Gal Binyamini


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Sharp bounds for the number of rational points on algebraic curves and dimension growth, over all global fields 2024 Gal Binyamini
Raf Cluckers
Fumiharu Kato
+ PDF Chat Log-Noetherian functions 2024 Gal Binyamini
+ PDF Chat Bounds for Rational Points on Algebraic Curves, Optimal in the Degree, and Dimension Growth 2024 Gal Binyamini
Raf Cluckers
Dmitry Novikov
+ PDF Chat Wilkie's conjecture for Pfaffian structures 2024 Gal Binyamini
Dmitry Novikov
Benny Zak
+ Effective computations for weakly optimal subvarieties 2024 Gal Binyamini
Christopher Daw
+ Sharp bounds for the number of rational points on algebraic curves and dimension growth, over all global fields 2024 Gal Binyamini
Raf Cluckers
Fumiharu Kato
+ Tameness in geometry and arithmetic: beyond o-minimality 2023 Gal Binyamini
Dmitry Novikov
+ An effective Pila-Wilkie theorem for sets definable using Pfaffian functions, with some diophantine applications 2023 Gal Binyamini
Gareth O. Jones
Harry Schmidt
Margaret E. M. Thomas
+ Bounds for rational points on algebraic curves, optimal in the degree, and dimension growth 2023 Gal Binyamini
Raf Cluckers
Dmitry A. Novikov
+ PDF Chat Point counting and Wilkie’s conjecture for non-Archimedean Pfaffian and Noetherian functions 2022 Gal Binyamini
Raf Cluckers
Dmitry Novikov
+ PDF Chat Lower bounds for Galois orbits of special points on Shimura varieties: a point-counting approach 2022 Gal Binyamini
Harry Schmidt
Andrei Yafaev
+ PDF Chat Point counting for foliations over number fields 2022 Gal Binyamini
+ Rational points of rigid-analytic sets: a Pila-Wilkie type theorem 2022 Gal Binyamini
Fumiharu Kato
+ Wilkie's conjecture for Pfaffian structures 2022 Gal Binyamini
Dmitry A. Novikov
Benny Zack
+ Sharply o-minimal structures and sharp cellular decomposition 2022 Gal Binyamini
Dmitri Novikov
Benny Zack
+ PDF Chat The Yomdin–Gromov Algebraic Lemma Revisited 2021 Gal Binyamini
Dmitry Novikov
+ PDF Chat Effective André–Oort for non-compact curves in Hilbert modular varieties 2021 Gal Binyamini
David Masser
+ Effective André-Oort for non-compact curves in Hilbert modular varieties 2021 Gal Binyamini
David Masser
+ Lower bounds for Galois orbits of special points on Shimura varieties: a point-counting approach 2021 Gal Binyamini
Harry Schmidt
Andrei Yafaev
+ Effective computations for weakly optimal subvarieties 2021 Gal Binyamini
Christopher Daw
+ PDF Chat Point counting and Wilkie's conjecture for non-archimedean Pfaffian and Noetherian functions 2020 Gal Binyamini
Raf Cluckers
Dmitry A. Novikov
+ PDF Chat Effective Cylindrical Cell Decompositions for Restricted Sub-Pfaffian Sets 2020 Gal Binyamini
Nicolai Vorobjov
+ Effective cylindrical cell decompositions for restricted sub-Pfaffian sets 2020 Gal Binyamini
Nicolai Vorobjov
+ Point counting for foliations over number fields 2020 Gal Binyamini
+ The Yomdin-Gromov algebraic lemma revisited 2020 Gal Binyamini
Dmitry Novikov
+ PDF Chat Some effective estimates for André–Oort in <i>Y</i>(1)<sup> <i>n</i> </sup> 2019 Gal Binyamini
Emmanuel Kowalski
+ G. Binyamini - Point counting for foliations over number fields 2019 Gal Binyamini
Fanny Bastien
Donovan Humphries
+ PDF Chat Complex cellular structures 2019 Gal Binyamini
Dmitry Novikov
+ PDF Chat Density of algebraic points on Noetherian varieties 2019 Gal Binyamini
+ Complex Cellular Structures 2018 Gal Binyamini
Dmitry Novikov
+ Some effective estimates for André-Oort in $Y(1)^n$ 2018 Gal Binyamini
+ PDF Chat Zero Counting and Invariant Sets of Differential Equations 2017 Gal Binyamini
+ PDF Chat The Pila–Wilkie theorem for subanalytic families: a complex analytic approach 2017 Gal Binyamini
Dmitry Novikov
