Scott Sievert


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Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Big Batch SGD: Automated Inference using Adaptive Batch Sizes 2016 Soham De
Abhay Kumar Yadav
David W. Jacobs
Tom Goldstein
+ Three Factors Influencing Minima in SGD 2017 StanisƂaw JastrzÈ©bski
Zachary Kenton
Devansh Arpit
Nicolas Ballas
Asja Fischer
Yoshua Bengio
Amos Storkey
+ AdaGrad stepsizes: Sharp convergence over nonconvex landscapes 2018 Rachel Ward
Xiaoxia Wu
LĂ©on Bottou
+ History-Gradient Aided Batch Size Adaptation for Variance Reduced Algorithms 2019 Kaiyi Ji
Zhe Wang
Bowen Weng
Yi Zhou
Wei Zhang
Yingbin Liang
+ Optimization Methods for Large-Scale Machine Learning 2018 LĂ©on Bottou
Frank E. Curtis
Jorge Nocedal
+ Fashion-MNIST: a Novel Image Dataset for Benchmarking Machine Learning Algorithms 2017 Xiao Han
Kashif Rasul
Roland Vollgraf
+ Understanding deep learning requires rethinking generalization 2016 Chiyuan Zhang
Samy Bengio
Moritz Hardt
Benjamin Recht
Oriol Vinyals
+ ImageNet pre-trained models with batch normalization 2016 Marcel Simon
Erik Rodner
Joachim Denzler
+ ADADELTA: An Adaptive Learning Rate Method 2012 Matthew D. Zeiler
+ PDF Chat The LIGO Open Science Center 2015 Michele Vallisneri
J. B. Kanner
R. Williams
A. J. Weinstein
Branson C. Stephens
+ Fast Algorithms and Efficient Statistics: N-Point Correlation Functions 2006 Andrew Moore
Andrew J. Connolly
Chris Genovese
Alex Gray
Larry Grone
Nick Kanidoris
Robert C. Nichol
Jeff Schneider
Alexander S. Szalay
IstvĂĄn Szapudi
+ Perturbed Iterate Analysis for Asynchronous Stochastic Optimization 2015 Horia Mania
Xinghao Pan
Dimitris Papailiopoulos
Benjamin Recht
Kannan Ramchandran
Michael I. Jordan
+ No More Pesky Learning Rate Guessing Games. 2015 Leslie N. Smith
+ PDF Chat A Limited Memory Algorithm for Bound Constrained Optimization 1995 Richard H. Byrd
Peihuang Lu
Jorge Nocedal
Ciyou Zhu
+ PDF Chat The Conjugate Gradient Method and Trust Regions in Large Scale Optimization 1983 Trond Steihaug
+ PDF Chat Algorithm 778: L-BFGS-B 1997 Ciyou Zhu
Richard H. Byrd
Peihuang Lu
Jorge Nocedal
+ On the convergence of a sequential quadratic programming method with an augmented lagrangian line search function 1983 Klaus Schittkowski
+ scikit-image: image processing in Python 2014 Stéfan van der Walt
Johannes L. Schönberger
Juan Nunez-Iglesias
François Boulogne
Joshua Warner
Neil Yager
Emmanuelle Gouillart
Tony Yu
+ PDF Chat Python Unleashed on Systems Biology 2007 Christopher R. Myers
Ryan N. Gutenkunst
James P. Sethna
+ PDF Chat Algorithm 644 1986 D. E. Amos
+ Using Python to Solve Partial Differential Equations 2007 Kent‐AndrĂ© Mardal
Ola Skavhaug
Glenn Terje Lines
Gunnar A. Staff
Åsmund ØdegĂ„rd
+ PDF Chat Mayavi: 3D Visualization of Scientific Data 2011 Prabhu Ramachandran
Gaël Varoquaux
+ PDF Chat Sample size selection in optimization methods for machine learning 2012 Richard H. Byrd
Gillian M. Chin
Jorge Nocedal
Yuchen Wu
+ Characterization of structures from X-ray scattering data using genetic algorithms 1999 Matthew Wormington
Charles Panaccione
Kevin Matney
D. Keith Bowen
+ Presolving in linear programming 1995 Erling D. Andersen
Knud D. Andersen
+ PDF Chat Solving the Trust-Region Subproblem using the Lanczos Method 1999 Nicholas I. M. Gould
Stefano Lucidi
