Rita Teixeira da Costa


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Oscillations in Wave Map Systems and Homogenization of the Einstein Equations in Symmetry 2024 André Guerra
Rita Teixeira da Costa
+ Boundedness and decay for the Teukolsky equation on Kerr in the full subextremal range $|a| 2023 Yakov Shlapentokh-Rothman
Rita Teixeira da Costa
+ PDF Chat Hidden Spectral Symmetries and Mode Stability of Subextremal Kerr(-de Sitter) Black Holes 2022 Marc Casals
Rita Teixeira da Costa
+ The Teukolsky–Starobinsky constants: facts and fictions 2021 Marc Casals
Rita Teixeira da Costa
+ PDF Chat Numerical evidence towards a positive answer to Morrey’s problem 2021 AndrĂ© Guerra
Rita Teixeira da Costa
+ Hidden spectral symmetries and mode stability of subextremal Kerr(-dS) black holes 2021 Marc Casals
Rita Teixeira da Costa
+ Oscillations in wave map systems and homogenization of the Einstein equations in symmetry 2021 A Guerra
Rita Teixeira da Costa
+ Boundedness and decay for the Teukolsky equation on Kerr in the full subextremal range $|a|<M$: frequency space analysis 2020 Yakov Shlapentokh-Rothman
Rita Teixeira da Costa
+ PDF Chat Mode Stability for the Teukolsky Equation on Extremal and Subextremal Kerr Spacetimes 2020 Rita Teixeira da Costa
+ Numerical evidence towards a positive answer to Morrey's problem 2020 André Guerra
Rita Teixeira da Costa
+ Boundedness and decay for the Teukolsky equation on Kerr in the full subextremal range $|a| 2020 Yakov Shlapentokh-Rothman
Rita Teixeira da Costa
+ Numerical evidence towards a positive answer to Morrey's problem 2020 André Guerra
Rita Teixeira da Costa
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Quantitative Mode Stability for the Wave Equation on the Kerr Spacetime 2014 Yakov Shlapentokh-Rothman
+ Introduction to Asymptotics and Special Functions 1975 Wolfgang Wasow
F. W. J. Olver
+ Mathieusche Funktionen und SphÀroidfunktionen 1954 Josef Meixner
Friedrich Wilhelm SchÀfke
+ PDF Chat Mode stability on the real axis 2017 Lars Andersson
Siyuan Ma
Claudio F. Paganini
B. F. Whiting
+ PDF Chat Decay for solutions of the wave equation on Kerr exterior spacetimes III: The full subextremal case |a| &lt; M 2016 Mihalis Dafermos
Igor Rodnianski
Yakov Shlapentokh-Rothman
+ PDF Chat Boundedness and Decay for the Teukolsky Equation on Kerr Spacetimes I: The Case $$|a|\ll M$$ 2019 Mihalis Dafermos
Gustav Holzegel
Igor Rodnianski
+ PDF Chat Mode Stability for the Teukolsky Equation on Extremal and Subextremal Kerr Spacetimes 2020 Rita Teixeira da Costa
+ Superradiant instabilities for short-range non-negative potentials on Kerr spacetimes and applications 2017 Georgios Moschidis
+ PDF Chat Hamilton-Jacobi and Schrodinger Separable Solutions of Einstein’s Equations 1968 Brandon Carter
+ PDF Chat The global non-linear stability of the Kerr–de Sitter family of black holes 2018 Peter Hintz
AndrĂĄs Vasy
+ Lectures on black holes and linear waves 2008 Mihalis Dafermos
Igor Rodnianski
+ PDF Chat Teukolsky–Starobinsky identities for arbitrary spin 1989 E. G. Kalnins
Willard Miller
Gareth Williams
+ PDF Chat A proof of the instability of AdS for the Einstein-null dust system with an inner mirror 2020 Georgios Moschidis
+ Boundedness and decay for the Teukolsky equation on Kerr in the full subextremal range $|a|<M$: frequency space analysis 2020 Yakov Shlapentokh-Rothman
Rita Teixeira da Costa
+ Decay for solutions of the wave equation on Kerr exterior spacetimes I-II: The cases |a| << M or axisymmetry 2010 Mihalis Dafermos
Igor Rodnianski
+ PDF Chat Exponential Energy Decay for Kerr–de Sitter Black Holes Beyond Event Horizons 2011 Semyon Dyatlov
