Nikolaos Halidias


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic Theorems for Discrete Markov Chains 2024 Nikolaos Halidias
+ PDF Chat A note on the asymptotic stability of the semi-discrete method for stochastic differential equations 2022 Nikolaos Halidias
Ioannis S. Stamatiou
+ On the absorption probabilities and mean time for absorption for discrete Markov chains 2021 Nikolaos Halidias
+ Lamperti Semi-Discrete method 2021 Nikolaos Halidias
Ioannis S. Stamatiou
+ Convergence rates of the Semi-Discrete method for stochastic differential equations 2020 Ioannis S. Stamatiou
Nikolaos Halidias
+ A note on the asymptotic stability of the Semi-Discrete method for Stochastic Differential Equations 2020 Nikolaos Halidias
Ioannis S. Stamatiou
+ On the average of probability distributions of a discrete Markov chain 2017 Nikolaos Halidias
+ Ergodic Theorems for discrete Markov chains 2017 Nikolaos Halidias
+ A generalization of Laplace and Fourier transforms 2017 Nikolaos Halidias
+ On the computation of the nth power of a matrix 2017 Nikolaos Halidias
+ A generalization of Laplace and Fourier transforms 2017 Nikolaos Halidias
+ Ergodic Theorems for discrete Markov chains 2017 Nikolaos Halidias
+ PDF Chat On the construction of boundary preserving numerical schemes 2016 Nikolaos Halidias
+ On construction of boundary preserving numerical schemes 2016 Nikolaos Halidias
+ On construction of boundary preserving numerical schemes 2016 Nikolaos Halidias
+ PDF Chat An Elementary Approach to the Option Pricing Problem 2016 Nikolaos Halidias
+ On construction of boundary preserving numerical schemes 2016 Nikolaos Halidias
+ Study of American options in discrete time using basic calculus 2015 Nikolaos Halidias
+ An elementary approach to the option pricing problem 2015 Nikolaos Halidias
+ PDF Chat On the Numerical Solution of Some Non-Linear Stochastic Differential Equations Using the Semi-Discrete Method 2015 Nikolaos Halidias
Ioannis S. Stamatiou
+ PDF Chat An explicit and positivity preserving numerical scheme for the mean reverting CEV model 2015 Nikolaos Halidias
+ A new numerical scheme for the CIR process 2015 Nikolaos Halidias
+ Approximating explicitly the mean reverting CEV process 2015 Nikolaos Halidias
Ioannis S. Stamatiou
+ An explicit and positivity preserving numerical scheme for the mean reverting CEV model 2015 Nikolaos Halidias
+ PDF Chat Approximating Explicitly the Mean-Reverting CEV Process 2015 Nikolaos Halidias
Ioannis S. Stamatiou
+ On explicit numerical schemes for the CIR process 2015 Nikolaos Halidias
+ An elementary approach to the option pricing problem 2015 Nikolaos Halidias
+ Approximating explicitly the mean reverting CEV process 2015 Nikolaos Halidias
Ioannis S. Stamatiou
+ An explicit and positivity preserving numerical scheme for the mean reverting CEV model 2015 Nikolaos Halidias
+ On the order of convergence for the semi discrete method applied on the CIR process 2014 Nikolaos Halidias
+ A new numerical scheme for the CIR processIR process 2014 Nikolaos Halidias
+ A new numerical scheme for the CIR process 2014 Nikolaos Halidias
+ On explicit numerical schemes for the CIR process 2014 Nikolaos Halidias
+ On the numerical solution of some nonlinear stochastic differential equations using the semi-discrete method 2013 Nikolaos Halidias
Ioannis S. Stamatiou
+ PDF Chat A novel approach to construct numerical methods for stochastic differential equations 2013 Nikolaos Halidias
+ Generalization of the semi discrete method and applications 2013 Nikolaos Halidias
+ A novel approach to construct numerical methods for stochastic differential equations 2013 Nikolaos Halidias
+ Construction of positivity preserving numerical schemes for multidimensional stochastic differential equations 2013 Nikolaos Halidias
+ On the numerical solution of some nonlinear stochastic differential equations using the semi-discrete method 2013 Nikolaos Halidias
Ioannis S. Stamatiou
