Frédéric Le Roux


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Automorphisms of some variants of fine graphs 2024 Frédéric Le Roux
Maxime Wolff
+ PDF Chat A note on weak conjugacy for homeomorphisms of surfaces 2024 Frédéric Le Roux
Alejandro Passeggi
Martı́n Sambarino
Maxime Wolff
+ PDF Chat The Anosov–Katok method and pseudo-rotations in symplectic dynamics 2022 Frédéric Le Roux
Sobhan Seyfaddini
+ Automorphisms of some variants of fine graphs 2022 Frédéric Le Roux
Maxime Wolff
+ PDF Chat Barcodes and area-preserving homeomorphisms 2021 Frédéric Le Roux
Sobhan Seyfaddini
Claude Viterbo
+ PDF Chat The Anosov-Katok method and pseudo-rotations in symplectic dynamics 2020 Frédéric Le Roux
Sobhan Seyfaddini
+ PDF Chat Fixed point sets of isotopies on surfaces 2020 François Béguin
Sylvain Crovisier
Frédéric Le Roux
+ PDF Chat Projective transformations of rotation sets 2019 François Béguin
Sylvain Crovisier
Frédéric Le Roux
+ PDF Chat Fixed point sets of isotopies on surfaces 2019 François Béguin
Sylvain Crovisier
Frédéric Le Roux
+ PDF Chat Projective transformations of rotation sets 2019 François Béguin
Sylvain Crovisier
Frédéric Le Roux
+ PDF Chat Entropie polynomiale des homéomorphismes de Brouwer 2019 Louis Hauseux
Frédéric Le Roux
+ PDF Chat Fixed point sets of isotopies on surfaces 2019 François Béguin
Sylvain Crovisier
Frédéric Le Roux
+ Barcodes and area-preserving homeomorphisms 2018 Frédéric Le Roux
Sobhan Seyfaddini
Claude Viterbo
+ PDF Chat Polynomial entropy of Brouwer homeomorphisms 2017 Louis Hauseux
Frédéric Le Roux
+ PDF Chat Strong distortion in transformation groups 2017 Frédéric Le Roux
Kathryn Mann
+ Polynomial entropy of Brouwer homeomorphisms 2017 Louis Hauseux
Frédéric Le Roux
+ Projective transformations of rotation sets 2017 François Béguin
Sylvain Crovisier
Frédéric Le Roux
+ PDF Chat Towards a dynamical interpretation of Hamiltonian spectral invariants on surfaces 2016 Vincent Humilière
Frédéric Le Roux
Sobhan Seyfaddini
+ Entropie polynomiale et homéomorphismes de Brouwer.Mémoire de recherche pour un stage de recherche encadré par Frédéric Le Roux (Université Pierre-et-Marie-Curie). Été 2016. 2016 Louis Hauseux
Frédéric Le Roux
+ PDF Chat An index for Brouwer homeomorphisms and homotopy Brouwer theory 2015 Frédéric Le Roux
+ PDF Chat On closed subgroups of the group of homeomorphisms of a manifold 2014 Frédéric Le Roux
+ L'ensemble de rotation autour d'un point fixe 2013 Frédéric Le Roux
+ PDF Chat Flowability of plane homeomorphisms 2012 Frédéric Le Roux
Anthony G. O’Farrell
Maria Roginskaya
Ian Short
+ An introduction to Handel's homotopy Brouwer theory 2012 Frédéric Le Roux
+ PDF Chat Free planar actions of the Klein bottle group 2011 Frédéric Le Roux
+ There is no minimal action of ℤ<sup>2</sup> on the plane 2011 Frédéric Le Roux
+ PDF Chat Free planar actions of the Klein bottle group 2011 Frédéric Le Roux
+ PDF Chat Free planar actions of the Klein bottle group 2011 Frédéric Le Roux
+ PDF Chat Realisation of measured dynamics as uniquely ergodic minimal homeomorphisms on manifolds 2010 François Béguin
Sylvain Crovisier
Frédéric Le Roux
+ PDF Chat There is no minimal action of Z^2 on the plane 2010 Frédéric Le Roux
+ PDF Chat Un indice qui affine l’indice de Poincaré-Lefschetz pour les homeomorphismes de surfaces 2010 Frédéric Le Roux
+ PDF Chat Simplicity of homeo(D2, ∂D2, Area) and fragmentation of symplectic diffeomorphisms 2010 Frédéric Le Roux
+ Six questions, a proposition and two pictures on Hofer distance for Hamiltonian diffeomorphisms on surfaces 2010 Frédéric Le Roux
+ There is no minimal action of Z^2 on the plane 2010 Frédéric Le Roux
+ Flowability of plane homeomorphisms 2009 Frédéric Le Roux
Anthony G. O’Farrell
Maria Roginskaya
Ian Short
