P. C. B. Lam


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Optimal bound for survival time of the SIRS process on star graphs 2024 P. C. B. Lam
Hoi H. Nguyen
Iuan‐Jou Yang
+ LSTM-based Deep Neural Network With A Focus on Sentence Representation for Sequential Sentence Classification in Medical Scientific Abstracts 2024 P. C. B. Lam
Lam Pham
Tin Nguyen
Hieu Tang
Michael Seidl
Medina Andreşel
Alexander Schindler
+ PDF Chat Deepfake Audio Detection Using Spectrogram-based Feature and Ensemble of Deep Learning Models 2024 Lam Pham
P. C. B. Lam
Truong Thanh Nguyen
Huyen Nguyen
Alexander Schindler
+ PDF Chat A Comprehensive Survey with Critical Analysis for Deepfake Speech Detection 2024 Lam Pham
P. C. B. Lam
Tin Nguyen
Hieu Tang
Huyen Nguyen
Alexander Schindler
Canh Vu
+ PDF Chat Towards Unsupervised Speaker Diarization System for Multilingual Telephone Calls Using Pre-trained Whisper Model and Mixture of Sparse Autoencoders 2024 P. C. B. Lam
Lam Pham
Tin Nguyen
Thinh Pham
Loi Khanh Nguyen
Alexander Schindler
+ PDF Chat Deepfake Audio Detection Using Spectrogram-based Feature and Ensemble of Deep Learning Models 2024 Lam Pham
P. C. B. Lam
Truong Thanh Nguyen
Huyen Nguyen
Alexander Schindler
+ PDF Chat A Toolchain for Comprehensive Audio/Video Analysis Using Deep Learning Based Multimodal Approach (A use case of riot or violent context detection) 2024 Lam Pham
P. C. B. Lam
Tin Nguyen
Hieu Tang
Alexander Schindler
+ PDF Chat The Impact of Frequency Bands on Acoustic Anomaly Detection of Machines using Deep Learning Based Model 2024 Tin Nguyen
Lam Pham
P. C. B. Lam
Dat Ngo
Hieu Tang
Alexander Schindler
+ PDF Chat LSTM-based Deep Neural Network With A Focus on Sentence Representation for Sequential Sentence Classification in Medical Scientific Abstracts 2024 P. C. B. Lam
Lam Pham
Tin Nguyen
Hieu Tang
S. Beauchamp Michael
Alexander Schindler
+ None 2004 Dan Archdeacon
Joanna A. Ellis-Monaghan
David Fisher
Dalibor Fronček
P. C. B. Lam
Suzanne M. Seager
Bing Wei
Raphael Yuster
+ Some remarks on domination 2004 Dan Archdeacon
Joanna A. Ellis-Monaghan
David Fisher
Dalibor Fronček
P. C. B. Lam
Suzanne M. Seager
Bing Wei
Raphael Yuster
+ Some suffcient conditions for a planar graph to be class 1 1999 P. C. B. Lam
Wai Chee Shiu
Jianliang Wu
+ Knight's tour on hexagonal nets 1999 P. C. B. Lam
Wai Chee Shiu
H L Cheng
+ Edge-magic index set of (p; p)-graphs 1999 Wai Chee Shiu
P. C. B. Lam
Sin-Min Lee
+ Edge game coloring of graphs 1999 P. C. B. Lam
Wai Chee Shiu
Bing Xu
+ Wiener number of hexagonal jagged-rectangles 1997 Wai Chee Shiu
C.S. Tong
P. C. B. Lam
+ Duality in the bandwidth problem 1997 P. C. B. Lam
Wai Chee Shiu
Yan-ting Lam
+ Wiener number of some polycyclic graphs 1997 Wai Chee Shiu
C.S. Tong
P. C. B. Lam
+ Szeged Indices of Benzenoid Hydrocarbons 1996 Iván Gutman
G. Dömötör
P. C. B. Lam
Wai Chee Shiu
Luka Č. Popović
+ Wiener number of hexagonal parallelograms 1996 Wai Chee Shiu
P. C. B. Lam
Iván Gutman
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Small transversals in hypergraphs 1992 Vasek Chv�tal
C. McDiarmid
+ On a new graph invariant and a criterion for planarity 1993 Yves Colin de Verdìère
+ On Monochromatic-Rainbow Generalizations of Two Ramsey Type Theorems. 2003 Arie Bialostocki
William Voxman
+ Some arithmetical restatements of the Four Color Conjecture 2001 Yuri Matiyasevich
+ Szeged Indices of Benzenoid Hydrocarbons 1996 Iván Gutman
G. Dömötör
P. C. B. Lam
Wai Chee Shiu
Luka Č. Popović
+ Proof of a conjecture on cycles in a bipartite graph 1999 Hong Wang
+ None 2003 Dominique Bénard
A. Bouchet
R. Bruce Richter
+ On Hamiltonian bipartite graphs 1963 J. W. Moon
Leo Moser
+ A Note on Graph Colorings and Graph Polynomials 1997 Noga Alon
