Mark Rudelson


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ A large deviation inequality for the rank of a random matrix 2024 Mark Rudelson
+ Optimal Embedding Dimension for Sparse Subspace Embeddings 2024 Shabarish Chenakkod
Michał Dereziński
Xiaoyu Dong
Mark Rudelson
+ PDF Chat A quick estimate for the volume of a polyhedron 2024 Alexander Barvinok
Mark Rudelson
+ PDF Chat Approximately Hadamard Matrices and Riesz Bases in Random Frames 2023 Xiaoyu Dong
Mark Rudelson
+ PDF Chat Exact matching of random graphs with constant correlation 2023 Cheng Mao
Mark Rudelson
Konstantin Tikhomirov
+ Optimal Embedding Dimension for Sparse Subspace Embeddings 2023 Shabarish Chenakkod
Michał Dereziński
Xiaoyu Dong
Mark Rudelson
+ PDF When a system of real quadratic equations has a solution 2022 Alexander Barvinok
Mark Rudelson
+ Approximately Hadamard matrices and Riesz bases in random frames 2022 Dong Xiaoyu
Mark Rudelson
+ PDF Chat A quick estimate for the volume of a polyhedron 2021 Alexander Barvinok
Mark Rudelson
+ PDF Chat Sharp transition of the invertibility of the adjacency matrices of sparse random graphs 2021 Anirban Basak
Mark Rudelson
+ Random Graph Matching with Improved Noise Robustness 2021 Cheng Mao
Mark Rudelson
Konstantin Tikhomirov
+ Exact Matching of Random Graphs with Constant Correlation 2021 Cheng Mao
Mark Rudelson
Konstantin Tikhomirov
+ When a system of real quadratic equations has a solution 2021 Alexander Barvinok
Mark Rudelson
+ A quick estimate for the volume of a polyhedron 2021 Alexander Barvinok
Mark Rudelson
+ PDF Size of nodal domains of the eigenvectors of a graph 2020 Han Huang
Mark Rudelson
+ PDF On the volume of non-central sections of a cube 2019 Hermann König
Mark Rudelson
+ Delocalization of eigenvectors of random matrices 2019 Mark Rudelson
+ On the volume of non-central sections of a cube 2019 Hermann König
Mark Rudelson
+ PDF The circular law for sparse non-Hermitian matrices 2019 Anirban Basak
Mark Rudelson
+ Size of nodal domains of the eigenvectors of a G(n,p) graph 2019 Han Huang
Mark Rudelson
+ PDF Chat The sparse circular law under minimal assumptions 2019 Mark Rudelson
Konstantin Tikhomirov
+ Restricted Isometry Property under High Correlations 2019 Shiva Prasad Kasiviswanathan
Mark Rudelson
+ On the volume of non-central sections of a cube 2019 Hermann König
Mark Rudelson
+ Size of nodal domains of the eigenvectors of a G(n,p) graph 2019 Han Huang
Mark Rudelson
+ Sharp transition of the invertibility of the adjacency matrices of sparse random graphs 2018 Anirban Basak
Mark Rudelson
+ The sparse circular law under minimal assumptions 2018 Mark Rudelson
Konstantin Tikhomirov
+ Sharp transition of the invertibility of the adjacency matrices of sparse random graphs 2018 Anirban Basak
Mark Rudelson
+ The sparse circular law under minimal assumptions 2018 Mark Rudelson
Konstantin Tikhomirov
+ Compressed Sparse Linear Regression 2017 Shiva Prasad Kasiviswanathan
Mark Rudelson
+ The circular law for sparse non-Hermitian matrices 2017 Anirban Basak
Mark Rudelson
+ PDF Invertibility of sparse non-Hermitian matrices 2017 Anirban Basak
Mark Rudelson
+ Errors-in-variables models with dependent measurements 2017 Mark Rudelson
Shuheng Zhou
+ Delocalization of eigenvectors of random matrices. Lecture notes 2017 Mark Rudelson
+ Restricted Eigenvalue from Stable Rank with Applications to Sparse Linear Regression 2017 Shiva Prasad Kasiviswanathan
Mark Rudelson
+ The circular law for sparse non-Hermitian matrices 2017 Anirban Basak
Mark Rudelson
+ PDF No-gaps delocalization for general random matrices 2016 Mark Rudelson
Roman Vershynin