+ Compensated compactness and applications to partial differential equations 1979 Luc Tartar
+ Decay of axisymmetric solutions of the wave equation on extreme Kerr backgrounds 2012 Stefanos Aretakis
+ PDF Chat Horizon instability of extremal black holes 2015 Stefanos Aretakis
+ PDF Chat Some numerical methods for the study of the convexity notions arising in the calculus of variations 1998 Bernard Dacorogna
Jean-Pierre A. Haeberly
+ PDF Chat Late-time asymptotics for the wave equation on extremal Reissner–Nordström backgrounds 2020 Yannis Angelopoulos
Stefanos Aretakis
Dejan Gajic
+ Ordinary Differential Equations 1945 A. T. Lonseth
E. L. Ince
+ PDF Chat On the gradient set of Lipschitz maps 2008 Bernd Kirchheim
Låszló Székelyhidi
+ Computational Aspects of Three-Term Recurrence Relations 1967 Walter Gautschi
+ PDF Chat Unstable Mode Solutions to the Klein–Gordon Equation in Kerr-anti-de Sitter Spacetimes 2016 Dominic Dold
+ Rank-one convexity does not imply quasiconvexity 1992 VladimĂ­r Ć verĂĄk
+ PDF Chat Uniform energy bound and asymptotics for the Maxwell field on a slowly rotating Kerr black hole exterior 2015 Lars Andersson
Pieter Blue
+ The linear stability of the Schwarzschild solution to gravitational perturbations 2019 Mihalis Dafermos
Gustav Holzegel
Igor Rodnianski
+ PDF Chat Analytic Solutions of the Teukolsky Equation in Kerr-de Sitter and Kerr-Newman-de Sitter Geometries 1999 Hisao Suzuki
Eiichi Takasugi
Hiroshi Umetsu
+ On the Best Approximation by Ridge Functions in the Uniform Norm 2001 Y. Gordon
V. Maiorov
M. Meyer
S. Reisner
+ PDF Chat A proof of the uniform boundedness of solutions to the wave equation on slowly rotating Kerr backgrounds 2011 Mihalis Dafermos
Igor Rodnianski
+ PDF Chat Gravitational instability of an extreme Kerr black hole 2012 James Lucietti
Harvey S. Reall
+ PDF Chat Some examples of rank one convex functions in dimension two 1990 Bernard Dacorogna
J. Douchet
Wilfrid Gangbo
Jacques Rappaz
+ PDF Chat Perturbations of Kerr-de Sitter Black Holes and Heun's Equations 1998 H. Suzuki
Eiichi Takasugi
H. Umetsu
+ Estimates for numerical approximations of rank one convex envelopes 2000 Georg Dolzmann
Noel J. Walkington
+ PDF Chat The red‐shift effect and radiation decay on black hole spacetimes 2009 Mihalis Dafermos
Igor Rodnianski
+ PDF Chat Stability and Instability of Extreme Reissner-Nordström Black Hole Spacetimes for Linear Scalar Perturbations I 2011 Stefanos Aretakis
+ PDF Chat Compensated convexity and its applications 2007 Kewei Zhang
+ PDF Chat Quasi-convexity and the lower semicontinuity of multiple integrals 1952 Charles B. Morrey
+ Characterizations of young measures generated by gradients 1991 David Kinderlehrer
Pablo Pedregal
+ PDF Chat On Rank One Convex Functions that are Homogeneous of Degree One 2016 Bernd Kirchheim
Jan Kristensen
+ On new geometric conditions for some weakly lower semicontinuous functionals with applications to the rank-one conjecture of Morrey 2003 Agnieszka KaƂamajska
+ PDF Chat Numerical Computation of Rank-One Convex Envelopes 1999 Georg Dolzmann
+ PDF Chat On the non-locality of quasiconvexity 1999 Jan Kristensen
+ Laminates and microstructure 1993 Pablo Pedregal
+ PDF Chat Small Kerr–anti-de Sitter black holes are unstable 2004 Vítor Cardoso
Óscar J. C. Dias
+ The Failure of Rank-One Connections 2002 Tadeusz Iwaniec
Gregory C. Verchota
Andrew Vogel
+ PDF Chat Regularity of quasiconvex envelopes 2000 J. M. Ball
Bernd Kirchheim
Jan Kristensen
+ PDF Chat Numerical optimization and quasiconvexity 1995 Pierre A. Gremaud
+ PDF Chat Exponentially Growing Finite Energy Solutions for the Klein–Gordon Equation on Sub-Extremal Kerr Spacetimes 2014 Yakov Shlapentokh-Rothman