S. V. Manakov


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Integrable dispersionless PDEs arising as commutation condition of pairs of vector fields 2014 S. V. Manakov
P. Santini
+ Wave breaking in solutions of the dispersionless kadomtsev-petviashvili equation at a finite time 2012 S. V. Manakov
P. Santini
+ PDF Chat Опрокидывание волн в решениях бездисперсионного уравнения Кадомцева - Петвиашвили при конечных временах 2012 S. V. Manakov
S. V. Manakov
P. M. Santini
P. M. Santini
P. Santini
P. Santini
+ PDF Chat On the dispersionless Kadomtsev–Petviashvili equation in<i>n</i>+1 dimensions: exact solutions, the Cauchy problem for small initial data and wave breaking 2011 S. V. Manakov
P. Santini
+ PDF Chat Solvable vector nonlinear Riemann problems, exact implicit solutions of dispersionless PDEs and wave breaking 2011 S. V. Manakov
P. Santini
+ PDF Chat On the solutions of the second heavenly and Pavlov equations 2009 S. V. Manakov
P. Santini
+ PDF Chat The dispersionless 2D Toda equation: dressing, Cauchy problem, longtime behaviour, implicit solutions and wave breaking 2009 S. V. Manakov
P. Santini
+ PDF Chat On the solutions of the dKP equation: the nonlinear Riemann Hilbert problem, longtime behaviour, implicit solutions and wave breaking 2008 S. V. Manakov
P. Santini
+ The dispersionless 2D Toda equation: dressing, Cauchy problem, longtime behavior, implicit solutions and wave breaking 2008 S. V. Manakov
P. M. Santini
+ PDF Chat Dunajski generalization of the second heavenly equation: dressing method and the hierarchy 2007 L. V. Bogdanov
Valerii Dryuma
S. V. Manakov
+ A hierarchy of integrable partial differential equations in 2+1 dimensions associated with one-parameter families of one-dimensional vector fields 2007 S. V. Manakov
P. M. Santini
+ PDF Chat Иерархия интегрируемых уравнений в частных производных в размерности $2+1$, ассоциированная с однопараметрическими семействами одномерных векторных полей 2007 S. V. Manakov
S. V. Manakov
P. M. Santini
P. M. Santini
+ PDF Chat Inverse scattering problem for vector fields and the Cauchy problem for the heavenly equation 2006 S. V. Manakov
P. M. Santini
+ PDF Chat Cauchy problem on the plane for the dispersionless Kadomtsev-Petviashvili equation 2006 S. V. Manakov
P. M. Santini
+ The Cauchy Problem on the Plane for the Dispersionless Kadomtsev - Petviashvili Equation 2006 S. V. Manakov
P. Santini
+ A hierarchy of integrable PDEs in 2+1 dimensions associated with 2 - dimensional vector fields 2006 S. V. Manakov
P. M. Santini
Aldo Moro
+ On the dressing method for Dunajski anti-self-duality equation 2006 L. V. Bogdanov
Valerii Dryuma
S. V. Manakov
+ Inverse Scattering Problem for Vector Fields and the Heavenly Equation 2005 S. V. Manakov
P. Santini
+ Integrable and Nonintegrable Initial Boundary Value Problems for Soliton Equations 1 2005 A. Degasperis
S. V. Manakov
P. Santini
+ Initial-Boundary Value Problems for Linear PDES: The Analyticity Approach 2004 A. Degasperis
S. V. Manakov
P. Santini
+ None 2002 A. Degasperis
S. V. Manakov
P. Santini
+ Initial-Boundary Value Problems for Linear and Soliton PDEs 2002 A. Degasperis
S. V. Manakov
P. Santini
+ Initial-boundary value problems for linear PDEs: the analyticity approach 2002 A. Degasperis
S. V. Manakov
P. Santini
+ On the initial-boundary value problems for soliton equations 2001 A. Degasperis
S. V. Manakov
P. M. Santini
+ Multidimensional soliton equations in inhomogeneous media 1998 A. Degasperis
S. V. Manakov
A. I. Zenchuk
+ Multiple-scale perturbation beyond the nonlinear Schroedinger equation. I 1997 A. Degasperis
S. V. Manakov
P. M. Santini
+ Asymptotic behavior of non-linear wave systems integrated by the inverse scattering method 1996 В. Е. Захаров
S. V. Manakov
+ Dual 1490-11490-11490-1-problem, (2+1)-dimensional intergrable nonlinear evolution equations and their reductions 1995 A. I. Zenchuk
S. V. Manakov
+ The dressing method, symmetries, and invariant solutions 1990 A. S. Fokas
S. V. Manakov
