Jian-Zhong Xiao


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Fixed Point Theorems in p-Normed Spaces 2025 George Xianzhi Yuan
Jian-Zhong Xiao
+ On fuzzy inner products constructed by fuzzy numbers in linear spaces 2024 Jian-Zhong Xiao
Chen‐Ying Wang
+ Fixed points of nonexpansive operators and normal structure concerning s-Orlicz convex sets 2024 Jian-Zhong Xiao
Xinghua Zhu
+ PDF Chat Some Fixed Point Theorems in p-normed Spaces 2024 Jian-Zhong Xiao
George Xianzhi Yuan
+ PDF Chat The Aleksandrov problem and the Tingley problem for expansive and nonexpansive operators in p-normed spaces 2024 Jian-Zhong Xiao
Zhu Feng-qin
+ PDF Chat Fixed Point Theorems in p-normed Spaces 2023 George Xianzhi Yuan
Jian-Zhong Xiao
+ Volumes of s-Orlicz convex simplices and geometric inequalities in higher dimensional spaces 2023 Ying Lü
Jian-Zhong Xiao
+ Examples, properties and applications of fuzzy inner product spaces 2022 Jian-Zhong Xiao
Ying Lu
Zhu Feng-qin
+ Some properties and applications of Menger probabilistic inner product spaces 2022 Jian-Zhong Xiao
Xinghua Zhu
+ Extension of isometries between the unit spheres of p-normed spaces 2022 Jian-Zhong Xiao
Ying Lü
+ PDF Chat Approximating common fixed points of asymptotically nonexpansive cosine families in Hilbert spaces by algorithms with error terms 2021 Jian-Zhong Xiao
Yue Zhu
+ Strong convergence of viscosity iterations with error terms for cosine families in Banach spaces 2019 Yue Zhu
Jian-Zhong Xiao
+ PDF Chat Approximation of common fixed points of asymptotically nonexpansive cosine family based on modified Ishikawa iterations 2019 Jian-Zhong Xiao
Yue Zhu
+ On the Topological Structure of KM Fuzzy Metric Spaces and Normed Spaces 2019 Jian-Zhong Xiao
Xinghua Zhu
Hao Zhou
+ Comments on “Fuzzy inner product spaces” 2019 Jian-Zhong Xiao
Zhu Feng-qin
+ PDF Chat Approximate controllability for abstract semilinear impulsive functional differential inclusions based on Hausdorff product measures 2018 Jian-Zhong Xiao
Xinghua Zhu
+ Some fixed point theorems for s-convex subsets in p-normed spaces based on measures of noncompactness 2018 Jian-Zhong Xiao
Ying Lü
+ Convex bodies via gravitational potentials 2017 S. Hou
Jian-Zhong Xiao
+ Controllability results for second order semilinear functional differential inclusions based on Kuratowski product measures 2017 Jian-Zhong Xiao
Xinghua Zhu
Zhong-Hao Yao
+ Boundary value problems for semilinear fuzzy impulsive differential inclusions based on semigroups in Banach spaces 2015 Jian-Zhong Xiao
Jia-Min Ju
Panpan Jin
+ On periodic solutions of subquadratic second order non-autonomous Hamiltonian systems 2014 Zhiyong Wang
Jian-Zhong Xiao
+ Iterated function systems and attractors in the KM fuzzy metric spaces 2014 Jian-Zhong Xiao
Xinghua Zhu
Panpan Jin
+ Probabilistic fractals and attractors in Menger spaces 2013 Jian-Zhong Xiao
Xinghua Zhu
Jie Yan
+ An alternative characterization of probabilistic Menger spaces with H-type triangular norms 2013 Jian-Zhong Xiao
Xinghua Zhu
Xiaoyan Liu
+ Existence of solutions for a class of boundary value problems of semilinear differential inclusions 2012 Jian-Zhong Xiao
Yue-Hua Cang
Liu Qin-feng
+ The solution sets for second order semilinear impulsive multivalued boundary value problems 2012 Jian-Zhong Xiao
Xinghua Zhu
Rong Cheng
+ Fixed point theorems for nonlinear contractions in Kaleva–Seikkala's type fuzzy metric spaces 2011 Jian-Zhong Xiao
Xinghua Zhu
Xin Jin
+ Note on “Coupled fixed point theorems for contractions in fuzzy metric spaces” 2011 Xinghua Zhu
Jian-Zhong Xiao
+ The Chebyshev selections and fixed points of set-valued mappings in Banach spaces with some uniform convexity 2011 Jian-Zhong Xiao
Xinghua Zhu
+ Common coupled fixed point results for probabilistic -contractions in Menger spaces 2011 Jian-Zhong Xiao
Xinghua Zhu
Yin-Fang Cao
+ Approximation of Common Fixed Points of Hemicontractive Mappings 2011 Jian-Zhong Xiao
+ Recent Developments for the GASFLOW CFD Code: Real Gas Equations of State 2011 J.R. Travis
