Matthias Schwab


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Error Estimates for Data-driven Weakly Convex Frame-based Image Regularization 2024 Andrea Ebner
Matthias Schwab
Markus Haltmeier
+ PDF Chat Deep Gaussian mixture model for unsupervised image segmentation 2024 Matthias Schwab
Agnes Mayr
Markus Haltmeier
+ Surface topography characterization using a simple optical device and artificial neural networks 2023 Christoph Angermann
Markus Haltmeier
Christian Laubichler
Steinbjörn Jónsson
Matthias Schwab
Adéla Moravovå
Constantin Kiesling
Martin Kober
Wolfgang Fimml
+ Unsupervised Single-shot Depth Estimation using Perceptual Reconstruction 2022 Christoph Angermann
Matthias Schwab
Markus Haltmeier
Christian Laubichler
Steinbjörn Jónsson
+ PDF Chat Can Any Drug Be Repurposed for Cancer Treatment? A Systematic Assessment of the Scientific Literature 2021 Nicolai Stransky
Peter Ruth
Matthias Schwab
Markus Löffler
+ Novel models for the prediction of drug–gene interactions 2021 Denise TĂŒrk
Laura Maria Fuhr
Fatima Zahra Marok
Simeon RĂŒdesheim
Anna Luisa KĂŒhn
Dominik Selzer
Matthias Schwab
Thorsten Lehr
+ PDF Chat Simulation-Based Assessment of the Impact of Non-Adherence on Endoxifen Target Attainment in Different Tamoxifen Dosing Strategies 2021 Anna Mueller‐Schoell
Lena Klopp‐Schulze
Robin Michelet
Madelé van Dyk
Thomas E. MĂŒrdter
Matthias Schwab
Markus Joerger
Wilhelm Huisinga
Gerd Mikus
Charlotte Kloft
+ Erratum: Praxisrelevante pharmakogenetische Diagnostik zur Verbesserung der Arzneimitteltherapie 2021 Simon JĂ€ger
Severin Schricker
Roman Tremmel
Elke Schaeffeler
Matthias Schwab
+ Surface Topography Characterization Using a Simple Optical Device and Artificial Neural Networks 2021 Christoph Angermann
Markus Haltmeier
Christian Laubichler
Steinbjörn Jónsson
Matthias Schwab
Adéla Moravovå
Constantin Kiesling
Martin Kober
Wolfgang Fimml
+ PDF Chat Data Digitizing: Accurate and Precise Data Extraction for Quantitative Systems Pharmacology and Physiologically‐Based Pharmacokinetic Modeling 2020 Jan‐Georg Wojtyniak
Hannah Britz
Dominik Selzer
Matthias Schwab
Thorsten Lehr
+ Generating evidence for precision medicine: considerations made by the Ubiquitous Pharmacogenomics Consortium when designing and operationalizing the PREPARE study 2020 Cathelijne H. van der Wouden
Stefan Böhringer
Erika Cecchin
Ka-Chun Cheung
Cristina LucĂ­a DĂĄvila-Fajardo
Vera H.M. Deneer
Vita DolĆŸan
Magnus Ingelman‐Sundberg
Siv Jönsson
Mats O. Karlsson
+ Genetic variation in human drug-related genes 2017 Charlotta SchÀrfe
Roman Tremmel
Matthias Schwab
Oliver Kohlbacher
Debora S. Marks
+ PDF Chat Genetic variation in human drug-related genes 2017 Charlotta SchÀrfe
Roman Tremmel
Matthias Schwab
Oliver Kohlbacher
Debora S. Marks
+ PDF Chat Translational learning from clinical studies predicts drug pharmacokinetics across patient populations 2017 Markus Krauß
Ute Hofmann
Clemens Schafmayer
Svitlana Igel
Jan Schlender
Christian Mueller
Mario Brosch
Witigo von Schoenfels
Wiebke Erhart
Andreas Schuppert
+ Genetic variation in human drug-related genes 2017 Charlotta SchÀrfe
Roman Tremmel
Matthias Schwab
Oliver Kohlbacher
Debora S. Marks
+ PDF Chat Raman Fingerprints of Atomically Precise Graphene Nanoribbons 2016 Ivan Verzhbitskiy
Marzio De Corato
Alice Ruini
Elisa Molinari
Akimitsu Narita
Yunbin Hu
Matthias Schwab
Matteo Bruna
Duhee Yoon
S. Milana
+ PDF Chat Pharmacogenetic allele nomenclature: International workgroup recommendations for test result reporting 2015 LV Kalman
