Akiyoshi Sannai


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Decomposition of Equivariant Maps via Invariant Maps: Application to Universal Approximation under Symmetry 2024 Akiyoshi Sannai
Yuuki Takai
Matthieu Cordonnier
+ Unification of Symmetries Inside Neural Networks: Transformer, Feedforward and Neural ODE 2024 Koji Hashimoto
Yuji Hirono
Akiyoshi Sannai
+ PDF Chat Unification of Symmetries Inside Neural Networks: Transformer, Feedforward and Neural ODE 2024 Koji Hashimoto
Yuji Hirono
Akiyoshi Sannai
+ PDF Chat Integrating Large Language Models in Causal Discovery: A Statistical Causal Approach 2024 Masayuki Takayama
T. Okuda
Thong Pham
Tatsuyoshi Ikenoue
Shingo Fukuma
Shohei Shimizu
Akiyoshi Sannai
+ PDF Chat A Policy Gradient Primal-Dual Algorithm for Constrained MDPs with Uniform PAC Guarantees 2024 Toshinori Kitamura
Tadashi Kozuno
Masahiro Kato
Yuki Ichihara
Soichiro Nishimori
Akiyoshi Sannai
Sho Sonoda
Wataru Kumagai
Yutaka Matsuo
+ LPML: LLM-Prompting Markup Language for Mathematical Reasoning 2023 Ryutaro Yamauchi
Sho Sonoda
Akiyoshi Sannai
Wataru Kumagai
+ Bézier Flow: a Surface-wise Gradient Descent Method for Multi-objective Optimization 2022 Akiyoshi Sannai
Yasunari Hikima
Ken Kobayashi
Akinori Tanaka
Naoki Hamada
+ PDF Chat Group Equivariant Conditional Neural Processes 2021 Makoto Kawano
Wataru Kumagai
Akiyoshi Sannai
Yusuke Iwasawa
Yutaka Matsuo
+ Group Equivariant Conditional Neural Processes 2021 Makoto Kawano
Wataru Kumagai
Akiyoshi Sannai
Yusuke Iwasawa
Yutaka Matsuo
+ Approximate Bayesian Computation of Bézier Simplices 2021 Akinori Tanaka
Akiyoshi Sannai
Ken Kobayashi
Naoki Hamada
+ Equivariant and Invariant Reynolds Networks 2021 Akiyoshi Sannai
Makoto Kawano
Wataru Kumagai
+ On the Number of Linear Functions Composing Deep Neural Network: Towards a Refined Definition of Neural Networks Complexity 2020 Yuuki Takai
Akiyoshi Sannai
Matthieu Cordonnier
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic Risk of Bézier Simplex Fitting 2020 Akinori Tanaka
Akiyoshi Sannai
Ken Kobayashi
Naoki Hamada
+ Universal Approximation Theorem for Equivariant Maps by Group CNNs 2020 Wataru Kumagai
Akiyoshi Sannai
+ On the Number of Linear Functions Composing Deep Neural Network: Towards a Refined Definition of Neural Networks Complexity 2020 Yuuki Takai
Akiyoshi Sannai
Matthieu Cordonnier
+ PDF Chat Infinitely generated symbolic Rees algebras over finite fields 2019 Akiyoshi Sannai
Hiromu Tanaka
+ Improved Generalization Bound of Permutation Invariant Deep Neural Networks 2019 Akiyoshi Sannai
Masaaki Imaizumi
+ PDF Chat Bézier Simplex Fitting: Describing Pareto Fronts of´ Simplicial Problems with Small Samples in Multi-Objective Optimization 2019 Ken Kobayashi
Naoki Hamada
Akiyoshi Sannai
Akinori Tanaka
Kenichi Bannai
Masashi Sugiyama
+ Invariant subring of the Cox ring of K3 surfaces 2019 Akiyoshi Sannai
+ Universal approximations of permutation invariant/equivariant functions by deep neural networks 2019 Akiyoshi Sannai
Yuuki Takai
Matthieu Cordonnier
+ Asymptotic Risk of Bezier Simplex Fitting 2019 Akinori Tanaka
Akiyoshi Sannai
Ken Kobayashi
Naoki Hamada
+ Improved Generalization Bounds of Group Invariant / Equivariant Deep Networks via Quotient Feature Spaces 2019 Akiyoshi Sannai
Masaaki Imaizumi
Makoto Kawano
+ Reconstruction of training samples from loss functions 2018 Akiyoshi Sannai
+ Bezier Simplex Fitting: Describing Pareto Fronts of Simplicial Problems with Small Samples in Multi-objective Optimization 2018 Ken Kobayashi