Jian-Zhong Xiao
Zhanjie Xu
Daniela Piccioni Koch
+ Minimum selections and fixed points of set-valued operators in Banach spaces with some uniform convexity 2010 Xinghua Zhu
Jian-Zhong Xiao
+ Random Periodic Point and Fixed Point Results for Random Monotone Mappings in Ordered Polish Spaces 2010 Xinghua Zhu
Jian-Zhong Xiao
+ Some fixed point theorems for -convex subsets in -normed spaces 2010 Jian-Zhong Xiao
Xinghua Zhu
+ PDF Chat Conjugate Families of Mappings in Pointwise Metric Fuzzy Lattices 2010 Xinghua Zhu
Jian-Zhong Xiao
+ Approximating common fixed points of asymptotically quasi-nonexpansive mappings by a <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" altimg="si1.gif" display="inline" overflow="scroll"><mml:mi>k</mml:mi><mml:mo>+</mml:mo><mml:mn>1</mml:mn></mml:math>-step iterative scheme with error terms 2009 Jian-Zhong Xiao
Jing Sun
Xuan Huang
+ Condensing operators and topological degree theory in standard fuzzy normed spaces 2009 Jian-Zhong Xiao
Ying Lü
+ Approximating Common Fixed Points of Contractive and Nonexpansive Operators in Fuzzy Normed Spaces 2009 Xinghua Zhu
Jian-Zhong Xiao
+ Metric topology on the L-fuzzy real line 2008 Jian-Zhong Xiao
Xinghua Zhu
+ Kakutani Fixed Point Theorem in Fuzzy Normed Linear Space 2008 Jian-Zhong Xiao
+ PDF Chat Common Fixed Point Theorems on Weakly Contractive and Nonexpansive Mappings 2007 Jian-Zhong Xiao
Xinghua Zhu
+ Fixed point theorems in generating spaces of quasi-norm family and applications 2006 Jian-Zhong Xiao
Xinghua Zhu
+ PDF Chat The Existence of Universal Inner Functions on the Unit Ball of ℂ<i><sup>n</sup></i> 2005 P. M. Gauthier
Jian-Zhong Xiao
+ Topological degree theory and fixed point theorems in fuzzy normed space 2004 Jian-Zhong Xiao
Xinghua Zhu
+ The Butterfly Theorem in High Dimensional Space 2004 Jian-Zhong Xiao
+ Fuzzy normed space of operators and its completeness 2002 Jian-Zhong Xiao
Xinghua Zhu
+ Global integral criteria for composition operators 2002 K.‐J. Wirths
Jian-Zhong Xiao
+ On linearly topological structure and property of fuzzy normed linear space 2002 Jian-Zhong Xiao
Xinghua Zhu
+ Hahn-Banach theorem on fuzzy normed spaces 2002 Jian-Zhong Xiao
+ Composition operators associated with bloch-type spaces 2001 Jian-Zhong Xiao
+ Recognizing {$\scr Q\sb {p,0}$} functions per Dirichlet space structure 2001 K.‐J. Wirths
Jian-Zhong Xiao
+ The fixed point theorems for contractive type mappings on generating spaces of quasi-metric family 2001 Jian-Zhong Xiao
+ Some Essential Properties of Q~p(¿u)-Spaces 2000 Jian-Zhong Xiao
+ Probabilistic norm of operators and resonance theorems 1999 Jian-Zhong Xiao
Xinghua Zhu
+ The Asymptotic Comparison Between Geometrical Objects on Simplex 1999 Jian-Zhong Xiao
+ Resonance theorems for linear operators in M-PN spaces 1999 Jian-Zhong Xiao
+ Probabilistic norm of linear operators on PN space 1997 Jian-Zhong Xiao
Jiang Xing-guo
+ Some results on Q(p) spaces, 0lpl1 1997 Matts Essén
Jian-Zhong Xiao
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Fixed Point Theory in Probabilistic Metric Spaces 2001 Olga Hadžić
Endre Pap
+ PDF Chat Statistical metric spaces 1960 Berthold Schweizer
A. Sklar
+ On linearly topological structure and property of fuzzy normed linear space 2002 Jian-Zhong Xiao
Xinghua Zhu
Β. E. Rhoades
Marie Saliga Linda
+ Finite dimensional fuzzy normed linear space 1992 Clementina Felbin
+ PDF Chat The metrization of statistical metric spaces 1960 Berthold Schweizer
A. Sklar
Edward Thorp
+ On fuzzy metric spaces 1984 Osmo Kaleva
Seppo Seikkala
+ Fixed Point Theory in Probabilistic Metric Spaces 2014 Olga Hadžić
Endre Pap
+ Approximating Fixed Points of Nonexpansive Mappings by the Ishikawa Iteration Process 1993 Kok Kiong Tan
Hong–Kun Xu
+ Topics in Metric Fixed Point Theory 1990 Kazimierz Goebel
W. A. Kirk
+ Probabilistic Metric Spaces 1983 B. Schweizer
A. Sklar
+ Fixed Point Theory and Applications 2001 Ravi P. Agarwal
Maria Meehan
Donal O’Regan
+ PDF Chat Operations on fuzzy numbers 1978 Didier Dubois
