Kirk Weller


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Transforming Tradition: From One Instructor to an Entire Department 2019 David M. McClendon
Kirk Weller
Jerome Charles Trouba
Sandra Kay Brigance
Michael Dekker
+ APOS Theory: Use of Computer Programs to Foster Mental Constructions and Student’s Creativity 2018 Draga Vidakovic
Ed Dubinsky
Kirk Weller
+ Preservice Teachers’ Understanding of the Relation Between a Fraction or Integer and its Decimal Expansion: The Case of and 1 2013 Ed Dubinsky
Ilana Arnon
Kirk Weller
+ The Teaching of Mathematics Using APOS Theory 2013 Ilana Arnon
Jim Cottrill
Ed Dubinsky
Asuman Oktaç
Solange Roa Fuentes
MarĂ­a Trigueros
Kirk Weller
+ From Piaget’s Theory to APOS Theory: Reflective Abstraction in Learning Mathematics and the Historical Development of APOS Theory 2013 Ilana Arnon
Jim Cottrill
Ed Dubinsky
Asuman Oktaç
Solange Roa Fuentes
MarĂ­a Trigueros
Kirk Weller
+ The APOS Paradigm for Research and Curriculum Development 2013 Ilana Arnon
Jim Cottrill
Ed Dubinsky
Asuman Oktaç
Solange Roa Fuentes
MarĂ­a Trigueros
Kirk Weller
+ Mental Structures and Mechanisms: APOS Theory and the Construction of Mathematical Knowledge 2013 Ilana Arnon
Jim Cottrill
Ed Dubinsky
Asuman Oktaç
Solange Roa Fuentes
MarĂ­a Trigueros
Kirk Weller
+ Genetic Decomposition 2013 Ilana Arnon
Jim Cottrill
Ed Dubinsky
Asuman Oktaç
Solange Roa Fuentes
MarĂ­a Trigueros
Kirk Weller
+ Preservice Teachers’ Understandings of the Relation Between a Fraction or Integer and Its Decimal Expansion: Strength and Stability of Belief 2011 Kirk Weller
Ilana Arnon
Ed Dubinsky
+ Step by step: Infinite iterative processes and actual infinity 2010 Anne Brown
M. McDonald
Kirk Weller
+ Preservice Teachers' Understanding of the Relation Between a Fraction or Integer and Its Decimal Expansion 2009 Kirk Weller
Ilana Arnon
Ed Dubinsky
+ A Search for a Constructivist Approach for Understanding the Uncountable Set P(N) 2008 Cindy Stenger
Kirk Weller
Ilana Arnon
Ed Dubinsky
Draga Vidakovic
+ Infinite Iterative Processes: The Tennis Ball Problem 2007 Kirk Weller
Cindy Stenger
Ed Dubinsky
Draga Vidakovic
+ Some Historical Issues and Paradoxes Regarding the Concept of Infinity: An Apos Analysis: Part 2 2005 Ed Dubinsky
Kirk Weller
M. McDonald
A. H. F. Brown
+ Some Historical Issues and Paradoxes Regarding the Concept of Infinity: An Apos-Based Analysis: Part 1 2005 Ed Dubinsky
Kirk Weller
M. McDonald
A. H. F. Brown
+ Uniform Convergence of a Sequence of Functions 2003 Joanne Snow
Kirk Weller
+ Experience with the Definition of the Limit of a Sequence 2003 Joanne Snow
Kirk Weller
+ Exploratory Examples for Real Analysis 2003 Joanne Snow
Kirk Weller
+ A vanishing theorem for generalized flag manifolds 1995 Dennis M. Snow
Kirk Weller
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Some Historical Issues and Paradoxes Regarding the Concept of Infinity: An Apos-Based Analysis: Part 1 2005 Ed Dubinsky
Kirk Weller
M. McDonald
A. H. F. Brown
+ Some Historical Issues and Paradoxes Regarding the Concept of Infinity: An Apos Analysis: Part 2 2005 Ed Dubinsky
Kirk Weller
M. McDonald
A. H. F. Brown
+ Preservice Teachers' Understanding of the Relation Between a Fraction or Integer and Its Decimal Expansion 2009 Kirk Weller
Ilana Arnon
Ed Dubinsky
+ Understanding the limit concept: Beginning with a coordinated process scheme 1996 Jim Cottrill
Ed Dubinsky
Devilyna Nichols
Keith Schwingendorf
Karen F. Thomas
Draga Vidakovic
+ Preservice Teachers’ Understandings of the Relation Between a Fraction or Integer and Its Decimal Expansion: Strength and Stability of Belief 2011 Kirk Weller
Ilana Arnon
Ed Dubinsky
+ APOS: A Constructivist Theory of Learning in Undergraduate Mathematics Education Research 2005 Ed Dubinsky
M. McDonald
+ The teaching and learning of mathematics at university level : an ICMI study 2001 Derek Holton
+ A Search for a Constructivist Approach for Understanding the Uncountable Set P(N) 2008 Cindy Stenger
Kirk Weller
Ilana Arnon
Ed Dubinsky
Draga Vidakovic
+ Humanities students and epistemological obstacles related to limits 1987 Anna Sierpińska