Michael Tarsi
+ None 2003 Yoshimi Egawa
Hikoe Enomoto
Ralph J. Faudree
Hao Li
Ingo Schiermeyer
+ Biclosure and bistability in a balanced bipartite graph 1995 Denise Amar
Odile Favaron
Pedro J. Mago
Óscar Ordaz
+ Cycles in 2-Factors of Balanced Bipartite Graphs 2000 Guantao Chen
Ralph J. Faudree
Ronald J. Gould
Michael S. Jacobson
Linda Lesniak
+ On the sum of all distances in composite graphs 1994 Yeong‐Nan Yeh
Iván Gutman
+ Perfect couples of graphs 1992 János Körner
Gábor Simonyi
Zsolt Tuza
+ Degree conditions for 2-factors 1997 Stephan Brandt
Guantao Chen
Ralph J. Faudree
Ronald J. Gould
Linda Lesniak
+ Wiener numbers of random benzenoid chains 1990 Iván Gutman
John W. Kennedy
Louis V. Quintas
+ Some Algebraic Methods for Calculating the Number of Colorings of a Graph 2004 Yu. V. Matiyasevich
+ Influence of Interatomic Forces on Paraffin Properties 1947 Harry Wiener
+ PDF Chat Topological Resonance Energy of Very Large Benzenoid Hydrocarbons 1981 Iván Gutman
+ PDF Chat An algebraic approach to the planar coloring problem 1993 Kauffmann
Hubert Saleur
+ The bandwidth problem for graphs and matrices—a survey 1982 Phyllis Zweig Chinn
Jarmila Chvátalová
A. K. Dewdney
Norman E. Gibbs
+ On the Existence of Disjoint Cycles in a Graph 1998 Hikoe Enomoto
+ None 1999 Katherine Heinrich
Jiping Liu
Min‐Li Yu
+ Vertex-Disjoint Cycles Containing Specified Edges 2000 Yoshimi Egawa
Ralph J. Faudree
Ervin Győri
Yoshiyasu Ishigami
R. H. Schelp
Hong Wang
+ Wiener matrix: Source of novel graph invariants 1993 Mirjana Randić
Xiaofeng Guo
T. Oxley
H. K. Krishnapriyan
+ The spherical genus and virtually planar graphs 1988 Seiya Negami
+ Covering a graph with cycles passing through given edges 1997 Hong Wang
+ Graphs of unbranched hexagonal systems with equal values of the wiener index and different numbers of rings 1992 Andrey A. Dobrynin
+ In abstrakten Graphen vorhandene vollständige 4‐Graphen und ihre Unterteilungen 1960 G. A. Dirac
+ Graph Minors. XX. Wagner's conjecture 2004 Neil Robertson
Paul Seymour
+ Optimal numberings and isoperimetric problems on graphs 1966 L. H. Harper
+ Wiener numbers of benzenoid hydrocarbons: two theorems 1987 Iván Gutman
+ Number of Kekulé structures of hexagon-shaped benzenoids 1988 Olga Bodroža
Iván Gutman
S. J. Cyvín
Ratko Tošić
+ The Wiener number of the hexagonal net 1997 Wai Chee Shiu
Peter Che Bor Lam
+ Planar graph coloring with an uncooperative partner 1994 H. A. Kierstead
W. T. Trotter
+ Generating Internally Four-Connected Graphs 2002 Thor Johnson
Robin Thomas
+ Star chromatic number 1988 Andrew Vince
+ Novel molecular descriptor for structure—property studies 1993 Milan Randić
+ Graph Theory and Probability 2009 P. Erdős
+ Thirteen Colorful Variations on Guthrie's Four-Color Conjecture 1972 Thomas L. Saaty
+ Spin Networks, Topology and Discrete Physics 1994 Louis H. Kauffman
+ PDF Chat A remark on a problem of Harary 1970 Václav Chvátal
+ Covering a bipartite graph with cycles passing through given edges. 1999 Hong Wang
+ Chemical Graph Theory 2018 Nenad Trinajstić
+ Wiener number of hexagonal parallelograms 1996 Wai Chee Shiu
P. C. B. Lam
Iván Gutman
+ Lambda composition 1997 Kathie Cameron
Jack Edmonds
+ Some recent results in the theory of the Wiener number 1993 Iván Gutman
Yeong‐Nan Yeh
Shyi‐Long Lee
Yeung-Long Luo
+ Wiener number of some polycyclic graphs 1997 Wai Chee Shiu
C.S. Tong
P. C. B. Lam
+ Anti-Ramsey theorems 1975 Pál Erdös
Miklós Simonovits
Vera T. Sós
+ SpeechBrain: A General-Purpose Speech Toolkit 2021 Titouan Parcollet
Mirco Ravanelli
Peter Plantinga
Aku Rouhe
Samuele Cornell
Loren Lugosch
Cem Subakan
Nauman Dawalatabad
Abdelwahab Heba
Jianyuan Zhong