Tarek M. Habashy


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Application of the Multiplicative Regularized Gauss–Newton Algorithm for Three-Dimensional Microwave Imaging 2012 Aria Abubakar
Tarek M. Habashy
Guangdong Pan
Maokun Li
+ Application of the Compressed Implicit Jacobian Scheme for Elastic Full-waveform Inversion 2011 M. Li
J. Liu
Tarek M. Habashy
+ Three-Dimensional Forward Solvers Based on Improved Formulations of the Extended Born Approximation 2011 D. Franceschini
Aria Abubakar
Tarek M. Habashy
Andrea Massa
+ Application of fractional calculus to the analysis of Laplace transformed data 2010 Lalitha Venkataramanan
Tarek M. Habashy
Denise E. Freed
+ Application of the multiplicative-regularized Gauss-Newton inversion for microwave biomedical imaging applications 2010 Aria Abubakar
Tarek M. Habashy
+ Multiplicative regularized Gauss-Newton approach for three-dimensional microwave imaging 2010 Aria Abubakar
Tarek M. Habashy
+ Integral and finite-difference formulations of the contrast source inversion method 2009 P.M. van den Berg
Aria Abubakar
Tarek M. Habashy
+ Quantitative inversion of complex contrasts with the finite-difference contrast source inversion method 2009 Colin Gilmore
Aria Abubakar
Wenyi Hu
Tarek M. Habashy
P.M. van den Berg
+ The Diagonalized Contrast Source Inversion Approach for Elastic Wave Inversion 2007 Aria Abubakar
Tarek M. Habashy
+ PDF Chat A Comparative Assessment Among Iterative Linear Solvers Dealing with Electromagnetic Integral Equations in 3D Inhomogeneous Anisotropic Media 2007 G. Franceschini
Aria Abubakar
Tarek M. Habashy
Andrea Massa
+ Contrast Source Inversion of 3D Electromagnetic Data 2006 P.M. van den Berg
Aria Abubakar
Tarek M. Habashy
+ The diagonalized contrast source inversion method for acoustic and electromagnetic inverse scattering problems 2005 Aria Abubakar
Tarek M. Habashy
P.M. van den Berg
Carlos Torres‐Verdín
Tarek M. Habashy
+ A Multiplicative Regularization Approach for Deblurring Problems 2004 Aria Abubakar
P.M. van den Berg
Tarek M. Habashy
Henning Braunisch
+ Deblurring using iterative multiplicative regularization technique 2003 Aria Abubakar
P.M. van den Berg
Tarek M. Habashy
Henning Braunisch
+ Linear inverse problems in wave motion: non-self-adjoint integral equations of the first kind 2003 Tarek M. Habashy
D.G. Dudley
E. Wolf
+ PDF Chat A new Weber-type transform 2003 R. K. M. Thambynayagam
Tarek M. Habashy
+ Iterative reconstruction of multidimensional objects buried in inhomogeneous elastic media 2002 Tarek M. Habashy
E.J. Bellegarda
+ Linear inverse problems in wave motion: nonsymmetric first-kind integral equations 2000 D.G. Dudley
Tarek M. Habashy
E. Wolf
+ Deblurring by a local extrapolation scheme 1999 Henning Braunisch
Tarek M. Habashy
+ Iterative reconstruction of images from incomplete spectral data 1997 Jan B Rhebergen
P.M. van den Berg
Tarek M. Habashy
+ Reconstruction of Scattering Potentials from Incomplete Data 1994 Tarek M. Habashy
Emil Wolf
+ Invisible Bodies and Uniqueness of the Inverse Scattering Problem 1993 Emil Wolf
Tarek M. Habashy
+ Reconstruction of scattering potentials from incomplete data 1993 Emil Wolf
Tarek M. Habashy
+ On multidimensional ultrasonic scattering in an inhomogeneous elastic background 1992 E.J. Ayme-Bellegarda
Tarek M. Habashy
