Casim Abbas


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Holomorphic Curves and Global Questions in Contact Geometry 2019 Casim Abbas
Helmut Hofer
+ Finite Energy Planes and Periodic Orbits 2019 Casim Abbas
Helmut Hofer
+ Bubbling-off in Families of Pseudoholomorphic Disks 2019 Casim Abbas
Helmut Hofer
+ Disk Filling Methods and Applications 2019 Casim Abbas
Helmut Hofer
+ Intersection Theory for Pseudoholomorphic Disks 2019 Casim Abbas
Helmut Hofer
+ Surfaces in Three Dimensional Contact Manifolds 2019 Casim Abbas
Helmut Hofer
+ Local Existence and Global Uniqueness Results 2019 Casim Abbas
Helmut Hofer
+ Properties of Pseudoholomorphic Curves 2019 Casim Abbas
Helmut Hofer
+ An Introduction to Contact Geometry 2019 Casim Abbas
Helmut Hofer
+ The SFT Compactness Results 2014 Casim Abbas
+ Riemann Surfaces 2014 Casim Abbas
+ Pseudoholomorphic Curves 2014 Casim Abbas
+ An Introduction to Compactness Results in Symplectic Field Theory 2014 Casim Abbas
+ PDF Chat Holomorphic open book decompositions 2011 Casim Abbas
+ PDF Chat The Weinstein conjecture for planar contact structures in dimension three 2005 Casim Abbas
Kai Cieliebak
Helmut Hofer
+ The Weinstein Conjecture for Planar Contact Structures in Dimension Three 2004 Casim Abbas
Kai Cieliebak
Helmut Hofer
+ Pseudoholomorphic strips in symplectisations I: Asymptotic behavior 2004 Casim Abbas
+ PDF Chat Pseudoholomorphic strips in symplecticisations III: Embedding properties and compactness 2004 Casim Abbas
+ The Chord Problem and a new method of filling by pseudoholomorphic curves 2004 Casim Abbas
+ Pseudoholomorphic strips in symplectisations I: Asymptotic behavior Bandes pseudo-holomorphes en symplectisations I: comportement asymptotique 2004 Casim Abbas
+ The Weinstein Conjecture for Planar Contact Structures in Dimension Three 2004 Casim Abbas
Kai Cieliebak
Helmut Hofer
+ Pseudoholomorphic strips in symplectizations II: Fredholm theory and transversality 2003 Casim Abbas
+ PDF Chat Bandes pseudo-holomorphes en symplectisations I : comportement asymptotique 2003 Casim Abbas
+ Pseudoholomorphic strips in Symplectisations III: Embedding properties and Compactness 2003 Casim Abbas
+ Pseudoholomorphic strips in symplectisations III: Embeding properties and compactness 2003 Casim Abbas
+ Pseudoholomorphic Strips in Symplectisations II: Fredholm theory and Transversality 2002 Casim Abbas
+ Finite energy surfaces and the chord problem 1999 Casim Abbas
+ None 1999 Casim Abbas
+ Asymptotic behaviour of pseudoholomorphic half-planes in symplectisations 1997 Casim Abbas
Common Coauthors
Coauthor Papers Together
Helmut Hofer 12
Kai Cieliebak 3
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Pseudoholomorphic curves in symplectizations with applications to the Weinstein conjecture in dimension three 1993 Helmut Hofer
+ Finite energy surfaces and the chord problem 1999 Casim Abbas
+ First steps in symplectic topology 1986 Vladimir I. Arnold
+ PDF Chat Properties of pseudoholomorphic curves in symplectisations I: Asymptotics 1996 Helmut Hofer
Krzysztof Wysocki
Eduard Zehnder
+ Pseudoholomorphic strips in Symplectisations III: Embedding properties and Compactness 2003 Casim Abbas
+ Singular Integrals and Differentiability Properties of Functions. 1971 Elias M. Stein
+ PDF Chat Holomorphic Disks and the Chord Conjecture 2001 Klaus Mohnke
+ A note on the existence of multiple brake orbits 1993 Antonio Ambrosetti
Vieri Benci
Yiming Long
+ PDF Chat Compactness results in Symplectic Field Theory 2003 Frédéric Bourgeois
Yakov Eliashberg
Helmut Hofer
Kris Wysocki
Eduard Zehnder
+ The Dynamics on Three-Dimensional Strictly Convex Energy Surfaces 1998 Helmut Hofer
Krzysztof Wysocki