+ A novel approach to construct numerical methods for stochastic differential equations 2013 Nikolaos Halidias
Mariusz Michta
+ Remarks and corrections on “An existence theorem for stochastic functional differential equations with delays under weak assumptions, Statistics and Probability Letters 78, 2008” by N. Halidias and Y. Ren 2009 Nikolaos Halidias
+ An existence theorem for stochastic functional differential equations with delays under weak assumptions 2008 Nikolaos Halidias
Yong Ren
+ The Method of Upper and Lower Solutions of Stochastic Differential Equations and Applications 2007 Nikolaos Halidias
Mariusz Michta
+ PDF Chat A note on strong solutions of stochastic differential equations with a discontinuous drift coefficient 2006 Nikolaos Halidias
Peter E. Kloeden
+ An Orlicz-Sobolev space setting for quasilinear elliptic problems 2003 Nikolaos Halidias
+ Landesman-Laser Conditions and Quasilinear Elliptic Problems 2003 Nikolaos Halidias
+ PDF Chat Unilateral boundary value problems with jump discontinuities 2003 Nikolaos Halidias
+ PDF Chat On Noncoercive Elliptic Problems with Discontinuities 2003 Nikolaos Halidias
+ None 2002 Nikolaos Halidias
Νικόλαος Παπαγεωργίου
+ PDF Chat Quasilinear elliptic problems with multivalued terms 2000 Nikolaos Halidias
Νικόλαος Παπαγεωργίου
+ Nonlinear boundary value problems with maximal monotone terms 2000 Nikolaos Halidias
Nikolaos S. Papageorgiou
+ Existence of solutions for quasilinear second order differential inclusions with nonlinear boundary conditions 2000 Nikolaos Halidias
Nikolaos S. Papageorgiou
+ On a quasilinear elliptic Neumann problem 1999 Nikolaos Halidias
Nikolas S. Papageorgiou
+ Existence and Relaxation Results for Nonlinear Second-Order Multivalued Boundary Value Problems in RN 1998 Nikolaos Halidias
Nikolaos S. Papageorgiou
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat A novel approach to construct numerical methods for stochastic differential equations 2013 Nikolaos Halidias
+ PDF Chat On the Numerical Solution of Some Non-Linear Stochastic Differential Equations Using the Semi-Discrete Method 2015 Nikolaos Halidias
Ioannis S. Stamatiou
+ PDF Chat On the uniqueness of solutions of stochastic differential equations 1971 Toshio Yamada
Shinzo Watanabe
+ Handbook of Multivalued Analysis 1997 Shouchuan Hu
Nikolas S. Papageorgiou
+ PDF Chat Strong and weak divergence in finite time of Euler's method for stochastic differential equations with non-globally Lipschitz continuous coefficients 2010 Martin Hutzenthaler
Arnulf Jentzen
Peter E. Kloeden
+ PDF Chat Approximating Explicitly the Mean-Reverting CEV Process 2015 Nikolaos Halidias
Ioannis S. Stamatiou
+ PDF Chat Strong convergence of an explicit numerical method for SDEs with nonglobally Lipschitz continuous coefficients 2012 Martin Hutzenthaler
Arnulf Jentzen
Peter E. Kloeden
+ A new numerical scheme for the CIR process 2015 Nikolaos Halidias
+ PDF Chat Strong order one convergence of a drift implicit Euler scheme: Application to the CIR process 2012 Aurélien Alfonsi
+ PDF Chat An explicit and positivity preserving numerical scheme for the mean reverting CEV model 2015 Nikolaos Halidias
+ Handbook of Multivalued Analysis: Volume I: Theory 1997 S Hu
Nikolaos S. Papageorgiou
+ Monotone Iterative Techniques for Discontinuous Nonlinear Differential Equations 2017 Seppo Heikkilä
V. Lakshmikantham
+ PDF Chat Pseudomonotone operators and nonlinear elliptic boundary value problems 1975 Nobuyuki Kenmochi
+ PDF Chat Strong Convergence of Euler-Type Methods for Nonlinear Stochastic Differential Equations 2002 Desmond J. Higham
Xuerong Mao
Andrew M. Stuart
+ PDF Chat Convergence of numerical methods for stochastic differential equations in mathematical finance 2012 Peter E. Kloeden
Andreas Neuenkirch
+ An explicit positivity preserving numerical scheme for CIR/CEV type delay models with jump 2019 Ioannis S. Stamatiou
+ Strong convergence rates and temporal regularity for Cox-Ingersoll-Ross processes and Bessel processes with accessible boundaries 2014 Martin Hutzenthaler