Massimo Roma
Philippe L. Toint
+ Newton-Type Minimization via the Lanczos Method 1984 Stephen G. Nash
+ The guide to available mathematical software problem classification system<sup>1</sup> 1991 Ronald F. Boisvert
Sally E. Howe
David K. Kahaner
+ PDF Chat Computing a Trust Region Step 1983 Jorge J. MorĂš
D. C. Sorensen
+ Direct search algorithms for optimization calculations 1998 M. J. D. Powell
+ Monotone Piecewise Cubic Interpolation 1980 F.N. Fritsch
R.E. Carlson
+ Scikit-learn: Machine Learning in Python 2012 FabiĂĄn Pedregosa
Gaël Varoquaux
Alexandre Gramfort
Vincent Michel
Bertrand Thirion
Olivier Grisel
Mathieu Blondel
Peter Prettenhofer
Ron J. Weiss
Vincent Dubourg
+ An efficient method for finding the minimum of a function of several variables without calculating derivatives 1964 M. J. D. Powell
+ PDF Chat CODATA recommended values of the fundamental physical constants: 2010 2012 Peter J. Mohr
Barry N. Taylor
David B. Newell
+ PDF Chat The NumPy Array: A Structure for Efficient Numerical Computation 2011 Stéfan van der Walt
Steven C. Colbert
Gaël Varoquaux
+ A Simplex Method for Function Minimization 1965 J. A. Nelder
R. Mead
+ PDF Chat Python for Education: Computational Methods for Nonlinear Systems 2007 Christopher R. Myers
James P. Sethna
+ A View of Algorithms for Optimization without Derivatives 1 2007 M. J. D. Powell
+ PDF Chat Probabilistic programming in Python using PyMC3 2016 John Salvatier
Thomas V. Wiecki
Christopher Fonnesbeck
+ PDF Chat Observation of Gravitational Waves from a Binary Black Hole Merger 2016 B. P. Abbott
R. Abbott
T. D. Abbott
M. R. Abernathy
F. Acernese
K. Ackley
C. Adams
T. Adams
P. Addesso
R. X. Adhikari
+ PDF Chat GW150914: First results from the search for binary black hole coalescence with Advanced LIGO 2016 B. P. Abbott
R. Abbott
T. D. Abbott
M. R. Abernathy
F. Acernese
K. Ackley
C. Adams
T. Adams
P. Addesso
R. X. Adhikari
+ DoReFa-Net: Training Low Bitwidth Convolutional Neural Networks with Low Bitwidth Gradients 2016 Shuchang Zhou
Yuxin Wu
Zekun Ni
Xinyu Zhou
He Wen
Yuheng Zou
+ Federated Learning: Strategies for Improving Communication Efficiency 2016 Jakub KonečnĂœ
H. Brendan McMahan
Felix X. Yu
Peter RichtĂĄrik
Ananda Theertha Suresh
Dave Bacon
+ PDF Chat <tt>trlib</tt>: a vector-free implementation of the GLTR method for iterative solution of the trust region problem 2018 Felix Lenders
Christian Kirches
Andreas Potschka
+ Accurate, Large Minibatch SGD: Training ImageNet in 1 Hour 2017 Priya Goyal
Piotr DollĂĄr
Ross Girshick
Pieter Noordhuis
Lukasz Wesolowski
Aapo Kyrola
Andrew Tulloch
Yangqing Jia
Kaiming He
+ The YouTube-8M Kaggle Competition: Challenges and Methods 2017 Haosheng Zou
Kun Xu
Jialian Li
Jun Zhu
+ PDF Chat GW170817: Observation of Gravitational Waves from a Binary Neutron Star Inspiral 2017 B. P. Abbott
R. Abbott
T. D. Abbott
F. Acernese
K. Ackley
C. Adams
T. Adams
P. Addesso
R. X. Adhikari
V. B. Adya
+ Don't Decay the Learning Rate, Increase the Batch Size 2017 Samuel Smith
Pieter-Jan Kindermans
Chris Ying
Quoc V. Le
+ QSGD: Communication-Efficient SGD via Gradient Quantization and Encoding 2016 Dan Alistarh
Demjan Grubic
Jerry Li
Ryota Tomioka
Milan Vojnović
+ AdaBatch: Adaptive Batch Sizes for Training Deep Neural Networks 2017 Aditya Devarakonda
Maxim Naumov
Michael Garland