Mariano Santander


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Superintegrability on the three-dimensional spaces with curvature. Oscillator-related and Kepler-related systems on the sphere S <sup>3</sup> and on the hyperbolic space H <sup>3</sup> 2021 José F. Cariñena
Manuel F. Rañada
Mariano Santander
+ Superintegrability on the 3-dimensional spaces with curvature. Oscillator-related and Kepler-related systems on the Sphere $S^3$ and on the Hyperbolic space $H^3$ 2021 José F. Cariñena
Manuel F. Rañada
Mariano Santander
+ Superintegrability of 3-dimensional Hamiltonian systems with conformally Euclidean metrics. Oscillator-related and Kepler-related systems 2021 José F. Cariñena
Manuel F. Rañada
Mariano Santander
+ PDF Chat Cayley--Klein Poisson Homogeneous Spaces 2019 Francisco J. Herranz
Ángel Ballesteros
Iván Gutiérrez-Sagredo
Mariano Santander
+ PDF Chat Quantization of Hamiltonian systems with a position dependent mass: Killing vector fields and Noether momenta approach 2017 José F. Cariñena
Manuel F. Rañada
Mariano Santander
+ PDF Chat A new look at the Feynman ‘hodograph’ approach to the Kepler first law 2016 José F. Cariñena
Manuel F. Rañada
Mariano Santander
+ PDF Chat Spectrum generating algebra for the continuous spectrum of a free particle in Lobachevski space 2013 M. Gadella
J. Negro
G. P. Pronko
Mariano Santander
+ PDF Chat The quantum free particle on spherical and hyperbolic spaces: A curvature dependent approach. II 2012 José F. Cariñena
Manuel F. Rañada
Mariano Santander
+ PDF Chat Curvature-dependent formalism, Schrödinger equation and energy levels for the harmonic oscillator on three-dimensional spherical and hyperbolic spaces 2012 José F. Cariñena
Manuel F. Rañada
Mariano Santander
+ PDF Chat The quantum free particle on spherical and hyperbolic spaces: A curvature dependent approach 2011 José F. Cariñena
Manuel F. Rañada
Mariano Santander
+ PDF Chat Spectrum generating algebras for the free motion in <i>S</i>3 2011 M. Gadella
J. Negro
L. M. Nieto
G. P. Pronko
Mariano Santander
+ PDF Chat A new proof of the higher-order superintegrability of a noncentral oscillator with inversely quadratic nonlinearities 2010 Manuel F. Rañada
Miguel Á. Rodríguez
Mariano Santander
+ PDF Chat Classical and quantum integrability in 3D systems 2008 M. Gadella
J. Negro
G. P. Pronko
Mariano Santander
+ Quantization of a nonlinear oscillator as a model of the harmonic oscillator on spaces of constant curvature: One- and two-dimensional systems 2008 José F. Cariñena
Manuel F. Rañada
Mariano Santander
+ PDF Chat The harmonic oscillator on Riemannian and Lorentzian configuration spaces of constant curvature 2008 José F. Cariñena
Manuel F. Rañada
Mariano Santander
+ PDF Chat A quantum exactly solvable nonlinear oscillator related to the isotonic oscillator 2008 José F. Cariñena
A. M. Perelomov
Manuel F. Rañada
Mariano Santander
+ PDF Chat (Anti)de Sitter/Poincaré symmetries and representations from Poincaré/Galilei through a classical deformation approach 2007 Francisco J. Herranz
Mariano Santander
+ PDF Chat Contractions, Deformations and Curvature 2007 Ángel Ballesteros
Francisco J. Herranz
O. Ragnisco
Mariano Santander
+ PDF Chat A Super-Integrable Two-Dimensional Non-Linear Oscillator with an Exactly Solvable Quantum Analog 2007 José F. Cariñena
Manuel F. Rañada
Mariano Santander
+ PDF Chat The quantum harmonic oscillator on the sphere and the hyperbolic plane 2007 José F. Cariñena
Manuel F. Rañada
Mariano Santander
+ Levi-Civita regularization and geodesic flows for the `curved' Kepler problem 2007 Leonor García-Gutierrez