+ Hafnians, perfect matchings and Gaussian matrices 2016 Mark Rudelson
Alex Samorodnitsky
Ofer Zeitouni
+ Errors-in-variables models with dependent measurements 2016 Mark Rudelson
Shuheng Zhou
+ PDF Chat On the Complexity of the Set of Unconditional Convex Bodies 2015 Mark Rudelson
+ PDF Chat Delocalization of eigenvectors of random matrices with independent entries 2015 Mark Rudelson
Roman Vershynin
+ Invertibility of Sparse non-Hermitian matrices 2015 Anirban Basak
Mark Rudelson
+ No-gaps delocalization for general random matrices 2015 Mark Rudelson
Roman Vershynin
+ Spectral Norm of Random Kernel Matrices with Applications to Privacy 2015 Shiva Prasad Kasiviswanathan
Mark Rudelson
+ Spectral Norm of Random Kernel Matrices with Applications to Privacy 2015 Shiva Prasad Kasiviswanathan
Mark Rudelson
+ High dimensional errors-in-variables models with dependent measurements 2015 Mark Rudelson
Shuheng Zhou
+ Spectral Norm of Random Kernel Matrices with Applications to Privacy 2015 Shiva Prasad Kasiviswanathan
Mark Rudelson
+ Invertibility of Sparse non-Hermitian matrices 2015 Anirban Basak
Mark Rudelson
+ No-gaps delocalization for general random matrices 2015 Mark Rudelson
Roman Vershynin
+ PDF Small Ball Probabilities for Linear Images of High-Dimensional Distributions 2014 Mark Rudelson
Roman Vershynin
+ On the complexity of the set of unconditional convex bodies 2014 Mark Rudelson
+ Random Gaussian matrices and Hafnian estimators. 2014 Mark Rudelson
Alex Samorodnitsky
Ofer Zeitouni
+ PDF Singular values of Gaussian matrices and permanent estimators 2014 Mark Rudelson
Ofer Zeitouni
+ PDF Chat Recent developments in non-asymptotic theory of random matrices 2014 Mark Rudelson
+ Small ball probabilities for linear images of high dimensional distributions 2014 Mark Rudelson
Roman Vershynin
+ On approximation by projections of polytopes with few facets 2014 Alexander E. Litvak
Mark Rudelson
Nicole Tomczak-Jaegermann
+ On the complexity of the set of unconditional convex bodies 2014 Mark Rudelson
+ Small ball probabilities for linear images of high dimensional distributions 2014 Mark Rudelson
Roman Vershynin
+ Hanson-Wright inequality and sub-gaussian concentration 2013 Mark Rudelson
Roman Vershynin
+ PDF Invertibility of random matrices: Unitary and orthogonal perturbations 2013 Mark Rudelson
Roman Vershynin
+ PDF Chat Reconstruction From Anisotropic Random Measurements 2013 Mark Rudelson
Shuheng Zhou
+ Singular values of Gaussian matrices and permanent estimators 2013 Mark Rudelson
Ofer Zeitouni
+ The Power of Linear Reconstruction Attacks 2013 Shiva Prasad Kasiviswanathan
Mark Rudelson
Adam Smith
+ The power of linear reconstruction attacks 2013 Shiva Prasad Kasiviswanathan
Mark Rudelson
Adam Smith
+ PDF Hanson-Wright inequality and sub-gaussian concentration 2013 Mark Rudelson
Roman Vershynin
+ Singular values of Gaussian matrices and permanent estimators 2013 Mark Rudelson
Ofer Zeitouni
+ Recent developments in non-asymptotic theory of random matrices 2013 Mark Rudelson
+ Hanson-Wright inequality and sub-gaussian concentration 2013 Mark Rudelson
Roman Vershynin
+ Row products of random matrices 2012 Mark Rudelson
+ Invertibility of random matrices: unitary and orthogonal perturbations 2012 Mark Rudelson
Roman Vershynin
+ Reconstruction from Anisotropic Random Measurements 2012 Mark Rudelson
Shuheng Zhou
+ On approximations by projections of polytopes with few facets 2012 Alexander E. Litvak
Mark Rudelson
Nicole Tomczak-Jaegermann
+ The Power of Linear Reconstruction Attacks 2012 Shiva Prasad Kasiviswanathan
Mark Rudelson
Adam Smith