+ On the boundary conditions of the Davey-Stewartson equation 1990 Mark J. Ablowitz
S. V. Manakov
Cherie L. Schultz
+ On the Boundary Conditions of the Davey-Stewartson Equation 1990 Mark J. Ablowitz
C. L. Shultz
S. V. Manakov
+ The non-local delta problem and (2+1)-dimensional soliton equations 1988 L. V. Bogdanov
S. V. Manakov
+ Complete integrability of the KP equations 1987 V. Bakuzov
R. Bullough
Zhi Jiang
S. V. Manakov
+ The inverse spectral problem for the two-dimensional Schroedinger operator 1987 S. V. Manakov
P. G. Grinevich
+ Nonlocal problems of complex analysis and related nonlinear equations 1987 S. V. Manakov
L. V. Bogdanov
+ Complete integrability of the Kadomtsev-Petviashvili equations in 2 + 1 dimensions 1986 Zhuhan Jiang
R. Bullough
S. V. Manakov
+ Inverse scattering problem for the two-dimensional Schr�dinger operator, the $$\bar \partial$$ -method and nonlinear equations 1986 P. G. Grinevich
S. V. Manakov
+ PDF Chat Multidimensional nonlinear integrable systems and methods for constructing their solutions 1985 В. Е. Захаров
S. V. Manakov
+ Construction of higher-dimensional nonlinear integrable systems and of their solutions 1985 В. Е. Захаров
S. V. Manakov
+ Adiabatic invariants theory of near-integrable systems with damping 1982 R. Bullough
Allan P. Fordy
S. V. Manakov
+ Asymptotic behavior of the solutions of the Kadomtsev-Pyatviashvili equation (two-dimensional Korteweg-De Vries equation) 1980 S. V. Manakov
P. M. Santini
Leon A. Takhtajan
+ Example of a completely integrable nonlinear wave field with nontrivial dynamics (lee model) 1976 S. V. Manakov
+ Comparison of the exact quantum and quasiclassical results for a nonlinear Schr�dinger equation 1976 P. P. Kulish
S. V. Manakov
Lyudvig Dmitrievich Faddeev
+ Asymptotic behavior of nonlinear wave systems integrated by the method of the inverse scattering problem 1976 В. Е. Захаров
S. V. Manakov
+ Asymptotic behavior of non-linear wave systems integrated by the inverse scattering method 1976 В. Е. Захаров
S. V. Manakov
+ Generalization of the inverse scattering problem method 1976 В. Е. Захаров
S. V. Manakov
+ Complete integrability and stochastization of discrete dynamical systems 1974 S. V. Manakov
+ On the complete integrability of a nonlinear Schr�dinger equation 1974 В. Е. Захаров
S. V. Manakov
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Some solutions of complex Einstein equations 1975 Jerzy Plebański
+ PDF Chat Einstein–Weyl geometry, the dKP equation and twistor theory 2001 Maciej Dunajski
Lionel Mason
Paul Tod
+ PDF Chat Inverse scattering problem for vector fields and the Cauchy problem for the heavenly equation 2006 S. V. Manakov
P. M. Santini
+ The τ‐function of the universal whitham hierarchy, matrix models and topological field theories 1994 I. M. Krichever
+ PDF Chat Cauchy problem on the plane for the dispersionless Kadomtsev-Petviashvili equation 2006 S. V. Manakov
P. M. Santini
Takashi Takebe
+ PDF Chat On the Integrability of (2+1)-Dimensional Quasilinear Systems 2004 E. V. Ferapontov
К. Р. Хуснутдинова
+ PDF Chat On twistor solutions of the dKP equation 2003 Francisco Guil
Manuel Ma as
Luis Martı́nez Alonso
+ Dispersionless Limit of Integrable Systems in 2 + 1 Dimensions 1994 В. Е. Захаров
+ PDF Chat The $\bar{\partial}$-approach to the dispersionless KP hierarchy 2001 B. G. Konopelchenko
Luis Martı́nez Alonso
O. Ragnisco
+ PDF Chat Integrable hydrodynamic chains 2003 M. V. Pavlov
+ Integration of nonlinear equations of mathematical physics by the method of inverse scattering. II 1979 В. Е. Захаров
A. B. Shabat
+ PDF Chat Hyper-Kähler Hierarchies and Their Twistor Theory 2000 Maciej Dunajski
Lionel Mason
+ PDF Chat A class of Einstein–Weyl spaces associated to an integrable system of hydrodynamic type 2004 Maciej Dunajski
+ PDF Chat On the solutions of the dKP equation: the nonlinear Riemann Hilbert problem, longtime behaviour, implicit solutions and wave breaking 2008 S. V. Manakov
P. Santini
+ Inverse Scattering Problem for Vector Fields and the Heavenly Equation 2005 S. V. Manakov