Mariano Santander
+ PDF Chat A quantum exactly solvable non-linear oscillator with quasi-harmonic behaviour 2006 José F. Cariñena
Manuel F. Rañada
Mariano Santander
+ PDF Chat Lagrangian formalism for nonlinear second-order Riccati systems: One-dimensional integrability and two-dimensional superintegrability 2005 José F. Cariñena
Manuel F. Rañada
Mariano Santander
+ PDF Chat Central potentials on spaces of constant curvature: The Kepler problem on the two-dimensional sphere S2 and the hyperbolic plane H2 2005 José F. Cariñena
Manuel F. Rañada
Mariano Santander
+ Two important examples of nonlinear oscillators 2005 José F. Cariñena
Manuel F. Rañada
Mariano Santander
+ PDF Chat Maximally superintegrable Smorodinsky–Winternitz systems on the 𝑁-dimensional sphere and hyperbolic spaces 2004 Francisco J. Herranz
Ángel Ballesteros
Mariano Santander
Teresa Sanz-Gil
+ PDF Chat One-dimensional model of a quantum nonlinear harmonic oscillator 2004 José F. Cariñena
Manuel F. Rañada
Mariano Santander
+ PDF Chat A non-linear oscillator with quasi-harmonic behaviour: two- and<i>n</i>-dimensional oscillators 2004 José F. Cariñena
Manuel F. Rañada
Mariano Santander
M. Senthilvelan
+ PDF Chat Maximal superintegrability on<i>N</i>-dimensional curved spaces 2003 Ángel Ballesteros
Francisco J. Herranz
Mariano Santander
Teresa Sanz-Gil
+ PDF Chat Trigonometry of complex Hermitian -type homogeneous symmetric spaces 2002 Ram n Ortega
Mariano Santander
+ Conformal compactification of spacetimes 2002 Francisco J. Herranz
Mariano Santander
+ PDF Chat Conformal symmetries of spacetimes 2002 Francisco J. Herranz
Mariano Santander
+ On some properties of harmonic oscillator on spaces of constant curvature 2002 Manuel F. Rañada
Mariano Santander
+ PDF Chat Berry phase in homogeneous Kähler manifolds with linear Hamiltonians 2001 Luis J. Boya
A. M. Perelomov
Mariano Santander
+ PDF Chat Conformal compactification and cycle-preserving symmetries of spacetimes 2001 Francisco J. Herranz
Mariano Santander
Mariano Santander
H. C. Rosu
+ The relativistic Lie algebra expansion: from Galilei to Poincare 1999 Francisco J. Herranz
Mariano Santander
+ A new Lie algebra expansion method: Galilei expansions to Poincare and Newton-Hooke 1999 Francisco J. Herranz
Mariano Santander
+ The families of orthogonal, unitary and quaternionic unitary Cayley--Klein algebras and their central extensions 1999 Francisco J. Herranz
Mariano Santander
+ PDF Chat 2 + 1 kinematical expansions: from Galilei to de Sitter algebras 1999 Francisco J. Herranz
Mariano Santander
+ PDF Chat The family of quaternionic quasi-unitary Lie algebras and their central extensions 1999 Francisco J. Herranz
Mariano Santander
+ PDF Chat Central extensions of the families of quasi-unitary Lie algebras 1998 Francisco J. Herranz
J C Pérez Bueno
Mariano Santander
+ PDF Chat Central extensions of the quasi-orthogonal Lie algebras 1998 J. A. de Azcárraga
Francisco J. Herranz
J C Pérez Bueno
Mariano Santander
+ PDF Chat Casimir invariants for the complete family of quasisimple orthogonal algebras 1997 Francisco J. Herranz
Mariano Santander
+ PDF Chat Graded contractions and bicrossproduct structure of deformed inhomogeneous algebras 1997 J. A. de Azcárraga
M. A. del Olmo
J C Pérez Bueno
Mariano Santander
+ Homogeneous phase spaces: the Cayley-Klein framework 1997 Francisco J. Herranz
Mariano Santander
+ PDF Chat Geometries of Orthogonal Groups and their Contractions: A Unified Classical Deformation Viewpoint 1997 Mariano Santander
Francisco J. Herranz
+ Two Dimensional Cayley-Klein Algebras Generated by Expansions 1997 L. M. Nieto