Eduard Zehnder
+ Pseudoholomorphic strips in symplectizations II: Fredholm theory and transversality 2003 Casim Abbas
+ Symplectic manifolds and their lagrangian submanifolds 1971 Alan Weinstein
+ Pseudoholomorphic Strips in Symplectisations II: Fredholm theory and Transversality 2002 Casim Abbas
+ Pseudo holomorphic curves in symplectic manifolds 1985 M. Gromov
+ PDF Chat Introduction to Symplectic Field Theory 2000 Yakov Eliashberg
A. Glvental
Helmut Hofer
+ PDF Chat Contact 3-manifolds twenty years since J. Martinet's work 1992 Yakov Eliashberg
+ The Chord Problem and a new method of filling by pseudoholomorphic curves 2004 Casim Abbas
+ PDF Chat Existence of multiple normal mode trajectories on convex energy surfaces of even, classical Hamiltonian systems 1985 Embrecht W.C. van Groesen
+ On the hypotheses of Rabinowitz' periodic orbit theorems 1979 Alan Weinstein
+ Holomorphic Curves and Global Questions in Contact Geometry 2019 Casim Abbas
Helmut Hofer
+ PDF Chat Elliptic Partial Differential Equations of Second Order 2001 David Gilbarg
Neil S. Trudinger
+ Lectures on Symplectic Manifolds 1977 Alan Weinstein
+ None 1999 Casim Abbas
+ Pseudoholomorphic strips in symplectisations I: Asymptotic behavior 2004 Casim Abbas
+ Singularities of $J$ -holomorphic curves 1997 Jean-Claude Sikorav
+ PDF Chat An elementary proof of the existence of isothermal parameters on a surface 1955 Shiing-Shen Chern
+ PDF Chat The local behaviour of holomorphic curves in almost complex 4-manifolds 1991 Dusa McDuff
+ Properties of Pseudo-Holomorphic Curves in Symplectisations II: Embedding Controls and Algebraic Invariants 1995 Helmut Hofer
Krzysztof Wysocki
Eduard Zehnder
+ Properties of Pseudoholomorphic Curves in Symplectizations III: Fredholm Theory 1999 Helmut Hofer
Krzysztof Wysocki
Eduard Zehnder
+ Holomorphic Curves and Real Three-Dimensional Dynamics 2000 Helmut Hofer
+ A characterisation of the tight three-sphere 1995 Helmut Hofer
Krzysztof Wysocki
Eduard Zehnder
+ Filling by holomorphic discs and its applications 1991 Yakov Eliashberg
+ None 2004 John B. Etnyre
+ Differential Topology 1976 Morris W. Hirsch
+ Properties of pseudo-holomorphic curves in symplectisations II: Embedding controls and algebraic invariants 1995 Helmut Hofer
Krzysztof Wysocki
Eduard Zehnder
+ đœ-holomorphic Curves and Symplectic Topology 2004 Dusa McDuff
Dietmar Salamon
+ Singularities ofJ-holomorphic curves in almost complex 4-manifolds 1992 Dusa McDuff
+ An Introduction to Compactness Results in Symplectic Field Theory 2014 Casim Abbas
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic behaviour of holomorphic strips 2001 Joel W. Robbin
Dietmar Salamon
+ PDF Chat Morse theory for Lagrangian intersections 1988 Andreas Floer
+ PDF Chat Lusternik-Schnirelman-theory for Lagrangian intersections 1988 Helmut Hofer
+ Géométrie de contact: de la dimension trois vers les dimensions supérieures 2003 Emmanuel Giroux
+ PDF Chat Finite energy foliations of tight three-spheres and Hamiltonian dynamics 2003 Helmut Hofer
Kris Wysocki
Eduard Zehnder
+ Gromov’s Compactness Theorem for Pseudo-holomorphic Curves 1997 Christoph Hummel
+ PDF Chat Symplectic invariants and Hamiltonian dynamics 1995 Helmut Hofer
Eduard Zehnder
+ Fredholm theory and transversality for noncompact pseudoholomorphic mapsin symplectizations 2004 Dragomir Dragnev
+ The Existence of Minimal Immersions of 2-Spheres 1981 J. Sacks
Karen Uhlenbeck
+ PDF Chat Introduction to symplectic topology 2006 Dusa McDuff
+ The Structure of Branch Points in Minimal Surfaces and in Pseudoholomorphic Curves 1995 Mario Micallef
Brian White
+ PDF Chat Handle attaching in symplectic homology and the Chord Conjecture 2002 Kai Cieliebak