JosĂ© A. G. AgĂșndez
Malin Lindqvist Appell
J.H. Black
GC Bell
Sotiria Boukouvala
Carsten Bruckner
Elspeth A. Bruford
KE Caudle
SA Coulthard
+ PDF Chat A Meta-Analysis of CYP2D6 Metabolizer Phenotype and Metoprolol Pharmacokinetics 2013 Catherine Blake
E D Kharasch
Matthias Schwab
Peter NĂ€gele
+ PDF Chat Warfarin pharmacogenetics meets clinical use 2011 Matthias Schwab
Elke Schaeffeler
+ PDF Chat Systematic study of carrier correlations in the electron-hole recombination dynamics of quantum dots 2007 T. Berstermann
T. Auer
H. Kurtze
Matthias Schwab
D. R. Yakovlev
M. Bayer
Jan Wiersig
Christopher Gies
F. Jahnke
D. Reuter
+ PDF Chat Radiative emission dynamics of quantum dots in a single cavity micropillar 2006 Matthias Schwab
H. Kurtze
T. Auer
T. Berstermann
M. Bayer
Jan Wiersig
N. Baer
Christopher Gies
F. Jahnke
J.P. Reithmaier
+ PDF Chat Tailored quantum dots for entangled photon pair creation 2006 A. Greilich
Matthias Schwab
T. Berstermann
T. Auer
Ruth Oulton
D. R. Yakovlev
M. Bayer
V. Stavarache
D. Reuter
Andreas D. Wieck
+ PDF Chat Exciton lifetime in<mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:mrow><mml:mi>InAs</mml:mi><mml:mo>∕</mml:mo><mml:mi>GaAs</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:math>quantum dot molecules 2005 C. Bardot
Matthias Schwab
M. Bayer
S. Fafard
Z. R. Wasilewski
PaweƂ Hawrylak
+ PDF Chat Correlated photon-pair emission from a charged single quantum dot 2005 S. M. Ulrich
Mohamed Benyoucef
Peter Michler
N. Baer
P. GĂ€rtner
F. Jahnke
Matthias Schwab
H. Kurtze
M. Bayer
S. Fafard
+ Generalizability in epidemiology: an investigation within the context of heart failure studies 2004 B. A. Ange
James M. Symons
Matthias Schwab
Erik H. Howell
Alison S. Geyh
+ Comprehensive analysis of the genetic factors determining expression and function of hepatic CYP2D6 2001 Ulrich M. Zanger
Joachim E. Fischer
Sebastian Raimundo
Thomas StĂŒven
Bernd O. Evert
Matthias Schwab
Michel Eichelbaum
+ Algebraic Java classes for numerical optimization 1998 Matthias Schwab
Joel Schroeder
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Preemptive Clinical Pharmacogenetics Implementation: Current Programs in Five US Medical Centers 2014 Henry M. Dunnenberger
Kristine R. Crews
James M. Hoffman
Kelly E. Caudle
Ulrich Broeckel
Scott C. Howard
Robert J. Hunkler
Teri E. Klein
William E. Evans
Mary V. Relling
+ The CYP2D6 Activity Score: Translating Genotype Information into a Qualitative Measure of Phenotype 2007 Andrea Gaedigk
S.D. Simon
L. DiAnne Bradford
MJ Kennedy
JS Leeder
+ PDF Chat Mutation effects predicted from sequence co-variation 2017 Thomas A. Hopf
John Ingraham
Frank J. Poelwijk
Charlotta SchÀrfe
Michael Springer
Chris Sander
Debora S. Marks
+ Assessment of the predictive power of genotypes for the in-vivo catalytic function of CYP2D6 in a German population 1998 Ernst‐Ulrich Griese
Ulrich M. Zanger
Ulrich Brudermanns
Andrea Gaedigk
Gerd Mikus
Klaus M rike
Thomas St ven
Michel Eichelbaum
+ PDF Chat Why Has Model‐Informed Precision Dosing Not Yet Become Common Clinical Reality? Lessons From the Past and a Roadmap for the Future 2017 Adam S. Darwich
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Niloufar Marsousi
Youssef Daali
David Fairman
Jack Cook
Lawrence J. Lesko
+ Pharmacogenomics: Predicting Efficacy and Adverse Drug Reactions 2014 Munir Pirmohamed
+ PDF Chat Polarization-correlated photon pairs from a single quantum dot 2002 Charles Santori
David Fattal