+ PDF Chat Wilkie's conjecture for restricted elementary functions 2017 Gal Binyamini
Dmitry Novikov
+ PDF Chat Bezout-type theorems for differential fields 2017 Gal Binyamini
+ Density of algebraic points on Noetherian varieties 2017 Gal Binyamini
+ PDF Chat Moment Vanishing of Piecewise Solutions of Linear ODEs 2016 Dmitry Batenkov
Gal Binyamini
+ Wilkie's conjecture for restricted elementary functions 2016 Gal Binyamini
Dmitry Novikov
+ PDF Chat Multiplicity estimates: A Morse-theoretic approach 2015 Gal Binyamini
+ PDF Chat Multiplicities of Noetherian Deformations 2015 Gal Binyamini
Dmitry Novikov
+ PDF Chat Multiplicity operators 2015 Gal Binyamini
Dmitry Novikov
+ PDF Chat Pfaffian intersections and multiplicity cycles 2015 Gal Binyamini
+ Uniform upper bounds for the cyclicity of the zero solution of the Abel differential equation 2015 Dmitry Batenkov
Gal Binyamini
+ Uniform upper bounds for the cyclicity of the zero solution of the Abel differential equation 2015 Dmitry Batenkov
Gal Binyamini
+ Zero counting and invariant sets of differential equations 2015 Gal Binyamini
+ Pfaffian Intersections and Multiplicity Cycles 2015 Gal Binyamini
+ Multiplicity estimates, analytic cycles and Newton polytopes 2014 Gal Binyamini
+ Multiplicities of Noetherian deformations 2014 Gal Binyamini
Dmitry Novikov
+ Finiteness properties of formal Lie group actions 2014 Gal Binyamini
+ Moment vanishing of piecewise solutions of linear ODEs 2013 Dmitry Batenkov
Gal Binyamini
+ Multiplicity Operators 2013 Gal Binyamini
Dmitry Novikov
+ PDF Chat Intersection multiplicities of Noetherian functions 2012 Gal Binyamini
Dmitry Novikov
+ PDF Chat An explicit linear estimate for the number of zeros of Abelian integrals 2012 Gal Binyamini
Gal Dor
+ PDF Chat A Uniform Version of the Petrov-Khovanskii Theorem 2011 Gal Binyamini
Gal Dor
+ Intersection multiplicities of Noetherian functions 2011 Gal Binyamini
Dmitry Novikov
+ PDF Chat Quasialgebraic functions 2011 Gal Binyamini
D. Novikov
Sergeî Yakovenko
+ Quasialgebraic Functions 2011 Gal Binyamini
Dmitry A. Novikov
Sergeî Yakovenko
+ PDF Chat On the number of zeros of Abelian integrals A constructive solution of the infinitesimal Hilbert sixteenth problem 2010 Gal Binyamini
Dmitry Novikov
Sergeî Yakovenko
+ PDF Chat On the number of zeros of Abelian integrals 2010 Gal Binyamini
Dmitry Novikov
Sergeî Yakovenko
+ PDF Chat Polynomial bounds for the oscillation of solutions of Fuchsian systems 2009 Gal Binyamini
Sergeî Yakovenko
+ PDF Chat On the Number of Zeros of Abelian Integrals: A Constructive Solution of the Infinitesimal Hilbert Sixteenth Problem 2008 Gal Binyamini
Dmitry Novikov
Sergeî Yakovenko
+ Polynomial Bounds for Oscillation of Solutions of Fuchsian Systems 2008 Gal Binyamini
Sergeî Yakovenko
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat The rational points of a definable set 2006 Jonathan Pila
A. J. Wilkie
+ The number of integral points on arcs and ovals 1989 Enrico Bombieri
Jonathan Pila
+ Estimates for the number of zeros of certain functions 1988 Yu. V. Nesterenko
+ PDF Chat On the number of zeros of Abelian integrals A constructive solution of the infinitesimal Hilbert sixteenth problem 2010 Gal Binyamini
Dmitry Novikov
Sergeî Yakovenko
+ PDF Chat Trajectories of polynomial vector fields and ascending chains of polynomial ideals 1999 D. Novikov
Sergeî Yakovenko
+ PDF Chat O-minimality and the André-Oort conjecture for C^n 2011 Jonathan Pila
+ PDF Chat Polynomial bounds for the oscillation of solutions of Fuchsian systems 2009 Gal Binyamini
Sergeî Yakovenko
+ PDF Chat Lectures on Analytic Differential Equations 2007 Yu. Ilyashenko
Sergeî Yakovenko
+ PDF Chat Multiplicity of a zero of an analytic function on a trajectory of a vector field 1999 Andrei Gabrielov
