Emre Coşkun


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Ulrich trichotomy on del Pezzo surfaces 2023 Emre Coşkun
Ozhan Genc
+ PDF Chat Instanton Bundles on the Blowup of the Projective 3-Space at a Point 2020 Gianfranco Casnati
Emre Coşkun
Ozhan Genc
Francesco Malaspina
+ Ulrich Trichotomy on del Pezzo surfaces 2020 Emre Coşkun
Ozhan Genc
+ Ulrich bundles on Veronese surfaces 2017 Emre Coşkun
Ozhan Genc
+ A Survey of Ulrich Bundles 2017 Emre Coşkun
+ Ulrich Bundles on Veronese surfaces 2016 Emre Coşkun
Ozhan Genc
+ The period-index problem of the canonical gerbe of symplectic and orthogonal bundles 2015 Indranil Biswas
Emre Coşkun
Ajneet Dhillon
+ Ulrich Bundles on Quartic Surfaces with Picard Number 1 2013 Emre Coşkun
+ PDF Chat Ulrich bundles on quartic surfaces with Picard number 1 2013 Emre Coşkun
+ Ulrich Bundles on Quartic Surfaces with Picard Number 1 2013 Emre Coşkun
+ The geometry of Ulrich bundles on del Pezzo surfaces 2012 Emre Coşkun
Rajesh S. Kulkarni
Yusuf Mustopa
+ PDF Chat On representations of Clifford algebras of Ternary cubic forms 2012 Emre Coşkun
Rajesh Kulkarni
Yusuf Mustopa
+ PDF Chat Pfaffian quartic surfaces and representations of Clifford algebras 2012 Emre Coşkun
Rajesh S. Kulkarni
Yusuf Mustopa
+ Pfaffian quartic surfaces and representations of Clifford algebras 2011 Emre Coşkun
Rajesh S. Kulkarni
Yusuf Mustopa
+ Representations of Clifford algebras of ternary quartic forms 2011 Emre Coşkun
Rajesh S. Kulkarni
Yusuf Mustopa
+ On representations of Clifford algebras of ternary cubic forms 2011 Emre Coşkun
Rajesh S. Kulkarni
Yusuf Mustopa
+ Pfaffian quartic surfaces and representations of Clifford algebras 2011 Emre Coşkun
Rajesh S. Kulkarni
Yusuf Mustopa
+ PDF Chat The Fine Moduli Space of Representations of Clifford Algebras 2010 Emre Coşkun
+ The Period-Index Problem of the Canonical Gerbe of Symplectic and Orthogonal Bundles 2010 Indranil Biswas
Emre Coşkun
Ajneet Dhillon
+ The Period-Index Problem of the Canonical Gerbe of Symplectic and Orthogonal Bundles 2010 Indranil Biswas
Emre Coşkun
Ajneet Dhillon
+ The Fine Moduli Space of Representations of Clifford Algebras 2009 Emre Coşkun
+ On Nori's Obstruction to Universal Bundles 2009 Emre Coşkun
Ajneet Dhillon
Nicole Lemire
+ The Fine Moduli Space of Representations of Clifford Algebras 2009 Emre Coşkun
+ PDF Chat An Effective Algorithm for Euler System in a Class of Discontinuous Functions 1999 M. Rasulov
Emre Coşkun
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Resultants and Chow forms via exterior syzygies 2003 David Eisenbud
Frank–Olaf Schreyer
Jerzy Weyman
+ Linearisations of binary and ternary forms 1987 Michel Van den Bergh
+ PDF Chat On representations of Clifford algebras of Ternary cubic forms 2012 Emre Coşkun
Rajesh Kulkarni
Yusuf Mustopa
+ STABLE ULRICH BUNDLES 2012 Marta Casanellas
Robin Hartshorne
Florian Geiß
Frank–Olaf Schreyer
+ The geometry of Ulrich bundles on del Pezzo surfaces 2012 Emre Coşkun
Rajesh S. Kulkarni
Yusuf Mustopa
+ PDF Chat Maximally generated Cohen-Macaulay modules. 1987 Joseph P. Brennan
Jürgen Herzog
Benjamin J. Ulrich
+ Matrix factorizations of homogeneous polynomials 1988 Jörgen Backelin
Jürgen Herzog
Herbert Sanders
+ PDF Chat Geometry of Algebraic Curves 1985 Enrico Arbarello
Maurizio Cornalba
P. A. Griffiths
Joseph Harris
+ The Minimal Resolution Conjecture 1993 Anna Lorenzini
+ Divisors on and the minimal resolution conjecture for points on canonical curves 2003 Gavril Farkas
Mihnea Popa