+ Ultrasonic inverse scattering of multidimensional objects buried in multilayered elastic background structures 1992 E.J. Ayme-Bellegarda
Tarek M. Habashy
+ PDF Chat Iterative direct and inverse scattering in multilayered elastic background media. 1991 E.J. Ayme-Bellegarda
Tarek M. Habashy
+ <title>Automatic recognition of multidimensional objects buried in layered elastic background media</title> 1991 E.J. Ayme-Bellegarda
Tarek M. Habashy
Jerome R. Bellegarda
+ Multidimensional elastic scattering for inclusions buried in inhomogeneous media. Part II: The inverse problem 1990 E.J. Ayme-Bellegarda
Tarek M. Habashy
+ Inversion of Permittivity and Conductivity Using the Renormalized Source-Type Integral Equation Approach - A Review 1989 Tarek M. Habashy
D.G. Dudley
+ Review of some inverse methods in electromagnetics 1987 Tarek M. Habashy
R. Mittra
+ Simultaneous reconstruction of permittivity and conductivity profiles in a radially inhomogeneous slab 1986 Tarek M. Habashy
Weng Cho Chew
Elaine Chow
+ Review of Some Inverse Methods in Electromagnetics 1986 R. Mittra
Tarek M. Habashy
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Iterative forward and inverse algorithms based on domain integral equations for three-dimensional electric and magnetic objects 2003 Aria Abubakar
P.M. van den Berg
+ Extended contrast source inversion 1999 P.M. van den Berg
A L van Broekhoven
Aria Abubakar
+ PDF Chat Full-Wave Three-Dimensional Microwave Imaging With a Regularized Gauss–Newton Method— Theory and Experiment 2007 Jürgen De Zaeytijd
Ann Franchois
Christelle Eyraud
Jean‐Michel Geffrin
+ A new algorithm in spectral analysis and band-limited extrapolation 1975 A. Papoulis
+ PDF Chat Nonlinear Microwave Imaging for Breast-Cancer Screening Using Gauss–Newton's Method and the CGLS Inversion Algorithm 2007 Tonny Rubæk
Paul M. Meaney
Peter Meincke
Keith D. Paulsen
+ Computational Methods for Inverse Problems 2002 Curtis R. Vogel
+ Introduction to the Theory of Analytic Functions of Several Complex Variables 1963 Benjamin Fuks
+ Contrast Source Inversion Method: State of Art 2001 P.M. van den Berg
Aria Abubakar
+ Solution of incorrectly formulated problems and the regularization method 1963 А. Н. Тихонов
+ A contrast source inversion method 1997 P.M. van den Berg
R. E. Kleinman
+ Reconstruction of permittivity profiles from a spectral analysis of the reflection coefficient 1979 W. Tabbara
+ On multidimensional ultrasonic scattering in an inhomogeneous elastic background 1992 E.J. Ayme-Bellegarda
Tarek M. Habashy
+ PDF Chat Differential Methods in Inverse Scattering 1985 Alfred M. Bruckstein⋆
Bernard C. Levy
T. Kailath
+ Inverse scattering of the permittivity and permeability profiles of a plane stratified medium 1981 Shimon Coen
+ PDF Chat REGULARIZATION TOOLS: A Matlab package for analysis and solution of discrete ill-posed problems 1994 Per Christian Hansen
+ On a problem of inverse scattering in optics: the dielectric inhomogeneous medium 1978 A. Roger
D. Maystre
M. Cadilhac
+ Nonuniqueness in inverse source and scattering problems 1982 Anthony J. Devaney
George C. Sherman
+ Geophysical data analysis : discrete inverse theory 1989 William Menke
+ Three-dimensional vector microwave tomography: theory and computational experiments 2004 A. E. Bulyshev
Alexander Souvorov
Serguei Semenov
V. G. Posukh
Y.E. Sizov