Naoki Hamada
Akiyoshi Sannai
Akinori Tanaka
Kenichi Bannai
Masashi Sugiyama
+ PDF Chat A Characterization of Ordinary Abelian Varieties by the Frobenius Push-Forward of the Structure Sheaf II 2017 Sho Ejiri
Akiyoshi Sannai
+ A characterization of ordinary abelian varieties by the Frobenius push-forward of the structure sheaf II 2017 Sho Ejiri
Akiyoshi Sannai
+ PDF Chat A characterization of ordinary abelian varieties by the Frobenius push-forward of the structure sheaf 2016 Akiyoshi Sannai
Hiromu Tanaka
+ Characterization of varieties of Fano type via singularities of Cox rings 2014 Yoshinori Gongyo
Shinnosuke Okawa
Akiyoshi Sannai
Shunsuke Takagi
+ A characterization of ordinary abelian varieties by the Frobenius push-forward of the structure sheaf 2014 Akiyoshi Sannai
Hiromu Tanaka
+ PDF Chat Generalized Koszul Resolution 2013 Satoshi Mochizuki
Akiyoshi Sannai
+ Galois extensions and maps on local cohomology 2013 Akiyoshi Sannai
+ Dual F-signature 2013 Akiyoshi Sannai
+ Homotopy invariance of higher K-theory for abelian categories 2013 Satoshi Mochizuki
Akiyoshi Sannai
+ ON DUAL F-SIGNATURE 2013 Akiyoshi Sannai
+ Dual F-signature 2013 Akiyoshi Sannai
+ PDF Chat Jet schemes of homogeneous hypersurfaces 2012 Shihoko Ishii
Akiyoshi Sannai
Keiichi Watanabe
+ Characterization of varieties of Fano type via singularities of Cox rings 2012 Yoshinori Gongyo
Shinnosuke Okawa
Akiyoshi Sannai
Shunsuke Takagi
+ Galois extensions, plus closure, and maps on local cohomology 2011 Akiyoshi Sannai
Anurag K. Singh
+ Generalized Koszul resolutions 2011 Satoshi Mochizuki
Akiyoshi Sannai
+ PDF Chat <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" altimg="si1.gif" display="inline" overflow="scroll"><mml:mi>F</mml:mi></mml:math>-signature of graded Gorenstein rings 2011 Akiyoshi Sannai
Kei-ichi Watanabe
+ Higher K-theory of polynomial categories 2011 Satoshi Mochizuki
Akiyoshi Sannai
+ Jet schemes of homogeneous hypersurfaces 2011 Shihoko Ishii
Akiyoshi Sannai
Kei-ichi Watanabe
+ Galois extensions, plus closure, and maps on local cohomology 2011 Akiyoshi Sannai
Anurag K. Singh
+ F-signature of graded Gorenstein rings 2011 Akiyoshi Sannai
Kei-ichi Watanabe
+ Generalized Koszul resolutions 2011 Satoshi Mochizuki
Akiyoshi Sannai
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Adaptive weighted aggregation: A multiobjective function optimization framework taking account of spread and evenness of approximate solutions 2010 Naoki Hamada
Yuichi Nagata
Shigenobu Kobayashi
Isao Ono
+ On Noetherian Rings of Characteristic p 1976 Ernst Kunz
+ Frobenius Splitting and Cohomology Vanishing for Schubert Varieties 1985 V. B. Mehta
A. Ramanathan
+ Observations on the F-signature of local rings of characteristic p 2005 Yongwei Yao
+ On the Universality of Invariant Networks 2019 Haggai Maron
Ethan Fetaya
Nimrod Segol
Yaron Lipman
+ Universal approximations of invariant maps by neural networks 2018 Dmitry Yarotsky
+ Varieties in positive characteristic with trivial tangent bundle 1987 V. B. Mehta
V. Srinivas
+ Globally F-regular and log Fano varieties 2010 Karl Schwede
Karen E. Smith
+ Tight Closure and Its Applications 1996 Craig Huneke
+ Neural network with unbounded activation functions is universal approximator 2015 Sho Sonoda
Noboru Murata
+ Cohen-Macaulay Rings 1998 Winfried Bruns
H. Jürgen Herzog
+ Birational Geometry of Algebraic Varieties 1998 Janós Kollár
Шигефуми Мори
+ The structure of F-pure rings 2005 Ian M. Aberbach
Florian Enescu