+ PDF Chat Pfaffian quartic surfaces and representations of Clifford algebras 2012 Emre Coşkun
Rajesh S. Kulkarni
Yusuf Mustopa
+ Stable Ulrich bundles 2011 Marta Casanellas
Robin Hartshorne
+ The Geometry of Moduli Spaces of Sheaves 2010 Daniel Huybrechts
Manfred Lehn
+ Gorenstein rings and modules with high numbers of generators 1984 Bernd Ulrich
+ n-dimensional Fano varieties of wild representation type 2010 Rosa M. Miró-Roig Joan Pons-Llopis
+ PDF Chat Determinantal hypersurfaces. 2000 Arnaud Beauville
+ Vector Bundles on Complex Projective Spaces 1980 Christian Okonek
Michael Schneider
Heinz Spindler
+ Rank 2 arithmetically Cohen–Macaulay bundles on a nonsingular cubic surface 2007 Daniele Faenzi
+ On the Clifford algebra of a binary form 2003 Rajesh S. Kulkarni
+ PDF Chat Commutative algebra with a view toward algebraic geometry 1996 David Eisenbud
+ Rank 2 arithmetically Cohen‐Macaulay bundles on a general quintic surface 2009 Luca Chiantini
Daniele Faenzi
+ PDF Chat n-Dimensional Fano varieties of wild representation type 2014 Rosa M. Miró-Roig
Joan Pons-Llopis
+ Simple sheaves versus stable sheaves on algebraic surfaces 1992 Zhenbo Qin
+ Algebraic Families on an Algebraic Surface 1968 John Fogarty
+ A complex hyperbolic structure for the moduli space of curves of genus three 2000 Shigeyuki Kondō
+ Rings with polynomial identities 1973 Claudio Procesi
+ PDF Chat Green’s conjecture for curves on arbitrary <i>K</i>3 surfaces 2011 Marian Aprodu
Gavril Farkas
+ On Azumaya algebras arising from Clifford algebras 1988 Darrell Haile
Steven Tesser
+ Éléments de géométrie algébrique 1964 Alexandre Grothendieck
+ On Nori's Obstruction to Universal Bundles 2009 Emre Coşkun
Ajneet Dhillon
Nicole Lemire
+ PDF Chat Rank two aCM bundles on the del Pezzo threefold of degree 7 2016 Gianfranco Casnati
Matej Filip
Francesco Malaspina
+ The cone of curves of a K3 surface 1994 Sándor J. Kovács
+ PDF Chat The Fine Moduli Space of Representations of Clifford Algebras 2010 Emre Coşkun
+ On the Clifford Algebra of a Binary Cubic Form 1984 Darrell Haile
+ The Book of Involutions 1998 Max-Albert Knus
Alexander Merkurjev
Markus Rost
Jean-Pierre Tignol
+ Lectures on Division Algebras 1999 David J. Saltman
+ PDF Chat Twisted sheaves and the period-index problem 2008 Max Lieblich
+ On central division algebras 1972 S. A. Amitsur
+ Symplectic structure of the moduli space of sheaves on an abelian or K3 surface 1984 Shigeru Mukai
+ PDF Chat Groupe de Picard des variétés de modules de fibrés semi-stables sur les courbes algébriques 1989 Jean–Marc Drézet
M. S. Narasimhan
+ PDF Chat Brill-Noether-Petri without degenerations 1986 Robert Lazarsfeld
+ The Geometry of Schemes 2000 David Eisenbud
Joe Harris
+ The Geometry of Moduli Spaces of Sheaves 1997 Daniel Huybrechts
Manfred Lehn
+ Moduli for principal bundles over algebraic curves: II 1996 A. Ramanathan
+ The center of the generic division algebra 1989 Michel Van den Bergh
+ Positivity in Algebraic Geometry I 2004 Robert Lazarsfeld
+ PDF Chat Rank two aCM bundles on the del Pezzo fourfold of degree 6 and its general hyperplane section 2017 Gianfranco Casnati
Daniele Faenzi
Francesco Malaspina
+ Moduli spaces for principal bundles in arbitrary characteristic 2008 Tomás L. Gómez
Adrián Langer
Alexander Schmitt
Ignacio Sols
+ PDF Chat Poincaré families and automorphisms of principal bundles on a curve 2009 Indranil Biswas
Norbert Hoffmann
+ Chamber structures of algebraic surfaces with Kodaira dimension zero and moduli spaces of stable rank two bundles 1991 Zhenbo Qin