+ Invertibility of random matrices: unitary and orthogonal perturbations 2012 Mark Rudelson
Roman Vershynin
+ Random Matrices, Geometric Functional Analysis and Algorithms 2011 Michel Ledoux
Mark Rudelson
Gideon Schechtman
+ PDF Chat Non-asymptotic Theory of Random Matrices: Extreme Singular Values 2011 Mark Rudelson
Roman Vershynin
+ Row products of random matrices 2011 Mark Rudelson
+ Reconstruction from anisotropic random measurements 2011 Mark Rudelson
Shuheng Zhou
+ Row products of random matrices 2011 Mark Rudelson
+ Non-asymptotic theory of random matrices: extreme singular values 2010 Mark Rudelson
Roman Vershynin
+ Non-asymptotic theory of random matrices: extreme singular values 2010 Mark Rudelson
Roman Vershynin
+ PDF Smallest singular value of a random rectangular matrix 2009 Mark Rudelson
Roman Vershynin
+ The price of privately releasing contingency tables, and the spectra of random matrices with correlated rows 2009 Shiva Prasad Kasiviswanathan
Mark Rudelson
Adam H. Smith
+ PDF Invertibility of random matrices: norm of the inverse 2008 Mark Rudelson
+ PDF The least singular value of a random square matrix is <mml:math xmlns:mml="" overflow="scroll"><mml:mi mathvariant="normal">O</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy="false">(</mml:mo><mml:msup><mml:mi>n</mml:mi><mml:mrow><mml:mo>−</mml:mo><mml:mn>1</mml:mn><mml:mo stretchy="false">/</mml:mo><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></mml:mrow></mml:msup><mml:mo stretchy="false">)</mml:mo></mml:math> 2008 Mark Rudelson
Roman Vershynin
+ The least singular value of a random square matrix is O(n^{-1/2}) 2008 Mark Rudelson
Roman Vershynin
+ PDF Chat The Littlewood–Offord problem and invertibility of random matrices 2008 Mark Rudelson
Roman Vershynin
+ The smallest singular value of a random rectangular matrix 2008 Mark Rudelson
Roman Vershynin
+ The least singular value of a random square matrix is O(n^{-1/2}) 2008 Mark Rudelson
Roman Vershynin
+ The smallest singular value of a random rectangular matrix 2008 Mark Rudelson
Roman Vershynin
+ On sparse reconstruction from Fourier and Gaussian measurements 2007 Mark Rudelson
Roman Vershynin
+ The Littlewood-Offord Problem and invertibility of random matrices 2007 Mark Rudelson
Roman Vershynin
+ The Littlewood-Offord Problem and invertibility of random matrices 2007 Mark Rudelson
Roman Vershynin
+ Norm of the inverse of a random matrix 2006 Mark Rudelson
+ PDF Combinatorics of random processes and sections of convex bodies 2006 Mark Rudelson
Roman Vershynin
+ <mml:math xmlns:mml="" altimg="si1.gif" display="inline" overflow="scroll"><mml:msub><mml:mi>L</mml:mi><mml:mi>p</mml:mi></mml:msub></mml:math>-moments of random vectors via majorizing measures 2006 Olivier Guédon
Mark Rudelson
+ PDF Chat Sparse reconstruction by convex relaxation: Fourier and Gaussian measurements 2006 Mark Rudelson
Roman Vershynin
+ Sparse reconstruction by convex relaxation: Fourier and Gaussian measurements 2006 Mark Rudelson
Roman Vershynin
+ PDF Lower estimates for the singular values of random matrices 2006 Mark Rudelson
+ Sparse reconstruction by convex relaxation: Fourier and Gaussian measurements 2006 Mark Rudelson
Roman Vershynin
+ Euclidean embeddings in spaces of finite volume ratio via random matrices 2005 Alexander E. Litvak
Alain Pajor
Mark Rudelson
Nicole Tomczak-Jaegermann
Roman Vershynin
+ PDF The Geometry of Random {-1,1}-Polytopes 2005 Shahar Mendelson
Alain Pajor
Mark Rudelson
+ Sampling from large matrices: an approach through geometric functional analysis 2005 Mark Rudelson
Roman Vershynin
+ PDF Error correction via linear programming 2005 Emmanuel J. Candès