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+ PDF Chat Electron spin coherence in semiconductors: Considerations for a spin-based solid-state quantum computer architecture 2003 Rogério de Sousa
S. Das Sarma
+ PDF Chat Adiabatic transfer of electrons in coupled quantum dots 2002 Tobias Brandes
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+ Pharmacogenomics and Individualized Medicine 2012 Anthony Y.H. Lu
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+ PDF Chat Zeeman Energy and Spin Relaxation in a One-Electron Quantum Dot 2003 Ronald Hanson
B. Witkamp
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+ Number needed to treat (NNT): estimation of a measure of clinical benefit 2001 Stephen D. Walter
+ PDF Chat Electron spin relaxation by nuclei in semiconductor quantum dots 2002 I. A. Merkulov
Al. L. Éfros
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+ PDF Chat Electron Spin Decoherence in Quantum Dots due to Interaction with Nuclei 2002 Alexander Khaetskii
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+ PDF Chat Implementation of Quantitative and Systems Pharmacology in Large Pharma 2014 Sandra A. G. Visser
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+ Inter-individual Variability of In Vivo CYP2D6 Activity in Different Genotypes 2012 Kƍji Chiba
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+ Integration not isolation: arguing the case for quantitative and systems pharmacology in drug discovery and development 2011 Balaji Agoram
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+ Estimation of population characteristics of pharmacokinetic parameters from routine clinical data 1977 Lewis B. Sheiner
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+ Blinding in randomised trials: hiding who got what 2002 Kenneth F. Schulz
David A. Grimes
+ Fundamentals of Population Pharmacokinetic Modelling 2012 Catherine M.T. Sherwin
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+ PDF Chat Interface Coupling in Twisted Multilayer Graphene by Resonant Raman Spectroscopy of Layer Breathing Modes 2015 Jiangbin Wu
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+ PDF Chat Basic Concepts in Population Modeling, Simulation, and Model‐Based Drug Development 2012 DR Mould
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+ PDF Chat Raman spectroscopy as a versatile tool for studying the properties of graphene 2013 Andrea C. Ferrari
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+ Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses: The PRISMA Statement 2009 David Moher
+ PDF Chat Tailored quantum dots for entangled photon pair creation 2006 A. Greilich
Matthias Schwab
T. Berstermann
T. Auer
Ruth Oulton
D. R. Yakovlev
M. Bayer
V. Stavarache
D. Reuter
Andreas D. Wieck
+ PDF Chat A Genome-Wide Association Study Confirms VKORC1, CYP2C9, and CYP4F2 as Principal Genetic Determinants of Warfarin Dose 2009 Fumihiko Takeuchi
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Pamela Whittaker
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Vasudev Kumanduri
William McLaren
+ Integration of high-throughput genotyping data into pharmacometric analyses using nonlinear mixed effects modeling 2010 Thorsten Lehr
H Schaefer
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+ PDF Chat Few-Particle Effects in Semiconductor Quantum Dots: Observation of Multicharged Excitons 2000 A. Hartmann
Y. Ducommun
E. Kapon
Ulrich Hohenester
Elisa Molinari
+ PDF Chat Quantifying Defects in Graphene via Raman Spectroscopy at Different Excitation Energies 2011 Luiz Gustavo Cançado
Ado JĂłrio