Arnulf Jentzen
Marco Noll
+ PDF Chat Minimax principles for lower semicontinuous functions and applications to nonlinear boundary value problems 1986 Andrzej Szulkin
+ Note on the Derivatives with Respect to a Parameter of the Solutions of a System of Differential Equations 1919 T. H. Gronwall
+ First order strong approximations of scalar SDEs with values in a domain 2012 Andreas Neuenkirch
Łukasz Szpruch
+ PDF Chat A Variational Method for Boundary Value Problems with Discontinuous Nonlinearities 1980 C. A. Stuart
John Toland
+ Asymptotics and Special Functions 1997 F. W. J. Olver
+ PDF Chat Strong convergence and stability of implicit numerical methods for stochastic differential equations with non-globally Lipschitz continuous coefficients 2012 Xuerong Mao
Łukasz Szpruch
+ Numerical Approximations of Stochastic Differential Equations With Non-globally Lipschitz Continuous Coefficients 2015 Martin Hutzenthaler
Arnulf Jentzen
+ The Dual Variational Principle and elliptic problems with discontinuous nonlinearities 1989 Antonio Ambrosetti
Marino Badiale
+ PDF Chat A note on strong solutions of stochastic differential equations with a discontinuous drift coefficient 2006 Nikolaos Halidias
Peter E. Kloeden
+ PDF Chat A boundary preserving numerical algorithm for the Wright-Fisher model with mutation 2011 C. E. Dangerfield
David Kay
Shev MacNamara
Kevin Burrage
+ Some Discontinuous Problems with a Quasilinear Operator 1994 David Arcoya
Marco Calahorrano
+ PDF Chat A boundary preserving numerical scheme for the Wright–Fisher model 2017 Ioannis S. Stamatiou
+ Théorèmes d’existence de solutions d’inclusions différentielles 1995 Marlène Frigon
+ PDF Chat A Fundamental Mean-Square Convergence Theorem for SDEs with Locally Lipschitz Coefficients and Its Applications 2013 M. V. Tretyakov
Zhongqiang Zhang
+ Nonlinear Functional Analysis and Its Applications: II/ A: Linear Monotone Operators 1989 Eberhard Zeidler
+ Solvability of Neumann problem for elliptic equations at resonance 2001 Chun‐Lei Tang
+ Nonlinear Functional Analysis and its Applications: III: Variational Methods and Optimization 1984 Eberhard Zeidler
+ On fixed points of multifunctions in ordered spaces 1993 Seppo Heikkilä
+ Optimization and Nonsmooth Analysis 1990 Frank H. Clarke
+ PDF Chat Euler scheme for SDEs with non-Lipschitz diffusion coefficient: strong convergence 2007 Abdel Berkaoui
Mireille Bossy
Awa Diop
+ Monte Carlo Methods in Financial Engineering 2003 Paul Glasserman
+ Inequalities Involving Functions and Their Integrals and Derivatives 1991 D. S. Mitrinović
‎Josip Pečarić
A. M. Fink
+ PDF Chat Nonlinear boundary value problems for differential inclusions y'' ∈ F(t,y,y') 1991 Lynn Erbe
Wiesław Krawcewicz
+ Critical point theory for nondifferentiable functionals and applications 1990 David G. Costa
J.V. Gonçalves
+ Nonlinear Functional Analysis and its Applications 1990 Eberhard Zeidler
+ A new proof for comparison theorems for stochastic differential inequalities with respect to semimartingales 1998 Xiaodong Ding
Rangquan Wu
+ Existence results for perturbations of the p-Laplacian 1995 David G. Costa
Celius A. Magalhães
+ Abstract critical point theorems and applications to some nonlinear problems with “strong” resonance at infinity 1983 Paolo Bartolo
Vieri Benci
Donato Fortunato
+ PDF Chat Equivariant maps of joins of finite G-sets and an application to critical point theory 1992 Danuta Rozpłoch-Nowakowska
+ A note on Euler approximations for SDEs with Hölder continuous diffusion coefficients 2011 István Gyöngy
Miklós Rásonyi
+ Monotone Operators in Banach Space and Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations 2013 R. E. Showalter
+ Boundary Preserving Semianalytic Numerical Algorithms for Stochastic Differential Equations 2007 Esteban Moro
Henri Schurz
+ A homotopic deformation along p of a Leray-Schauder degree result and existence for (¦u′¦p − 2u′)′ + ƒ(t, u) = 0, u(0) = u(T) = 0, p > 1 1989 Manuel del Pino
Manuel Elgueta
Raúl Manásevich