Mark Rudelson
Terence Tao
Roman Vershynin
+ L_p moments of random vectors via majorizing measures 2005 Olivier Guédon
Mark Rudelson
+ Invertibility of random matrices: norm of the inverse 2005 Mark Rudelson
+ Geometric approach to error correcting codes and reconstruction of signals 2005 Mark Rudelson
Roman Vershynin
+ Sampling from large matrices: an approach through geometric functional analysis 2005 Mark Rudelson
Roman Vershynin
+ Smallest singular value of random matrices and geometry of random polytopes 2004 A.E. Litvak
Alain Pajor
Mark Rudelson
Nicole Tomczak-Jaegermann
+ Extremal Distances between Sections of Convex Bodies 2004 Mark Rudelson
+ PDF Random Euclidean embeddings in spaces of bounded volume ratio 2004 Alexander E. Litvak
Alain Pajor
Mark Rudelson
Nicole Tomczak-Jaegermann
Roman Vershynin
+ Combinatorics of random processes and sections of convex bodies 2004 Mark Rudelson
Roman Vershynin
+ Random processes via the combinatorial dimension: introductory notes 2004 Mark Rudelson
Roman Vershynin
+ On random intersections of two convex bodies. Appendix to: "Isoperimetry of waists and local versus global asymptotic convex geometries" by R.Vershynin 2004 Mark Rudelson
Roman Vershynin
+ Combinatorics of random processes and sections of convex bodies 2004 Mark Rudelson
Roman Vershynin
+ Embedding Levy families into Banach spaces 2002 Mark Rudelson
Roman Vershynin
+ None 2000 Mark Rudelson
+ Convex bodies with minimal mean width 2000 Apostolos Giannopoulos
Vitali Milman
Mark Rudelson
+ PDF Sections of the Difference Body 2000 Mark Rudelson
+ PDF Chat Almost orthogonal submatrices of an orthogonal matrix 1999 Mark Rudelson
+ Random Vectors in the Isotropic Position 1999 Mark Rudelson
+ Sections of the difference body 1998 Mark Rudelson
+ Distances between non--symmetric convex bodies and the $MM^*$-estimate 1998 Mark Rudelson
+ Contact points of convex bodies 1997 Mark Rudelson
+ Random vectors in the isotropic position 1996 Mark Rudelson
+ Almost orthogonal submatrices of an orthogonal matrix 1996 Mark Rudelson
+ Random vectors in the isotropic position 1996 Mark Rudelson
+ Almost orthogonal submatrices of an orthogonal matrix 1996 Mark Rudelson
+ Estimates of the weak distance between finite-dimensional Banach spaces 1995 Mark Rudelson
+ Approximate John’s Decompositions 1995 Mark Rudelson
+ Uniform Non-Equivalence between Euclidean and Hyperbolic Spaces 1995 E. Gorelik
Joram Lindenstrauss
Mark Rudelson
+ A characterization of 2-trivial Banach spaces with unconditional basis 1989 Mark Rudelson
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Smallest singular value of a random rectangular matrix 2009 Mark Rudelson
Roman Vershynin
+ PDF Invertibility of random matrices: norm of the inverse 2008 Mark Rudelson
+ Smallest singular value of random matrices and geometry of random polytopes 2004 A.E. Litvak
Alain Pajor
Mark Rudelson
Nicole Tomczak-Jaegermann
+ PDF Chat The Littlewood–Offord problem and invertibility of random matrices 2008 Mark Rudelson
Roman Vershynin
+ The Volume of Convex Bodies and Banach Space Geometry 1989 Gilles Pisier
+ PDF The Concentration of Measure Phenomenon 2005 Michel Ledoux
+ Asymptotic Theory of Finite Dimensional Normed Spaces 1986 Vitali Milman
Gideon Schechtman
+ PDF Eigenvalues and Condition Numbers of Random Matrices 1988 Alan Edelman
+ PDF Chat Introduction to the non-asymptotic analysis of random matrices 2012 Roman Vershynin
+ PDF Probability in Banach Spaces 1976 Anatole Beck
+ PDF On the probability that a random ±1-matrix is singular 1995 Jeff Kahn
János Komlós
Endre Szemerédi
+ Condition numbers of random matrices 1991 Stanisław J. Szarek
