary Dimension: from Discrete to Continuous 2023 Lorenzo Dello Schiavo
Ronan Herry
Eva Kopfer
Karl‐Theodor Sturm
+ Optimal Transport and Generalized Ricci Flow 2023 Eva Kopfer
Jeffrey Streets
+ PDF Chat Differential Harnack inequalities on path space 2022 Robert Haslhofer
Eva Kopfer
Aaron Naber
+ PDF Chat Limits of density-constrained optimal transport 2022 Peter Gladbach
Eva Kopfer
+ Bochner formulas, functional inequalities and generalized Ricci flow 2022 Eva Kopfer
Jeffrey Streets
+ Conformally invariant random fields, quantum Liouville measures, and random Paneitz operators on Riemannian manifolds of even dimension 2021 Lorenzo Dello Schiavo
Ronan Herry
Eva Kopfer
Karl‐Theodor Sturm
+ PDF Chat Functional inequalities for the heat flow on time‐dependent metric measure spaces 2021 Eva Kopfer
Karl‐Theodor Sturm
+ Homogenisation of dynamical optimal transport on periodic graphs 2021 Peter Gladbach
Eva Kopfer
Jan Maas
Lorenzo Portinale
+ Conformally invariant random fields, quantum Liouville measures, and random Paneitz operators on Riemannian manifolds of even dimension 2021 Lorenzo Dello Schiavo
Ronan Herry
Eva Kopfer
Karl‐Theodor Sturm
+ Super Ricci flows for weighted graphs 2020 Matthias Erbar
Eva Kopfer
+ Homogenisation of one-dimensional discrete optimal transport 2020 Peter Gladbach
Eva Kopfer
Jan Maas
Lorenzo Portinale
+ PDF Chat Scaling Limits of Discrete Optimal Transport 2020 Peter Gladbach
Eva Kopfer
Jan Maas
+ Differential Harnack Inequalities on Path Space 2020 Robert Haslhofer
Eva Kopfer
Aaron Naber
+ A Discovery Tour in Random Riemannian Geometry 2020 Lorenzo Dello Schiavo
Eva Kopfer
Karl‐Theodor Sturm
+ Homogenisation of one-dimensional discrete optimal transport 2019 Peter Gladbach
Eva Kopfer
Jan Maas
Lorenzo Portinale
+ Limits of density-constrained optimal transport 2019 Peter Gladbach
Eva Kopfer
+ PDF Chat Super-Ricci flows and improved gradient and transport estimates 2019 Eva Kopfer
+ Homogenisation of one-dimensional discrete optimal transport 2019 Peter Gladbach
Eva Kopfer
Jan Maas
Lorenzo Portinale
+ Limits of density-constrained optimal transport 2019 Peter Gladbach
Eva Kopfer
+ Scaling limits of discrete optimal transport 2018 Peter Gladbach
Eva Kopfer
Jan Maas
+ Heat Flow on Time‐Dependent Metric Measure Spaces and Super‐Ricci Flows 2018 Eva Kopfer
Karl‐Theodor Sturm
+ Super Ricci flows for weighted graphs. 2018 Matthias Erbar
Eva Kopfer
+ Scaling limits of discrete optimal transport 2018 Peter Gladbach
Eva Kopfer
Jan Maas
+ Super Ricci flows for weighted graphs 2018 Matthias Erbar
Eva Kopfer
+ PDF Chat Gradient flow for the Boltzmann entropy and Cheeger’s energy on time-dependent metric measure spaces 2017 Eva Kopfer
+ Heat Flows on Time-dependent Metric Measure Spaces and Super-Ricci Flows 2016 Eva Kopfer
Karl‐Theodor Sturm
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ A computational fluid mechanics solution to the Monge-Kantorovich mass transfer problem 2000 Jean‐David Benamou
Yann Brenier
+ Ricci flow, entropy and optimal transportation 2010 Robert J. McCann
Peter M. Topping
+ Geodesic convexity of the relative entropy in reversible Markov chains 2012 Alexander Mielke
+ The entropy formula for the Ricci flow and its geometric applications 2002 Grisha Perelman
+ PDF Chat Ricci curvature for metric-measure spaces via optimal transport 2009 John Lott
CĂ©dric Villani
+ Weak solutions for the Ricci flow I 2015 Robert Haslhofer
Aaron Naber
+ PDF Chat On the geometry of metric measure spaces. II 2006 Karl‐Theodor Sturm
+ PDF Chat Gromov--Hausdorff Convergence of Discrete Transportation Metrics 2013 Nicola Gigli
Jan Maas
+ A gradient structure for reaction–diffusion systems and for energy-drift-diffusion systems 2011 Alexander Mielke
+ Fokker–Planck Equations for a Free Energy Functional or Markov Process on a Graph 2011 Shui-Nee Chow
Wen Huang
Yao Li
Haomin Zhou
+ PDF Chat Gradient flows of the entropy for finite Markov chains 2011 Jan Maas
+ PDF Chat Ricci Curvature of Finite Markov Chains via Convexity of the Entropy 2012 Matthias Erbar
Jan Maas
+ Bakry–Émery curvature-dimension condition and Riemannian Ricci curvature bounds 2014 Luigi Ambrosio
Nicola Gigli
Giuseppe Savaré
+ Heat Flow on Time‐Dependent Metric Measure Spaces and Super‐Ricci Flows 2018 Eva Kopfer