+ PDF Chat On the Krull-Schmidt theorem with application to sheaves 1956 Michael Atiyah
+ PDF Chat Ordinary varieties and the comparison between multiplier ideals and test ideals 2011 Mircea Mustaţă
Vasudevan Srinivas
+ Multi-Objective Bayesian Global Optimization using expected hypervolume improvement gradient 2018 Kaifeng Yang
Michael Emmerich
André Deutz
Thomas Bäck
+ On Learning Sets of Symmetric Elements 2020 Haggai Maron
Or Litany
Gal Chechik
Ethan Fetaya
+ Adaptive Scalarization Methods in Multiobjective Optimization 2008 Gabriele Eichfelder
+ PDF Chat Tight closure and strong F-regularity 1989 Melvin Hochster
Craig Huneke
+ PDF Chat Tight closure, invariant theory, and the Briançon-Skoda theorem 1990 Melvin Hochster
Craig Huneke
+ F-rational rings have rational singularities 1997 Karen E. Smith
+ PDF Chat Non-connective <i>K</i>-theory via universal invariants 2011 Denis-Charles Cisinski
Gonçalo Tabuada
+ Pure weight perfect Modules on divisorial schemes 2010 Toshiro Hiranouchi
Satoshi Mochizuki
+ Towards the second main theorem on complements 2008 Yuri Prokhorov
Vyacheslav Vladimirovich Shokurov
+ Absolute integral closure in positive characteristic 2006 Craig Huneke
Gennady Lyubeznik
+ PDF Chat Annihilators of local cohomology in characteristic zero 2007 Paul Roberts
Anurag K. Singh
V. Srinivas
+ PDF Chat Stability of Frobenius direct images over surfaces 2015 Congjun Liu
Mingshuo Zhou
+ PDF Chat A characterization of ordinary abelian varieties by the Frobenius push-forward of the structure sheaf 2016 Akiyoshi Sannai
Hiromu Tanaka
+ PDF Chat Minimal relative Hilbert-Kunz multiplicity 2004 Kei-ichi Watanabe
Ken-ichi Yoshida
+ PDF Chat Failure of $\mathrm{F}$-purity and $\mathrm{F}$-regularity in certain rings of invariants 1998 Anurag K. Singh
+ A Statistical View of Some Chemometrics Regression Tools 1993 lldiko E. Frank
Jerome H. Friedman
+ The localization theorem for protective modules 1974 S. M. Gersten
+ Local Cohomological Dimension in Characteristic p 1977 Robin Hartshorne
Robert Speiser
+ F-regular and F-pure rings vs. log terminal and log canonical singularities 2001 Nobuo Hara
Kei-ichi Watanabe
+ PDF Chat A characterization of rational singularities in terms of injectivity of Frobenius maps 1998 Nobuo Hara
+ PDF Chat On images of Mori dream spaces 2015 Shinnosuke Okawa
+ PDF Chat F-signature exists 2012 Kevin Tucker
+ Nonlinear Multiobjective Optimization: A Generalized Homotopy Approach 2001 Claus Hillermeier
+ Negative K-theory of derived categories 2006 Marco Schlichting
+ F-modules: applications to local cohomology and D-modules in characteristic p&gt;0. 1997 Gennady Lyubeznik
+ Characterizations of Regular Local Rings of Characteristic p 1969 Ernst Kunz
+ Rings of invariants of reductive groups acting on regular rings are Cohen-Macaulay 1974 Melvin Hochster
Joel Roberts
+ On rational connectedness of globally F-regular threefolds 2015 Yoshinori Gongyo
Zhiyuan Li
Zsolt Patakfalvi
Karl Schwede
Hiromu Tanaka
Runhong Zong
+ Rees Algebras of F-regular Type 2002 Nobuo Hara
K. Watanabe
Ken Yoshida
+ PDF Chat The Canonical Map and Horikawa Surfaces in Positive Characteristic 2012 Christian Liedtke
+ The purity of the Frobenius and local cohomology 1976 Melvin Hochster
Joel Roberts
+ PDF Chat The Direct Summand Conjecture in Dimension Three 2002 Raymond C. Heitmann
+ Fundamental Algebraic Geometry 2006 Barbara Fantechi
Lothar Göttsche
Luc Illusie
Steven L. Kleiman
Nitin Nitsure
Angelo Vistoli
+ Topics in the Homological Theory of Modules over Commutative Rings 1975 Melvin Hochster