Henri Prade
+ Fuzzy bounded linear operators in Felbin's type fuzzy normed linear spaces 2007 T. Bag
S. K. Samanta
+ Topological degree theory and fixed point theorems in fuzzy normed space 2004 Jian-Zhong Xiao
Xinghua Zhu
+ First-order periodic impulsive semilinear differential inclusions: Existence and structure of solution sets 2010 Smaïl Djebali
Lech Górniewicz
Abdelghani Ouahab
+ Some fixed point theorems for s-convex subsets in p-normed spaces based on measures of noncompactness 2018 Jian-Zhong Xiao
Ying Lü
+ On some results in fuzzy metric spaces 1994 Aravind George
P. Veeramani
+ PDF Chat Topological Fixed Point Theory of Multivalued Mappings 2006 Lech Górniewicz
S. M. Vaezpour
+ Foundations of Complex Analysis in Non Locally Convex Spaces - Function Theory Without Convexity Condition 2003 Aboubakr Bayoumi
+ An Introduction to Banach Space Theory 1998 Robert E. Megginson
+ Some fixed point theorems for -convex subsets in -normed spaces 2010 Jian-Zhong Xiao
Xinghua Zhu
+ Existence and controllability results for nondensely defined impulsive semilinear functional differential inclusions 2009 Nadjet Abada
Mouffak Benchohra
Hadda Hammouche
+ On fuzzy contractive mappings in fuzzy metric spaces 2006 Dorel Miheţ
+ Nonlinear Functional Analysis 1985 Klaus Deimling
+ PDF Chat Fixed point theorems in r-normed and locally r-convex spaces and applications 2021 Mohamed Ennassik
Lahcen Maniar
Mohamed-Aziz Taoudi
+ Controllability for systems governed by semilinear differential inclusions in a Banach space with a noncompact semigroup 2008 Valeri Obukhovski
Pietro Zecca
+ Nonlinear Functional Analysis 1989 P. S. Milojević
+ Basic theory and applications of probabilistic metric spaces (I) 1988 Zhang Shi-sheng
+ A couple of nonlinear equations with fuzzy mappings in fuzzy normed spaces 2004 Nan‐jing Huang
Heng-you Lan
+ Some results on fuzzy Banach spaces 2005 Reza Saadati
S. M. Vaezpour
+ An alternative characterization of probabilistic Menger spaces with H-type triangular norms 2013 Jian-Zhong Xiao
Xinghua Zhu
Xiaoyan Liu
+ Inequalities in Banach spaces with applications 1991 Hong–Kun Xu
+ Fuzzy metrics and statistical metric spaces 1975 Ivan Kramosil
Jiří Michálek
+ s-Orlicz Convex Functions in Linear Spaces and Jensen's Discrete Inequality 1997 Sever S Dragomir
Simon Fitzpatrick
+ The Banach fixed point theorem in fuzzy quasi-metric spaces with application to the domain of words 2007 Salvador Romaguera
Almanzor Sapena
Pedro Tirado
+ On probabilistic -contractions on Menger spaces 2010 Jacek Jachymski
+ Semigroups of linear operators on p-Fréchet spaces, 0 &lt; p &lt; 1 2006 Sorin G. Gal
Jerome A. Goldstein
+ Strong convergence of Krasnoselskii and Mann's type sequences for one-parameter nonexpansive semigroups without Bochner integrals 2005 Tomonari Suzuki
+ Nonlinear structure of some classical quasi-Banach spaces and <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" altimg="si1.gif" overflow="scroll"><mml:mi mathvariant="sans-serif">F</mml:mi></mml:math>-spaces 2007 Fernando Albiac
+ PDF Chat Examples of fuzzy metrics and applications 2010 Valentı́n Gregori
Samuel Morillas
Almanzor Sapena
+ Condensing operators and topological degree theory in standard fuzzy normed spaces 2009 Jian-Zhong Xiao
Ying Lü
+ Coincidence theorems for set-valued mappings and Ekeland's variational principle in fuzzy metric spaces 1996 Jong Soo Jung
Yeol Je Cho
Shin Min Kang
Shih-sen Chang
+ Cosine families and abstract nonlinear second order differential equations 1978 Curtis C. Travis
Glenn F. Webb
+ Fixed-Point Iterations for Asymptotically Nonexpansive Mappings in Banach Spaces 2002 Benlong Xu
Muhammad Aslam Noor
+ Basic theory and applications of probabilistic metric spaces (II) 1988 Zhang Shi-sheng
+ A Banach contraction theorem in fuzzy metric spaces 2003 Dorel Miheţ
+ Fuzzy inner product spaces 2015 Morteza Saheli
S. Khajepour Gelousalar
+ An iterative method for nonexpansive semigroups, variational inclusions and generalized equilibrium problems 2011 Yekini Shehu