Karl‐Theodor Sturm
+ PDF Chat On gradient structures for Markov chains and the passage to Wasserstein gradient flows 2015 Karoline Disser
Matthias Liero
+ Finite extinction time for the solutions to the Ricci flow on certain three-manifolds 2003 Grisha Perelman
+ PDF Chat On the geometry of metric measure spaces 2006 Karl‐Theodor Sturm
+ Gromov-Hausdorff limit of Wasserstein spaces on point clouds 2017 NicolĂĄs GarcĂ­a Trillos
+ Fractional Gaussian fields: A survey 2016 Asad Lodhia
Scott Sheffield⋆
Xin Sun
Samuel S. Watson
+ PDF Chat Three-manifolds with positive Ricci curvature 1982 Richard S. Hamilton
+ PDF Chat Metric measure spaces with Riemannian Ricci curvature bounded from below 2014 Luigi Ambrosio
Nicola Gigli
Giuseppe Savaré
+ PDF Chat On the equivalence of the entropic curvature-dimension condition and Bochner’s inequality on metric measure spaces 2014 Matthias Erbar
Kazumasa Kuwada
Karl-Theodor Sturm
+ Entropic Ricci curvature bounds for discrete interacting systems 2016 Max Fathi
Jan Maas
+ Gradient flow structures for discrete porous medium equations 2013 Matthias Erbar
Jan Maas
+ Scaling limits of discrete optimal transport 2018 Peter Gladbach
Eva Kopfer
Jan Maas
+ Gradient Flows: In Metric Spaces and in the Space of Probability Measures 2005 Luigi Ambrosio
Nicola Gigli
Giuseppe Savaré
+ Heat Flows on Time-dependent Metric Measure Spaces and Super-Ricci Flows 2016 Eva Kopfer
Karl‐Theodor Sturm
+ Parabolic Harnack inequality for time-dependent non-symmetric Dirichlet forms 2012 Janna Lierl
Laurent Saloff‐Coste
+ Ricci curvature of Markov chains on metric spaces 2008 Yann Ollivier
+ PDF Chat Calculus and heat flow in metric measure spaces and applications to spaces with Ricci bounds from below 2013 Luigi Ambrosio
Nicola Gigli
Giuseppe Savaré
+ The Variational Formulation of the Fokker--Planck Equation 1998 Richard W. Jordan
David Kinderlehrer
FĂ©lix Otto
+ PDF Chat Gaussian free fields for mathematicians 2007 Scott Sheffield⋆
+ Ricci flow with surgery on three-manifolds 2003 Grisha Perelman
+ PDF Chat A Complete Proof of the Poincaré and Geometrization Conjectures - application of the Hamilton-Perelman theory of the Ricci flow 2006 Huai-Dong Cao
Xi-Ping Zhu
+ Transport inequalities, gradient estimates, entropy and Ricci curvature 2004 Max‐K. von Renesse
Karl‐Theodor Sturm
+ PDF Chat Discrete Ricci Curvature bounds for Bernoulli-Laplace and Random Transposition models 2015 Matthias Erbar
Jan Maas
Prasad Tetali
+ PDF Chat Poincaré, modified logarithmic Sobolev and isoperimetric inequalities for Markov chains with non-negative Ricci curvature 2018 Matthias Erbar
Max Fathi
+ Ricci flow, Killing spinors, and T-duality in generalized geometry 2019 Mario GarcĂ­a-FernĂĄndez
+ PDF Chat Computational Optimal Transport 2019 Gabriel Peyré
Marco Cuturi
+ Optimal Transport for Applied Mathematicians : Calculus of Variations, PDEs, and Modeling 2015 Filippo Santambrogio
+ Super-Ricci Flows for Metric Measure Spaces 2016 Karl‐Theodor Sturm
+ Introduction to the Theory of (Non-Symmetric) Dirichlet Forms 1992 Zhi-Ming Ma
Michael Röckner
+ Coupling of Brownian motions and Perelman's <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" altimg="si1.gif" overflow="scroll"><mml:mi mathvariant="script">L</mml:mi></mml:math>-functional 2011 Kazumasa Kuwada
Robert Philipowski
+ PDF Chat Nonsmooth differential geometry– An approach tailored for spaces with Ricci curvature bounded from below 2017 Luigi Ambrosio
Andrea Mondino
Giuseppe Savaré
+ Geodesics of minimal length in the set of probability measures on graphs 2018 Wilfrid Gangbo
Wuchen Li
Chenchen Mou
+ PDF Chat Liouville Quantum Gravity on the Riemann Sphere 2016 François David
A. Kupiainen
RĂ©mi Rhodes
Vincent Vargas
+ PDF Chat Continuity and estimates of the Liouville heat kernel with applications to spectral dimensions 2015 Sebastiån Andrés
Naotaka Kajino
+ PDF Chat Generalized KĂ€hler geometry and the pluriclosed flow 2012 Jeffrey Streets
Gang Tian
+ PDF Chat Equivalence between dimensional contractions in Wasserstein distance and the curvature-dimension condition 2018 François Bolley
Ivan Gentil
Arnaud Guillin
Kazumasa Kuwada
+ Differentiability of Lipschitz Functions on Metric Measure Spaces 1999 Jeff Cheeger