J. Negro
Mariano Santander
+ "Cayley-Klein" schemes for real Lie algebras and Freudhental Magic Squares 1997 Mariano Santander
Francisco J. Herranz
+ Null-plane Quantum Poincaré Algebras and their Universal $R$-matrices 1997 Ángel Ballesteros
Francisco J. Herranz
M. A. del Olmo
Mariano Santander
+ Homogeneous phase spaces: the Cayley-Klein framework 1997 Francisco J. Herranz
Mariano Santander
+ The cohomology of so(N+1) contractions 1996 J. A. de Azcárraga
Francisco J. Herranz
J C Pérez Bueno
Mariano Santander
+ The general solution of the real graded contractions of 1996 Francisco J. Herranz
Mariano Santander
+ PDF Chat Non-standard quantum (1+1) Poincare group: a T-matrix approach 1995 Ángel Ballesteros
Francisco J. Herranz
M. A. del Olmo
C.M. Pereña
Mariano Santander
+ PDF Chat Lie bialgebra contractions and quantum deformations of quasi-orthogonal algebras 1995 Ángel Ballesteros
Nikolay Gromov
Francisco J. Herranz
M. A. del Olmo
Mariano Santander
+ PDF Chat Universal R-matrices for non-standard (1+1) quantum groups 1995 Ángel Ballesteros
E. Celeghini
Francisco J. Herranz
M. A. del Olmo
Mariano Santander
+ PDF Chat A new “null-plane” quantum Poincaré algebra 1995 Ángel Ballesteros
Francisco J. Herranz
M. A. del Olmo
Mariano Santander
+ PDF Chat Quantum algebras for maximal motion groups ofN-dimensional flat spaces 1995 Ángel Ballesteros
Francisco J. Herranz
M. A. del Olmo
Mariano Santander
+ PDF Chat Non-standard quantum so(2,2) and beyond 1995 Ángel Ballesteros
Francisco J. Herranz
M. A. del Olmo
Mariano Santander
+ Classical deformations, Poisson–Lie contractions, and quantization of dual Lie bialgebras 1995 Ángel Ballesteros
Francisco J. Herranz
M. A. del Olmo
Mariano Santander
+ Deformations of Space-Time Symmetries and Fundamental Scales 1995 Ángel Ballesteros
Francisco J. Herranz
M. A. del Olmo
Mariano Santander
+ PDF Chat Four-dimensional quantum affine algebras and space–time <i>q</i>-symmetries 1994 Ángel Ballesteros
Francisco J. Herranz
M. A. del Olmo
Mariano Santander
+ PDF Chat A universal non-quasitriangular quantization of the Heisenberg group 1994 Ángel Ballesteros
E. Celeghini
Francisco J. Herranz
M. A. del Olmo
Mariano Santander
+ PDF Chat Cayley-Klein algebras as graded contractions of so(N+1) 1994 Francisco J. Herranz
M. de Montigny
M. A. del Olmo
Mariano Santander
+ Quantum (2+1) kinematical algebras: a global approach 1994 Ángel Ballesteros
Francisco J. Herranz
M. A. del Olmo
Mariano Santander
+ Poisson--Lie contractions and quantum (1+1) groups 1994 Ángel Ballesteros
Francisco J. Herranz
M. A. del Olmo
Mariano Santander
+ Cayley-Klein Lie Algebras and Their Quantum Universal Enveloping Algebras 1994 Ángel Ballesteros
Francisco J. Herranz
M. A. del Olmo
Mariano Santander
+ Quantum structure of the motion groups of the two-dimensional Cayley-Klein geometries 1993 Ángel Ballesteros
Francisco J. Herranz
M. A. del Olmo
Mariano Santander
+ Conformal geometry of the Kepler orbit space 1991 José F. Cariñena
Carlos Monge López
M. A. del Olmo
Mariano Santander
+ Invariant Electromagnetic Fields 1990 José F. Cariñena
José A. González
M. A. del Olmo
Mariano Santander
+ Dimensional Analysis 1988 José F. Cariñena
Mariano Santander
+ Locally operating realizations of transformation Lie groups 1985 José F. Cariñena
M. A. del Olmo
Mariano Santander
+ Local representation groups 1984 José F. Cariñena
M. A. del Olmo
Mariano Santander
+ A characterizatton of factor systems of locally-operating representations 1984 José F. Cariñena
M. A. del Olmo
Mariano Santander