+ PDF Chat Multiplicity estimates: A Morse-theoretic approach 2015 Gal Binyamini
+ Fewnomials 1991 8
+ On the algebraic points of a definable set 2009 Jonathan Pila
+ Heights, Transcendence, and Linear Independence on Commutative Group Varieties 2008 David Masser
+ PDF Chat Complex cellular structures 2019 Gal Binyamini
Dmitry Novikov
+ PDF Chat On the number of zeros of Abelian integrals 2010 Gal Binyamini
Dmitry Novikov
Sergeî Yakovenko
+ PDF Chat Multiplicity of a Noetherian intersection 1998 Andrei Gabrielov
Askold Khovanskiĭ
+ PDF Chat Centennial History of Hilbert's 16th Problem 2002 Yu. Ilyashenko
+ PDF Chat Counting special points: Logic, diophantine geometry, and transcendence theory 2011 Thomas Scanlon
+ PDF Chat Approximation of definable sets by compact families, and upper bounds on homotopy and homology 2009 Andrei Gabrielov
Nicolai Vorobjov
+ C k-resolution of semialgebraic mappings. Addendum toVolume growth and entropy 1987 Yosef Yomdin
+ Geometric postulation of a smooth function and the number of rational points 1991 Jonathan Pila
+ Redundant Picard–Fuchs System for Abelian Integrals 2001 D. Novikov
Sergeî Yakovenko
+ PDF Chat Rational points in periodic analytic sets and the Manin–Mumford conjecture 2008 Jonathan Pila
Umberto Zannier
+ PDF Chat Density of algebraic points on Noetherian varieties 2019 Gal Binyamini
+ Multiplicity estimates, analytic cycles and Newton polytopes 2014 Gal Binyamini
+ Estimate of the number of zeros of an abelian integral depending on a parameter and limit cycles 1984 Alexander Varchenko
+ Petrov modules and zeros of Abelian integrals 1998 Lubomir Gavrilov
+ PDF Chat Zero estimates on group varieties II 1985 David Masser
G. W�stholz
+ PDF Chat Wilkie's conjecture for restricted elementary functions 2017 Gal Binyamini
Dmitry Novikov
+ PDF Chat Oscillation of analytic curves 1998 Yosef Yomdin
+ Modular functions and transcendence questions 1996 Yu. V. Nesterenko
+ Entropy, homology and semialgebraic geometry 1986 M. Gromov
+ A bound for the degree of nonholonomy in the plane 1996 Jean-Jacques Risler
+ PDF Chat Strong minimality and the $j$-function 2017 James Freitag
Thomas Scanlon
+ Volume growth and entropy 1987 Yosef Yomdin
+ Multiplicity estimates for analytic functions II 1980 W. Dale Brownawell
David Masser
+ Multiplicities of Pfaffian intersections, and the Łojasiewicz inequality 1995 Andrei Gabrielov
+ PDF Chat Some effective estimates for André–Oort in <i>Y</i>(1)<sup> <i>n</i> </sup> 2019 Gal Binyamini
Emmanuel Kowalski
+ PDF Chat Complexity of stratification of semi-Pfaffian sets 1995 Andrei Gabrielov
Nicolai Vorobjov
+ PDF Chat Multiplicities of Noetherian Deformations 2015 Gal Binyamini
Dmitry Novikov
+ PDF Chat Oscillation of Linear Ordinary Differential Equations: On a Theorem of A. Grigoriev 2006 Sergeî Yakovenko
+ PDF Chat Torsion anomalous points and families of elliptic curves 2010 David Masser
Umberto Zannier
+ Upper Bounds of Topology of Complex Polynomials in Two Variables 2005 Alexey Glutsyuk
+ PDF Chat The density of rational points on a pfaff curve 2008 Jonathan Pila
+ PDF Chat The Pila–Wilkie theorem for subanalytic families: a complex analytic approach 2017 Gal Binyamini
Dmitry Novikov
+ PDF Chat Simple exponential estimate for the number of real zeros of complete abelian integrals 1995 D. Novikov
Sergeî Yakovenko
+ Tangential Hilbert problem for perturbations of hyperelliptic Hamiltonian systems 1999 D. Novikov
Sergeî Yakovenko
M. E. M. Thomas
+ PDF Chat On the number of zeros of analytic functions in a neighborhood of a Fuchsian singular point with real spectrum 1996 Michael Roitman
Sergeî Yakovenko
+ Some open problems in real and complex dynamical systems 2008 Yu. Ilyashenko