P. Santini
+ PDF Chat On the -dressing method applicable to heavenly equation 2005 L. V. Bogdanov
B. G. Konopelchenko
+ Integrable systems in multidimensional spaces 2008 В. Е. Захаров
+ PDF Chat Twistor theory of hyper-Kähler metrics with hidden symmetries 2003 Maciej Dunajski
Lionel Mason
+ PDF Chat Methods of Mathematical Physics, vol. II. Partial Differential Equations 1963 Courant
+ Symplectic structures, their Bäcklund transformations and hereditary symmetries 1981 Benno Fuchssteiner
A. S. Fokas
+ PDF Chat Einstein–Weyl spaces and dispersionless Kadomtsev–Petviashvili equation from Painlevé I and II 2002 Maciej Dunajski
Paul Tod
+ PDF Chat Dispersionless integrable equations as coisotropic deformations: Extensions and reductions 2007 B. G. Konopelchenko
Франко Магри
+ A hierarchy of integrable PDEs in 2+1 dimensions associated with 2 - dimensional vector fields 2006 S. V. Manakov
P. M. Santini
Aldo Moro
+ A hierarchy of integrable partial differential equations in 2+1 dimensions associated with one-parameter families of one-dimensional vector fields 2007 S. V. Manakov
P. M. Santini
+ PDF Chat Coisotropic Deformations of Associative Algebras and Dispersionless Integrable Hierarchies 2007 B. G. Konopelchenko
Franco Magri
+ Killing vectors in self-dual, Euclidean Einstein spaces 1982 Charles P. Boyer
J. D. Finley
+ PDF Chat Bubble break-off in Hele–Shaw flows—singularities and integrable structures 2006 Seung-Yeop Lee
Eldad Bettelheim
P. Wiegmann
+ On the Inverse Scattering Transform for the Kadomtsev‐Petviashvili Equation 1983 Mark J. Ablowitz
D. Bar Yaacov
A. S. Fokas
+ The classification of all ℋ spaces admitting a Killing vector 1979 J. D. Finley
Jerzy Plebański
+ A simple model of the integrable Hamiltonian equation 1978 Franco Magri
+ PDF Chat Towards a Theory of Differential Constraints of a Hydrodynamic Hierarchy 2003 Luis Martı́nez Alonso
A. B. Shabat
+ PDF Chat SDiff(2) Toda equation — Hierarchy, Tau function, and symmetries 1991 Kanehisa Takasaki
Takashi Takebe
+ On the integrability of linear and nonlinear partial differential equations 2000 A. S. Fokas
+ PDF Chat Recursion operators and bi-Hamiltonian structures in multidimensions. I 1988 P. M. Santini
A. S. Fokas
+ PDF Chat Integrable Structure of the Dirichlet Boundary Problem in Multiply-Connected Domains 2005 I. M. Krichever
A. Marshakov
A. Zabrodin
+ PDF Chat Multi-Hamiltonian structure of Plebanski's second heavenly equation 2005 F. Neyzi
Y. Nutku
M. B. Sheftel
+ PDF Chat On the dispersionless Kadomtsev–Petviashvili equation in<i>n</i>+1 dimensions: exact solutions, the Cauchy problem for small initial data and wave breaking 2011 S. V. Manakov
P. Santini
+ PDF Chat Dunajski generalization of the second heavenly equation: dressing method and the hierarchy 2007 L. V. Bogdanov
Valerii Dryuma
S. V. Manakov
+ Unimodal germs of functions on a manifold with a boundary 1980 V. I. Matov
+ PDF Chat An interpolating dispersionless integrable system 2008 Maciej Dunajski
+ Holomorphic eigenfunctions of the vector field associated with the dispersionless Kadomtsev–Petviashvili equation 2013 P. G. Grinevich
P. M. Santini
+ On the complete integrability of a nonlinear Schr�dinger equation 1974 В. Е. Захаров
S. V. Manakov
+ Method of Solution for a Class of Multidimensional Nonlinear Evolution Equations 1983 A. S. Fokas
Mark J. Ablowitz
+ A unified transform method for solving linear and certain nonlinear PDEs 1997 A. S. Fokas
+ Regularization of Hele-Shaw flows, multiscaling expansions and the Painleve I equation 2007 Luis Martı́nez Alonso
Елена Медина
+ Construction of higher-dimensional nonlinear integrable systems and of their solutions 1985 В. Е. Захаров
S. V. Manakov
+ Elbow scattering and inverse scattering applications to LKdV and KdV 2000 Pierre Sabatier
+ Soliton generation for initial-boundary-value problems 1992 A. S. Fokas
A. R. Its
+ Stationary Riemannian space-times with self-dual curvature 1984 J. Gegenberg
A. Das