+ Turns for the Lorentz group 1982 M Juarez
Mariano Santander
+ Locally-operating realizations of groups and superequivalence of factor systems 1982 José F. Cariñena
M. A. del Olmo
Mariano Santander
+ Galilean relativistic wave equations 1982 José F. Cariñena
Mariano Santander
+ Semiunitary projective representations of the complete Galilei group 1981 José F. Cariñena
Mariano Santander
+ Kinematic groups and dimensional analysis 1981 José F. Cariñena
M. A. del Olmo
Mariano Santander
+ Projective covering group versus representation groups 1980 José F. Cariñena
Mariano Santander
+ Semiunitary projective representations of non-connected lie groups: A criterion for the choice of the unitary subgroup 1980 José F. Cariñena
Mariano Santander
+ Representation groups for semiunitary projective representations of finite groups 1979 José F. Cariñena
Mariano Santander
+ Dilatations and the Poincaré group 1975 Luis J. Boya
José F. Cariñena
Mariano Santander
+ On the projective unitary representations of connected Lie groups 1975 José F. Cariñena
Mariano Santander
+ PDF Chat On the continuity of the boosts for each orbit 1974 Luis J. Boya
José F. Cariñena
Mariano Santander
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat On the Contraction of Groups and Their Representations 1953 Erdal İnönü
E. P. Wigner
+ Quantum structure of the motion groups of the two-dimensional Cayley-Klein geometries 1993 Ángel Ballesteros
Francisco J. Herranz
M. A. del Olmo
Mariano Santander
+ A History of Non-Euclidean Geometry 1988 Boris Rosenfeld
+ Discrete and continuous graded contractions of Lie algebras and superalgebras 1991 M. de Montigny
J. Patera
+ Discrete and continuous graded contractions of representations of Lie algebras 1991 Robert V. Moody
J. Patera
+ PDF Chat Cayley-Klein algebras as graded contractions of so(N+1) 1994 Francisco J. Herranz
M. de Montigny
M. A. del Olmo
Mariano Santander
+ PDF Chat Trigonometry of spacetimes: a new self-dual approach to a curvature/signature (in)dependent trigonometry 2000 Francisco J. Herranz
Ramón Ortega
Mariano Santander
+ PDF Chat On a unique nonlinear oscillator 1974 P. M. Mathews
M. Lakshmanan
+ PDF Chat Maximal superintegrability on<i>N</i>-dimensional curved spaces 2003 Ángel Ballesteros
Francisco J. Herranz
Mariano Santander
Teresa Sanz-Gil
+ The general solution of the real graded contractions of 1996 Francisco J. Herranz
Mariano Santander
+ PDF Chat Superintegrability in a two-dimensional space of nonconstant curvature 2002 E. G. Kalnins
J. M. Kress
P. Winternitz
+ PDF Chat Completeness of superintegrability in two-dimensional constant-curvature spaces 2001 E. G. Kalnins
J. M. Kress
G. S. Pogosyan
Warner A. Miller
+ <i>Lie Groups, Lie Algebras, and Some of Their Applications</i> 1974 Robert Gilmore
Róbert Hermann
+ PDF Chat A non-linear oscillator with quasi-harmonic behaviour: two- and<i>n</i>-dimensional oscillators 2004 José F. Cariñena
Manuel F. Rañada
Mariano Santander
M. Senthilvelan
+ On the projective unitary representations of connected Lie groups 1975 José F. Cariñena
Mariano Santander
+ Graded contractions and kinematical groups of space–time 1994 M. de Montigny
J. Patera
J. Tolar
+ Quantum (2+1) kinematical algebras: a global approach 1994 Ángel Ballesteros
Francisco J. Herranz
M. A. del Olmo
Mariano Santander
+ Aq-difference analogue of U(g) and the Yang-Baxter equation 1985 Michio Jimbo
+ The three-dimensional Euclidean quantum group <i>E</i>(3)<i>q</i> and its <i>R</i>-matrix 1991 E. Celeghini
R. Giachetti
E. Sorace
M. Tarlini
+ PDF Chat Casimir invariants for the complete family of quasisimple orthogonal algebras 1997 Francisco J. Herranz