+ On random ±1 matrices: Singularity and determinant 2006 Terence Tao
Van Vu
+ PDF Hanson-Wright inequality and sub-gaussian concentration 2013 Mark Rudelson
Roman Vershynin
+ Local Operator Theory, Random Matrices and Banach Spaces 2001 Kenneth R. Davidson
Stanisław J. Szarek
+ PDF Inverse Littlewood–Offord theorems and the condition number of random discrete matrices 2009 Terence Tao
Van H. Vu
+ PDF The circular law for random matrices 2010 Friedrich Götze
А. Н. Тихомиров
+ PDF Topics in Random Matrix Theory 2012 Terence Tao
+ PDF Chat Near-Optimal Signal Recovery From Random Projections: Universal Encoding Strategies? 2006 Emmanuel J. Candès
Terence Tao
Van Vu
+ PDF Invertibility of symmetric random matrices 2012 Roman Vershynin
+ PDF Limit of the Smallest Eigenvalue of a Large Dimensional Sample Covariance Matrix 1993 Zhidong Bai
Yanqing Yin
+ Euclidean embeddings in spaces of finite volume ratio via random matrices 2005 Alexander E. Litvak
Alain Pajor
Mark Rudelson
Nicole Tomczak-Jaegermann
Roman Vershynin
+ On the singularity probability of random Bernoulli matrices 2007 Terence Tao
Van Vu
+ Some estimates of norms of random matrices 2004 Rafał Latała
+ Some inequalities for Gaussian processes and applications 1985 Y. Gordon
+ PDF Random matrices: Universality of ESDs and the circular law 2010 Terence Tao
Van Vu
Manjunath Krishnapur
+ PDF Chat Decoding by Linear Programming 2005 Emmanuel J. Candès
Terence Tao
+ PDF No-gaps delocalization for general random matrices 2016 Mark Rudelson
Roman Vershynin
+ PDF The Dantzig selector: Statistical estimation when p is much larger than n 2007 Emmanuel J. Candès
Terence Tao
+ PDF Spectral Analysis of Large Dimensional Random Matrices 2009 Zhidong Bai
Jack W. Silverstein
+ Invertibility of ‘large’ submatrices with applications to the geometry of Banach spaces and harmonic analysis 1987 Jean Bourgain
Lior Tzafriri
+ Banach-Mazur Distances and Finite-Dimensional Operator Ideals 1989 Nicole Tomczak-Jaegermann
N.Tomczak Jagermann
+ PDF Local Semicircle Law and Complete Delocalization for Wigner Random Matrices 2008 László Erdős
Benjamin Schlein
Horng‐Tzer Yau
+ PDF Around the circular law 2012 Charles Bordenave
Djalil Chafaï
+ PDF Invertibility of sparse non-Hermitian matrices 2017 Anirban Basak
Mark Rudelson
+ For most large underdetermined systems of equations, the minimal 𝓁<sub>1</sub>‐norm near‐solution approximates the sparsest near‐solution 2006 David L. Donoho
+ Volumes of sections of cubes and related problems 2006 Keith Ball
+ Uniform Uncertainty Principle for Bernoulli and Subgaussian Ensembles 2008 Shahar Mendelson
Alain Pajor
Nicole Tomczak-Jaegermann
+ Gelfand numbers of operators with values in a Hilbert space 1988 Bernd Carl
Alain Pajor
+ Probability in Banach Spaces: Isoperimetry and Processes 1991 Michel Ledoux
Michel Talagrand
+ Diameter of the Minkowski compactum is approximately equal to n 1981 E. D. Gluskin
+ PDF A new look at independence 1996 Michel Talagrand
+ PDF Concentration of the Spectral Measure for Large Matrices 2000 Alice Guionnet
Ofer Zeitouni
+ PDF Lower estimates for the singular values of random matrices 2006 Mark Rudelson
+ PDF Inequalities of Bernstein-Jackson-type and the degree of compactness of operators in Banach spaces 1985 Bernd Carl
+ PDF Chat Recent developments in non-asymptotic theory of random matrices 2014 Mark Rudelson
+ PDF From the Littlewood-Offord problem to the Circular Law: Universality of the spectral distribution of random matrices 2009 Terence Tao
Van Vu
+ PDF Spectral norm of products of random and deterministic matrices 2010 Roman Vershynin