+ PDF Chat Denjoy constructions for fibered homeomorphisms of the torus 2009 François Béguin
Sylvain Crovisier
Tobias Jäger
Frédéric Le Roux
+ Simplicity of the group of compactly supported area preserving homeomorphisms of the open disc and fragmentation of symplectic diffeomorphisms 2009 Frédéric Le Roux
+ Flowability of plane homeomorphisms 2009 Frédéric Le Roux
Anthony G. O’Farrell
Maria Roginskaya
Ian Short
+ L'ensemble de rotation autour d'un point fixe d'homéomorphisme de surface 2008 Frédéric Le Roux
+ PDF Chat The rotation set around a fixed point for a surface homeomorphism 2008 Frédéric Le Roux
+ PDF Chat A topological characterization of holomorphic parabolic germs in the plane 2008 Frédéric Le Roux
+ Denjoy constructions for fibred homeomorphisms of the torus 2007 François Béguin
Sylvain Crovisier
Tobias Jaeger
Frédéric Le Roux
+ A topological characterisation of holomorphic parabolic germs in the plane 2007 Frédéric Le Roux
+ PDF Chat Pseudo-rotations of the open annulus 2006 François Béguin
Sylvain Crovisier
Frédéric Le Roux
+ PDF Chat Construction of curious minimal uniquely ergodic homeomorphisms on manifolds: the Denjoy-Rees technique 2006 François Béguin
Sylvain Crovisier
Frédéric Le Roux
+ Construction of curious minimal uniquely ergodic homeomorphisms on manifolds: the Denjoy-Rees technique 2006 François Béguin
Sylvain Crovisier
Frédéric Le Roux
+ PDF Chat Structure des homeomorphismes de Brouwer 2005 Frédéric Le Roux
+ PDF Chat Un indice qui affine l'indice de Poincaré-Lefschetz pour les homéomorphismes de surfaces 2005 Frédéric Le Roux
+ Pseudo-rotations of the open annulus 2005 François Béguin
Sylvain Crovisier
Frédéric Le Roux
+ PDF Chat Pseudo-rotations of the open annulus 2005 François Béguin
Sylvain Crovisier
Frédéric Le Roux
+ Un indice qui affine l'indice de Poincaré-Lefschetz pour les homéomorphismes de surfaces 2005 Frédéric Le Roux
+ PDF Chat Pseudo-rotations of the closed annulus: variation on a theorem of J Kwapisz 2004 François Béguin
Sylvain Crovisier
Frédéric Le Roux
Alice Patou
+ Homéomorphismes de surfaces théorèmes de la fleur de Leau-Fatou et de la variété stable 2004 Frédéric Le Roux
+ PDF Chat Ensemble oscillant d’un homéomorphisme de Brouwer, homéomorphismes de Reeb 2003 François Béguin
Frédéric Le Roux
+ Pseudo-rotations of the closed annulus : variation on a theorem of J. Kwapisz 2003 Sylvain Crovisier
François Béguin
Frédéric Le Roux
Alice Patou
+ Dynamics of surface homeomorphisms Topological versions of the Leau-Fatou flower theorem and the stable manifold theorem 2002 Frédéric Le Roux
+ Etude topologique de l'espace des homéomorphismes de Brouwer, I 2001 Frédéric Le Roux
+ Il n'y a pas de classification borélienne des homéomorphismes de Brouwer 2001 Frédéric Le Roux
+ Migration des points errants d'un homéomorphisme de surface 2000 Frédéric Le Roux
+ Bounded recurrent sets for planar homeomorphisms 1999 Frédéric Le Roux
+ Classes de conjugaison des flots du plan topologiquement équivalents au flot de Reeb 1999 Frédéric Le Roux
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Ensemble oscillant d’un homéomorphisme de Brouwer, homéomorphismes de Reeb 2003 François Béguin
Frédéric Le Roux
+ PDF Chat On the structure of the plane translation of Brouwer 1953 Tatsuo Homma
Hidetaka Terasaka
+ PDF Chat Constructions in elliptic dynamics 2004 Bassam Fayad
Anatole Katok
+ Bounded recurrent sets for planar homeomorphisms 1999 Frédéric Le Roux
+ Generalizations of the Poincare-Birkhoff Theorem 1988 John Franks
+ Measure-Preserving Homeomorphisms and Metrical Transitivity 1941 John C. Oxtoby
Stanislaw M. Ulam
+ A new proof of the Brouwer plane translation theorem 1992 John Franks
+ PDF Chat A priori degeneracy of one-dimensional rotation sets for periodic point free torus maps 2002 Jarosław Kwapisz