+ Ultrasonic inverse scattering of multidimensional objects buried in multilayered elastic background structures 1992 E.J. Ayme-Bellegarda
Tarek M. Habashy
+ Inverse scattering technique applied to remote sensing of layered media 1981 Shimon Coen
K.K. Mei
D. J. Angelakos
+ Analysis of Discrete Ill-Posed Problems by Means of the L-Curve 1992 Per Christian Hansen
+ Simultaneous reconstruction of permittivity and conductivity profiles in a radially inhomogeneous slab 1986 Tarek M. Habashy
Weng Cho Chew
Elaine Chow
+ Nonuniqueness in the inverse scattering problem 1978 Anthony J. Devaney
+ Iterative approach to the frequency-domain solution of the inverse-scattering problem for an inhomogeneous lossless dielectric slab 1984 A.G. Tijhuis
C. van der Worm
+ A Robust Iterative Method for Born Inversion 2004 Aria Abubakar
P.M. van den Berg
Serguei Semenov
+ Generalized Image Restoration by the Method of Alternating Orthogonal Projections 1978 Dante C. Youla
+ Optimization techniques and inverse problems: Reconstruction of conductivity profiles in the time domain 1982 Dominique Lesselier
+ Stochastic Wave Propagation 1985 K. Sobczyk
+ Methods for Solving Incorrectly Posed Problems 1984 Vladimir A. Morozov
+ The inversion of acoustical impedance profile by methods of characteristics 1982 Fadil Santosa
Horst Schwetlick
+ Inverse scattering problems in absorbing media 1976 M. Jaulent
+ Prolate Spheroidal Wave Functions, Fourier Analysis and Uncertainty - IV: Extensions to Many Dimensions; Generalized Prolate Spheroidal Functions 1964 D. Slepian
+ Iterative choices of regularization parameters in linear inverse problems 1998 Karl Kunisch
Jun Zou
+ PDF Chat The Bad Truth about Laplace's Transform 2008 Charles L. Epstein
John C. Schotland
+ PDF Chat Upward and downward continuation as inverse problems 1979 Stephen P. Huestis
Robert L. Parker
+ Contrast source inversion methods in elastodynamics 2003 George Pelekanos
Aria Abubakar
P.M. van den Berg
+ The One-Dimensional Inverse Problem of Reflection Seismology 1983 Kenneth P. Bube
Robert Burridge
+ Generalized Cross-Validation as a Method for Choosing a Good Ridge Parameter 1979 Gene H. Golub
Michael T. Heath
Grace Wahba
+ Application of a spherical FFT approach in airborne gravimetry 1996 T. BlĂĄha
M. Hirsch
Wolfgang Keller
Mirko Scheinert
+ Regularization of Inverse Problems 1996 Heinz W. Engl
Martin Hanke
Andreas B. Neubauer
+ CONSTRAINED REGULARIZATION FOR ILL POSED LINEAR OPERATOR EQUATIONS, WITH APPLICATIONS IN METEOROLOGY AND MEDICINE11This work was supported by the Office of Naval Research under Contract No. N00014-77-C-0675. 1982 Grace Wahba
+ Convergence of an Iterative Method for Total Variation Denoising 1997 David C. Dobson
Curtis R. Vogel
+ Invisible Bodies and Uniqueness of the Inverse Scattering Problem 1993 Emil Wolf
Tarek M. Habashy
+ <i>Lectures on Cauchy's Problem in Linear Partial Differential Equations</i> 1953 Jacques Hadamard
Philip Μ. Morse
+ Recovery of Blocky Images from Noisy and Blurred Data 1996 David C. Dobson
Fadil Santosa
+ Constrained reconstruction of complex waveforms 1987 Jules S. Jaffe
R. Fricke
+ Variants of BICGSTAB for Matrices with Complex Spectrum 1993 Martin H. Gutknecht
+ Reconstructions From Boundary Measurements 1988 Adrian Nachman
+ Singularity in Green's function and its numerical evaluation 1980 Shung-Wu Lee
J. Boersma
Chak-Lam Law
G. Deschamps