Mariano Santander
+ A simple non-Euclidean geometry and its physical basis 1979 I. M. I︠A︡glom
+ Representation groups for semiunitary projective representations of finite groups 1979 José F. Cariñena
Mariano Santander
+ PDF Chat Central potentials on spaces of constant curvature: The Kepler problem on the two-dimensional sphere S2 and the hyperbolic plane H2 2005 José F. Cariñena
Manuel F. Rañada
Mariano Santander
+ PDF Chat Deformed oscillator algebras for two-dimensional quantum superintegrable systems 1994 Dennis Bonatsos
C. Daskaloyannis
Kostas D. Kokkotas
+ PDF Chat Contractions of the irreducible representations of the quantum algebras su<i>q</i>(2) and so<i>q</i>(3) 1992 Nikolay Gromov
V. I. Man’ko
+ A q-analogue of U(g[(N+1)), Hecke algebra, and the Yang-Baxter equation 1986 Michio Jimbo
+ PDF Chat Conformal symmetries of spacetimes 2002 Francisco J. Herranz
Mariano Santander
+ PDF Chat New quantum Poincaré algebra and κ-deformed field theory 1992 J. Lukierski
Anatol Nowicki
H. Ruegg
+ PDF Chat Coulomb-oscillator duality in spaces of constant curvature 2000 E. G. Kalnins
Willard Miller
G. S. Pogosyan
+ PDF Chat Quadratic Poisson algebras of two-dimensional classical superintegrable systems and quadratic associative algebras of quantum superintegrable systems 2001 C. Daskaloyannis
+ The algebra and group deformations Im [SO(n)⊗SO(m)]⇒SO(n,m), Im [U(n)⊗U(m)]⇒U(n,m), and Im [Sp(n)⊗Sp(m)]⇒Sp(n,m) for 1⩽m⩽n 1974 Kurt Bernardo Wolf
Charles P. Boyer
+ PDF Chat Inhomogeneous quantum groups as symmetries of phonons 1992 Francesco Bonechi
E. Celeghini
R. Giachetti
E. Sorace
M. Tarlini
+ Contractions of quantum groups 1992 E. Celeghini
R. Giachetti
E. Sorace
M. Tarlini
+ A Simple Non-Euclidean Geometry and Its Physical Basis 1979 Basil Gordon
+ PDF Chat One-dimensional model of a quantum nonlinear harmonic oscillator 2004 José F. Cariñena
Manuel F. Rañada
Mariano Santander
+ PDF Chat The quantum harmonic oscillator on the sphere and the hyperbolic plane 2007 José F. Cariñena
Manuel F. Rañada
Mariano Santander
+ The quantum Heisenberg group H(1)<i>q</i> 1991 E. Celeghini
R. Giachetti
E. Sorace
M. Tarlini
+ Generalized quantization scheme for Lie algebras 1992 V. D. Lyakhovsky
Andrey Mudrov
+ Splitting and representation groups for Polish groups 1978 U. Cattaneo
+ PDF Chat Classification of Geometries with Projective Metric 1909 D. M. Y. Sommerville
+ More about the q-deformed Poincaré algebra 1992 Stefan Giller
Piotr Kosiński
M. W. Majewski
Paweł Maślanka
Jutta Kunz
+ Contractions of Lie algebras: Generalized Inönü–Wigner contractions versus graded contractions 1995 Evelyn Weimar‐Woods
+ Integrable problems of celestial mechanics in spaces of constant curvature 2005 Т. Г. Возмищева
+ PDF Chat A quantum exactly solvable non-linear oscillator with quasi-harmonic behaviour 2006 José F. Cariñena
Manuel F. Rañada
Mariano Santander
+ PDF Chat Four-dimensional quantum affine algebras and space–time <i>q</i>-symmetries 1994 Ángel Ballesteros
Francisco J. Herranz
M. A. del Olmo
Mariano Santander
+ Cohomology, central extensions, and (dynamical) groups 1985 V. Aldaya
J. A. de Azcárraga
+ PDF Chat Superintegrability on Three-Dimensional Riemannian and Relativistic Spaces of Constant Curvature 2006 Francisco J. Herranz
Ángel Ballesteros
+ PDF Chat Group-theoretical foundations of classical mechanics: The Lagrangian gauge problem 1969 Jean-Marc Lévy-Leblond
+ PDF Chat A systematic study on the exact solution of the position dependent mass Schr dinger equation 2003 Ramazan Ko
Ramazan Koç