+ A framework for research and curriculum development in undergraduate mathematics education 1996 Mark Asiala
A. H. F. Brown
David J. DeVries
Ed Dubinsky
David M. Mathews
Karen F. Thomas
+ Learning binary operations, groups, and subgroups 1997 A. H. F. Brown
David J. DeVries
Ed Dubinsky
Karen F. Thomas
+ Advanced Mathematical Thinking 1991 Annie Selden
Tommy Dreyfus
In P. Nesher
J. Kilpatrick
+ Finite and infinite sets: definitions and intuitions 1999 Dina Tirosh
+ Is 0.999… = 1? 1999 Fred Richman
+ None 2001 Joanna Mαμονα-Dοwns
+ The journal of mathematical behavior 2000 3
+ On fractions and non-standard representations: Pre-service teachers' concepts 1994 Helen Adi Khoury
Rina Zazkis
+ PDF Chat Geometrical representations in the learning of two-variable functions 2009 MarĂ­a Trigueros
Rafael MartĂ­nez-Planell
+ Where Mathematics Comes From 2000 George Lakoff
Rafael Núñez
+ On the dual nature of mathematical conceptions: Reflections on processes and objects as different sides of the same coin 1991 Anna Sfard
+ PDF Chat None 2001 David Tall
+ Infinite Iterative Processes: The Tennis Ball Problem 2007 Kirk Weller
Cindy Stenger
Ed Dubinsky
Draga Vidakovic
+ Preservice Teachers Ordering of Decimal Numbers: When More Is Smaller and Less Is Larger!. 1995 Ian Putt
+ PDF Chat A coloured window on pre-service teachers’ conceptions of rational numbers 2006 Nathalie Sinclair
Peter Liljedahl
Rina Zazkis
+ Uniform convergence of a singular perturbation problem 1995 Luis Caffarelli
Antonio CordĂłba
+ Conceptual Bases of Arithmetic Errors: The Case of Decimal Fractions 1989 Lauren Î’. Resnick
Pearla Nesher
François Léonard
Maria E. Magone
Susan F. Omanson
Irit Peled
+ PDF Chat None 2001 David Tall
Dina Tirosh
+ None 2001 John Monaghan
+ None 2001 Efraim Fischbein
+ The Transition from Comparison of Finite to the Comparison of Infinite Sets: Teaching Prospective Teachers 1999 Pessia Tsamir
+ Why it is important for in-service elementary mathematics teachers to understand the equality .999…=1 2011 David A. Yopp
Elizabeth A. Burroughs
Brian Lindaman
+ Infinity: A Cognitive Challenge 1994 Ruma Falk
+ Pre-service teachers’ mathematical reasoning as an imperative for codified conceptual pedagogy in algebra: a case study in teacher education 2004 Belinda de Castro
+ The Child's Conception of Number 1953 E. A. Peel
J. Piaget
+ Intermediate teachers’ knowledge of rational number concepts 1988 Thomas R. Post
Guershon Harel
Merlyn J. Behr
Richard Lesh
+ Models of Limit Held by College Calculus Students 1991 Steven R. Williams
+ Surprises from Mathematics Education Research: Student (Mis)use of Mathematical Definitions 2004 Barbara Edwards
Michael B. Ward
+ Hilbert on the Infinite: The Role of Set Theory in the Evolution of Hilbert's Thought 2002 Gregory Moore
+ Research in Collegiate Mathematics Education. I 1994 Shandy Hauk
Chris Rasmussen
Nicole Engelke Infante
Elise Lockwood
Michelle Zandieh
Stacy Brown
Yvonne Lai
Pao sheng Hsu
+ Research in Collegiate Mathematics Education. II 1996 James J. Kaput
Alan H. Schoenfeld
Ed Dubinsky
Thomas P. Dick
+ Intuitions and Schemata in Mathematical Reasoning 1999 Efraim Fischbein
+ Models of Limit Held by College Calculus Students 1991 Steven R. Williams
+ Representing and defining irrational numbers: Exposing the missing link 2010 Rina Zazkis
Natasa Sirotic
+ PDF Chat Some geometric and analytic properties of homogeneous complex manifolds: Part II: Deformation and bundle theory 1963 Phillip Griffiths
+ PDF Chat Pengembangan Metode Problem Based Learning Melalui Permainan Engklek Untuk Meningkatkan Thinking Math Peserta Didik Ma Global School 2018 Asep Sahrudin
Trisnawati Trisnawati
+ Infinite processes in elementary mathematics How much should we tell the children? 1985 Tony Gardiner
+ Théorèmes d'annulation pour les fibrés associés à un fibré ample 1992 Laurent Manivel
+ Prospective Teachers’ Understanding of Decimals with Single Repeating Digits 2010 Elizabeth A. Burroughs
David A. Yopp
+ Linear Algebraic Groups 1991 Armand Borel
+ PDF Chat Notices of the American Mathematical Society 2012 1