+ Rotation Sets for Maps of Tori 1989 Michał Misiurewicz
Krystyna Ziemian
+ Un Theoreme d'Indice pour les Homeomorphismes du Plan au Voisinage d'un Point Fixe 1997 Patrice Le Calvez
Jean-Christophe Yoccoz
+ PDF Chat A bound for the fixed-point index of an area-preserving map with applications to mechanics 1974 Carl G. Simon
+ PDF Chat A Brouwer-like theorem for orientation reversing homeomorphisms of the sphere 2004 Marc Bonino
+ An orientation preserving fixed point free homeomorphism of the plane which admits no closed invariant line 1988 Morton B. Brown
Edward E. Slaminka
William Transue
+ PDF Chat Structure of the group of homeomorphisms preserving a good measure on a compact manifold 1980 Albert Fathi
+ PDF Chat A bound for the fixed point index of area-preserving homeomorphisms of two-manifolds 1987 Stephan Pelikan
Edward E. Slaminka
+ PDF Chat A short short proof of the Cartwright-Littlewood theorem 1977 Morton B. Brown
+ Construction of Some Curious Diffeomorphisms of the Riemann Sphere 1986 Michael R. Herman
+ None 2003 Michael Entov
Leonid Polterovich
+ PDF Chat Construction of curious minimal uniquely ergodic homeomorphisms on manifolds: the Denjoy-Rees technique 2006 François Béguin
Sylvain Crovisier
Frédéric Le Roux
+ PDF Chat Une version feuilletée équivariante du théorème de translation de Brouwer 2005 Patrice Le Calvez
+ Expansive homeomorphisms of compact surfaces are pseudo-Anosov 1990 Koichi Hiraide
+ A Pathological Area Preserving C ∞ Diffeomorphism of the Plane 1982 Michael Handel
+ Conjugation-invariant norms on groups of geometric origin 2007 Dmitri Burago
Sergei O. Ivanov
Leonid Polterovich
+ PDF Chat On dimensions of non-Hausdorff sets for plane homeomorphisms 1995 Hiromichi Nakayama
+ The Algebraic Simplicity of Certain Groups of Homeomorphisms 1958 Robert D. Anderson
+ PDF Chat The group of Hamiltonian homeomorphisms and C^0-symplectic topology 2007 Stefan Müller
Yong‐Geun Oh
+ PDF Chat Structure des homeomorphismes de Brouwer 2005 Frédéric Le Roux
+ Dynamics in one complex variable 2000 John Milnor
+ Expansive homeomorphisms of surfaces 1989 Jorge Lewowicz
+ The Geometric Topology of 3-Manifolds 1983 R. Bing
+ PDF Chat A Brouwer translation theorem for free homeomorphisms 1988 Edward E. Slaminka
+ Il n'y a pas de classification borélienne des homéomorphismes de Brouwer 2001 Frédéric Le Roux
+ PDF Chat A generalized translation theorem for free homeomorphisms of surfaces 1995 Lucien Guillou
+ PDF Chat A maximally pathological Brouwer homeomorphism 1994 Edward Warwick Daw
+ A problem on topological transformations of the plane. II 1951 A. S. Besicovitch
+ A Minimal Positive Entropy Homeomorphism of the 2-Torus 1981 Mary Rees
+ PDF Chat A proof of the homeomorphism of Lebesgue-Stieltjes measure with Lebesgue measure 1975 Casper Goffman
George Pedrick
+ Fixed points of measure preserving torus homeomorphisms 1990 Martin Flucher
+ Recurrent Sets for Planar Homeomorphisms 1993 Marcy Barge
John Franks
+ Introduction to the modern theory of dynamical systems 1996 Anatole Katok
Boris Hasselblatt
+ PDF Chat An elementary proof of the Jordan-Schoenflies theorem 1951 Stewart S. Cairns
+ Symplectic topology as the geometry of generating functions 1992 Claude Viterbo
+ PDF Chat On the group of all homeomorphisms of a manifold 1960 Gordon Fisher
+ Classes de conjugaison des flots du plan topologiquement équivalents au flot de Reeb 1999 Frédéric Le Roux
+ Arnold conjecture for surface homeomorphisms 2000 Shigenori Matsumoto
+ PDF Chat The Geometry of the Group of Symplectic Diffeomorphism 2001 Leonid Polterovich
+ PDF Chat Pseudo-rotations of the closed annulus: variation on a theorem of J Kwapisz 2004 François Béguin
Sylvain Crovisier
Frédéric Le Roux
Alice Patou