Erlon H. Martins Ferreira
Fernando Stavale
Carlos A. Achete
Rodrigo B. Capaz
Marcus V. O. Moutinho
Antonio Lombardo
Tero S. Kulmala
Andrea C. Ferrari
+ Problem of immortal time bias in cohort studies: example using statins for preventing progression of diabetes 2010 Linda E. LĂ©vesque
J. A Hanley
Abbas Kezouh
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+ PDF Chat Dephasing in Quantum Dots: Quadratic Coupling to Acoustic Phonons 2004 E. A. Muljarov
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+ Nonlinear models for repeated measurement data: An overview and update 2003 Marie Davidian
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+ PDF Chat Phonons and related crystal properties from density-functional perturbation theory 2001 Stefano Baroni
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+ PDF Chat Kohn Anomalies and Electron-Phonon Interactions in Graphite 2004 S. Piscanec
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+ PDF Chat A Systematic Evaluation of the Use of Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic Modeling for Cross-Species Extrapolation 2014 Christoph Thiel
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+ PDF Chat Direct Observation of Controlled Coupling in an Individual Quantum Dot Molecule 2005 Hubert J. Krenner
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+ PDF Chat Polarons in semiconductor quantum dots and their role in the quantum kinetics of carrier relaxation 2005 J. Seebeck
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+ Pharmacogenomics: “Noninferiority” Is Sufficient for Initial Implementation 2011 Russ B. Altman
+ Adherence beliefs among breast cancer patients taking tamoxifen 2004 Elizabeth A. Grunfeld
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+ PDF Chat Carrier-carrier correlations in an optically excited single semiconductor quantum dot 2000 E. Dekel
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E. Ehrenfreund
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+ Drug repositioning: identifying and developing new uses for existing drugs 2004 Ted T. Ashburn
Karl B. Thor
+ Prediction of Interindividual Variability in Pharmacokinetics for CYP3A4 Substrates in Humans 2010 Motohiro Kato
Kƍji Chiba
Takashi Ito
Toshiko Koue
Yuichi Sugiyama
+ PDF Chat Multiexciton Spectroscopy of a Single Self-Assembled Quantum Dot 1998 E. Dekel
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E. Ehrenfreund
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J. M. Garcı́a
P. M. Petroff
+ PDF Chat Photoluminescence of a single InAs quantum dot molecule under applied electric field 2002 I. Shtrichman
Claus Metzner
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+ Human cytochrome P450 (CYP) genes: recommendations for the nomenclature of alleles 2000 Magnus Ingelman‐Sundberg
Ann K. Daly
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+ PDF Chat Radiative emission dynamics of quantum dots in a single cavity micropillar 2006 Matthias Schwab
H. Kurtze
T. Auer
T. Berstermann
M. Bayer
Jan Wiersig
N. Baer
Christopher Gies
F. Jahnke
J.P. Reithmaier
+ PDF Chat Calculation of the Raman<i>G</i>peak intensity in monolayer graphene: role of Ward identities 2009 D. M. Basko
+ PDF Chat Spontaneous Emission Spectrum in Double Quantum Dot Devices 1998 T. Fujisawa
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+ PDF Chat Modeling and Simulation Workbench for NONMEM: Tutorial on Pirana, PsN, and Xpose 2013 RJ Keizer
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